Note: We had hoped Corpselight could join us, but he was unable to. We were surprised and please by the appearance of someone who strongly resembled our missing mayor.
[13:22] Mara Razor: tenk's here?
[13:22] Viv Trafalgar: !!!
[13:22] TotalLunar Eclipse: pardon my human for a moment, need snackage.
[13:22] Viv Trafalgar: well, Tensai is working on 'visualizing him'
[13:22] Viv Trafalgar: or something - is that correct Tensai?
[13:23] Viv Trafalgar: he's not really here, having been kidnapped and such
[13:23] Softpaw Sommer: Is he going to show up as a disembodied voice?
[13:23] TotalLunar Eclipse grins
[13:23] Mara Razor: he's still in his bottle somewhere?
[13:23] Ceejay Writer: I'd smell him if he were close by.
[13:23] Softpaw Sommer: No the bottle got shot..or at least we think it was his bottle..he’s on the cork...if that was even him in the bottle.
[13:24] Mara Razor: I sense him - he's not far....
[13:24] Ceejay Writer: Or he washed up on a tropical isle. On his cork boat.
[13:24] Softpaw Sommer: Can coconut milk go sour in the same way moo juice does?
[13:24] Bookworm Hienrichs: Tropical isles are nice.
[13:24] Viv Trafalgar: perhaps it's the lightning - something like white noise
[13:24] Ceejay Writer: Put the lime in the coconut.....
[13:25] Softpaw Sommer: ((I love that scene so much))
[13:26] TotalLunar Eclipse: Like a happy family
[13:26] Bookworm Hienrichs blinks, and peers across the room at the sofas.
[13:26] Bookworm Hienrichs: Maybe I'd better stop drinking the champagne...
[13:26] TotalLunar Eclipse: She just realized she wasn't dressed properly
[13:27] Ceejay Writer coughs loudly. "Ya think?"
[13:27] Viv Trafalgar: lol
[13:27] Mosseveno Tenk rolls in his sleep
[13:27] Ceejay Writer: I should put out my special coffee cup.... *eyebrow waggle*
[13:27] Viv Trafalgar: eyebrow waggles back
[13:27] Serafina Puchkina: Welcome Someone Who is Not the Clockwinder
[13:28] Viv Trafalgar: if you can find a spare prim ceejay it's yours
[13:28] Ceejay Writer: I can.. it's just 4 prim!
[13:28] Bookworm Hienrichs: N-not the clockwinder?
[13:28] Viv Trafalgar: nods - the clockwinder most definitively isn't here
[13:29] Viv Trafalgar: but ... i feel his presence
[13:29] Bookworm Hienrichs: Then I absolutely must stop drinking the champagne.
[13:29] Ceejay Writer: Special special coffee perched on the champagne machine now.
[13:29] Serafina Puchkina wiggles her fingers: oooooooooooo
[13:29] allanas Steele: yes
[13:29] Ceejay Writer: I don't smell curds or old boots yet. You sure he's around?
[13:30] Mara Razor: it must be his spirit because he is most definitely here
[13:30] Bookworm Hienrichs takes a pictures and labels it "TotalLunar Eclipse and NOT Mosseveno Tenk."
[13:31] Ceejay Writer: Sera, you are a classic beauty today. Clean, simple, elegant dress!
[13:32] Serafina Puchkina: Thank you! Low low ARC
[13:32] Ceejay Writer: :D
[13:32] Serafina Puchkina: The hair I wanted to wear was over 2000 alone
[13:32] Bookworm Hienrichs whistles.
[13:32] Ceejay Writer: Hair and shoes are big culprits.
[13:33] Softpaw Sommer: Calico's hair is ssooo high in arc...but sooo pretty
[13:33] Viv Trafalgar: did it talk?
[13:33] Viv Trafalgar: I hear there's talking hair at hair fair
[13:33] Softpaw Sommer: Lordy..WHY?
[13:33] Viv Trafalgar: lol
[13:34] Serafina Puchkina: Good question, Softpaw
[13:34] Bookworm Hienrichs laughs at Softpaw's reaction.
[13:34] Viv Trafalgar: who knows
[13:34] Ceejay Writer: "Oh! You animal! Stop pulling!"
[13:34] Viv Trafalgar: 'need more conditioner ::crackle::
[13:34] Ceejay Writer: "I haz a tangle. Pls luv and condition me kthnx."
[13:34] Bookworm Hienrichs: Criminal, can't you use a better shampoo than that?!
[13:34] Softpaw Sommer snickers
[13:34] Bookworm Hienrichs: *Criminy.
[13:34] Ceejay Writer: Jinx Viv!
[13:35] Viv Trafalgar: lol
[13:35] Viv Trafalgar: totally! I'd pass you a coke but i'd crash
[13:35] Ceejay Writer: 'sokay, I have a million jinx-cokes.
[13:35] Viv Trafalgar: :D
[13:35] Softpaw Sommer: Welcome back tensai .
[13:35] Tensai Hilra: thank you *smiles*
[13:36] Serafina Puchkina: so what are you planning to do with all those jinx-cokes? Drink them at once and not sleep for a week?
[13:37] Mosseveno Tenk: rins
[13:37] Serafina Puchkina: Welcome Dr Alter
[13:37] Ceejay Writer: I thought I might build a coke-bathtub.
[13:37] Viv Trafalgar: Hello Dr. Alter
[13:37] Malegatto Alter: Greetings, and thank you
[13:37] Softpaw Sommer: Be bubbly Ceejay
[13:37] Ceejay Writer: Fizzy fizzy fun!
[13:38] Softpaw Sommer: tll it goes flat
[13:38] Ceejay Writer: My typist LOVES flat, warm soda. she's a freak.
[13:39] Viv Trafalgar: ::grins:: hello Riven!
[13:39] Serafina Puchkina: Welcome Riven, welcome
[13:39] Softpaw Sommer: We knew that already Ceejay
[13:39] Ceejay Writer sticks out tongue at Softpaw.
[13:39] Softpaw Sommer grins
[13:39] TotalLunar Eclipse: Greetings Miss Riven
[13:41] Softpaw Sommer: *giggles* I stuck my tounge out at one of the Guys that plays a guard yesterday and he did the whole "don't stick that out unless you plan to use it" so I moved int o lick his cheek...never seen a big man move so fast before [13:41] Bookworm Hienrichs laughs.
[13:41] Ceejay Writer: Hah! Good for you.
[13:41] TensaiHilra: a quick relog to keep the memory leaks fresh
[13:42] Viv Trafalgar: :D
[13:43] Mosseveno Tenk stirs in his sleep
[13:44] Ceejay Writer: Hey, bubble boy moved.
[13:44] Mosseveno Tenk: am I dreaming?
[13:44] Viv Trafalgar: If you are wearing any scripts, please think about removing them
[13:44] Viv Trafalgar: ... can you hear us sir?
[13:44] Mosseveno Tenk: it looks like Babbage.
[13:45] TotalLunar Eclipse scooches closer to his wife
[13:45] Ceejay Writer: It's Palisade! Hello in there!
[13:45] Mosseveno Tenk: your voices are far away [
13:45] TensaiHilra taps the bubble... intresting manifestation... these elves suprise me even!
[13:45] Mosseveno Tenk looks quizzically
[13:45] Aeolus Cleanslate smiles
[13:45] Mosseveno Tenk: Tensai?
[13:45] Serafina Puchkina: Welcome again, sir
[13:46] Ceejay Writer: "Hmm. Are our voices seeming to come from West, or East... or where?"
[13:46] Mosseveno Tenk looks at the sky
[13:46] Mosseveno Tenk: far.
[13:46] TensaiHilra: your okay clockwinder, you may feel a little... um... 'queasy' from the teledream system
[13:46] Mosseveno Tenk: teledream?
[13:47] Mosseveno Tenk: are you playing a trick on me?
[13:47] TotalLunar Eclipse: Tensai would do that?
[13:47] Seetan Fhang waves
[13:47] Serafina Puchkina: hello sir. You are welcome to join us
[13:48] TotalLunar Eclipse looks at her ... "well maybe she would"
[13:48] Mosseveno Tenk nods sleepily
[13:48] TensaiHilra: nono,we couldn't find you, but I thought if you were asleep, I could um... 'connect' to you, and bring you here in a way.
[13:48] Ceejay Writer holds up a hand. "How many fingers, sir? Can you see me?"
[13:48] Mosseveno Tenk: then i am dreaming
[13:48] TensaiHilra: so relax :) last thing we need is for you to wake up
[13:48] Seetan Fhang: thank you ma'am, i was just wondering around, havent been here in sometime, the city is lookin great
[13:48] TensaiHilra: well, yesish
[13:48] Serafina Puchkina: thank you!
[13:48] TotalLunar Eclipse: and go over to that examination table
[13:48] Mara Razor: *sobs from missing the clockwinder*
[13:48] Softpaw Sommer: Think of it as you're having an out of body experience
[13:49] Softpaw Sommer gets up to go hug Mara
[13:49] Seetan Fhang: have a good day,, hope to see you again sometime
[13:49] TensaiHilra: hehe, examining a dream is less than useful i've found though !
[13:49] TensaiHilra: so, the table is reserved for you my tall elf :)
[13:49] Mosseveno Tenk: i can see the buildings. we're at the salon
[13:49] TotalLunar Eclipse: feels a bit... warm and fuzzy yet somehow scared
[13:49] Mara Razor: *snickers*
[13:49] Mosseveno Tenk: but i can't see where the voices are coming from
[13:50] TotalLunar Eclipse: you will bake cookies... you will bake cookies
[13:50] Viv Trafalgar: waves hi
[13:50] Ceejay Writer: You're facing us! Just imagine all those Babbage faces you know and love so well, right in front of you.
[13:50] TensaiHilra: ((that would be lag)) ahem
[13:50] Mosseveno Tenk: you should learn. you'd be a lot happier
[13:50] Bookworm Hienrichs: Well, know, anyway.
[13:50] TotalLunar Eclipse: What makes you think I dont know how?
[13:50] Mosseveno Tenk: you already live in a tree
[13:50] TotalLunar Eclipse: Nope, downgraded to small cottage.
[13:51] TensaiHilra: LUNAR.. NO... stay away from the kitchen... you know the rule
[13:51] Viv Trafalgar: lol
[13:51] TotalLunar Eclipse: *smiles*
[13:51] Mosseveno Tenk: next youll be living in a attic
[13:51] Aeolus Cleanslate: or a clocktower
[13:51] Mosseveno Tenk: lurking hearths for porridge
[13:51] TotalLunar Eclipse: Winding clocks?
[13:52] Mosseveno Tenk: where are the clocks?
[13:52] Mosseveno Tenk: i can't hear the clocks!
[13:52] Softpaw Sommer makes ticking sounds
[13:52] Mosseveno Tenk: something's wrong [
13:52] Ceejay Writer nods encouragingly at everyone. "tick tick tick tick tick"
[13:52] Mosseveno Tenk relaxes
[13:52] Mara Razor: tick, tick, tick
[13:53] Bookworm Hienrichs: Tick...tock...tick...tock...
[13:53] Ceejay Writer keeps ticking softer now, encouraged.
[13:54] Softpaw Sommer: *rumages in her fairy pouch, sticking her arm deep into ala Mary Poppin's carpet bag and pulls out a pocketwatch*
[13:57] Serafina Puchkina: Only three minutes until 2!
[13:57] Serafina Puchkina: Welcome Sheryl
[13:57] Sheryl Skytower: Good day all!
[13:58] Bookworm Hienrichs: Hello, neighbor!
[13:58] Softpaw Sommer leans over to Mara "Happy Middsummer"
[13:58] Sheryl Skytower: *smiles*
[13:58] Serafina Puchkina: Hello Miss Wingtips
[13:58] Tibbles Wingtips: Hallo hallo
[13:59] Viv Trafalgar: Hello Miss Wingtips!
[13:59] Jasper Kiergarten: I have chairs if anyone desires one
[13:59] Viv Trafalgar: Welcome Mr. Osterham, Mr Lacombe
[13:59] Serafina Puchkina: Hello Mr Lacombe
[13:59] Linus Lacombe: Thank you Ms Trafalgar
[13:59] Serafina Puchkina: Welcome Mr Osterham
[14:00] Caesar Osterham: Greetings Miss Trafalgar
[14:00] Ceejay Writer: For some strange reason, when I dress like this, the floor appeals.
[14:00] Viv Trafalgar: you amaze me Ceejay
[14:00] Viv Trafalgar: comfortable anywhere
[14:00] Serafina Puchkina: If anyone is thirsty, we have champagne
[14:00] Marion Questi: Hello Miss Sommer
[14:00] Serafina Puchkina: the silver machine back here
[14:00] Marion Questi: and Miss Writer.
[14:00] Ceejay Writer chuckles at Viv.
[14:00] Serafina Puchkina: Hello Mr Questi
[14:00] Softpaw Sommer: Hello
[14:00] Caesar Osterham: It is good to be here, Miss Puchkina
[14:00] Jasper Kiergarten: anyone rea chair, do let me know
[14:01] Marion Questi: Greetings Miss Trafalgar!
[14:01] Ceejay Writer: Good afternoon Mister Questi!
[14:01] Jasper Kiergarten: requiring*
[14:01] Zachary Somerset: I could use a chair, Mr. Kiergarten
[14:01] Serafina Puchkina: hello Mr somerset
[14:01] Zachary Somerset: Hello, Miss Sera. *smile*
[14:01] Jasper Kiergarten: there you are
[14:01] Wiggy Undertone: Hello Sera :-)
[14:01] Viv Trafalgar: Mr. Somerset, Mr Questi thank you for coming!
[14:01] Serafina Puchkina: Welcome Mr Undertone and Miss Semyorka
[14:01] Viv Trafalgar: Hello Wiggy!
[14:01] Zachary Somerset: Thank you sir
[14:02] Wiggy Undertone: Hello Zachary
[14:02] Aquaria Semyorka: Thank you Sera
[14:02] Viv Trafalgar: Hello Miss Semyorka
[14:02] Wiggy Undertone: Helo Viv :-)
[14:02] Viv Trafalgar: ::coughs:: we're about to get underway
[14:02] Wiggy Undertone: Hello Bookworm. Mind if we join you in the back?
[14:02] TensaiHilra: oh my, about to start and you have that nasty cough!
[14:03] Bookworm Hienrichs: Be my guest.
[14:03] Viv Trafalgar: nods. it's terrible
[14:03] Serafina Puchkina: Welcome Baron
[14:03] Viv Trafalgar: ((please don't mind me - I"m on a sketch connection - but i couldn't stay away))
[14:03] Bookworm Hienrichs coughs as she sees the Baron.
[14:03] KlausWulfenbach Outlander nods at her
[14:03] Ceejay Writer: And the B's all arrive! Beth! Beq! Baron!
[14:03] Bookworm Hienrichs: "Oh, dear," she says softly.
[14:03] Viv Trafalgar: Hello Beq! Hi Beth! Hello Baron!
[14:03] KlausWulfenbach Outlander grins
[14:03] beth India: hello all
[14:03] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Guten Abend, all.
[14:03] Softpaw Sommer: Good afternoon Baron
[14:03] Serafina Puchkina: Hello Beth
[14:04] Sheryl Skytower: Guten Abend!
[14:04] Wiggy Undertone: Hey! I see Mr. Tenk! But he's in some kind of bubble....
[14:04] TotalLunar Eclipse: Tensai just crashed
[14:04] Sheryl Skytower: psychic visitation...
[14:04] Mosseveno Tenk: Tensai is playing a trick on me
[14:05] Bookworm Hienrichs keeps herself busy snapping pictures, even as she slowly flushes.
[14:05] Jasper Kiergarten: anyone need a chair?
[14:05] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Frau Tensai is like that.
[14:05] Sumati Neiro: ( I love it when lag teleports you somewhere involentaryly. Oo;)
[14:05] Viv Trafalgar: Hello!
[14:05] Ceejay Writer: (that IS fun.)
[14:05] Serafina Puchkina: Hello Sumati
[14:05] Aeolus Cleanslate applauds for Viv
[14:05] Sumati Neiro: Afternoon.
[14:05] Linus Lacombe: Those chairs seem to stick to you
[14:05] Viv Trafalgar: Miss Serafina and I are pleased to welcome you to the June Aether Salon - Fey! (also Fae!)
[14:06] Bookworm Hienrichs applauds.
[14:06] Viv Trafalgar: Before we begin our foray into the topic with our amazing and talented and potentially dangerous speakers,
[14:06] Viv Trafalgar: I would like to thank you all so very much for your support this season!
[14:06] Aeolus Cleanslate: ((Will Tina Fey be here? *looks around excitedly*))
[14:06] Kat Montpark sneaks in just as it starts.
[14:06] Linus Lacombe: hehe
[14:06] Viv Trafalgar: As many of you know, the Aether Salon meets to discuss steam and victorian topics on the third Sunday of each month,
[14:06] Viv Trafalgar: in Palisades, New Babbage.
[14:06] Viv Trafalgar: ((looks at Aeolius - that's next season dear))
[14:07] Viv Trafalgar: We have had nine Salons this year –
[14:07] Viv Trafalgar: each one spectacular and exciting - all thanks to our speakers and the amazing Babbage community.
[14:07] Viv Trafalgar: Nine!
[14:07] Marion Questi: Bravo Miss Trafalgar!
[14:07] Viv Trafalgar: We sincerely appreciate the support we receive from everyone in the community, and we humbly thank you all. Many fine people have contributed to today’s salon:
[14:07] Ceejay Writer applauds!
[14:07] Viv Trafalgar: Clockwinder Tenk,
[14:07] Linus Lacombe: applauds
[14:07] Viv Trafalgar: Miss Ceejay Writer, Miss Breezy Carver, Miss Redgrrl Llewellyn, Canolli Capalini of Capalini Fine Furnishings for the chairs,
[14:07] Sheryl Skytower: yay!
[14:07] Viv Trafalgar: and many, many others
[14:07] Ceejay Writer ticks loudly in appreciation.
[14:07] Kat Montpark claps! [14:07] Viv Trafalgar: and especially Tensai for her assistance with the craft, and for joining us today.
[14:07] Viv Trafalgar: Finally, I want to personally thank my most amazing and talented co-host, Serafina Puchkina - she is a true friend and ally.
[14:08] Softpaw Sommer: ((who crashed))
[14:08] Viv Trafalgar: Please hold your questions until the end, and as a courtesy to all, please turn off everything that feeds the lag: all HUDs, scripts,
[14:08] TensaiHilra: even if sometimes only in spirit :)
[14:08] Viv Trafalgar: nods
[14:08] Viv Trafalgar: AOs and so on. Please no weapons, bombs, or biting, without at least a modicum of wit accompanying.
[14:08] Viv Trafalgar: ((hopes she's back for the intros))
[14:08] beth India thinks "I hope Ceejay brought some chocolate for me"
[14:08] Viv Trafalgar: Mark your calendars for upcoming salons: Airships! in September, Haberdashery! in October, and Furnishings! in November.
[14:09] Viv Trafalgar: ((furnishings is with Canolli)
[14:09] Kat Montpark: Oooo, airships!
[14:09] Sheryl Skytower: yay!
[14:09] Viv Trafalgar: We're keeping a log of things “overheard at the salon” on just in case you're looking for a good laugh.
[14:09] Viv Trafalgar: Please join the Aether Salon group and receive notifications of future salon events, click the lower right hand corner of the large brown sign by the entrance.
[14:09] Viv Trafalgar: As a reminder, all tip jar donations go directly to the speakers.
[14:09] Jasper Kiergarten: anyone else needing chairs before we begin, let me know. You can just IM me :)
[14:09] Viv Trafalgar: Hang on to your wings
[14:09] Viv Trafalgar: is Sera back?
[14:10] Jasper Kiergarten: y
[14:10] Serafina Puchkina: Yes
[14:10] Softpaw Sommer is the only on with a set of those..she thinks
[14:10] Wiggy Undertone: Hello Sheryl! I didn't see you down there at first.
[14:10] Eugenia Burton: Hoooo!
[14:10] Viv Trafalgar: as I welcome my Co-host Miss Serafina Puchkina!
[14:10] Maxim Krutschek snickers.
[14:10] Sheryl Skytower: mine are welded on... *grins*
[14:10] Ceejay Writer applauds till her hands sting.
{Note: Here I didn’t get the beginning part of my intro so I deleted it. People are applauding for the speakers}
[14:10] Sheryl Skytower: *waves*
[14:10] Bookworm Hienrichs applauds.
[14:10] Kat Montpark wishes she had remembered to bring the strap on Hallow's Eve wings.
[14:10] Sheryl Skytower: yay!
[14:10] Kat Montpark: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:10] Malegatto Alter politely claps
[14:10] Serafina Puchkina: Today I am most honored to introduce today's speakers: Steelhead Estates Owner/Manager/Builder and Moon Elf, TotalLunar Eclipse AND Steelhead Estates CoOwner/Manager and GREATEST GENIUS IN THE UNIVERSE, Tensai Hilra - Eclipse. . .
[14:11] Sheryl Skytower: yay!
[14:11] Serafina Puchkina: Maeglin Eledhwen Súrion or as said in the native tongue Total Lunar Eclipse was born in the Immortal Myst Mountains of Ithill almost ninety seasons during the rise of the red moon.
[14:11] Serafina Puchkina: His time among the elves was short lived as his father, Mathan Súrion moved his infant son from their native forests and into the land of humans where he raised his son among the humans. His father married a human widow who had two children of her own, and from that time forward Lunar developed a strong bond with his sister, the Lady Christine McAllister house Pearse. [14:11] Kat Montpark shouts: And still lookin' good, Lunar!
[14:11] TotalLunar Eclipse: Hoooo!
[14:11] Serafina Puchkina: After their parents died of yellow fever Lunar traveled the lands taking odd jobs to care for himself and Christine. From a ditch digger to miner for a short time (because he was too tall to fit in the caves), to the guy everyone always called so he could come get stuff from the top shelf, Lunar became a side show for a circus as a ‘deformed human’ that was always stuck standing beside Tom Thumb and shirtless.
[14:11] TensaiHilra: rawr
[14:12] Viv Trafalgar: hehe
[14:12] Serafina Puchkina: After the Circus’ train had been oddly robbed in a most vicious and exceedingly meticulously manner for a band of grungy tobacco chewing outlaws Lunar was robbed out of all the money he had been saving up so he could buy a train ticket to see his sister Christine again. Looking in some discarded papers he stumbled upon an advertisement seeing ‘Genius seeking guinea pig to experiment on, pig not needed… humanoid OK preferably non human… must be able to withstand a lot of pain.’ He took the paper and headed to a warehouse on the edge of town and met with a short… big haired woman who liked to wear big rubber gloves and giant goggles and wield large vicious looking saws whenever she spoke. [14:12] Ceejay Writer makes a mental note of shelf-reaching abilities for future pestering.
[14:12] Serafina Puchkina: Never really knowing what she was saying whenever she tried to explain what she was doing Lunar was subjected to lots of needles, electricity, and being thrown into freezing lakes. Whenever Tensai was not busy sticking an electrode on him or was too tired to run more tests he learned from her the one vocation that would follow him and create his mark of distinction in the world, building. While they moved from town to town Lunar was Tensai’s guinea elf during the evenings and apprenticed with local masons during the day hours while the professor was off on her excursions she would never tell him about.
[14:12] KlausWulfenbach Outlander grins
[14:13] Serafina Puchkina: An angry mob finally made her day practices known and the two were banished from the town. They made their way to Steelhead City where Christine had invited them to live with her as she had fared better in finding work than her brother. They set up shop in Steelhead and Lunar earned his keep maintaining and rebuilding the older crumbling buildings. Eventually the mantle of leadership was passed on to Tensai and himself working under the city’s benefactor, Lady Kattryn. Lunar has taken role of ownership, expanded the lands and began forging alliances with other distant lands across the oceans.
[14:13] Serafina Puchkina: And he forced Tensai to marry him because she had no choice in the matter.
[14:13] TotalLunar Eclipse: *smiles*
[14:13] Kat Montpark laughs!
[14:13] Softpaw Sommer giggles
[14:13] Serafina Puchkina takes a deep breath
[14:13] Viv Trafalgar chuckles
[14:13] Serafina Puchkina: There are very few words that can describe our next speaker; actually two can do the trick: ‘Natural disaster’ and ‘Genius.’
[14:13] TotalLunar Eclipse: We were married by elvis.
[14:13] Mara Razor: i thoughtit was he othr way around?
[14:13] TensaiHilra: no choice?!
[14:14] Serafina Puchkina: Thankfully in the Japanese language there is one such word that means both of these things, Tensai.
[14:14] KlausWulfenbach Outlander applauds
[14:14] Serafina Puchkina: Self proclaimed ‘Greatest Scientific Mind in the Universe’ Tensai Hilra Hakubi was born… or will be born in the year AD 22,020 Chicago, Illinois, around the time of the tenth mafia gathering. Father Doctor Timeless put his daughter through a 100 year long schooling at the Universal Science Academy where she received three Doctoral degrees in various science of quantum something or other and a minor in liberal arts and ranked top of her class with great expectations to either save the universe or blow it up, she was later banned from the academy while working towards her fourth doctorate for producing weapons of mass destruction and setting all the hamsters, other various rodents, cadavers, and botany experiments on fire.
[14:14] Tensai Hilra: go me!
[14:14] Serafina Puchkina: Not walking in her time lord father’s footsteps Tensai settled on a moon planet (mostly due to the fact no one would live on the same planet as her and her experiments and she has been banished from about 5000 star systems) so she could continue her research and conduct all sorts of experiments without that pesky law enforcement interference. After having destroyed three moons because of substandard equipment Tensai took out a loan to further fund her ‘non universe exploding’ projects with better equipment. After she destroyed yet another planet Tensai realized she had no means to pay back the money she borrowed. After stealing … or borrowing an old TARDIS she decided on a devilish scheme of returning to the past before the turn of the 19th century and depositing $10 dollars into a bank that would remain afloat for 20 thousand years.
[14:15] Serafina Puchkina: After landing in an old west city Tensai realized that she put the TARDIS on a railroad track and thus destroyed most of the machine when a train bowled it over and one of her doomsday devices inside imploded leaving her stranded in the very distant past far from any trans dimensional laboratories and even running water and working toilets with only $10 dollars to her name and a wonky talking cat creation that harshly critiques everything she says and does. [14:15] Viv Trafalgar: WOW.
[14:15] Kat Montpark looks about for a talking cat.
[14:15] Serafina Puchkina: Tensai Hilra worked as a teacher and helped bandits and outlaws rob trains and break into bank vaults while living in the past in order to gain money. Never straying from her need to experiment on live creatures and now delightfully in a time and place where people would do ANYTHING for money and cheap money at that she put out an ad for ‘Genius seeking guinea pig to experiment on, pig not needed… humanoid OK preferably non human… must be able to withstand a lot of pain. No whiners… or Irish.’ Her ad was answered by an 8 foot tall dirty white haired man with long ears who agreed to be her guinea elf for cheap.
[14:15] KlausWulfenbach Outlander murmurs: Good Dogg.
[14:15] Aeolus Cleanslate is boggled and struggling to take it all in
[14:15] Serafina Puchkina: After being chased out of two cities by angry mobs with pitchforks and torches the pair boarded a train and headed to Steelhead City where they were going to hide at Lunar’s sister’s house. The town was both welcoming and didn’t ask too many questions which was a bonus and there were plenty of lackeys that she could experiment on called jaegers.
[14:15] Tensai Hilra: I apologise, dogg is sick
[14:15] Viv Trafalgar: eyebrow
[14:16] Serafina Puchkina: In trying to create a wildly new, flavorful and amazingly tasty type of cat food for an unbelievably low price as well (for a limited time offer void where prohibited) Tensai spliced her DNA with that of her precious sidekick pet cat and has unfortunately not found a way to go back to normal… yet. Oh… and she married the elf.
[14:16] Serafina Puchkina: Please join me in welcoming today's speakers.
[14:16] Sumati Neiro is apparently still just a child in her own way---hence why she's sort of just taken to glancing around at all the faces she hasnt' seen before. [14:16] Kat Montpark laughs and claps.
[14:16] Serafina Puchkina applauds and takes a big breath
[14:16] Viv Trafalgar: Applauds wildly
[14:16] Viv Trafalgar: and gives sera Oxygen.
[14:16] Bookworm Hienrichs applauds.
[14:16] Tensai Hilra: Hoooo!
[14:16] Viv Trafalgar: ::notices the bubble on the couch::
[14:16] Zachary Somerset catches Sumati's eye and grins
[14:17] Linus Lacombe: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:17] Viv Trafalgar 's eyes widen
[14:17] Malegatto Alter claps
[14:17] Mosseveno Tenk looks around quizzically
[14:17] Sumati Neiro smiles towards Somerset---glad she knows SOMEONE here.
[14:17] Kat Montpark thinks that couch-bubble looks a bit familiar...
[14:17] TotalLunar Eclipse: Greetings
[14:17] Viv Trafalgar: Welcome Lunar!
[14:17] Mara Razor: *grins at lunar*
[14:18] TotalLunar Eclipse: We realized that our friend Mossenvo was not here and was nowhere to be found.
[14:18] TotalLunar Eclipse: some said he ran off to get married with a weathly Irishwoman
[14:18] Tensai Hilra checks the bubble... yes it's holding
[14:18] Mosseveno Tenk: Lunar?
[14:18] Mosseveno Tenk: You're here too?
[14:18] TotalLunar Eclipse: Someone said he got stuck under a train and was dragged off.
[14:18] Sumati Neiro sweatdrops.
[14:18] Ceejay Writer wistfully misses Tenk and still laughs at the rumors.
[14:18] KlausWulfenbach Outlander frowns thoughtfully
14:19] TotalLunar Eclipse: And I heard he was also taken by aliens, locked in a trunk and even cast into the water in a giant glass milk jug.
[14:19] Viv Trafalgar: nods. I have heard that too...
[14:19] Kat Montpark mutters something dark about Lupindo..
[14:19] Mosseveno Tenk: The milk kept me alive. thre was an awful lot of it
[14:19] TensaiHilra: If I may lunar...
[14:19] Sumati Neiro whispers to Mr. Somerset," ...Um...Why do all of these rumors sound particularly insane?"
[14:19] Eugenia Burton: Mr. TENK!
[14:19] Eugenia Burton: Hoooo!
[14:20] Linus Lacombe: Because rumors fly, but have no wings, so they go crazy trying to figure out how it all works
[14:20] TensaiHilra: I was able to actually tap into the 'dreamworld' and access tenk as he seems to be asleep right now. the bubble is a dream projector of sorts so he can join us
[14:20] Zachary Somerset whispers back, "They do, L'il Bit, but this IS Babbage!"
[14:20] Mosseveno Tenk: theres hooing. are we in steelhead?
[14:20] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Ahh.
[14:20] Sumati Neiro nods her friends rather amusingly good point.
[14:20] Linus Lacombe: *:-.,_,.-:*'´ `*. HoOoOoO!¸.*´`'*:-.,_,.-:*
[14:20] TensaiHilra: hehe, some of us are here yes mosseveno, but we are in Babbage
[14:20] Kat Montpark brightens. "He's alive? Lupindo didn't get him?!"
[14:21] TensaiHilra: okay, you may go on lunar :)
[14:21] Kat Montpark: Hoooo!
[14:21] Mosseveno Tenk: this is a very nice dream....
[14:21] Ceejay Writer tries not to cry from hooing.
[14:21] Aeolus Cleanslate hums a lullaby
[14:21] TotalLunar Eclipse: As the lovely Miss Sera said I am a moon elf living in the victorian era.
[14:22] Viv Trafalgar hopes that Bookworm's camera can pick up Aether spirits
[14:22] TotalLunar Eclipse: How did we come to be, were we just not myth once before? Nay we have always been here existing around you though our existance has been illusive and long ago we were just muth to the race of man.
[14:22] TotalLunar Eclipse: We lived deep in the forests away from the eyes of the young species called humans. They evolved, and grew and the world of man expanded. They began to extend themselves into the forests for need of resources and wood to those who would seek adventure or solitude.
[14:23] TotalLunar Eclipse: There was evidence all around of something more than just man. The more man began to explore, the more elves hid deeper away from the eyes of man but they left evidence such as elf circles of ancient rituals, abandoned monoliths and cities to the fey songs heard in the stillness of the wood.
[14:23] Sumati Neiro isn't surprised...but really...considering her family?
[14:23] TotalLunar Eclipse: I read Old Norse stories depicting us as illusive demi gods of the forest and mostly women with an Elf King of sorts, of the Scandinavian folklore that actually got us confused with fairies depicting elves as tiny winged creatures that caused mischief and strife and would play tricks and games on those that entered the forest. A great deal of Europan tales depicted us as creatures of light and darkness, legends state that if you saw a white elf you it meant life and birth and if you saw a dark shadowed one it would bring about death…. I’m sure that was a prank of sorts by some of the elves or perhaps to scare humans away from their sacred forests and rivers.
[14:24] TotalLunar Eclipse laughs.. fairies indeed!
[14:24] Viv Trafalgar: nods. is very glad to know the difference.
[14:24] TotalLunar Eclipse: There is a legend concerning the Buckthorn vow’s that if one sprinkle it in a circle under the light of the full moon an elf would appear, the dancer would have to notice the elf and say an enchantment (I am NOT going to say it for good reason) and the elf must grant one wish. [
14:24] Kat Montpark: Wot happened if ye saw a green elf?
[14:25] TensaiHilra: resiliant yes, but demi-god... I'm working on that
[14:25] Linus Lacombe: you became envious?
[14:25] Viv Trafalgar: you needed to put down the absinthe bottle?
[14:25] Sumati Neiro: You're not radioactive right?
[14:25] Sheryl Skytower: *snorgles*
[14:25] Maxim Krutschek chuckles.
[14:25] Kat Montpark laughs.
[14:25] Mosseveno Tenk: there are not as many faeries as there once was
[14:25] TotalLunar Eclipse: Though I am sure the poor elf was just wandering around minding his own business and saw this stupid human doing an odd ritual and became intruiged and was more confused and entertained than anything else.
[14:26] Mosseveno Tenk smiles
[14:26] Viv Trafalgar nods.
[14:26] TotalLunar Eclipse: Then humored them by 'granting' a wish or boon. I have not outlived that myth yet.
[14:26] Mosseveno Tenk: myth?
[14:26] Viv Trafalgar: ((wishing on Lunar is Not the craft people. wands down.))
[14:26] Mosseveno Tenk: hardly a myth
[14:26] TotalLunar Eclipse: whispers ... quiet they dont need to know that !
[14:27] Mosseveno Tenk shrugs
[14:27] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: (Has heard plenty of 'I wish Lunar would build this...')
[14:27] TensaiHilra: oh really.... /me scribbles down notes... wishing is possible...
[14:27] Ceejay Writer perks
. [14:27] Kat Montpark plans to looks up old enchantment spells for elves after this in the library.
[14:27] TotalLunar Eclipse: Not all the stories of elves were fluffy and filled with good looking short clockwinding elves.
[14:27] Mosseveno Tenk: (I wish mr. tenk would buy another sim...)
[14:27] Mara Razor: ((lol baron))
[14:28] Mara Razor: ((i wish mara would stop ripping out people's spines))
[14:28] TotalLunar Eclipse: In some cases we were accused of sitting on humans’ while they slept. They called it ‘elf pressure.’ Later they finally resolved the misconception and pointed the finger at incubi and succubi. I have heard of tales where elves were invisible creatures (I wish) and if you were touched by one you would be inflicted with temporary paralysis (again, I wish).
[14:28] Zachary Somerset: ou!
[14:29] Sheryl Skytower: begins to hum "You can't Touch this"
[14:29] Ceejay Writer: ((I wish I had another drink))
[14:29] Viv Trafalgar: lol
[14:29] TensaiHilra: elf pressure, hehe, they withstand A LOT of pressure, but no they do not cause it
[14:29] TotalLunar Eclipse: We were associated sometimes with blight; we were accused of stealing your women, causing fire to your fields, even giving you people venereal disease if they were to urinate in an elf circle… seriously I found that on wikipedia.
[14:29] Softpaw Sommer: elves and cats...gee what is this with people and wanting us to kill folk in their sleep
[14:29] Bookworm Hienrichs softly sings, "When you wish upon an elf/ Your head will get stuck up on a shelf!"
[14:29] Mosseveno Tenk: ((what will you give me if i grant that wish?))
[14:29] Zachary Somerset: *chuckle*
[14:29] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Well, if you keep going around building shirtless, of course you're stealing their women.
[14:29] Sheryl Skytower: do we have to rub something to get the wish... *grins*
[14:29] Kat Montpark: That en't elves, that's accidentally wiping with poison ivy.
[14:29] Jedburgh30 Dagger: ((moss, we'll talk :P))
[14:30] TotalLunar Eclipse chuckles at the baron
[14:30] Viv Trafalgar: ((diet coke and monitors: bad combo))
[14:30] TotalLunar Eclipse: My favorite is the red capped wild elves that would eat you if you got lost in the wood which scared a lot of children.
[14:30] Sumati Neiro leans forward and slips Zack a note about her tipping off and such. Apparently wants to meet him later to talk.
[14:30] TensaiHilra: probably made cookies out of em...
[14:30] Mosseveno Tenk rubs his stomach
[14:30] Sheryl Skytower: hmmm....... cookies....
[14:30] TotalLunar Eclipse: Though a lot of this is fable… sans the stealing of your women I am sure that’s probably true it was apparent that there were creatures out in the wood and it would only be a matter of time before the two cultures would have to coexist.
[14:30] Zachary Somerset nods and slips note into shirt pocket
[14:30] Mara Razor: but lunar that one is kind of true.... the slaugh.....
[14:30] Maxim Krutschek's typist gets up to make cookies..
. [14:31] Malegatto Alter thinks Miss India must be rather comfortable on the table
[14:31] TotalLunar Eclipse shushes Mara
[14:31] Mosseveno Tenk frowns and shakes his head slightly
[14:31] Kat Montpark wonders if the urchins need to make sure never to come across the Clockwinder in an alley after dark.
[14:32] Mara Razor wishers some of her scamps were here
[14:32] Viv Trafalgar: please do continue Lunar, Tensai.
[14:32] TotalLunar Eclipse: I spoke a bit about being mistaken for fairies, some faeries are full height.
[14:32] Softpaw Sommer raises her hand
[14:32] TotalLunar Eclipse: And some are cute kitty faeries
[14:32] Viv Trafalgar: We'll have questions at the end Miss Sommer
[14:33] Viv Trafalgar: oh lol
[14:33] Softpaw Sommer grins
[14:33] Softpaw Sommer: thank you Lunar
[14:34] TotalLunar Eclipse: I was taught in my youth the world of Fey began when Earth Mother gave birth to everything great and small from the plants to the animals to the rocks and trees.
[14:34] TotalLunar Eclipse: to protect her design the heavenly bodies petitioned in their courts and gave them guardians, humanlike creatures of element and environment born of the Sun god Loltoris, the Moon Goddess Ithill, and the Earth Goddess ‘Folian S’pae with domains over the elemental wind, earth, fire and water to care for the earth.
[14:35] Mosseveno Tenk: (brb, the winds have got the ship heeling dockside, need to double up lines))
[14:35] Mara Razor: *grabs skylar and pulls him into a hug*
[14:35] Kat Montpark: ((Best brb ever.))
[14:35] TensaiHilra: hmm.. the bubble seems to be faltering... ((okay, we'll keep the couch ready for ya))
[14:35] TotalLunar Eclipse: There used to be stories of times where the ancient lands of Eladrins or Sidhe worshiped all the gods but then started the great crown wars.
[14:36] Skyler Gant is pulled into a hug. "Got loads o' information ta share with you. Me Parents, I found who they are." Smiles.
[14:36] Ceejay Writer: ((agree Kat.))
[14:36] TotalLunar Eclipse: The elves scattered to different directions, in one battle it was told some were banished underground never to see the light of day or leaves on the trees again.
[14:36] Viv Trafalgar: ::frowns::
[14:37] Linus Lacombe: Did they take the women with them?
[14:37] TotalLunar Eclipse: Sun Elves, or high elves live in forest canopies or mountain tops and rarely travel or leave their lands seeing interaction between other races beneath them.
[14:37] TotalLunar Eclipse: They are extremely magical creatures and high ranking in the arcane arts and if any other species settles too close to them they simply migrate off abandoning entire towns and villages.
[14:37] TotalLunar Eclipse: Moon Elves live in the forests of Ithill yet are the most nomadic and accepting of other races of the other elves. When there are half elf creatures the other parent is more than likely a moon elf. We worship the moon Goddess Ithill and take our power from the moon so are subject to withdrawals and weakness during the new moon.
[14:37] TotalLunar Eclipse: Moon Elves live in the forests of Ithill yet are the most nomadic and accepting of other races of the other elves. When there are half elf creatures the other parent is more than likely a moon elf. We worship the moon Goddess Ithill and take our power from the moon so are subject to withdrawals and weakness during the new moon.
[14:38] TotalLunar Eclipse: and full moon.
[14:38] Viv Trafalgar nods - moon elves sound like decent folk.
[14:38] Mara Razor: *looks at skylar*
[14:38] TensaiHilra: they are! thats why I married him!
[14:38] TotalLunar Eclipse: Wood elves are the most recognized because they have the most variations of their races.
[14:39] TotalLunar Eclipse: Sometimes called Naeur’n are the smallest in stature and one of the oldest and wisest races often confused with dwarves.
[14:39] Mara Razor: *sits up straighter*
[14:39] Wiggy Undertone: Do they like clocks?
[14:39] TotalLunar Eclipse: ^^
[14:39] TensaiHilra: they seem to....
[14:39] TotalLunar Eclipse: They have the ability to speak to nature’s creatures and are fierce guardians of the forest. They are solitary creatures, in stories they are the worker elves that humans create pacts with by giving tribute to them and in turn the elf grants them a boon or are in their service. Outside of forest setting I have seen them in clocktowers or shoemakers shops.
[14:40] KlausWulfenbach Outlander snickers at the graphic
[14:40] Viv Trafalgar: HAH!
[14:40] TotalLunar Eclipse: Drow or Dark elves have the most deplorable reputation. The courts I have visited have shown them to have a matriarchal society and worship the spider queen Lloth.
[14:40] Kat Montpark laughs!
[14:40] Sheryl Skytower: ooh.... hungry now...
[14:41] Malegatto Alter laughs
[14:41] TotalLunar Eclipse: I wouldnt consider going into dark caves...
[14:41] TotalLunar Eclipse: It is even debated whether mermaids are a form of aquatic elves that adapted into their own species altogether.
[14:41] Kat Montpark: Wot?!
[14:42] TotalLunar Eclipse: It is just speculation
[14:42] Viv Trafalgar: hmm... interesting theory.
[14:42] TensaiHilra: (/me notes hot elf pic)
[14:42] Kat Montpark: Ooo, if me great-great-gran was alive she'd have some explaining t'do, she would.
[14:42] Ceejay Writer rolls eyes at cliche-elf.
[14:42] TotalLunar Eclipse: But there are great debates concerning it considering they are fierce with their territories and protect the waters.
[14:42] Sheryl Skytower: nice... bow.
[14:42] Skyler Gant payys close attention to the topic of Elves, finds theory of Water Elves interesting.
[14:43] Kat Montpark leans over towards Viv. "Is that picture a boy or a girl, ye think?"
[14:43] TotalLunar Eclipse: We are guardians of the elements, so guardians of water would fall under that category.
[14:43] TotalLunar Eclipse: mermaids... pardon.
[14:43] TotalLunar Eclipse looks at the photo and glares at his wife.
[14:43] TensaiHilra: rawr, boy... ;)
[14:43] TensaiHilra: er , hehe
[14:43] Viv Trafalgar: HAHA
[14:44] Viv Trafalgar: lol
[14:44] Kat Montpark snortlaughs.
[14:44] Zachary Somerset smiles
[14:44] Skyler Gant doules over with laughter.
[14:44] TotalLunar Eclipse: BUT... again the mermaid aquatic elf theory is just that.
[14:44] Mosseveno Tenk peers through the bubble
[14:44] Serafina Puchkina laughs
[14:44] Mara Razor: *cscowls*
[14:44] Jedburgh30 Dagger: *laughs*
[14:44] TensaiHilra: Though I will say, even moon elves chan hold their breath for a LOOONG time...
[14:44] Kat Montpark: ((Agh, aquatic ape theory pun!))
[14:45] TensaiHilra: 2 days was it?
[14:45] TotalLunar Eclipse: It seems lately many elves have left the forests and began to dwell in urbanized cities where they can.
[14:45] TotalLunar Eclipse thinks... It was two days.
[14:45] TotalLunar Eclipse: But I was being held down by a cinderblock.
[14:45] Viv Trafalgar: !
[14:45] Bookworm Hienrichs gulps.
[14:45] TensaiHilra: well.. that was.. for safety
[14:45] Malegatto Alter laughs
[14:45] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Sicilian elves?
[14:46] TotalLunar Eclipse: We'll get to your experiments soon dear...
[14:46] TensaiHilra: :)
[14:46] TotalLunar Eclipse: I know a few that have settled because that is where their once sacred forests were before it became a city so it depends on the locality. Others like the worker elf mentality finds that in cities it satisfies that base need to be working and creating or maintaining and in a city environment there is far more work to be done than in a forest. So it depends on what race they are as well as where they are.
[14:47] TotalLunar Eclipse: In my own case I just moved into a city that already had a great deal of trees.
[14:48] TotalLunar Eclipse: A few issues elves have working and coexisting with humans... a big one for me would be time.
[14:48] Viv Trafalgar nods
[14:48] TotalLunar Eclipse: a childhood friend visited me whereas I am how I appear now, he was grandfather.
[14:48] TotalLunar Eclipse: The next would be non believers or ‘human only’ societies. I have been fortunate to live in Steelhead which has been very kind to other species since I walked there. Other places are not so kind, the human only rule to me is a step backwards in society the same way in the past humans shunned their other races.
[14:49] TotalLunar Eclipse: I have even come across non believers that honestly don’t even see me, as though I am not even there. Perhaps this lends credence to why some humans have claimed to have never seen an elf other than reading about them believing it to be a work of fiction.
[14:49] TotalLunar Eclipse: It is an odd thing to be seen through entirely.
[14:50] TotalLunar Eclipse: And to clear up any misconceptions... I am not a keebler elf.
[14:50] Maxim Krutschek snickers.
[14:50] TotalLunar Eclipse: Nor am I a house elf.
[14:50] Sheryl Skytower: no cookies?
[14:50] Viv Trafalgar: aww. Sera, we'd best put the cookies out after all
[14:50] Skyler Gant: ((That actually made me laugh. XD Nice))
[14:51] Wiggy Undertone: *whispers* Has Mr. Cleanslate fallen asleep?
[14:51] Softpaw Sommer giggles
[14:51] Kat Montpark whispers, "Well, there go me plans for cookies."
[14:51] Eugenia Burton: He's a House *Builder* Elf.
[14:51] Zachary Somerset laughs
[14:51] Kat Montpark laughs at the screen.
[14:51] Mosseveno Tenk: you'd be much happier baking cookies
[14:51] Aeolus Cleanslate snorts
[14:51] Softpaw Sommer: ((puts the spare socks away))
[14:51] TotalLunar Eclipse: And 'Santa Klaus' does employ elves to make toys but they don't normally wear those striped socks... that's their uniforms.
[14:51] Maxim Krutschek considers giving Lunar a sock as a joke.
[14:51] Ceejay Writer needs to researchs where Keeblers come from, as she could use a bakery chef.
[14:52] TotalLunar Eclipse: I believe it is your turn now dear.
[14:52] Skyler Gant wonders if he could get a house elf like the one previously on screen.
[14:52] TotalLunar Eclipse: ask tenk :)
[14:52] Tensai Hilra: Yay!
[14:52] Tensai Hilra: Hello all, As you know, i am Tensai hilra, I come from a very Long past
[14:53] TotalLunar Eclipse: Eclipse...
[14:53] Tensai Hilra: :P yes, tensai Hilra... eclipse
[14:53] Softpaw Sommer leans over to Ceejay: "candyland, they come from candyland"
[14:53] Viv Trafalgar Grins at the Martial Bliss
[14:54] Tensai Hilra: My role has been as loving wife to Lunar and Scientist, studying the science aspect of Elves
[14:54] Sheryl Skytower: hmm.... candy....
[14:54] Mosseveno Tenk startles
[14:54] Skyler Gant wises he could go to Candy he loves Candy
[14:54] Maxim Krutschek reaches over to take Genie's hand.
[14:54] Tensai Hilra: not Elvis, to those of you reading quickly :)
[14:54] Eugenia Burton laughs.
[14:54] Jedburgh30 Dagger: so they don't live in Las Vegas?
[14:54] Eugenia Burton smiles to Maxim.
[14:54] Wolf Copperfield: some one is here
[14:54] Ceejay Writer scribbles Candyland on my ever present reporters notepad.
[14:54] Viv Trafalgar: lol
[14:54] Tensai Hilra: Some of the things I have studied and will share with you today....
[14:55] Kat Montpark: Elvis is th' other great mystery o' th' universe!
[14:55] Tensai Hilra: First off, What gives Lunar his powers...
[14:55] Wolf Copperfield whispers: I can;t belive this...
[14:55] Tensai Hilra pulls lunars ear a bit... THESE!!!!
[14:55] TotalLunar Eclipse: ouch
[14:55] Mosseveno Tenk grins
[14:55] Tensai Hilra: oh buck up, you can handle a lot more :)
[14:56] Softpaw Sommer snerks
[14:56] Mosseveno Tenk: willingly, too
[14:56] Kat Montpark LAUGHS!
[14:56] TotalLunar Eclipse rubs his sore ear.
[14:56] Tensai Hilra: I ahve found that as a Moon elf, he is able to absorb unseen energy from the Moon overhead
[14:56] TotalLunar Eclipse: it is Ithill's blessing.
[14:57] Tensai Hilra: Also, he tends to absorb energy from the world around him, in particular, nature
[14:57] beth India listens enchanted (wait a minute, is the fairy magic getting to me?)
[14:57] Tensai Hilra: today we had to bring along a tree as seen before us in the globe
[14:57] Malegatto Alter takes notes..."Ears...power...moon..."
[14:58] Viv Trafalgar: nods
[14:58] Tensai Hilra: Lunars power seems as well to be tuned to his blood... in some experiments completely blowing my lab when taking a sample
[14:58] Wiggy Undertone: Ah, sorry... need to run for now. But thanks Tensai and TotalLunar!
[14:58] Viv Trafalgar: We have craftboxes we will put out at the end that Tensai has helped us make... you all will be very happy I think
[14:58] TotalLunar Eclipse: ^^
[14:59] Tensai Hilra: I've had... many labs... in these tests
[14:59] Wiggy Undertone: ((good to see you Mr. Tenk!))
[14:59] Aquaria Semyorka: Bye all!
[14:59] Kat Montpark is suddenly glad she's a bit back from the stage and Tensai.
[14:59] Mosseveno Tenk nods to the disembodied voice
[15:00] Tensai Hilra: Also, I've found in my studies that being around humans has changed him from other elven people
[15:00] Viv Trafalgar: oh?
[15:00] Mara Razor: made his ears bigger?
[15:00] Viv Trafalgar: lol
[15:00] TotalLunar Eclipse: Yes... OH?
[15:00] Tensai Hilra: normally an elf of his age (89 years) is considered a teenager....
[15:00] Skyler Gant finds the elf on screen to be very adorable.
[15:00] Viv Trafalgar: LOL
[15:00] Tensai Hilra: and in that respect, he is not .... "mature" yet... mentally or physically ;)
[15:01] Linus Lacombe: hehe
[15:01] Malegatto Alter chuckles
[15:01] Sheryl Skytower: he's got quite the... bell.
[15:01] Bookworm Hienrichs coughs.
[15:01] TotalLunar Eclipse sighs and bows his head.
[15:01] Kat Montpark coughs and grins.
[15:01] Mara Razor: wait! i'm older than lunar?
[15:01] Tensai Hilra: in fact I've calculated that he will reach 'maturity' when he reaches 120 years old :)
[15:01] Skyler Gant: Bless you Miss Hienrichs
[15:01] Eugenia Burton: Hey. I'm a teenager, too. That makes two of us. Annechen says I won't mature until I'm 144 and I'm only 142.
[15:01] Softpaw Sommer: Yes Mara
[15:02] Tensai Hilra: Here you can see some of my notes on the subject as well :)
[15:02] Softpaw Sommer snickers at the fig leaf
[15:02] TotalLunar Eclipse: doesn't dare look
[15:02] Eugenia Burton: That's a big fig leaf!
[15:02] Viv Trafalgar: ROFL
[15:02] Skyler Gant decides to leave his jokes in his head for this picture.
[15:02] Sheryl Skytower: ooh.. leaf...
[15:02] Ceejay Writer: Abs!
[15:02] Mara Razor feels like an old lady at 181 all of a sudden
[15:02] Jedburgh30 Dagger: ears!
[15:02] Kat Montpark is slightly disappointed that there's the fig leaf.
[15:02] Malegatto Alter: Oh, this is priceless.
[15:02] Skyler Gant: Just be glad there's a le...never mind.
[15:03] Tensai Hilra: hehe I find him quite... 'mature' though hehe
[15:03] Sheryl Skytower: but is it a maple or a walnut.....
[15:03] Mosseveno Tenk: oh total lunar eclispe (haul him away)
[15:03] Mosseveno Tenk: has abs clear down to his hips (haul him away)
[15:03] TotalLunar Eclipse sighs and blushes blue
[15:03] Sheryl Skytower: or... watermelon?
[15:03] Skyler Gant: Watermelon? LMAO
[15:03] Mosseveno Tenk: he gets a smile on his lips (haul him away)
[15:04] Bookworm Hienrichs: We need a bigger fig leaf. We're gonna get a bigger fig leaf, right?
[15:04] Sheryl Skytower: hmm... figs...
[15:04] Mosseveno Tenk: when tensai gets out her whips (heigh ho, heave ho, haul him away)
[15:04] Maxim Krutschek: Yah, dot's a preety shmall feeg leaf.
[15:04] Skyler Gant: Figs sound good right about now.
[15:04] Sheryl Skytower: fig newtons...
[15:04] Maxim Krutschek tisks.
[15:04] Kat Montpark laughs at the Clockwinder's song.
[15:04] Sheryl Skytower: newton's law of gravity...
[15:04] Mara Razor: mmmmmmm figs.....
[15:04] Linus Lacombe: Well, ranklyI don't give a feather or a I might wind up to be a pig
[15:04] Viv Trafalgar please do continue Tensai
[15:04] Sheryl Skytower: gravity pulls down leaf...
[15:04] Wolf Copperfield takes notes
[15:05] Tensai Hilra: Ohay, i'm sure all of you have been wondering what all this equipment is for, and I'd like to go over some of the experiments ive done to test Lunar
[15:05] Maxim Krutschek: Hy mean, Hy vould need a palm leaf or zumtink.
[15:05] Skyler Gant: Grr.... (Is hungry in rl... hates talk of food right now. XD))
[15:05] Wolf Copperfield: fig... fig newtons...
[15:05] Wolf Copperfield eats the paper
[15:05] Skyler Gant: Looks like I'm not the only one that's hungry, huh Wolf?
[15:05] Wolf Copperfield: you have no idea
[15:05] Softpaw Sommer: ((bad..bad Skyler))
[15:05] Kat Montpark tries not to wince and blush at the Jager.
[15:05] Tensai Hilra: Today I brought my Fluidic endurance test, the large tube...
[15:05] Skyler Gant: *only* See what being hungry does to my spelling? XD
[15:05] Tensai Hilra: and The Scorpion Probe!
[15:06] Maxim Krutschek: ... Fluid?
[15:06] TotalLunar Eclipse shudders with bad memories
[15:06] Maxim Krutschek: Vot fluid?
[15:06] Bookworm Hienrichs winces at the name of that.
[15:06] Skyler Gant: ((Just be glad I'm keeping my jokes to myself about this Picture Miss Softpaw. XD.))
[15:06] Tensai Hilra: Lunar, first, could I have you jump in the tube?
[15:06] Malegatto Alter cheers!
[15:06] Viv Trafalgar: Scorpion Probe?? ((encourages the crowd to look towards the table))
[15:06] Kat Montpark: Ooo, scorpion probe. Is that th' Deluxe model?
[15:06] Eugenia Burton: Poor Lunar!
[15:06] Tensai Hilra: This tube is the one that I tested lunar for two days!
[15:07] Viv Trafalgar: wow
[15:07] Skyler Gant: Looks painful
[15:07] Malegatto Alter: Ah, brilliant!
[15:07] Tensai Hilra: he's quite good at holding his breath... also sometimes though I have tried acid in there...
[15:07] Kat Montpark: Is it me, or is he turning blue?
[15:07] Tensai Hilra: amazingly elves are immune to acid
[15:07] Tensai Hilra: and fire...
[15:07] Tensai Hilra: and ice...
[15:07] Viv Trafalgar: um... acid?
[15:07] Zachary Somerset suddenly thinks matrimony is a dangerous thing....
[15:07] Tensai Hilra: and hammers...
[15:08] Bookworm Hienrichs whistles.
[15:08] Viv Trafalgar: snorts
[15:08] Ceejay Writer hums "You always hurt the one you love"
[15:08] Eugenia Burton bites the fingertips of her gloves.
[15:08] Skyler Gant stares over at Softpaw at the mention of Cats
[15:08] Malegatto Alter grins about the cats
[15:08] Sheryl Skytower: *suddenly gets very turned on*
[15:08] Kat Montpark: Where did ye get th' cats fro-...never mind, ye don't question th' method's o' th' madgirls. *grin*
[15:08] Tensai Hilra: yes, turns out dumping lunar tied up with meat in a box of alleycats... well he prevailed and eventually made friends with all the cats
[15:08] Softpaw Sommer: why is everyone suddenly looking at me :P
[15:08] Eugenia Burton: I think the Jaegers in the room are liking this conversation.
[15:08] Viv Trafalgar: oh dear
[15:09] Skyler Gant: He said cat, you're...a cat? *Shrugs*
[15:09] Viv Trafalgar: ::makes a note about not having meat-feeding cats at the next salon dinner party. faecats exception::
[15:09] Ceejay Writer: I'm curious where Lunar buys his clothes.
[15:09] Tensai Hilra: hehe though I dont have time to go into ALLL the experiments :)
[15:10] Viv Trafalgar: would you consider listing them later Tensai? For posterity?
[15:10] Kat Montpark looks disappointed.
[15:10] Tensai Hilra: now, Lunar if you would jump onto the 'Scorpion'
[15:10] Eugenia Burton: The Jaegers want it in paperback form.
[15:10] TotalLunar Eclipse: I hate this thing.
15:10] Malegatto Alter: I'd like a copy too
[15:10] Viv Trafalgar: don't forget, time for questions after...
[15:10] Kat Montpark sits up, interested.
[15:10] Sheryl Skytower: I had some coal dust in my ear... posterior?
[15:11] Tensai Hilra: now this device is quite fun, yes it 'probes' but it was used a lot more for testing his ability to be shot at by lasers
[15:11] Skyler Gant covers eyes, not wishing to know how the Scorpian works
[15:11] Malegatto Alter: Oooo...
[15:11] TotalLunar Eclipse: Apparently I am still alive.
[15:11] Kat Montpark: Ooo, it IS th' Deluxe!
[15:11] Skyler Gant: Does it hurt? *Is peeking through fingers*
[15:12] Tensai Hilra: as you can see it shorted out a bit and now merely emits sparks.. though I hope to regain testing soon
[15:12] TotalLunar Eclipse: No just shocks me a bit.
[15:12] Ceejay Writer needs a table like that to enhance her private social life.
[15:12] Bookworm Hienrichs coughs and looks askance at Ceejay.
[15:12] Serafina Puchkina laughs
[15:12] TotalLunar Eclipse: its called SPOUSAL ABUSE!
[15:12] Skyler Gant: I'll take your word on that mate.
[15:12] Sheryl Skytower: or foreplay....
[15:12] Eugenia Burton: Poor Lunar!
[15:12] Malegatto Alter: Oh no...I was hoping to see it operate on the "high" setting
[15:12] Ceejay Writer looks innocent.
[15:12] Breezy Carver: ☆smiles ☆
[15:12] Tensai Hilra: it's called you signed a Pre-nup waiver!
[15:12] TotalLunar Eclipse: Damn.
[15:12] Kat Montpark laughs.
[15:12] Viv Trafalgar: oh dear.
[15:13] Tensai Hilra: Okay you can get up lunar :)
[15:13] Eugenia Burton covers her eyes.
[15:13] Viv Trafalgar: ::makes a note about hiring a cleanin squad::
[15:13] Bookworm Hienrichs: But then, what marriage *doesn't* have its ups and downs?
[15:13] Zachary Somerset decides he's glad he's a bachelor *g*
[15:13] Skyler Gant thinks his young eyes shouldn't have witnessed that.
[15:13] Tensai Hilra: Now I have been studying other elves as well
[15:13] Viv Trafalgar: _other_ elves?
[15:13] Tensai Hilra: Tenk here....ish... for example
[15:13] Viv Trafalgar: o.O
[15:14] Tensai Hilra: I have been stalking him ....erwatching him a bit
[15:14] Tensai Hilra: here lemme tune him in abit
[15:14] Sheryl Skytower: more fig leaves?
[15:14] Ceejay Writer excuses herself for one moment.
[15:15] Tensai Hilra: as you can see here, we are about to test 'absorbancy'
[15:15] Viv Trafalgar: ::winces::
[15:15] Malegatto Alter chuckles
[15:15] Kat Montpark hides a laugh.
[15:16] Tensai Hilra: I've found as well teh Clockwinder as he is known, has the ability to detect minute faults in mechanical systems, such as clocks
[15:16] Tensai Hilra: handy to know when a device needs work or winding
[15:16] Linus Lacombe: what is he a diaper?
[15:16] TotalLunar Eclipse: Its the ears.
[15:16] Skyler Gant fights the urge to not break out laughing at Linus remark.
[15:16] Viv Trafalgar: perhaps a different type of absorbancy is meant
[15:16] Wolf Copperfield: I will pretend I didn't hear that, as to avoid explosive laughter
[15:16] Tensai Hilra: I've also examined some other elves around, and have a quick set of pictures to help you identify them
[15:17] Eugenia Burton: Heehee.
[15:17] Softpaw Sommer snickers
[15:17] Tensai Hilra: Here we have an Elf
[15:17] Wolf Copperfield snickers
[15:17] Kat Montpark: Hah!
[15:17] Viv Trafalgar: :;chokes::
[15:17] Jasper Kiergarten: is that...Link?
[15:17] Linus Lacombe: What species is he?
[15:17] Softpaw Sommer: yes
[15:17] TotalLunar Eclipse approves
[15:17] TotalLunar Eclipse: Wood elf.
[15:17] Sheryl Skytower: the missing Link, obviously...
[15:17] Tensai Hilra: Wood elf I beleive
[15:17] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Ensixtyfour
[15:18] Skyler Gant bursts into laughter.
[15:18] Softpaw Sommer: *crack up at jed*
[15:18] TotalLunar Eclipse hisses at photo
[15:18] Wolf Copperfield falls over
[15:18] Tensai Hilra: this as well is an elf
[15:18] Wolf Copperfield giggles.
[15:18] TotalLunar Eclipse: Worker class elf.
[15:18] Skyler Gant: It makes cookies, right?
[15:18] Tensai Hilra: the next one however is an imposter!
[15:18] Mosseveno Tenk: pity about hte beard
[15:18] TotalLunar Eclipse: yes he does.
[15:18] Wolf Copperfield: ahh
[15:18] Aeolus Cleanslate whispers - I took a class from that guy in business school
[15:18] Kat Montpark laughs!
[15:18] Eugenia Burton giggles.
[15:18] Wolf Copperfield giggles.
[15:18] Softpaw Sommer snickersnickersnickers
[15:18] Malegatto Alter shakes her head
[15:18] Maxim Krutschek snorts.
[15:19] Sheryl Skytower: *snorgles*
[15:19] Skyler Gant laughs even harder.
[15:19] Malegatto Alter: And folks wonder why we try to scratch you.
[15:19] Tensai Hilra: Also some people have profited in the image of elven culture, simply mocking it along the way...
[15:19] Viv Trafalgar: oh dear.
[15:19] Kat Montpark winces.
[15:19] Viv Trafalgar: (that's got to be a record for me)
[15:19] Linus Lacombe: But he does have an awfully cute hat. Though, I think there would be fur in the cookehs
[15:19] TotalLunar Eclipse: I blame Santa Klaus
[15:19] Riven Homewood: I once had a child tell me he didn't eat those cookies, because "You don't know what elves might put in them" :-)
[15:19] Mosseveno Tenk frowns
[15:19] Mosseveno Tenk: watch it...
[15:20] Maxim Krutschek laughs.
[15:20] Tensai Hilra: the jury is still out on another famous elf, who has stockpiled quite a bit in used clothing since his debut
[15:20] Mosseveno Tenk: don't dis the Claus
[15:20] Wolf Copperfield giggles.
[15:20] TotalLunar Eclipse: Of course not ^^
[15:20] Eugenia Burton: Don't dis the Klaus, either.
[15:20] Ceejay Writer laughs.
[15:20] Tensai Hilra: Sometimes though we wish we could prune the elven family tree...
[15:20] Kat Montpark wouldn't want to find one of those in her closet.
[15:21] Jedburgh30 Dagger: So do we
[15:21] Eugenia Burton laughs.
[15:21] Viv Trafalgar: yeesh
[15:21] Viv Trafalgar: claymation!
[15:21] Softpaw Sommer: awww you don't want your teeth done?
[15:21] Eugenia Burton: That's a Clay Elf.
[15:21] Linus Lacombe: BWAHHAHA
[15:21] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Dentist
[15:21] Kat Montpark: Hee!
[15:21] Mosseveno Tenk frowns
[15:21] Skyler Gant: That elf would probably melt under extreme heat.
[15:21] Mosseveno Tenk: what are you all laughing at?
[15:21] Wolf Copperfield throws a lawn gnome at the picture
[15:21] Mosseveno Tenk: He is a very brave elf
[15:21] Viv Trafalgar: LOL
[15:21] Breezy Carver: hummm i didnt know that !!
[15:21] Linus Lacombe: Did Lunar go through a stage here he had his hair done like that?
[15:21] Softpaw Sommer: Bumbles bounce
[15:21] Tensai Hilra: one of his bretheren as well...
[15:21] Maxim Krutschek: Nah, he's chust a misfit.
[15:22] Roswenthe Aluveaux mumbles, "Wow..that's the scariest thing I've seen so far..."
[15:22] Skyler Gant: He's a dentist. Dentists are all...evil.
[15:22] Kat Montpark: Useful if ye want t'keep yer teeth, though
. [15:22] Sheryl Skytower: I like elves with big red.... nevermind...
[15:22] Viv Trafalgar: BELLS
[15:22] TotalLunar Eclipse: O_o
[15:22] Skyler Gant: Silver Bells!
[15:22] Breezy Carver: big red
[15:22] Viv Trafalgar: ::Facepalm::
[15:22] Malegatto Alter laughs
[15:22] Tensai Hilra: now a FINE example of elves....
[15:22] Sheryl Skytower: as long as they're not blue...
[15:22] Breezy Carver: thats gum
[15:22] Breezy Carver: code red thats dew
[15:23] Mosseveno Tenk: whats wrong with bells?
[15:23] Eugenia Burton: Hoooo!
[15:23] Skyler Gant: Red Blue and Silver Bells. *Giggles*
[15:23] Riven Homewood: blue is bad *nod
[15:23] Viv Trafalgar: ah very nice
[15:23] Kat Montpark laughs!
[15:23] TotalLunar Eclipse sighs
[15:23] Softpaw Sommer was wondering when he'd show up
[15:23] Sheryl Skytower: my, what big... arrows he seems to want to shoot...
[15:23] Wolf Copperfield giggles.
[15:23] Breezy Carver: bellls are good ☆smiles ☆
[15:23] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Dwarf Bait
[15:23] Linus Lacombe: This elf has much prettier hair
[15:23] Breezy Carver: hells bells ☆smiles ☆
[15:23] Kat Montpark thinks that elf would make a nice pirate.
[15:23] Sheryl Skytower: and a very large bow.
[15:23] Viv Trafalgar: raawr
[15:23] Breezy Carver: humms the saong now
[15:23] Skyler Gant: Teacher says everytime a Bell rings an Angel gets its wings. *Laughs*
[15:23] Tensai Hilra: oh, and as well...
[15:23] TotalLunar Eclipse: looks over, "Is that all you have on your mind dear?"
[15:23] Viv Trafalgar: ::did I say that out loud?::
[15:24] Tensai Hilra: who wha?
[15:24] Breezy Carver: nods
[15:24] Breezy Carver: nods
[15:24] Eugenia Burton: Are you sure that's not Lunar?
[15:24] Maxim Krutschek: Pfft... My hair iz prettier...
[15:24] Softpaw Sommer: I note he and Lunar look a lot a like
[15:24] Viv Trafalgar: oops
[15:24] Softpaw Sommer eyes Genie
[15:24] Eugenia Burton grins at Softpaw.
[15:24] Wolf Copperfield giggles.
[15:24] Breezy Carver ponders lunar didnt eat the cookies right ??
[15:24] TotalLunar Eclipse: *will make pilgramage to Middle Earth to find this... Legolas taking his sword with him.
[15:24] Kat Montpark: It's a compliment, Lunar! Th' women like long hair!
[15:24] Tensai Hilra: and Finally....
[15:24] Skyler Gant wishes the picture would load for him already
[15:24] Maxim Krutschek: Dey sure does!
[15:24] Tensai Hilra swoons
[15:25] Kat Montpark: Not t'mention a man who can handle his bow..*grins*
[15:25] Skyler Gant: ((Has long hair in RL. XD))
[15:25] Viv Trafalgar: mmmhmm
[15:25] Maxim Krutschek snorts.
[15:25] Sheryl Skytower: I see a trend...
[15:25] Breezy Carver: laughs at shamless plug
[15:25] Mosseveno Tenk: round ears?
[15:25] Maxim Krutschek typists hair is waist-length.
[15:25] Jedburgh30 Dagger: there was something in the air that night
[15:25] Tensai Hilra: in conclusion... It is pretty easy to spot an elf if you're paying attention :)
[15:25] Linus Lacombe: Perhaps that is Lunar from his high school graduation
[15:25] Bookworm Hienrichs 's typist's hair is past waist length.
[15:25] Skyler Gant typist hair is mid back length.
[15:25] Ceejay Writer grins at Jed.
[15:25] Jedburgh30 Dagger: the stars were bright, Orlando.....
[15:25] TotalLunar Eclipse: That is NOT me but he is going to DIE!
[15:26] Eugenia Burton: Oooh!
[15:26] Malegatto Alter: Elf on elf violence...tsk tsk
[15:26] Kat Montpark 's typist's hair needs a comb and a cut.
[15:26] Linus Lacombe: /typist has not the ability to grow long hair lest it be called a "combover"
[15:26] Breezy Carver new song in head now !
[15:26] Tensai Hilra: Heheh, still a teenager, tsk tsk
[15:26] Maxim Krutschek mutters, "He's chust jealous, Hy tink."
[15:26] Skyler Gant 's hair is naturally wavy.
[15:26] Softpaw Sommer: Will you kill him in a mud pit Lunar?
[15:26] TotalLunar Eclipse sighs and bows his head
[15:26] Breezy Carver: awwww
[15:26] Maxim Krutschek laughs.
[15:26] Jedburgh30 Dagger: *cough* Boromir! *cough*
[15:26] Maxim Krutschek: MUD PIT!
[15:26] Viv Trafalgar: ::tears eyes away from the lovely screencandy::
[15:26] Breezy Carver: laughs !
[15:26] Riven Homewood: Please, Lord Lunar? Please, Please!
[15:27] Tensai Hilra: Okay :) Thank you for your time :) Viv?
[15:27] TotalLunar Eclipse: thats a good idea Mrs Softpaw
[15:27] Kat Montpark: *cough*Pippin*cough*
[15:27] Skyler Gant shakes head. I'm cuter than tha' guy. *Laughs*
[15:27] Serafina Puchkina: Thank you very much! Let's give them a huge round of applause
[15:27] Eugenia Burton high-fives Jed.
[15:27] Breezy Carver: ga
[15:27] Kat Montpark: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[15:27] Bookworm Hienrichs applauds.
[15:27] Malegatto Alter claps
[15:27] Serafina Puchkina claps
[15:27] Breezy Carver: yay ya !
[15:27] Skyler Gant claps
[15:27] Viv Trafalgar: Absolutely awesome presentation!
[15:27] Viv Trafalgar: THank you so very much
[15:27] Linus Lacombe: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[15:27] Eugenia Burton: Hoooo!
[15:27] Jedburgh30 Dagger golf claps
[15:27] Serafina Puchkina: Are there any questions for our speakers?
[15:27] Ceejay Writer applauds and cheers.
[15:27] Searra Weatherwax: *:-.,_,.-:*'´ `*. HoOoOoO!¸.*´`'*:-.,_,.-:*
[15:27] Zachary Somerset: /claps
[15:27] Ceejay Writer: ..... and ticks.
[15:27] Riven Homewood: *:-.,_,.-:*'´ `*. HoOoOoO!¸.*´`'*:-.,_,.-:*
[15:27] Saffia Widdershins applauds
[15:27] Roswenthe Aluveaux applauds.
[15:27] Linus Lacombe: I have one
[15:28] Serafina Puchkina: Yes?
[15:28] Linus Lacombe: Lunar...what is your favorite kind of cookeh?
[15:28] Viv Trafalgar: A question Mr. Lacombe?
[15:28] TotalLunar Eclipse: chocolate chi... HEY!
[15:28] Malegatto Alter snickers
[15:28] Viv Trafalgar: lol
[15:28] Tensai Hilra: hehe
[15:28] Riven Homewood hopes it's from Steeltopia
[15:28] Mosseveno Tenk: snickerdoodles
[15:28] Viv Trafalgar: Do the height variations among elves convey status?
[15:28] Mosseveno Tenk: no
[15:28] TotalLunar Eclipse: Not at all.
[15:28] Kat Montpark: Ooo, I have one! At wot dance is Lunar going t'next be shirtless?
[15:29] Mosseveno Tenk: actually, it reversed
[15:29] Viv Trafalgar: shorter elves are of higher status?
[15:29] TotalLunar Eclipse considers busting the bubble.
[15:29] Sheryl Skytower: lol
[15:29] TotalLunar Eclipse: No, it’s a matter of race, where they live and how they adapted to their environment.
[15:29] Viv Trafalgar: ::isn't trying to start anything...::
[15:29] Skyler Gant wishes he had Rum
[15:30] Ceejay Writer wonders how anyone can prefer Legolas over Faramir, but keeps her trap shut.
[15:30] Bookworm Hienrichs snickers.
[15:30] Tensai Hilra: As for what I've found, they tend to adjust to their environment
[15:30] Viv Trafalgar: nods at Ceejay
[15:30] Malegatto Alter takes notes..."Elves...height...Mossevenic Complex"
[15:30] Mosseveno Tenk: it’s said my people lived peaceably with trolls before the humans came, in the days when the king was under the mountain. Hard to believe. [15:30] Mosseveno Tenk: but we've always been noted for our height.
[15:30] Viv Trafalgar: and do elves display ... addictive qualities?
[15:30] Skyler Gant pretends to know what Tenk is talking about
[15:30] Jedburgh30 Dagger: before the trolls moved to the aethernet?
[15:31] Tensai Hilra: rawr, I'm addicted
[15:31] TotalLunar Eclipse: I have noted some like milk to an extreme.
[15:31] Serafina Puchkina grins
[15:31] Maxim Krutschek chuckles.
[15:31] Linus Lacombe: must be the cookehs
[15:31] Eugenia Burton grins at Tensai.
[15:31] Skyler Gant loves cookies
[15:31] Riven Homewood: and the bells...
[15:31] Kat Montpark: I have one that en't about Lunar's chest, sadly enough.
[15:31] TotalLunar Eclipse: We also smoke what grows out in the forest as well... take that whatever way you will.
[15:31] Eugenia Burton: Put the fig leaf picture back up!
[15:31] Jedburgh30 Dagger: hippie elves?
[15:31] Viv Trafalgar: if you have a question please take the opportunity now -
[15:31] Skyler Gant: Please don't. *Cringes*
[15:31] Mosseveno Tenk: o-ó
[15:32] Serafina Puchkina: Your question, Kat?
[15:32] TotalLunar Eclipse: *smiles*
[15:32] Eugenia Burton: Mr. Tenk? Are you feeling all right? Are you getting enough air?
[15:32] Malegatto Alter raises a hand
[15:32] Serafina Puchkina: Dr. Alter?
[15:32] Kat Montpark: I've heard that all sorts o' things, good or bad, happen if ye stumble upon an elf party. Is that true
[15:32] Kat Montpark: *?
[15:32] Maxim Krutschek: Hyu can put at fig leaf on me later, dollink.
[15:32] Malegatto Alter: Do you feel there is a conflict of sorts between magickal beigns such as yourselves, and science?
[15:32] Serafina Puchkina: Sorry. First Kat then Dr Alter
[15:32] Tensai Hilra: well you'll have a hell of a hangover that’s for sure
[15:32] Viv Trafalgar: oh both good questions
[15:32] Maxim Krutschek: Oops, did Hy say dot out loud?
[15:32] Mosseveno Tenk: yes
[15:33] Eugenia Burton grins at Maxim.
[15:33] TotalLunar Eclipse: To answer Miss Kat first.
[15:33] Sheryl Skytower: *snorgles*
[15:33] Linus Lacombe: unless we all dreamt it together Maxim
[15:33] Eugenia Burton punches Maxim in the bicep.
[15:33] TotalLunar Eclipse: It depends on what they are doing; if it’s a ritual of the earth even I don't take kindly to someone barging in on it.
[15:33] Tensai Hilra: Dr alter, on the contrary! Lunar meshes well into science, as magics are only the non understood sciences
[15:34] Mosseveno Tenk frowns at tensai
[15:34] Linus Lacombe raises his hand
[15:34] TotalLunar Eclipse: She is slowly finding out how I.. tick is the right word.
[15:34] Skyler Gant wishes they'd put clothes on the person on screen wearing the Fig Leaf.
[15:34] Maxim Krutschek rubs his arm.
[15:34] Wolf Copperfield: some things aren’t meant to be understood
[15:34] Tensai Hilra: well I am awaiting your return mosseveno, as you have been away and unable to submit to my tests
[15:34] Mosseveno Tenk: at least you leave your subjects alive
[15:34] Wolf Copperfield: but hey why not figure it out anyway
[15:35] Serafina Puchkina: Mr. Lacombe, you had a question?
[15:35] Linus Lacombe: Do elf grandmothers also try to foist hard candies from the bottoms of their purses onto their grandchildren?
[15:35] Kat Montpark snerks.
[15:35] Viv Trafalgar: hah
[15:35] Ceejay Writer grins hugely.
[15:35] Bookworm Hienrichs laughs.
[15:35] TotalLunar Eclipse: O_O
[15:35] Softpaw Sommer has a couple of questions
[15:35] Skyler Gant laughs. "They probably do... all Grannies do."
[15:35] Wolf Copperfield: I think that bridges any species gaps
[15:36] Mosseveno Tenk: as magic is understood in a more scientific manner, some scientists are a threat. It would be better to be forgotten than submit to that.
[15:36] Riven Homewood: How does one recognize a private ritual? If I wanted to visit the elf lands, what customs should I be careful to honor?
[15:36] Kat Montpark: Ooo, good one.
[15:36] Viv Trafalgar: oh RIven thank you for asking that.
[15:36] TotalLunar Eclipse: The best course of action would be to observe first.
[15:36] Jedburgh30 Dagger: look for a sock on the doorknob
[15:36] Skyler Gant giggles
[15:36] Kat Montpark face palms.
[15:36] Jasper Kiergarten: lol
[15:36] Skyler Gant: Or a tie
[15:36] Linus Lacombe: or nylons on the windowsill...
[15:37] Softpaw Sommer: The differences between a Fairy such as myself and an Elf weren’t gotten into much. Could you do so? Also some information for the others on the whole Iron allergy thing would be welcomed.
[15:37] Wolf Copperfield face paws >.<
[15:37] TotalLunar Eclipse: Songs are very easily heard in the woods if the melody is somber it will be a ritual
[15:37] TotalLunar Eclipse: If it is light in melody then they are just singing, so hear what is being sung is my best advice.
[15:38] TotalLunar Eclipse: Aye Miss Softpaw but I was told there would be a salon dedicated to fairies and other magical creatures so I did not want to go into it in depth
[15:39] Skyler Gant: Do Elves Marry humans? Or are they able to?
[15:39] Softpaw Sommer: Ohh..I didn’t know that *looks to Viv*
[15:39] TotalLunar Eclipse: They can unite with other species, as there are many half elves out in the world.
[15:39] Viv Trafalgar: nods - yes we hope to locate a particularly good place to hold that salon, Lunar
[15:39] Kat Montpark: Why d'ye need that wee tree? I think I missed that bit. Is it like th' tub o' bricks th' Clockwinder carries all o'er.
[15:39] Kat Montpark: *?
[15:39] TotalLunar Eclipse: The tree is more for my sake.
[15:40] Viv Trafalgar: he needs the fresh air
[15:40] TotalLunar Eclipse: I am attuned to nature and I do not feel one near.
[15:40] Viv Trafalgar: Babbage is ... lacking
[15:40] TotalLunar Eclipse: The small tree makes me feel better.
[15:40] Viv Trafalgar: in fresh air only. Nothing else
[15:40] Ceejay Writer blinks. "Our air is bracing and builds tone."
[15:41] Serafina Puchkina: I am setting out the craft boxes
[15:41] Jedburgh30 Dagger: "...and character"
[15:41] TotalLunar Eclipse: Nothing contrary to your lovely town
[15:41] Viv Trafalgar: speaking of trees
[15:41] Tensai Hilra: oh it is an amazing city, he becomes quite weak when away from trees, that is all
[15:41] Kat Montpark: Ye need strong lungs t'breathe it, that's for sure.
[15:41] Mosseveno Tenk: builds character
[15:41] Viv Trafalgar: it does strengthen the lungs, yes!
[15:41] Aeolus Cleanslate nods and agrees with Ceejay - and black lung disease
[15:41] TotalLunar Eclipse: I am just not accustomed is all.
[15:41] Tensai Hilra: rather than bring in a stretcher we figured a tree would do :)
[15:41] Linus Lacombe: I wondered why I felt particularly hearty and hale
[15:41] Viv Trafalgar: ::one note and then we will continue with questions::
[15:42] Viv Trafalgar: This Salon was sponsored by the Consulate of Europa Wulfenbach
[15:42] Ceejay Writer: Toys! *lunges*
[15:42] Viv Trafalgar: who support this energetic exchange of knowledge among the people of the steamlands for the betterment of us all. - We wish to thank them from the bottom of our hearts,
[15:42] Kat Montpark: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[15:42] Aeolus Cleanslate applauds
[15:42] TotalLunar Eclipse: \** Hoo, hoo-hoo-hoo, Hoo, Hoo! **/
[15:43] Viv Trafalgar: and most especially we wish to thank Tensai, Lunar, and Tenk - please continue grilling them to your hearts content
[15:43] Bookworm Hienrichs applauds, though a bit tentatively.
[15:43] Maxim Krutschek: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[15:43] Skyler Gant claps
[15:43] Serafina Puchkina: Yes, indeed! We are most grateful to the Consulate
[15:43] Riven Homewood: applause applause
[15:43] Aeolus Cleanslate: mmmm - grilled fey
[15:43] Breezy Carver: yay yay ;)
[15:43] Saffia Widdershins applauds
[15:43] Ceejay Writer: Thank you fey-sorts!
[15:43] TotalLunar Eclipse: Not literally grilling I hope.
[15:43] Malegatto Alter looks at Tensai
[15:43] Mosseveno Tenk dreams of grilled rabbit
[15:43] Firery Broome: Thank you!
[15:43] Aeolus Cleanslate: (delicious with a lemon-butter-caper sauce)
[15:43] Ashiko Kuroe: You know a recipe Aeolus?
[15:43] Tensai Hilra: I have had alot of fun today and Thank you for having Lunar and I to your fair city. And thank you for your hospitality Mosseveno, if only in dream :)
[15:43] Skyler Gant dreams of grilled chicken.
[15:43] Eugenia Burton: We miss you, Mr. Tenk! Be safe!
[15:44] Linus Lacombe: I am sure Mr Cleanslate means merely...interrogation
[15:44] Aeolus Cleanslate whispers to Kuroe - yes, and it works well for furries too
[15:44] Jedburgh30 Dagger: mmmmmm ribs
[15:44] TotalLunar Eclipse: When you are found Tensai wants to see you in her lab.
[15:44] Mosseveno Tenk: a large rabbit leg, roasting on a spit, smothered in mustard....
[15:44] Viv Trafalgar: oh dear
[15:44] Kat Montpark snorts.
[15:44] Viv Trafalgar: food! nom
[15:44] Wolf Copperfield hides
[15:44] Viv Trafalgar: ::um ahem::
[15:44] Serafina Puchkina: Yes, any more questions?
[15:44] Tensai Hilra: I am curious if this dream tunnel system burned anything out :)
[15:44] Skyler Gant: ((Darn you Tenk, you're making me even more hungry than I already am,. XD. Now I need Pizza.))
[15:45] Riven Homewood: When the start talking about eating the guests, it's likely time to go home....
[15:45] Mosseveno Tenk hears the ocean and sea birds
[15:45] Ceejay Writer dearly needs a catnap and some food.
[15:45] Mosseveno Tenk: I think I'm waking up
[15:45] Ceejay Writer: tick! tick! Tick!
[15:45] Eugenia Burton: We love you, Mr. Tenk!
[15:45] Skyler Gant wishes for grilled sea bird. LMAO
[15:45] Kat Montpark wonders if he's treading water by now.
[15:45] Riven Homewood: Stay safe, Mr Tenk!
[15:46] Skyler Gant: Hurry back Mr Tenk! We miss you!
[15:46] Tensai Hilra: be well Clockwinder, may you find a clock soon in your travels
[15:46] Mosseveno Tenk watches the buildings fade
[15:46] Viv Trafalgar: Be well Clockwinder! Be safe!
[15:46] Aeolus Cleanslate waves aetherically to Tenk
[15:46] Serafina Puchkina: Safe waters, Mayor
[[15:46] Wolf Copperfield: when you get back here you can NOT eat me!
[15:46] Skyler Gant also salutes the mayor... until he disappears suddenly
[15:46] Ceejay Writer: Bye Tenk! Come home soon!
[15:46] Viv Trafalgar: If there are no more questions?
[15:46] TotalLunar Eclipse: *smiles*
[15:46] Aeolus Cleanslate is going to go for some RL chicken katsu and fresh sashimi - good night everybody!
[15:46] Skyler Gant really needs food. LOL
[15:47] Viv Trafalgar: We would like to say a huge thank you to our audience - you were awesome
[15:47] Bookworm Hienrichs decides to go home and start processing her photographs.
[15:47] Ceejay Writer: Dang. I'll be with Cleanslate.
[15:47] Wolf Copperfield: there, now I feel slightly... unsafe
[15:47] Skyler Gant: Enjoy your food Aeolus.
[15:47] Softpaw Sommer: me too Ceejay
[15:47] Viv Trafalgar: and an enormous one to our speakers
[15:47] Serafina Puchkina: Thank you so much Lunar and Tensai and thank you too, everyone
[15:47] Maxim Krutschek's typist baked cookies.
[15:47] Bookworm Hienrichs applauds one more time.
[15:47] Viv Trafalgar: Please join us again in September!
[15:47] Softpaw Sommer: Wolf. Your not the bunny everyone wants to roast
[15:47] Riven Homewood: HooHooHoo!! HooHooHooHooHoooooo!
[15:47] Viv Trafalgar: I declare the salon officially on Vacation.
[15:47] Kat Montpark 's typist needs to make dinner and feed the cat.
[15:47] Aeolus Cleanslate waves and applauds Tensai and Lunar
[15:47] Softpaw Sommer: Hoooo!
[15:47] Tensai Hilra: Thank you all, as mentioned earlier, all the tips today go directly to the Salon
[15:47] Skyler Gant typist needs to make some food.
[15:47] Kat Montpark: Hoooo!
[15:47] Softpaw Sommer: HOOOOOOOO!!!
[15:47] Viv Trafalgar: And Mara - thank you for suggesting this salon - it was a fantastic idea
[15:47] Linus Lacombe: *:-.,_,.-:*'´ `*. HoOoOoO!¸.*´`'*:-.,_,.-:*
[15:47] TotalLunar Eclipse: Hoooo!
[15:47] Kat Montpark: Let's give it a Steelhead ending! Everybody ho!
[15:47] Serafina Puchkina: A wonderful and pleasant evening to you all!
[15:47] Saffia Widdershins applauds
[15:48] Eugenia Burton: Hoooo!
[15:48] Tensai Hilra: Hoooo!
[15:48] Softpaw Sommer: ((mara's not here))
[15:48] TotalLunar Eclipse: Hoooo!
[15:48] Kat Montpark: *Hoo
[15:48] Searra Weatherwax: *:-.,_,.-:*'´ `*. HoOoOoO!¸.*´`'*:-.,_,.-:*
[15:48] Skyler Gant claps
[15:48] Linus Lacombe: *:-.,_,.-:*'´ `*. HoOoOoO!¸.*´`'*:-.,_,.-:*
[15:48] Wolf Copperfield: why would anyone want to roast any of us? We have done nothing to... never mind
[15:48] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Dear GOD, man, do you KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SAYING???
[15:48] Jedburgh30 Dagger: It MUST BE DESTROYED!!!!
[15:48] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Sweet Mother of God!
[15:48] TotalLunar Eclipse: \** Hoo, hoo-hoo-hoo, Hoo, Hoo! **/
[15:48] Serafina Puchkina applauds
[15:48] Maxim Krutschek: Hoooo!
[15:48] Ceejay Writer: I love how everyone is supporting Salon - this institution is so important to Palisade!
[15:48] Ceejay Writer: Oh, and those *other* Babbage sims too I guess.
[15:48] Bookworm Hienrichs laughs at Jed.
[15:48] Breezy Carver: ☆smiles ☆
[15:48] Viv Trafalgar: ((I'll let her know))
[15:48] Skyler Gant refrains from singing the Beverly Hillbilly song at the mention of Jed.
[15:48] TensaiHilra: The salon is wonderful, it brings the steamland together!
[15:48] Viv Trafalgar: Thank you all so much.
[15:48] Skyler Gant: *singing*
[15:49] Skyler Gant spanks my spelling. "Bad Spelling... BAD!"
[15:49] Kat Montpark: Aye, it's like a steamland family reunion, it is!
[15:49] TotalLunar Eclipse: *smiles*
[15:49] Serafina Puchkina: Thank you everyone!!
[15:49] TotalLunar Eclipse: Thank you
[15:49] Riven Homewood: Thank you, Viv and Serafina!
[15:49] Saffia Widdershins: Yes, thank you!
[15:50] Serafina Puchkina: Oh my! You are all most welcome
[15:50] TotalLunar Eclipse: Thank you Miss Viv and Miss Seraphina
[15:50] Viv Trafalgar: You are so very welcome –
[15:51] TotalLunar Eclipse grumbles about the legolas photos again.
[15:51] Tensai Hilra: hehe
[15:51] Tensai Hilra: aww, but your hot too!
[15:51] Ceejay Writer grumbles about lack of Gondorian representation.
[15:51] Viv Trafalgar: thank you for bringing your equipment too Tensai
[15:51] Viv Trafalgar: and not using it on too many people
[15:51] TotalLunar Eclipse: Someone asked me where I purchased my clothing?
[15:51] Riven Homewood: I was wondering about that - surely there are other handsome elves besides Legolas and our speakers?
[15:52] TotalLunar Eclipse: Fallen gods.. Though everything I buy has to be tailored to fit me :/
[15:52] Tensai Hilra: hehe no problem, it was fun to prepare
[15:52] Tensai Hilra: ((actually made the laser last night *smiles* )
[15:52] TotalLunar Eclipse: There are a great deal of elves in Avilion
[15:52] Viv Trafalgar: nods that is true
[15:52] Viv Trafalgar: ((wow))
[15:52] TotalLunar Eclipse: I haven't been able to travel back due to management stuff.
[15:52] Linus Lacombe: Is Frankie Avalon there too?
[15:52] TotalLunar Eclipse: *smiles*
[15:52] Viv Trafalgar: ::head.desk::
[15:53] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Viv, big girls don't cry
[15:53] TotalLunar Eclipse: It is a massive forest sim with elves and faeries and dragons though we have one of each in Steelhead.
[15:53] Beq Janus: now I have Bryan Ferry crooning in my head
[15:53] Jasper Kiergarten: omg
[15:53] Viv Trafalgar: ::weeps::
[15:54] Linus Lacombe: I think Frankie Avalon would feel right at home there
[15:54] Ceejay Writer: Well, friends, I must take my leave. It's been wonderful!
[15:54] Viv Trafalgar: Night ceejay!
[15:54] TotalLunar Eclipse: Fair winds and good eve Miss CeeJay
[15:54] Beq Janus: night all, I am going to vanish
[15:54] Linus Lacombe: I feel too that the time has come for me to wish all a fond good it is evening here at the typist's house
[15:55] Viv Trafalgar: night Beq!
[15:55] Serafina Puchkina: Night!
[15:55] TotalLunar Eclipse: Take care Sir Linus, thank you for coming.
[15:55] Malegatto Alter: Good evening everyone. A most interesting salon.
[15:55] Jasper Kiergarten: night beq
[15:55] Linus Lacombe: Enjoyed it very much
[15:55] Tensai Hilra: careful those leaving...
[15:55] Jasper Kiergarten: and everyone else departing
[15:55] Saffia Widdershins: Not seeing the end of the Grand Tour, Mr. Lacombe?
[15:55] Saffia Widdershins: That's just coming to an end at 4.30 ....
[15:55] Tensai Hilra: seems SL is having login issues. So if you plan on more work for a bit... don’t log out!
[15:55] Ceejay Writer: I'll be parked in the cafe, in a coma if needed... the typist will return after some rest.
[15:55] TotalLunar Eclipse: Oh dear.
[15:55] Viv Trafalgar: nods. What tensai said
[15:56] Ceejay Writer: Send an IM if town stuff needs attention.
[15:56] Tensai Hilra: " If you're logged in, don't log out, you'll get "unable to connect to a simulator"."
[15:56] Linus Lacombe: Ah...I need to eat and such...but I have enjoyed the festivities of the tour very much
[15:56] Breezy Carver: thank YOU Tensai and Lunar and Clockeinder .. and Viv and Sera ☆smiles ☆
[15:56] TotalLunar Eclipse: Breezy!
[15:56] Viv Trafalgar: huh.
[15:56] Softpaw Sommer: I’m going to flit off to a fishing contest..Lunar Tensai..thank you for the presentation..And the tree in a globe *hugs it*
[15:56] Viv Trafalgar: Thank you Breezy!
[15:56] Saffia Widdershins: Thank you so much!
[15:56] Jedburgh30 Dagger: I was curious to know if the elf magic is so powerful, how do you resist the urge to use it to not fall victim to normal sorts of problems?
[15:56] Breezy Carver: woops clockwinder .. grins ..
[15:56] Saffia Widdershins runs to change for the end of the tour
[15:57] Viv Trafalgar: Thank you all for coming!
[15:57] TotalLunar Eclipse: I only have power to my natural surroundings.