Monday, October 21, 2013

AEther Salon: Fifth! (Unedited)

[2013/10/20 13:49]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Good day, Clockwinder!
[2013/10/20 13:50]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Hallo, Clockwinder.
[2013/10/20 13:50]  Mosseveno Tenk: how do
[2013/10/20 13:50]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Here it is.
[2013/10/20 13:53]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Hello Satu, Dr. Isala.
[2013/10/20 13:54]  Satu Moreau: Hallo!
[2013/10/20 13:54]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Whoops. Clockwinder go poof.
[2013/10/20 13:55]  Satu Moreau: Lol
[2013/10/20 13:55]  Satu Moreau: So, yeah... towards the end of the month, XD Head to Dreams and vote on the builds
[2013/10/20 13:55]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): /me fights hir way through thick swatches of Aether, to hopefully be in the Salon, unsure if i am on time, or too late,
[2013/10/20 13:55]  Satu Moreau: I'm hoping I can at least get mine properly constructed and textured by midnight
[2013/10/20 13:55]  Bookworm Hienrichs: You're actually a bit early.
[2013/10/20 13:55]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me chuckles.
[2013/10/20 13:55]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): grand,
[2013/10/20 13:55]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me nods at Satu.
[2013/10/20 13:55]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Good luck with that!
[2013/10/20 13:56]  Satu Moreau: If it's alright, I can rez a small version of what I'm working on to show you guys
[2013/10/20 13:56]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Oh?
[2013/10/20 13:56]  Satu Moreau: Oop, no rez here
[2013/10/20 13:56]  Satu Moreau: Ah well
[2013/10/20 13:57]  Satu Moreau: But yes, I apologize if I'm not as attentive as I should be during the Salon. I've got my nose stuck in two other programs at once trying to finish in time
[2013/10/20 13:58]  Satu Moreau: And with my brain frequently shorting out
[2013/10/20 13:58]  Satu Moreau: /me eeps.
[2013/10/20 13:58]  Satu Moreau: shouts: I know it was you, Vic!
[2013/10/20 13:58]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): shouts: LMAO
[2013/10/20 13:58]  Satu Moreau: XD
[2013/10/20 13:58]  Satu Moreau: Hallo, Pippy!
[2013/10/20 13:58]  Pippy (pippyfox): Hallo!
[2013/10/20 13:58]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Whoosh. That was a bad freeze-up.
[2013/10/20 13:59]  Pippy (pippyfox): /me waves
[2013/10/20 13:59]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Hello, Pippy, Viiiiiiiiiiiiiiictor.
[2013/10/20 13:59]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me grins.
[2013/10/20 13:59]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Blasted clank.
[2013/10/20 13:59]  Pippy (pippyfox): /me gasps
[2013/10/20 13:59]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): :D
[2013/10/20 13:59]  Pippy (pippyfox): The C word!
[2013/10/20 13:59]  Satu Moreau: XD Heya, Vic
[2013/10/20 13:59]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Ja, ja, it is just a colloquialism.
[2013/10/20 13:59]  Satu Moreau: Hallo, Myrtil!
[2013/10/20 14:00]  Satu Moreau: Heya, Jimmy!
[2013/10/20 14:00]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Hoy, Jimmy! Hello, Myrtil!
[2013/10/20 14:00]  Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Satu an'[ awl!
[2013/10/20 14:00]  Myrtil Igaly: 'ello Miss Book!
[2013/10/20 14:00]  Pippy (pippyfox): Hello Jimmy, Myrtil!
[2013/10/20 14:00]  Jimmy Branagh: /me bows to the Baron
[2013/10/20 14:00]  Myrtil Igaly: Hey Pippy!
[2013/10/20 14:00]  Jimmy Branagh: Hallo Herr Baron
[2013/10/20 14:00]  AetherSalon: Beg pardon, Master.  Welcome to the Salonistas.
[2013/10/20 14:00]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): Miss Hienrichs, i heard that aside these moderate comfortable seats, there are pillows too?
[2013/10/20 14:00]  Amandyne Eberhardt: Hello All
[2013/10/20 14:01]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Yes, I believe I have one...
[2013/10/20 14:01]  Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Book, Miss Pippy, Miss Amandyne, Mr. Vic
[2013/10/20 14:01]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): I'd love to try one, please.
[2013/10/20 14:01]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): hoy Jimmy
[2013/10/20 14:01]  Myrtil Igaly: Impressive coffee machine!
[2013/10/20 14:01]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Ach. My copy is no transfer. My apologies.
[2013/10/20 14:02]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Danke, Fraulein. One moment, I'll get one.
[2013/10/20 14:02]  Mikha Efraimsdottir LÃ¥ngstrump (michaela.fargis): hello
[2013/10/20 14:02]  Myrtil Igaly: oh no it's chocolate!
[2013/10/20 14:02]  Myrtil Igaly: even better
[2013/10/20 14:02]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Welcome!
[2013/10/20 14:02]  Jimmy Branagh: hehe
[2013/10/20 14:02]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): wow... outside of this place looks dwafred with the new hotel across the road rofl
[2013/10/20 14:02]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Gee, I can't imagine who would do that to us...
[2013/10/20 14:02]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): I wonder why.
[2013/10/20 14:02]  Satu Moreau: I look in my files on my computer and see a folder of textures labeled tree nom cottage and realize I have a really odd way of labeling things.
[2013/10/20 14:02]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): :D
[2013/10/20 14:03]  Satu Moreau: Though it is descriptive...
[2013/10/20 14:03]  Satu Moreau: It was a tree that swallowed up a cottage
[2013/10/20 14:03]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Welcome, Admiral Beaumont, Ms. Riel!
[2013/10/20 14:03]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me chuckles.
[2013/10/20 14:03]  Jimmy Branagh: Tree eats cottage?
[2013/10/20 14:03]  Wildstar Beaumont: greetings ! :)
[2013/10/20 14:03]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): Hello Pippy, nice seeing you again ^w^
[2013/10/20 14:03]  Satu Moreau: Nom nom nom *Smack*Om, Nom.
[2013/10/20 14:04]  Myrtil Igaly: mustabeen a very big tree
[2013/10/20 14:04]  Myrtil Igaly: hey again Stormy!
[2013/10/20 14:04]  Pippy (pippyfox): Hello Miss Hysshia
[2013/10/20 14:04]  Stormy Stillwater: Hellooo.......
[2013/10/20 14:04]  Satu Moreau: I'm a one trick pony apparently. That was the last Dreams contest build I did and my current one is a tree nomming a swamped galleon.
[2013/10/20 14:04]  Satu Moreau: Harro, Stormy!
[2013/10/20 14:04]  Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Jed!
[2013/10/20 14:04]  Stormy Stillwater: heller!
[2013/10/20 14:04]  Myrtil Igaly: means you must build what you dream of?
[2013/10/20 14:05]  Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Stormy
[2013/10/20 14:05]  Jedburgh Dagger (jedburgh30.dagger): Hey Jimmy
[2013/10/20 14:05]  Pippy (pippyfox): Scald dreams of Trees
[2013/10/20 14:05]  Bookworm Hienrichs: We'll wait a few more minutes for stragglers.
[2013/10/20 14:05]  Myrtil Igaly: nomming stuff
[2013/10/20 14:05]  Satu Moreau: This was the nommed cottage
[2013/10/20 14:05]  Stormy Stillwater: hey.. Trees noming stuff is cool
[2013/10/20 14:05]  Satu Moreau: XD And the half finished nommed galleon
[2013/10/20 14:06]  Stormy Stillwater: and you do organic better than anyone I know :P
[2013/10/20 14:06]  Myrtil Igaly: oh yeah it's a dangerous looking tree
[2013/10/20 14:06]  Satu Moreau: Aww, thanks
[2013/10/20 14:07]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): hm, the pillows seem to sink into the floor, unstable reallity fields around here?
[2013/10/20 14:07]  Myrtil Igaly: that galleon looks good
[2013/10/20 14:07]  Myrtil Igaly: yes chairs also sink into the floor
[2013/10/20 14:08]  Pippy (pippyfox): ((You can fix that for this one event by editing shape and going to hover under the Body tab.))
[2013/10/20 14:08]  Myrtil Igaly: but since they're higher we're still safe!
[2013/10/20 14:08]  Pippy (pippyfox): ((You just fix it after the event back to 50))
[2013/10/20 14:08]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): i think ill use a chair then ^w^
[2013/10/20 14:08]  Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Nika!
[2013/10/20 14:08]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Welcome, Miss Solano!
[2013/10/20 14:09]  Bookworm Hienrichs: And hello, Miss Nika!
[2013/10/20 14:09]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me waves to Mister Jimmy and Miss Hienrichs.
[2013/10/20 14:10]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Oh, dear.
[2013/10/20 14:10]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me looks at the empty space where her co-host used to be...
[2013/10/20 14:11]  Pippy (pippyfox): Hello everyone
[2013/10/20 14:11]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me waves to Mister Vic and offers Thumper a carrot.
[2013/10/20 14:11]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): :D
[2013/10/20 14:11]  violet Solano: ah finaly rezzing good day all
[2013/10/20 14:12]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me crosses her fingers, hoping he'll be able to get back in...
[2013/10/20 14:12]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Ahh! Welcome back, Baron..
[2013/10/20 14:12]  Satu Moreau: Wb wb
[2013/10/20 14:12]  Bookworm Hienrichs: And welcome back, Clockwinder!
[2013/10/20 14:12]  Mosseveno Tenk: carry on
[2013/10/20 14:13]  Jimmy Branagh: /me waves and wb's
[2013/10/20 14:13]  Bookworm Hienrichs: I'll get started now, while you're actually still here.
[2013/10/20 14:13]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me grins wryly.
[2013/10/20 14:13]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): /me smells a heady , but nice perfume, turns hir head to follow the scent, & spots miss Solano, ... Hello again ^w^ !
[2013/10/20 14:13]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Welcome to this month's Aether Salon! Today, we celebrate an amazing five years of Salon existence!
[2013/10/20 14:13]  Jimmy Branagh: /me applauds!
[2013/10/20 14:13]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /me applauds
[2013/10/20 14:13]  Pippy (pippyfox): YAY!
[2013/10/20 14:13]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): /me applauds softly
[2013/10/20 14:14]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me claps happi;y.
[2013/10/20 14:14]  Wildstar Beaumont: congratulations !
[2013/10/20 14:14]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Before we proceed, some housekeeping reminders:
[2013/10/20 14:14]  Jedburgh Dagger (jedburgh30.dagger): yay
[2013/10/20 14:14]  Bookworm Hienrichs: 1) To ensure hearability, stand or sit on the patterned carpet area.
[2013/10/20 14:14]  Bookworm Hienrichs: 2) If you do not have a wearable chair and wish one, please contact myself or the Baron.
[2013/10/20 14:14]  Bookworm Hienrichs: 3) Please remove all lag-feeding whatevers and whats-its you might be wearing.
[2013/10/20 14:14]  Bookworm Hienrichs: (I believe those are the technical terms.)
[2013/10/20 14:15]  Bookworm Hienrichs: 4) Refreshments are available in the back. Help yourselves!
[2013/10/20 14:15]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me smiles.
[2013/10/20 14:15]  Pippy (pippyfox): /me removes the confettiers
[2013/10/20 14:15]  Bookworm Hienrichs: 5) We have no specific speaker, so no speaker tip jar today. However, any tips to help support the establishment will be welcome - just click on one of the support signs!
[2013/10/20 14:15]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Or the floating fellow up there.
[2013/10/20 14:15]  Bookworm Hienrichs: 6) If you're not a member of the AEther Salon group, there are signs that will let you sign up. You'll be most heartily welcome!
[2013/10/20 14:16]  Bookworm Hienrichs: 7) Edited and unedited transcripts of these proceedings will be posted at
[2013/10/20 14:16]  Bookworm Hienrichs: With that out of the way...
[2013/10/20 14:16]  Bookworm Hienrichs: The very first Salon was held October 12th five years ago ((2008)), in which Jedburgh Dagger, Beq Janus, and Django Yifu discussed the subject of curses.
[2013/10/20 14:16]  Bookworm Hienrichs: A very relevant topic at the time, as it was not long after the infamous Monster Hand incident, and concurrent with Miss Janus finding a strange amulet at the bottom of the sea.
[2013/10/20 14:16]  Bookworm Hienrichs: In the time since then, we've covered a wide variety of topics, including weapons, submersibles, villains, heroines, photography, libraries, tinies, vampires, science, and even whimsy.
[2013/10/20 14:17]  Bookworm Hienrichs: (Transcripts of all Salons, by the way, are available at
[2013/10/20 14:17]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Two years ago, custody of the Salon passed from its founders--Viv Trafalger, Serafina Puchkina, Jedburgh Dagger, and Jasper Kiergarten--to Baron Klaus Wulfenbach... and, I suppose, myself.
[2013/10/20 14:17]  Myrtil Igaly: Hey Zaida!
[2013/10/20 14:17]  Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Zaida!
[2013/10/20 14:17]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /me grins
[2013/10/20 14:17]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me grins back.
[2013/10/20 14:17]  Bookworm Hienrichs: I hope we have continued the Salons in the tradition laid down of:
[2013/10/20 14:17]  Bookworm Hienrichs: "Education, entertainment, tea, and the occasional blowing-up of things, contemplation of Steampunkery, and the wearing of hats."
[2013/10/20 14:18]  Teapot Mk 2: Have some tea.
[2013/10/20 14:18]  Bookworm Hienrichs: And now, our esteemed AEther Salon host, Baron Klaus Wulfenbach!
[2013/10/20 14:18]  Gabrielle Riel: /me gasps, realizing she is without hat
[2013/10/20 14:18]  Jimmy Branagh: /me applauds
[2013/10/20 14:18]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me smiles and claps.
[2013/10/20 14:19]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): /me applauds softly
[2013/10/20 14:19]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /me bows
[2013/10/20 14:20]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): I was greatly honoured to be considered for taking over the Salon. The old building was destroyed in an explosion, and I commissioned this splendid edifice from Herr BlackBerry Harvey, after an adjudicated contest.
[2013/10/20 14:21]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): I have started a sub-tradition of taking the Anniversary salon, every October, to open it up to the Salonistas themselves, to see what subjects you may want to entertain, and to take volunteers for those wishing to present themselves.
[2013/10/20 14:21]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): We already have the Princess of Winterfell presenting Flirting! in February, for example.
[2013/10/20 14:22]  Gabrielle Riel: /me laughs
[2013/10/20 14:22]  zaida Gearbox: flirting?
[2013/10/20 14:22]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Let us hear from you. This is your Salon.
[2013/10/20 14:22]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): oh my...
[2013/10/20 14:22]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Indeed.
[2013/10/20 14:22]  Gabrielle Riel: Can I do "Seduction" in February 2015? ;-)
[2013/10/20 14:22]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me giggles.
[2013/10/20 14:22]  zaida Gearbox: you got to bat your eyes like dis *bats eyes in a silly manner* an' pucker up your lips like dis *puckers very exaggeratedly*
[2013/10/20 14:22]  Jimmy Branagh: Will these be workshops in technique?
[2013/10/20 14:22]  Wildstar Beaumont: the princess talking about "flirting" ?!!!
[2013/10/20 14:22]  Wildstar Beaumont: /me shakes his head
[2013/10/20 14:23]  Jedburgh Dagger (jedburgh30.dagger): Wonders what the craft will be
[2013/10/20 14:23]  Gabrielle Riel: /me gives Jimmy a "look" - no indeed young Mr. Jimmy
[2013/10/20 14:23]  Jimmy Branagh: /me chuckles
[2013/10/20 14:23]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me cannot imagine Mister Jimmy puckering up his lips like Miss Zaida.
[2013/10/20 14:23]  Jimmy Branagh: Oy dunno ifn Oy don't ask!
[2013/10/20 14:23]  zaida Gearbox: who you gonna flirt wid? myrtil?
[2013/10/20 14:23]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): If you'll promise, Duchess.
[2013/10/20 14:23]  Myrtil Igaly: /me pokes her tongue out at Zaida
[2013/10/20 14:23]  zaida Gearbox: /me grins at myrtil
[2013/10/20 14:24]  Gabrielle Riel: Sure! If I am still here then. I likely will be in some form or fashion.
[2013/10/20 14:24]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me is imagining the entire hour now being spent on speculations on those topics...
[2013/10/20 14:24]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me pinches her nose, even as she laughs quietly.
[2013/10/20 14:24]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /me will write it down.
[2013/10/20 14:24]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Now, surely there are other topics.
[2013/10/20 14:25]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): /me checks hir agenda, & is unsure if ill make that Salon.
[2013/10/20 14:25]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Herr Clockwinder, you did a brilliant presentation on the sewers. What else might you have to share?
[2013/10/20 14:25]  Myrtil Igaly: Is there a list somewhere of past salons' topics?
[2013/10/20 14:25]  violet Solano: i'd like to see Infernal devices they're construction and application
[2013/10/20 14:25]  zaida Gearbox: he could teach us about clocks
[2013/10/20 14:25]  Bookworm Hienrichs: The right sidebar at
[2013/10/20 14:25]  Myrtil Igaly: ok thank you!
[2013/10/20 14:25]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Lists every topic that's been done so far.
[2013/10/20 14:26]  Jedburgh Dagger (jedburgh30.dagger): Lots of stuff
[2013/10/20 14:26]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): I should like to have some of our local writers present something about their work, for instance.
[2013/10/20 14:26]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me nods.
[2013/10/20 14:26]  Bookworm Hienrichs: I, for one, am very surprised we've not yet had one on crime and criminal justice.
[2013/10/20 14:27]  Myrtil Igaly: Would someone present something about airships?
[2013/10/20 14:27]  Robotnika Resident: ::raises hand::
[2013/10/20 14:27]  Myrtil Igaly: flying machines?
[2013/10/20 14:27]  zaida Gearbox: /me waves to miz moe moe
[2013/10/20 14:27]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Herr Victor's done one for us in Voice, but it's Herr Victor.
[2013/10/20 14:27]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /me grins
[2013/10/20 14:27]  Myrtil Igaly: ooh
[2013/10/20 14:27]  Wildstar Beaumont: /me wonders where is Mr. Biggins
[2013/10/20 14:27]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me waits her turn.
[2013/10/20 14:27]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Is there anyone who would care to do a presentation on flying machines?
[2013/10/20 14:27]  Jimmy Branagh: ((gah, brb))
[2013/10/20 14:27]  Jedburgh Dagger (jedburgh30.dagger): Biggins is a myth
[2013/10/20 14:28]  Satu Moreau: /me is terribly unmechanically inclined, it's a wonder he ever got into steampunkery
[2013/10/20 14:28]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): You do not have to be a current expert - that might be part of the process, in fact. Your research will be enlightening by itself.
[2013/10/20 14:28]  Wildstar Beaumont: LOL @ Miss Jed
[2013/10/20 14:28]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Herr Satu, what about telling us how you make your creations?
[2013/10/20 14:29]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): hmm, to give a lecture,.. i haven't done that in ages,.. i wonder if i would dare to impose,, i am afraid i am simply too busy, my excuses...
[2013/10/20 14:29]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Every creator is different, and the process is fascinating.
[2013/10/20 14:29]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me listens to crickets chirping...
[2013/10/20 14:29]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me asks "Would any like to know of clockworks here and in other lands ... or if I was late in the year for my talk ... I could speak of my travels?"
[2013/10/20 14:30]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): rofl book
[2013/10/20 14:30]  Bookworm Hienrichs: That would be wonderful, Miss Nika!
[2013/10/20 14:30]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Fraulein Nika, I should like both.
[2013/10/20 14:30]  Jedburgh Dagger (jedburgh30.dagger): Do you want a talk on the history of law enforcement?
[2013/10/20 14:30]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Bitte, Frau Dagger.
[2013/10/20 14:30]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Yes, please!
[2013/10/20 14:30]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): For the travels, may I be last on the schedule, please?
[2013/10/20 14:31]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Certainly, Nika.
[2013/10/20 14:31]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me curtsies and bows her head low.
[2013/10/20 14:31]  Bookworm Hienrichs: I do want to say something at this juncture...
[2013/10/20 14:32]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me listens closely.
[2013/10/20 14:32]  Bookworm Hienrichs: I know that at least a few people have expressed reservations about some of the topics we've had over the past couple of years. That they're... shall we say, not in the tradition of most of the earlier Salons.
[2013/10/20 14:32]  Satu Moreau: A talk on mesh creation for use in SL? I suppose I could manage, though I don't use the most commonly used program
[2013/10/20 14:32]  Mosseveno Tenk: /me coughs
[2013/10/20 14:32]  Jimmy Branagh: ((kback-reviewing))
[2013/10/20 14:32]  Bookworm Hienrichs: In other words, not particularly applicable to Victorian/Steampunk times.
[2013/10/20 14:32]  Jedburgh Dagger (jedburgh30.dagger): /me coughs
[2013/10/20 14:32]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /me eyebrows at Herr Clockwinder in amusement
[2013/10/20 14:32]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Or our work here in New Babbage/other Steamlands.
[2013/10/20 14:33]  Bookworm Hienrichs: It's not that there's a lack of topics in that area. I can think of plenty.
[2013/10/20 14:33]  Satu Moreau: Though I think Vic has done a better job of mesh talk before
[2013/10/20 14:33]  Satu Moreau: XD And a lot briefer
[2013/10/20 14:33]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Besides crime, there's Medicine. Architecture. Mining and manufacturing. Food production and distribution. Transportation. Weddings and/or funerals. Servants. Education. The art of the social call. Shopping.
[2013/10/20 14:33]  Max Islay: /me eyes all the potential pockets to pick
[2013/10/20 14:33]  Bookworm Hienrichs: The problem is finding people who are willing to take on these types of topics.
[2013/10/20 14:33]  Pippy (pippyfox): I went to a salon about dinner where and hows
[2013/10/20 14:34]  Mosseveno Tenk: /me mutters something about the 19th century invention of christmas
[2013/10/20 14:34]  Pippy (pippyfox): Victorians were crazy
[2013/10/20 14:34]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): The last one i attended, was, i think, about steampunk literature,..quite a while ago..
[2013/10/20 14:34]  Pippy (pippyfox): ^^
[2013/10/20 14:34]  Gabrielle Riel: Steam Santa and Boiler Elf going to do that one?
[2013/10/20 14:34]  Jimmy Branagh: /me thinks
[2013/10/20 14:34]  Jimmy Branagh: /me thinks and thinks and thinks
[2013/10/20 14:34]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /me thinks Steam Santa should volunteer.
[2013/10/20 14:34]  Mosseveno Tenk: bugger
[2013/10/20 14:35]  Gabrielle Riel: /me smiles
[2013/10/20 14:35]  Bookworm Hienrichs: In broadening our focus, it has enabled us to recruit more speakers--and more attendees.
[2013/10/20 14:35]  Mosseveno Tenk: did i just get volunteered for decmber?
[2013/10/20 14:35]  Bookworm Hienrichs: I think you did.
[2013/10/20 14:35]  Max Islay: ((why does steam santa make me think of santa on futurama? lol))
[2013/10/20 14:35]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): You might have done, sir.
[2013/10/20 14:35]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): looks like it Mr Tenk lmao
[2013/10/20 14:35]  Mosseveno Tenk: viv never knew where to point that gun...
[2013/10/20 14:36]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Personally, I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to try to, at least sometimes, appeal to those outside the Steamlands.
[2013/10/20 14:36]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Who knows? We might suck a few of them in.
[2013/10/20 14:36]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me grins.
[2013/10/20 14:36]  Vernden Jervil: there are people outside the steamlands?
[2013/10/20 14:36]  Jedburgh Dagger (jedburgh30.dagger): or not.
[2013/10/20 14:36]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): indeed ^w^, i am one of those visitors.
[2013/10/20 14:36]  Satu Moreau: I may know someone who can give a talk on butchers of the time.
[2013/10/20 14:36]  Satu Moreau: I'd have to talk to him first though
[2013/10/20 14:36]  Gabrielle Riel: /me chuckles
[2013/10/20 14:36]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Or not. But at least we can try.
[2013/10/20 14:36]  Satu Moreau: He's a traditional butcher IRL
[2013/10/20 14:37]  Bookworm Hienrichs: That would be interesting, Satu!
[2013/10/20 14:37]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me nods and smiles wonders if someone might speak on Victorian chocolates ...
[2013/10/20 14:37]  zaida Gearbox: /me knows someone IRL who could talk at length on architecture
[2013/10/20 14:37]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Herr Satu, that would be brilliant.
[2013/10/20 14:37]  Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin): What about a talk about victorian medicine?
[2013/10/20 14:38]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me nods. "That's one of the topics I listed, and one I'd definitely like to hear about."
[2013/10/20 14:38]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me nods at Miss Sid, forcing a cough.
[2013/10/20 14:38]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Who would be willing to do that one?
[2013/10/20 14:38]  Jedburgh Dagger (jedburgh30.dagger): Worse comes to worse
[2013/10/20 14:38]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Or was that a volunteering question?
[2013/10/20 14:38]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me chuckles.
[2013/10/20 14:38]  Kghia Gherardi: Has there been a talk on meals and food preparation of the era?
[2013/10/20 14:38]  Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin): (ah, pardon, I was afk and hadn't caught up, Miss Book)
[2013/10/20 14:38]  Jimmy Branagh: Just pick someone Miss Book :)
[2013/10/20 14:38]  Vernden Jervil: Ceejay did that last year as i recall
[2013/10/20 14:38]  Teapot Mk 2: Have some tea.
[2013/10/20 14:39]  zaida Gearbox: /me waves to miz sidonie
[2013/10/20 14:39]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Two years ago, actually.
[2013/10/20 14:39]  Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin): No, I can't volunteer. The typist is at work off the grid during the salons.
[2013/10/20 14:39]  Vernden Jervil: it was that long ago wasn't it?
[2013/10/20 14:39]  Kghia Gherardi: thank you - her book group inspired the suggestion
[2013/10/20 14:39]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Though there's likely more that can be covered on that topic.
[2013/10/20 14:40]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Of course there is.
[2013/10/20 14:40]  Bookworm Hienrichs: She talked about recipes, pasteurization, equipment...
[2013/10/20 14:40]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Not so much of the actual formal dining experience.
[2013/10/20 14:40]  Bookworm Hienrichs: So that's something that could be done.
[2013/10/20 14:41]  Ceejay Writer: I really enjoyed researching that salon. I encourage others of similar sorts.
[2013/10/20 14:41]  Jimmy Branagh: SInce I'm building a medical establishment of sorts, I will take on that subject. Late in the year, please
[2013/10/20 14:41]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Ahh, hello, Ceejay!
[2013/10/20 14:41]  Ceejay Writer: *grins*
[2013/10/20 14:41]  Myrtil Igaly: Yay!
[2013/10/20 14:41]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me waves to Miss Ceejay.
[2013/10/20 14:41]  Ceejay Writer: *waves and grins*
[2013/10/20 14:41]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Speak of the.... well...
[2013/10/20 14:41]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me coughs.
[2013/10/20 14:41]  Ceejay Writer: Yes, yes I am.
[2013/10/20 14:41]  Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Ceejay!
[2013/10/20 14:41]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Thank you, Jimmy!
[2013/10/20 14:41]  Jedburgh Dagger (jedburgh30.dagger): Someone summoned a Ceejay
[2013/10/20 14:41]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): April, Herr Jimmy?
[2013/10/20 14:41]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): :D
[2013/10/20 14:42]  Jimmy Branagh: Later :)
[2013/10/20 14:42]  Ceejay Writer: I had a few minutes before my event and was happy I could pop in here a bit!
[2013/10/20 14:42]  Jimmy Branagh: hehe
[2013/10/20 14:42]  Jimmy Branagh: Naw, April is fine sir.
[2013/10/20 14:42]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Good to see you, Fraulein Ceejay.
[2013/10/20 14:42]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Hmm... how many does that make so far?
[2013/10/20 14:42]  Jimmy Branagh: I should have the props by then
[2013/10/20 14:42]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): We need someone for November.
[2013/10/20 14:43]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): Soldiers would be a good topic, I think?
[2013/10/20 14:43]  Ceejay Writer: /me nods
[2013/10/20 14:43]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): /me swallows a sip of tea too quickly, coughs, & hopes to be excused (brb)
[2013/10/20 14:43]  Pippy (pippyfox): Herr Baron?
[2013/10/20 14:43]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me thinks there must be a soldier or two in the Steamlands.
[2013/10/20 14:44]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Hello, Sera!
[2013/10/20 14:44]  Jedburgh Dagger (jedburgh30.dagger): I already got volunteered
[2013/10/20 14:44]  Ceejay Writer: I know of a clockwork soldier.
[2013/10/20 14:44]  Pippy (pippyfox): Headmaster Perryn Peterson of Mieville often performs Salons on his own and has several prepared, including the Victorian Manners for performing dining
[2013/10/20 14:44]  Sera (serafina.puchkina): /me waves to Book
[2013/10/20 14:44]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /me nods
[2013/10/20 14:45]  Pippy (pippyfox): Dining room manners etc*
[2013/10/20 14:45]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me nods "My ghost would revolt if I voln'teerd again."
[2013/10/20 14:45]  Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Sera!
[2013/10/20 14:45]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): I have noticed the Salon over there, but I have not had a chance to attend. A good idea.
[2013/10/20 14:45]  Sera (serafina.puchkina): hoy Jimmy
[2013/10/20 14:46]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): We need a brave intellectual soul who can jump in next month.
[2013/10/20 14:46]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /me grins
[2013/10/20 14:46]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Well...
[2013/10/20 14:46]  Ceejay Writer: Am NaNoWroMoing, cannot.
[2013/10/20 14:47]  Bookworm Hienrichs: If no one else is brave, I suppose I can rope in my alt, Lisa, to talk about servants.
[2013/10/20 14:47]  Vernden Jervil: Ceejay made a new word.
[2013/10/20 14:47]  Ceejay Writer: *beams*
[2013/10/20 14:47]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me smiles at Miss Ceejay.
[2013/10/20 14:47]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): /me coughs again, & dabs hir muzzle with a paw, ( Back ^w^)
[2013/10/20 14:47]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): :D
[2013/10/20 14:47]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Poor girl.
[2013/10/20 14:47]  Ceejay Writer: Upstairs, Downstairs, Book?
[2013/10/20 14:47]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Was, Fraulein??
[2013/10/20 14:47]  Pippy (pippyfox): Anyways, I have to go soon
[2013/10/20 14:47]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Yes, something like that.
[2013/10/20 14:47]  Pippy (pippyfox): Thanks everyone for a good time
[2013/10/20 14:48]  Jimmy Branagh: Bye Miss Pippy
[2013/10/20 14:48]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Danke, your presence was appreciated.
[2013/10/20 14:48]  Bookworm Hienrichs: And do it without having seen more than a few minutes of 'Downton Abbey.'
[2013/10/20 14:48]  Myrtil Igaly: Good bye Miss Pippy!
[2013/10/20 14:48]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me grins.
[2013/10/20 14:48]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me waves to the good Miss Fox.
[2013/10/20 14:48]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): goodbye Pippy, untill we meet again ^w^
[2013/10/20 14:49]  Myrtil Igaly: Yes a talk on servants is a good idea and Lisa is the best to speak about it!
[2013/10/20 14:49]  Myrtil Igaly: She knows it all by now
[2013/10/20 14:49]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Excellent idea, Fraulein Bookworm.
[2013/10/20 14:50]  Myrtil Igaly: Is that all of next year's months covered?
[2013/10/20 14:50]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me sends her typist a mental note to find her book on the Victorian home and glean its bibliography.
[2013/10/20 14:51]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): I believe it is, and with a little overflow.
[2013/10/20 14:51]  Sera (serafina.puchkina): Book, Edwardian Country Manor might provide some material for you
[2013/10/20 14:51]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /me applauds
[2013/10/20 14:51]  Ceejay Writer: I must slip away - I look forward to the coming salons!
[2013/10/20 14:51]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Ahh, thank you, Miss Sera!
[2013/10/20 14:51]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Danke, Fraulein Ceejay!
[2013/10/20 14:51]  Jimmy Branagh: /me waves
[2013/10/20 14:51]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me curtsies to Miss Ceejay.
[2013/10/20 14:51]  Ceejay Writer: *boings off to the Blake sea*
[2013/10/20 14:52]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me looks forward to Miss Book's talk.
[2013/10/20 14:52]  Vernden Jervil: that time for me as well "looks for his ship*
[2013/10/20 14:52]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Hah, how to identify privateers.
[2013/10/20 14:52]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /me grins
[2013/10/20 14:52]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Watch them all scurry off.
[2013/10/20 14:52]  Bookworm Hienrichs: (Miss Ceejay is leading a book discussion--if you want to go, it's at
[2013/10/20 14:52]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me chuckles.
[2013/10/20 14:52]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): We are nearly done, and the discussion looks to be very entertaining.
[2013/10/20 14:53]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): I would encourage your attendance.
[2013/10/20 14:53]  zaida Gearbox: what book are dey discussing?
[2013/10/20 14:53]  Momoe (momoe.mollari): :D
[2013/10/20 14:53]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Something about cooking.
[2013/10/20 14:53]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): And pirates.
[2013/10/20 14:53]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Together.
[2013/10/20 14:53]  Bookworm Hienrichs: ("Cinnamon and Gunpowder" by Eli Brown)
[2013/10/20 14:53]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me nods.
[2013/10/20 14:53]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): Oh, long pig, & its recipies?
[2013/10/20 14:54]  Jedburgh Dagger (jedburgh30.dagger): That is over at the Donner's
[2013/10/20 14:54]  Amandyne Eberhardt: I hear that they throw excellent parties
[2013/10/20 14:54]  Jimmy Branagh: Get there early. There's never leftovers
[2013/10/20 14:55]  Amandyne Eberhardt: /me laughs
[2013/10/20 14:55]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Heh.
[2013/10/20 14:55]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Hey, Max--want to do a Salon on pickpocketing?
[2013/10/20 14:55]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Bitte, one last encouragement for you to donate to help with the upkeep of this property.
[2013/10/20 14:55]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me grins.
[2013/10/20 14:55]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
[2013/10/20 14:55]  Max Islay: Hey there's an idea
[2013/10/20 14:55]  Max Islay: lol
[2013/10/20 14:56]  Kghia Gherardi: /me looks forward to the discussions in the year ahead. Thank you.
[2013/10/20 14:56]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Thank you, Salonistas!
[2013/10/20 14:56]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /me applauds
[2013/10/20 14:56]  Momoe (momoe.mollari): /me claps enthusiastically!
[2013/10/20 14:56]  Jimmy Branagh: Yay!
[2013/10/20 14:56]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me smiles at everyone.
[2013/10/20 14:56]  Jimmy Branagh: /me applauds
[2013/10/20 14:56]  Myrtil Igaly: /me applauds
[2013/10/20 14:56]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): yay!
[2013/10/20 14:56]  Max Islay: *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*Yayyyyyyy!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*
[2013/10/20 14:56]  Max Islay: lol
[2013/10/20 14:56]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): /me applauds too.
[2013/10/20 14:56]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me claps happily.
[2013/10/20 14:56]  Satu Moreau: YAY!
[2013/10/20 14:57]  Max Islay: Victor!
[2013/10/20 14:57]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Hurry off now and listen to pirates.
[2013/10/20 14:57]  Momoe (momoe.mollari): And happy anniversary To Salon
[2013/10/20 14:57]  Amandyne Eberhardt: Have a wonderful afternoon, all
[2013/10/20 14:57]  Amandyne Eberhardt: /me sneaks off
[2013/10/20 14:57]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Good day, everyone!
[2013/10/20 14:57]  Jimmy Branagh: Thank you Herr Baron, and Miss Book!
[2013/10/20 14:57]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): Long Live The Salon!
[2013/10/20 14:57]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): This is all due to you.
[2013/10/20 14:57]  Jimmy Branagh: Noight awl!
[2013/10/20 14:57]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me nods.
[2013/10/20 14:58]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): sadly, i have urgent matters to attend at our own embassy, the Landlord is complaining about our door portals being too glowwy.
[2013/10/20 14:58]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Heh.
[2013/10/20 14:58]  Nika Thought-werk (robotnika): /me curtsies to all and heads back to prepare a letter.
[2013/10/20 14:58]  Sera (serafina.puchkina): Good eve, everyone. Sorry rl forced me to arrive late
[2013/10/20 14:58]  Satu Moreau: /me twitches at mesh work
[2013/10/20 14:58]  Satu Moreau: I think my brain is about to explode
[2013/10/20 14:58]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Fraulein, always good to see you.
[2013/10/20 14:58]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): So, i hereby take my leave, Good bye ^w^ !
[2013/10/20 14:58]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Herr Satu, please don't explode, it leaves stains.
[2013/10/20 14:58]  Satu Moreau: D:
[2013/10/20 14:59]  Hysshia a'Suolla an Isala Ph.D. (hysshia): /me waves & poofs
[2013/10/20 14:59]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me chuckles.
[2013/10/20 14:59]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): sweet, i didnt get "volunteered" to do a salon :D
[2013/10/20 15:00]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me chuckles.
[2013/10/20 15:00]  Bookworm Hienrichs: There's always next year...
[2013/10/20 15:00]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /me grins
[2013/10/20 15:00]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): :o
[2013/10/20 15:00]  Satu Moreau: /me eeps.
[2013/10/20 15:00]  Wildstar Beaumont: watch your back, Vic
[2013/10/20 15:00]  Mosseveno Tenk: you'll be the emergency fill in
[2013/10/20 15:00]  Satu Moreau: XD
[2013/10/20 15:00]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): o.O

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