The April salon must be postponed. Please join us next month.
The 19th century was a time of rapid progress in many fields of technology, one of which was the art and science of naval architecture and combat. The fleet that won the battle of Trafalgar in 1805 had been eclipsed by steam power in 30 years, and the wooden walls of the major navies were sounded a death knell by a new breed of ship in Hampton Roads. By the end of the century, the ships of the world's navies for the most part look very much like their descendants who serve the world's modern navies.
Join us at the Aether Salon as we delve into this chapter of naval history with Commodore Hotspur O'Toole. "From Ironclads to Dreadnoughts, Part 1" is our first non-singly named salon, and it should be a topic worthy of all that title space.
So join us in Babbage Palisades/Academy of Industry On Sunday April 18 at 2 PM SLT for the fireworks!
Jed, Sera and Viv
Your Aether Salon staff
Girl Genius for Monday, January 20, 2025
23 hours ago