Serafina Puchkina: As people are getting their chairs, I clear my throat and begin: A gracious welcome to you. We are thrilled, pleased, and giddy with glee to welcome you to today’s Aether Salon, entitled Heroines! Thank you all for joining us today. Bear with us today, for we have a bit of a problem: Miss Viv refuses to return to reality and won't be with us today.
As many of you know, the Aether Salon meets to discuss steam and Victorian topics on the third Sunday of each month, in Palisades and Academy, New Babbage. Today marks our second year of salon. When Miss Viv and I sat in her drawing room over two years ago to discuss our dreams and plans for a salon, neither of us knew how the idea would work or if we’d be run out of town on a rail. Thank you all.
Those folks wearing sashes are past speakers of salon whom we are recognizing today. Please give them a round of applause.
A few matters of housekeeping before we get started. If you are standing in the back, please move forward onto the maze so that you can be assured of hearing the speaker. Please hold your questions until the end, and as a courtesy to all, please turn off everything that creates lag: all HUDs, scripts, AOs and so on. Please no weapons, rogue scripts, unmetered poetry, or incendiary devices. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Edited and unedited transcripts will be posted this week on so you can revisit today’s merriment, read transcripts of past salons, and for a laugh, peruse “overheard at the salon.” Please join the Aether Salon group and receive notifications of future salon events, click the lower right hand corner of the large brown sign by the entrance. We sincerely appreciate the support we receive from everyone in the community. As a reminder, all speakers' fund jar donations go directly to the speaker.
Next month’s salon is Aestheticism! with Miss Rowan Derryth on Sunday, November 21. We promise to have Miss Viv back by then. Miss Jed will introduce today’s speaker. Miss Jed?
Jedburgh30 Dagger: Thank you Serafina. Thank you all for coming today. I want to take a moment to thank the other staffers for the Salon for their dedication and efforts to make all of this come together. Not to mention all of you who have faithfully supported and attended the Salon since its inception.
Let me tell you a little something about our speaker. Bookworm Hienrichs once described herself as the least Steampunk-ish person living in New Babbage. She came to town about the same time I did, around two years ago, and has become an active member of the community.
She has described herself as a straight-laced Victorian woman, who isn’t a builder or an engineer. Book has also said she is an ordinary human, with no special talents or powers, yet finds herself comfortable around fae folk or people from unknown lands.
Miss Hienrichs enjoys photography and has captured many memorable images from the Salon and from the monthly Piermont Landing balls.
For all her time in town, she has always claimed that ‘nothing exciting ever happens to her’, that all the goings-on in the city seem to move around her. She has had the occasion to live that statement down, as she has found herself involved in many other events in the city, from joining the Militia to facing down certain doom and disaster in the streets.
Bookworm Hienrichs: I must admit, when I was asked to speak at this Salon on the subject of Heroines, I was quite hesitant. After all, what do I really know about the subject? But then, as I began investigating the topic, I grew more and more interested in it. And I think--at least, I hope--I may be able to share some insights with you.
It may seem as if there are few heroines, past, literary, or contemporary, for Victorian women to emulate--especially when compared with the number of heroes to find. However, if one is willing to look beyond the standard stereotype of heroism, one can find many heroines, with lessons to teach us.
This discussion cannot, of course, cover them all, so I will just mention a few highlights--those of the past, and those here in our midst. Our first stop is in the Bible, when Joshua and the Hebrews were just starting to conquer the land of Canaan. Joshua sent two spies to the city of Jericho, where they stayed at the house of Rahab, an innkeeper...or *cough* prostitute, depending on the translation.
Bookworm Hienrichs blushes a little, and quickly moves on.
The king of Jericho found out about them, and sent soldiers to her house. But she hid the spies on her roof, under stalks of flax, and told the soldiers that yes, the men had been there, but had left just before the time the city gate would close. After the soldiers left, she let the two men out the window by a rope, as her house was actually part of the city wall. So what lessons can a heroine learn from Rahab? Well, first, know where the good hiding places are.
Now, that may not *sound* very heroic, but it is actually very useful--not just for hiding oneself when one is in danger, but to hide oneself when one is following or watching someone else, or to hide others if they're in trouble. Getting to know the less-traveled passageways, the unused rooms, the convenient piles of crates or junk--all this will be helpful to any heroine here in New Babbage. The urchins, of course, are past masters at this.
The second lesson is to know how to lie well. But sometimes, for the greater good, lying is necessary, and when that time comes, the lie had best be believable. That may sound strange--especially coming from me. But sometimes, for the greater good, lying is necessary, and when that time comes, the lie had best be believable. Rahab didn't try to insist that the two spies hadn't been there--she knew that would never be believed. Instead, she said that they'd headed for the gate at dusk--an entirely plausible thing for them to do, as closing time would likely be busy, and so it would be easier for them to slip out. So, through a good lie, Rahab saved their lives.
Our other Biblical examples come from the book of Judges. Early in the history of Israel, they were led by "judges," who could settle disputes in times of peace, and act as rallying points in times of war. Deborah is the only woman judge mentioned in the Bible, but she obviously served in precisely the same function as any of the male judges. She was also a prophetess--which doesn't mean she foretold the future, but that she received and passed on messages and directives from God.
She was truly, at this time, the ultimate authority in Israel--though Israel was under the thumb of Jabin, a Canaanite king, and his general Sisera. Deborah was not afraid to use the authority given her. She did not doubt God when He said the time had come to defeat the general Sisera. She was not afraid to gather the troops of Israel, and appoint their general, Barak, even though this action would certainly capture the attention of Sisera.
Nor was she afraid to tell Barak off when he publicly expressed his trepidations by insisting that she come along, telling him that the ultimate glory of winning would go not to him, but to a woman. That woman was Jael--who wasn't even an Israelite. She was the wife of Heber the Kenite, who was actually a descendent of Moses' father-in-law.
Despite this blood tie, Heber did have good relations with King Jabin, which made their tents the logical place for Sisera to flee when his army was defeated by Barak and the Israelites. Jael welcomed him into her tent--*her* tent; this was a time when men still often had several wives, who would each have their own rooms or tents. She gave him milk to drink, and consented to keep watch while he slept. But once he was asleep, she took a tent peg and hammer, and drove the peg into Sisera's skull, killing him.
It is an unfortunate fact of life that most women are physically weaker than most men. While we can take some steps to increase our strength, it oftentimes is not enough. Thus, heroines must be willing to use any advantage that is given them, as Jael did, to accomplish their goal.
Most everyone knows the basics of the Arabian Nights, the Thousand and One Nights, the Arabian Nights’ Entertainments--whatever you want to call it. But not everyone may know the details, which are very interesting. Scheherazade was the daughter of the grand vizier of a sultan. This sultan had discovered his wife in flagrante delicto with a household officer, and so rather soured on marriage and women. So, once he'd disposed of his wife, he decided that the only solution was to marry a virgin, sleep with her for one night, then have her killed in the morning.
Bookworm Hienrichs: What?!
Myrtil Igaly: ARGH, the Doc!
Ahnyanka Delphin gasps as Dr. O suddenly appears.
Bookworm Hienrichs raises up.
Doctor Obolensky: Well, good afternoon.
Serafina Puchkina gasps
Stereo Nacht: Hm?
Sky Netizen's eyes widen
Jedburgh30 Dagger: What the...
Rhianon Jameson: This is most unexpected.
Bookworm Hienrichs shrieks once, then collapses.
Doctor Obolensky: And, enough of that drivel, don't you think?
Ahnyanka Delphin: Poor form, Doctor! Don't interrupt the story!!
Serafina Puchkina: The doors! Look at the doors!
Breezy Carver looks at the Doctor out for a stroll ??
Mahakala Omegamu: Gasp!~ ^o^ someone stop him!
Stereo Nacht: Herr Baron? Any orders?
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Hold.
Myrtil Igaly: uho...
Ahnyanka Delphin gasps as she notices that they're trapped.
Stereo Nacht: Yes sir.
Doctor Obolensky: Now, before you all get all irate, allow me to remind you of two things.
KlausWulfenbach Outlander glares in irritation
Bianca Namori: blinks thinking she heard a gun cock.
Myrtil Igaly: Miss Book!!
Doctor Obolensky: One, Miss Heinrichs will be more or less no worse for wear in a half-hour or so.
Ahnyanka Delphin looks up at Miss Bookworm with concern.
Breezy Carver Gasp !!!!
Jedburgh30 Dagger growls
Rhianon Jameson thinks it fortunate that she kept her pistol beneath her skirt
Breezy Carver: but bt she was talking !!
Doctor Obolensky: And the second, that you all have, for the last few minutes, been breathing South Patagonian Deathflower pollen.
Breezy Carver: what did you do ???
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Is that all?
Myrtil Igaly: South wha?
Sky Netizen frowns and sniffs
Breezy Carver: what does that mean ??
Doctor Obolensky: Which I'll pass on the antidote too, once I'm done, provided you all behave.
Serafina Puchkina clutches her throat and staggers
Myrtil Igaly: meh, it's open air, how could that affect us!
Annechen Lowey frowns, "Poor manners are not excused by your self-importance, 'Doctor'. "
Rhianon Jameson coughs politely
Mahakala Omegamu wonders where isa botanist when you need one!
Doctor Obolensky: For those of you immune to such things, well, just consider your neighbor's well being.
Breezy Carver covers mouth
KlausWulfenbach Outlander looks impatient
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Get on with it, Obolensky.
Bianca Namori whispers: Someone wasn't hugged enough as a child.
Serafina Puchkina cries about poor Book
Doctor Obolensky: After all, you should be more appreciative of me saving you from this deluded woman's ramblings.
Breezy Carver Gasp !
Doctor Obolensky: But on to the subject at hand.
Ahnyanka Delphin flutters her hand to fan herself as she starts to feel flushed.
Rhianon Jameson: Wha....?
Breezy Carver: how Rude !
Doctor Obolensky: Heroines.....silly and useless.
Bianca Namori: tries to hold back her laughter, being completely delighted by the turn of events.
Stereo Nacht clenches teeth, and puts her hand behind her back, just in case...
Jedburgh30 Dagger grits teeth
Rhianon Jameson waves the pistol
Sky Netizen hisses
Breezy Carver: Evil !
Doctor Obolensky: Women have no real place in the world of Heroism.
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Watch the footprints, that's my Liaison you're nudging.
Ahnyanka Delphin's eyes narrow as she frowns at the Doctor, "I don't care what your ideals are... it's never appropriate to interrupt a performance!"
Annechen Lowey growls.
Stereo Nacht abstains to roll her eyes, so not to get them off the Doctor...
Rhianon Jameson nods in agreement with Miss Delphin
Doctor Obolensky: Oh, assassins, yes. Storytellers, liars, cheats, all are excellent work for the woman out to make a name for herself.
Breezy Carver ponders What a great big Ham !!
Bianca Namori: cackles even more.
Doctor Obolensky: Not to mention, the culinary arts, and propogating the species.
Serafina Puchkina growls and looks over at the barred doors
Doctor Obolensky: But heroism requires more than any mere woman can manage.
Ahnyanka Delphin raises an eyebrow as she listens.
KlausWulfenbach Outlander goes from irritated to bored
Doctor Obolensky: Notice none of her examples included any women involved in a life-or-death duel on a rooftop in a thunderstorm.
Bianca Namori: Oh knocked her out for a speach!? Really?!? Just a speech?! No murder?? No suspense?!?! And you call yourself a villian...-sighs dramatically and slums in her chair-
Rhianon Jameson: Naturally - we're not *stupid*
Jimmy Branagh searches his pockets for fruit to throw.'
Doctor Obolensky: Well, if you insist, Miss Namori, I'll kill you later.
Bianca Namori: Oh how delightful! You think you can! Adorable...
Ahnyanka Delphin secretly hands Jimmy a rotten tomato.
Doctor Obolensky: Now then....I'll open the floor to questions on the subject. Please follow the rules of order.
Breezy Carver why are you you here again ?
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: When are you leaving? And can we help?
Doctor Obolensky: Well, I thought I had explained that.
Bianca Namori: When -are- you going to kill me? I need to pencil it in.
Sky Netizen thumbs through "Robert's Rules Of Order" to figure out if killing is acceptable.
Doctor Obolensky: Really, for a group that supposedly is concerned with learning, you really are quite dull-witted.
Stereo Nacht: DO I need my pistol?
Rhianon Jameson tries to remember the lessons: know back alleys, lie well, use any advantage...
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: It's your field effect, Obolensky.
Annechen Lowey: We just know when there is dross offered instead of true knowledge.
Myrtil Igaly: he says girls can't be heroines
Doctor Obolensky: have no interest in Heroines? I thought that's why you all turned up.
Annechen Lowey: We have interst in true heroics, not your inane babble.
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Obolensky... are you trying to tell us a secret? Are you actually a heroine after all?
Doctor Obolensky sighs.
Doctor Obolensky: Very well, I suppose you all will just have to die to the toxin.
Myrtil Igaly: Well Miss Book IS an heroine.
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Frau Lowey, how are the supplies in the Consulate lab?
Annechen Lowey: Fairly well stocked, should not be a problem.
Doctor Obolensky: Good evening all. I had hoped for some interesting discourse....but apparently you all are all the same rabble as the rest of them.
Stereo Nacht: Sir, he said he *has* the antidote. What about taking him down, then taking it from him?
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Sehr gut, before we died of tedium.
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Use precision, damen. We wouldn't want to break the container.
Bookworm Hienrichs suddenly leaps up and snatches the ElectroCane from Dr. Obolensky.
Rhianon Jameson cheers Miss Book
Doctor Obolensky: ((And this ladies and gentleman, is the kind of reason why you all don't see me much anymore.))
KlausWulfenbach Outlander smiles, pleased at his Liaison's reflexes.
Breezy Carver: ✰·.·´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`·.·✰
Ahnyanka Delphin cheers for Miss Bookworm!
Bookworm Hienrichs: *I* -- have had *enough* -- of being *electrocuted*!
Mahakala Omegamu applause!
Doctor Obolensky: ((Good evening))
Bookworm Hienrichs punctuates each phrase with a slam of the cane against the floor, creating sparks and a sizzling noise. Then she casts aside the now-ruined cane.
Jimmy Branagh: Yay Miss Book!
Bookworm Hienrichs glares after the departing Dr. Obolensky.
Marion Questi: I suppose he made up the toxin thing....
Bookworm Hienrichs: Honestly! This is the *third* time this year! Are those villains *trying* to permanently damage my nerves?
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Blood tests at the Consulate after the Salon for everyone.
Jimmy Branagh: Thet wos a foine example of wot Miss Book is talkin' 'bout!
Annechen Lowey: Though it is likely he is a poor botanist, and had no idea what he wwas using.
Bookworm Hienrichs sits back down, a little shakily.
Rhianon Jameson sneezes from the Evil Pollen
Myrtil Igaly: we're still stuck in here and people can't come in
Rhianon Jameson: An airship can simply lift us all out.
Bookworm Hienrichs rubs her forehead, wincing.
Serafina Puchkina: That evil Doctor! What can we do?
Stereo Nacht: I always have my jetpack with me. Should I try from outside?
Mahakala Omegamu is rather disappointed nobody stood up to fight the menace
Bookworm Hienrichs: Ach. That always gives me such a headache.
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Fraulein Book performed excellently as a heroine in this case. She awaited her moment to act.
Stereo Nacht: Yes, I must admit I wasn't much worried for her - I have heard she had had some excellent training.
Bookworm Hienrichs smiles weakly.
Jasper Kiergarten: it seems we are still stuck in here, however
Bianca Namori: slips to the back of the room and heads back
Jimmy Branagh: Nah. Do a little cloimbin'
Stereo Nacht: Hm. Metal bars. Acid, or heat?
Rhianon Jameson now regrets the short skirt, but reflects that she has new bloomers.
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Try a lockpick first. Less entertaining, possibly more productive.
Jasper Kiergarten: hmm
Jasper Kiergarten: what do you think Jed?
Ahnyanka Delphin: Do we get to hear the rest of the speech about Scheherazade?
Bookworm Hienrichs: Oh, dear...
Jasper Kiergarten: we apologize for all of this, er, funny business, everyone
Rhianon Jameson: We don't need to - we have our own, in-the-flesh heroine!
Bookworm Hienrichs: I do hope you'll excuse me, but I don't know that I'm up to continuing.
Bookworm Hienrichs rubs her forehead again.
Jasper Kiergarten: methinks we should figure out these doors, and perhaps get Miss Book to a comfortable place so she can rest
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: The Consulate isn't far.
Jasper Kiergarten: *bangs on wall*
Myrtil Igaly: maybe we can climb up the wall and then go fetch a saw or something
Jasper Kiergarten: perhaps. You urchins are better suited for that, perhaps?
Jimmy Branagh: Oy bet Oy can get out an' foind some dynamite!
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Good work.
Jasper Kiergarten: they're open!
Bookworm Hienrichs starts the the clanging sound.
Ahnyanka Delphin applauds, "Excellent work!"
Jasper Kiergarten: excellent work Jed
Jedburgh30 Dagger: Jed says Voila
Bookworm Hienrichs: Thank you, Jed.
Jimmy Branagh: Awww ... Oy wanted to use dynamite ...
Serafina Puchkina: Jed saves the day!
Ahnyanka Delphin: Miss Jeddie saves the day.. AGAIN!
Myrtil Igaly: another time Jimmy
Jasper Kiergarten: everyone, we are so sorry about this rude and dreadful interruption
Rhianon Jameson: Quite exciting, Mr. K.!
Serafina Puchkina: Miss Viv will be so sad to have missed the excitement. She will be properly miffed at Doc O
Jasper Kiergarten: Unfortunately, I fear that Miss book is in no condition to continue her presentation
Jimmy Branagh: Awww, well it wos a great presentytion anywhys!
Ahnyanka Delphin nods at Mr. Kiergarten and gazes with concern up at Miss Bookworm, "Do you need any help getting home, darling?"
Serafina Puchkina: We thank you for your forbearance and we will resolve this matter with the Doctor, never fear
Jimmy Branagh: AN' she should get some rest after thet nefarious display
Bookworm Hienrichs smiles as well as she can. "Thank you, all."
Victor1st Mornington: awwww wasnt nefarious at all, was only the old doctor showing his love for the general populace of new babbage...
Jasper Kiergarten: thank you all for coming today, hopefully we can get the evil scrubbed out in time for the next Salon.. a heck of a way to celebrate two years of Aether Salon...
Serafina Puchkina: I agree, Jasper. Hope Miss Viv isn't miffed at us!
Stereo Nacht: Well, one could say we had some entertainment! ;-)
Jimmy Branagh: Oy think it's an annivr'sry ta be remembered!
Ahnyanka Delphin applauds and grins, "Wonderful job all! Even if it was so rudely interrupted!"
Bookworm Hienrichs: Here's to two more years, and more!
Jasper Kiergarten: cursed Docter Obelensky
Bookworm Hienrichs smiles.
Jimmy Branagh: "Miss Book Beats Stuffin's Out Of Evil Doctor, Audience Applauds Wildly!"
Serafina Puchkina: May I use that in the transcript, Jimmy?
Jimmy Branagh: SUre!
Mahakala Omegamu: Yes... I was sitting in the audience... awkward at the Dr. O's intrusion.. and I was sitting there thinking to myself from the event "Okay, some woman is going to stand up and stop this mess I hope" But then I realized after it all stopped "Good gods, thats exactly the type of feeling keeping people from becoming heroic to begin with" People expecting whoever they idealize to be heroic at the time taking action
Bookworm Hienrichs: Thank you, again. I hope I'll see you at the next salon.
Ahnyanka Delphin: One of the reasons that Miss Jed is such a great heroine in my opinion... she doesn't have the patience to wait for someone else to take care of it... she just does it herself.
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Who else do you all consider heroic?
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Other than the remarkable Fraulein Bookworm and Fraulein Dagger?
Ahnyanka Delphin: Oh.. we have so many here in New Babbage.. though I wouldn't count myself as one of them.
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Come now, name some names.
Ahnyanka Delphin: The ladies of the Fire Brigade I adore passionately for their heroism...
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Good example.
Stereo Nacht: Anyone who gets things done without double-thinking gets my admiration, sir!
Ahnyanka Delphin: Who would you add to the list, Herr Baron?
Jimmy Branagh: The New Babbage Militia has syved the dye many toimes.
Jedburgh30 Dagger: *points at Sera*
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: My mother would be my first example.
Ahnyanka Delphin nods in agreement with Jimmy.
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Remarkable woman.
Stereo Nacht: And as such, most people of the steamlands would be considered heroes and heroins, in my book.
Jasper Kiergarten: As always, the speaker's fund goes entirely to our speakers
KlausWulfenbach Outlander: A Spark and a leader, yet one who did not hesitate to get her hands dirty when a task needed to be done.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Heroines! Unedited Transcript
[14:05] Ahnyanka Delphin smiles up at Mr. Quintessa, "Welcome, doll! Please feel free to ask Mr. Kiergarten for a chair and have a seat."
[14:06] Mahakala Omegamu: Ahh, much better, thankyou
[14:06] Sunset Quintessa: htank you Ahnya
[14:06] Serafina Puchkina: As people are getting their chairs, I clear my throat and begin
[14:06] Serafina Puchkina: A gracious welcome to you. We are thrilled, pleased, and giddy with glee to welcome you to today’s Aether Salon, entitled Heroines!
[14:06] Serafina Puchkina: Thank you all for joining us today. Bear with us today, for we have a bit of a problem: Miss Viv refuses to return to reality and won't be with us today.
[14:07] Rhianon Jameson: I don't blame her.
[14:07] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Ach.
[14:07] Breezy Carver: awww
[14:07] Serafina Puchkina: As many of you know, the Aether Salon meets to discuss steam and Victorian topics on the third Sunday of each month, in Palisades and Academy, New Babbage.
[14:07] Serafina Puchkina: Today marks our second year of salon. When Miss Viv and I sat in her drawing room over two years ago to discuss our dreams and plans for a salon, neither of us knew how the idea would work or if we’d be run out of town on a rail. Thank you all.
[14:07] Bookworm Hienrichs smiles.
[14:07] Breezy Carver: wavess to darling Myrtal
[14:07] Serafina Puchkina: Those folks wearing sashes are past speakers of salon whom we are recognizing today. Please give them a round of applause.
[14:07] Serafina Puchkina claps
[14:07] Myrtil Igaly waves back fondly to Miss Breezy
[14:07] Rhianon Jameson applauds
[14:07] Jimmy Branagh waves to Myrtil
[14:07] Bookworm Hienrichs applauds enthusiastically.
[14:08] Sky Netizen applauds
[14:08] Breezy Carver: Myrtil even .. sigh new key board makes me stutter grins ..
[14:08] Mahakala Omegamu claps his hands appreciatively
[14:08] Myrtil Igaly pinches Jimmy
[14:08] Stereo Nacht: (And I managed to miss it for so long? Ah!)
[14:08] Breezy Carver: ✰·.·´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`·.·✰
[14:08] Linus Lacombe: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:08] Serafina Puchkina: thank you, honored speakers
[14:08] Stereo Nacht: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:08] Myrtil Igaly applauds
[14:08] Ahnyanka Delphin applauds and grins up at Miss Bookworm.
[14:08] KlausWulfenbach Outlander hastily pulls his sash out of his pocket
[14:08] Marion Questi applauds
[14:08] Serafina Puchkina: A few matters of housekeeping before we get started. If you are standing in the back, please move forward onto the maze so that you can be assured of hearing the speaker.
[14:08] Breezy Carver: grins at the Baron
[14:08] Serafina Puchkina: Please hold your questions until the end, and as a courtesy to all, please turn off everything that creates lag: all HUDs, scripts, AOs and so on.
[14:09] Serafina Puchkina: Please no weapons, rogue scripts, unmetered poetry, or incendiary devices. Your cooperation is appreciated.
[14:09] Serafina Puchkina: Edited and unedited transcripts will be posted this week on so you can revisit today’s merriment, read transcripts of past salons, and for a laugh, peruse “overheard at the salon.”
[14:09] Serafina Puchkina: Please join the Aether Salon group and receive notifications of future salon events, click the lower right hand corner of the large brown sign by the entrance. We sincerely appreciate the support we receive from everyone in the community.
[14:09] Serafina Puchkina: As a reminder, all speakers' fund jar donations go directly to the speaker.
[14:09] Linus Lacombe wonders what is up with al the sages
[14:10] Linus Lacombe: sashes
[14:10] Serafina Puchkina: Next month’s salon is Aestheticism! with Miss Rowan Derryth on Sunday, November 21. We promise to have Miss Viv back by then.
[14:10] Serafina Puchkina: Miss Jed will introduce today’s speaker. Miss Jed?
[14:10] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Thank you Serafina.
[14:10] Breezy Carver: ✰·.·´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`·.·✰
[14:10] KlausWulfenbach Outlander applauds
[14:10] Mahakala Omegamu claps
[14:10] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Thank you all for coming today. I want to take a moment to thank the other staffers for the Salon for their dedication and efforts to make all of this come together. Not to mention all of you who have faithfully supported and attended the Salon since its inception.
[14:10] Sky Netizen applauds
[14:11] Linus Lacombe: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:11] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Let me tell you a little something about our speaker. Bookworm Hienrichs once described herself as the least Steampunk-ish person living in New Babbage. She came to town about the same time I did, around two years ago, and has become an active member of the community
[14:11] Ahnyanka Delphin applaues the efforts.
[14:11] Jimmy Branagh applauds
[14:11] Jedburgh30 Dagger: She has described herself as a straight-laced Victorian woman, who isn’t a builder or an engineer. Book has also said she is an ordinary human, with no special talents or powers, yet finds herself comfortable around fae folk or people from unknown lands
[14:11] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Miss Hienrichs enjoys photography and has captured many memorable images from the Salon and from the monthly Piermont Landing balls.
[14:11] Breezy Carver smiles
[14:11] Jimmy Branagh applauds
[14:12] Jedburgh30 Dagger: For all her time in town, she has always claimed that ‘nothing exciting ever happens to her’, that all the goings-on in the city seem to move around her. She has had the occasion to live that statement down, as she has found herself involved in many other events in the city, from joining the Militia to facing down certain doom and disaster in the streets.
[14:12] Ahnyanka Delphin wonders who is taking photos today...
[14:12] Breezy Carver laughs
[14:12] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome today’s speaker, Miss Bookworm Hienrichs
[14:12] Stereo Nacht: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:12] Jimmy Branagh: Yay Miss Book!
[14:12] Jedburgh30 Dagger: applauds
[14:12] Breezy Carver: ✰·.·´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`·.·✰
[14:12] Myrtil Igaly applauds
[14:12] Sky Netizen applauds
[14:12] Rhianon Jameson applauds
[14:12] KlausWulfenbach Outlander applauds
[14:12] Scottie Melnik applauds
[14:12] PJ Trenton: ''*·.¸ APPLAUSE ¸.·*``
[14:12] Breezy Carver: ✰·.·´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`·.·✰
[14:12] Jimmy Branagh: applauds enthusiastically.
[14:12] Bookworm Hienrichs blushes and smiles. "Thank you, Miss Dagger."
[14:13] Bookworm Hienrichs: I must admit, when I was asked to speak at this Salon on the subject of Heroines, I was quite hesitant. After all, what do I really know about the subject?
[14:13] Linus Lacombe: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:13] Ahnyanka Delphin beams up at Miss Book and claps.
[14:13] Breezy Carver grins
[14:13] Stereo Nacht whispers: Good day Miss Namori!
[14:14] Bianca Namori: Ms. Nacht! -squish-
[14:14] Bookworm Hienrichs: But then, as I began investigating the topic, I grew more and more interested in it. And I think--at least, I hope--I may be able to share some insights with you.
[14:14] Breezy Carver nods nods
[14:14] Bookworm Hienrichs: It may seem as if there are few heroines, past, literary, or contemporary, for Victorian women to emulate--especially when compared with the number of heroes to find.
[14:15] Bookworm Hienrichs: However, if one is willing to look beyond the standard stereotype of heroism, one can find many heroines, with lessons to teach us.
[14:15] Linus Lacombe waves to Frau Lowey
[14:15] Breezy Carver: waves to Miss Annechen quietly
[14:15] Bookworm Hienrichs: This discussion cannot, of course, cover them all, so I will just mention a few highlights--those of the past, and those here in our midst.
[14:16] Bookworm Hienrichs: Our first stop is in the Bible, when Joshua and the Hebrews were just starting to conquer the land of Canaan.
[14:16] Jimmy Branagh waves to Frau Annechen
[14:16] Bookworm Hienrichs: Joshua sent two spies to the city of Jericho, where they stayed at the house of Rahab, an innkeeper...or *cough* prostitute, depending on the translation.
[14:16] Annechen Lowey waves hallo and attends to the lecture.
[14:17] Bookworm Hienrichs blushes a little, and quickly moves on.
[14:17] Bookworm Hienrichs: The king of Jericho found out about them, and sent soldiers to her house. But she hid the spies on her roof, under stalks of flax, and told the soldiers that yes, the men had been there, but had left just before the time the city gate would close.
[14:17] Breezy Carver ponders house of rehab
[14:17] Linus Lacombe thinks good guy prostitues are almost a Biblical meme
[14:17] Bookworm Hienrichs: After the soldiers left, she let the two men out the window by a rope, as her house was actually part of the city wall.
[14:17] Ahnyanka Delphin chuckles at Linus.
[14:17] Bianca Namori: ponders brownies.
[14:18] Bookworm Hienrichs: So what lessons can a heroine learn from Rahab? Well, first, know where the good hiding places are.
[14:18] Bianca Namori: Hi Sera. -twinkles her fingers in a wave-
[14:18] Breezy Carver feels hungry
[14:18] Linus Lacombe laughs
[14:18] Mahakala Omegamu smiles
[14:18] Bookworm Hienrichs: Now, that may not *sound* very heroic, but it is actually very useful--not just for hiding oneself when one is in danger, but to hide oneself when one is following or watching someone else, or to hide others if they're in trouble.
[14:18] Ahnyanka Delphin blows a kiss back to Bianca and then turns back to Book.
[14:18] Bookworm Hienrichs: Getting to know the less-traveled passageways, the unused rooms, the convenient piles of crates or junk--all this will be helpful to any heroine here in New Babbage.
[14:19] Bianca Namori: winks at Ahnya.
[14:19] Bookworm Hienrichs: The urchins, of course, are past masters at this.
[14:19] Bookworm Hienrichs grins at Jimmy and Myrtil.
[14:19] Myrtil Igaly smiles back
[14:19] Jimmy Branagh waves to Miss Book.
[14:19] Bookworm Hienrichs: The second lesson is to know how to lie well.
[14:19] Bookworm Hienrichs: But sometimes, for the greater good, lying is necessary, and when that time comes, the lie had best be believable.
[14:20] Linus Lacombe: hehe
[14:20] Bianca Namori: snickers.
[14:20] Bookworm Hienrichs: ((Whoops...))
[14:20] Jedburgh30 Dagger smiles
[14:20] Bookworm Hienrichs: That may sound strange--especially coming from me. But sometimes, for the greater good, lying is necessary, and when that time comes, the lie had best be believable.
[14:20] Ahnyanka Delphin flashes a grin.
[14:20] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: It can save lives.
[14:20] Linus Lacombe: effective lying
[14:20] Bookworm Hienrichs: Rahab didn't try to insist that the two spies hadn't been there--she knew that would never be believed.
[14:20] Bianca Namori: Claro.
[14:20] Bookworm Hienrichs: Instead, she said that they'd headed for the gate at dusk--an entirely plausible thing for them to do, as closing time would likely be busy, and so it would be easier for them to slip out. So, through a good lie, Rahab saved their lives.
[14:20] Bookworm Hienrichs nods at the Baron.
[14:21] Stereo Nacht: (Cally it "distorting truth", if it makes you feel better about it!)
[14:21] Bookworm Hienrichs chuckles.
[14:21] Annechen Lowey: "selective editing"
[14:21] Bianca Namori: Don't scold your friend if they're a liar, they can be saving your life someday. -snickers-
[14:21] Bookworm Hienrichs: Our other Biblical examples come from the book of Judges. Early in the history of Israel, they were led by "judges," who could settle disputes in times of peace, and act as rallying points in times of war.
[14:21] Ahnyanka Delphin chuckles at Frau Lowey.
[14:21] Jimmy Branagh: "Docufiction"
[14:22] Bookworm Hienrichs: Deborah is the only woman judge mentioned in the Bible, but she obviously served in precisely the same function as any of the male judges.
[14:22] Bookworm Hienrichs: She was also a prophetess--which doesn't mean she foretold the future, but that she received and passed on messages and directives from God.
[14:22] Breezy Carver: looks t Jim big word child !!
[14:22] Linus Lacombe thinks there were probably a lot more female judges tha history records, and probably quite heroic ones too
[14:22] Jimmy Branagh grins
[14:22] Bianca Namori: nods in agreeance with Linus' thought.
[14:23] Myrtil Igaly: He likes to say big words he read in books even if he doesn't know them..
[14:23] Bookworm Hienrichs: She was truly, at this time, the ultimate authority in Israel--though Israel was under the thumb of Jabin, a Canaanite king, and his general Sisera.
[14:23] Bianca Namori: It comes with the gender Myrtil darling...-winks-
[14:24] Ahnyanka Delphin chuckles at Myrtil.
[14:24] Jimmy Branagh: Oy know them awl. Oy loike ta learn thngs, which Oy'm troyin' ta do roight now listenin' ta Miss Book.
[14:24] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Good man.
[14:24] Bianca Namori: sniggles.
[14:24] Bookworm Hienrichs smiles at Jimmy.
[14:24] Bookworm Hienrichs: Deborah was not afraid to use the authority given her. She did not doubt God when He said the time had come to defeat the general Sisera.
[14:25] Bookworm Hienrichs: ((*waits a bit to see if Breezy makes it back online...*))
[14:26] Bookworm Hienrichs: She was not afraid to gather the troops of Israel, and appoint their general, Barak, even though this action would certainly capture the attention of Sisera.
[14:26] Breezy Carver Ouch !
[14:26] Bookworm Hienrichs: ((WB, Breezy!))
[14:27] Breezy Carver: ❤*:•;•:*¨¨*:THANK YOU:* *¨¨*:•;•:* ❤
[14:27] Breezy Carver: ((aww Dear Book what a perfect herione !!)) ..
[14:27] Bookworm Hienrichs: Nor was she afraid to tell Barak off when he publicly expressed his trepidations by insisting that she come along, telling him that the ultimate glory of winning would go not to him, but to a woman.
[14:29] Bookworm Hienrichs: That woman was Jael--who wasn't even an Israelite. She was the wife of Heber the Kenite, who was actually a descendent of Moses' father-in-law.
[14:29] Myrtil Igaly: What a family!
[14:29] Bianca Namori: What a mouth full!
[14:29] Breezy Carver: My MY !
[14:29] Bookworm Hienrichs: Despite this blood tie, Heber did have good relations with King Jabin, which made their tents the logical place for Sisera to flee when his army was defeated by Barak and the Israelites.
[14:30] Bookworm Hienrichs: Jael welcomed him into her tent--*her* tent; this was a time when men still often had several wives, who would each have their own rooms or tents.
[14:30] Breezy Carver: Yes safe it seems as well smiles well it seems
[14:30] Rhianon Jameson blushes
[14:31] Bianca Namori: giggles.
[14:31] Breezy Carver grins
[14:31] Bookworm Hienrichs blushes a bit herself.
[14:31] Breezy Carver smiles
[14:31] Ahnyanka Delphin cocks her head to the side and ponders, chuckling a bit.
[14:31] Breezy Carver snickers
[14:31] Jimmy Branagh: "Circuit training"
[14:31] Bianca Namori: gafahs.
[14:31] Jimmy Branagh snickers
[14:32] Myrtil Igaly slaps the back of Jimmy's head
[14:32] Bookworm Hienrichs laughs.
[14:32] Breezy Carver now now .. grins
[14:32] Bookworm Hienrichs: She gave him milk to drink, and consented to keep watch while he slept. But once he was asleep, she took a tent peg and hammer, and drove the peg into Sisera's skull, killing him.
[14:32] Annechen Lowey: Long as everyone was happy.
[14:32] Rhianon Jameson: Oh my.
[14:32] Breezy Carver Gasp !
[14:32] Stereo Nacht ponders, as her travellings has led her to strange place and peoples...
[14:32] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Booyah
[14:32] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: That would ruin his chances at revivification.
[14:32] Bianca Namori: Boom headshot indeed!
[14:33] Jimmy Branagh: Whoa
[14:33] Breezy Carver laughs
[14:33] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Pays not to fall asleep first, methinks
[14:33] Breezy Carver: listens for head shot !
[14:33] Linus Lacombe: And tht is why they called him "Old Peg Head" thereafter
[14:33] Ahnyanka Delphin: Wow... what a wake up call...
[14:33] Myrtil Igaly: Must remember that one!
[14:33] Ahnyanka Delphin laughs and tries to cover Myrtil's ears.
[14:33] Bianca Namori: What are you talking about Ahnya? He -didn't- wake up! -laughs-
[14:33] Breezy Carver laughs
[14:33] Ahnyanka Delphin: Oh, I'm sure he did for a moment or two!
[14:33] Bianca Namori: laughs.
[14:34] Breezy Carver terrible way to go go ...
[14:34] Linus Lacombe: "I've got a skull splitting headache"
[14:34] Bookworm Hienrichs grins at the byplay.
[14:34] Bianca Namori: Oh Linus! -blushes and laughs-
[14:34] Ahnyanka Delphin giggles at Linus and then settles down.
[14:34] Bookworm Hienrichs: It is an unfortunate fact of life that most women are physically weaker than most men.
[14:34] Breezy Carver sigh
[14:34] Bianca Namori: nods in sad agreeance.
[14:34] Rhianon Jameson bats her eyelashes
[14:35] Bookworm Hienrichs: While we can take some steps to increase our strength, it oftentimes is not enough.
[14:35] Stereo Nacht mutters: there are way to make up for it... (smirk!)
[14:35] Breezy Carver nods nods
[14:35] Bianca Namori whispers: sshh...Stereo...let them think there isn't any hope.
[14:35] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: She's not talking about clank implants.
[14:35] Myrtil Igaly: Luckily they're smarter
[14:35] KlausWulfenbach Outlander mutters, 'Deadlier at least.'
[14:35] Jedburgh30 Dagger: depends on which men
[14:35] Breezy Carver: straightens sash and smiles
[14:35] Bookworm Hienrichs: Thus, heroines must be willing to use any advantage that is given them, as Jael did, to accomplish their goal.
[14:36] Stereo Nacht: Ahem. Sorry. I though this was all good allied society... ;-)
[14:36] Linus Lacombe: Cunning quite often trumps brawn.
[14:36] Annechen LoweyAnnechen Lowey coughs quietly.
[14:36] Breezy CarverBreezy Carver looks up
[14:36] Jimmy Branagh: ((Darn AFK for a bit))
[14:36] Myrtil Igaly: ((HB!))
[14:37] Bookworm Hienrichs: Most everyone knows the basics of the Arabian Nights, the Thousand and One Nights, the Arabian Nights’ Entertainments--whatever you want to call it.
[14:37] Ahnyanka Delphin flashes a grin and nods, "A fascinating story!"
[14:37] Bianca Namori: nods excitedly.
[14:37] Bookworm Hienrichs: But not everyone may know the details, which are very interesting.
[14:38] Bookworm Hienrichs: Scheherazade was the daughter of the grand vizier of a sultan.
[14:39] Bookworm Hienrichs: This sultan had discovered his wife in flagrante delicto with a household officer, and so rather soured on marriage and women.
[14:39] Rhianon Jameson tries to suppress a giggle, and fails
[14:40] Jedburgh30 Dagger: In flagrante Delecto
[14:40] Bookworm Hienrichs: ((D'oh!))
[14:40] Rowan Derryth: Love that term!
[14:40] Stereo Nacht holds back a snarky comment about the sultan's way of treating his wife *before* she went for better... ahem.
[14:40] Bookworm Hienrichs: ((*thwaps the typist*))
[14:40] Bookworm Hienrichs: So, once he'd disposed of his wife, he decided that the only solution was to marry a virgin, sleep with her for one night, then have her killed in the morning.
[14:40] Stereo Nacht: Oh, I think you were right, Miss Hienrichs, and Mr. Dagger just played with words...
[14:41] Myrtil Igaly: "disposed of his wife" hmm...
[14:41] Rhianon Jameson: A strong incentive for the women of the sultanate to shag the nearest guy.
[14:41] Mahakala Omegamu thinks "of course, thats 'logical'" o_O
[14:41] Bookworm Hienrichs: How he expected to get any heirs out of this, I don’t know.
[14:41] Breezy Carver: nods .. yet again . ((ww )) closing .. others sigh smiles
[14:41] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: (Fraulein Dagger, Captainess.)
[14:41] Bianca Namori: Very educational.
[14:41] Stereo Nacht: (Eek! Sorry!)
[14:41] Jedburgh30 Dagger: One night stands were tough back then
[14:42] Marion Questi thinks he must have been a rather poor sort of Sultan to have had only the one wife..
[14:42] Ahnyanka Delphin can't wait for Book to be able to finish the rest of the story.
[14:42] Bookworm Hienrichs: What?!
[14:42] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Red fire!
[14:42] Myrtil Igaly: ARGH, the Doc!
[14:42] Ahnyanka Delphin gasps as Dr. O suddenly appears.
[14:42] Bookworm Hienrichs raises up.
[14:42] Doctor Obolensky: Well, good afternoon.
[14:42] Serafina Puchkina gasps
[14:42] Stereo Nacht: Hm?
[14:42] Sky Netizen's eyes widen
[14:42] Jedburgh30 Dagger: What the...
[14:42] Rhianon Jameson: This is most unexpected.
[14:42] Bookworm Hienrichs shrieks once, then collapses.
[14:42] Doctor Obolensky: And, enough of that drivel, don't you think?
[14:42] Ahnyanka Delphin: Poor form, Doctor! Don't interrupt the story!!
[14:42] Serafina Puchkina: The doors! Look at the doors!
[14:42] Breezy Carver looks at the Doctor out for a strole ??
[14:42] Mahakala Omegamu: Gasp!~ ^o^ someone stop him!
[14:42] Stereo Nacht: Herr Baron? Any orders?
[14:43] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Hold.
[14:43] Myrtil Igaly: uho...
[14:43] Ahnyanka Delphin gasps as she notices that they're trapped.
[14:43] Stereo Nacht: Yes sir.
[14:43] Doctor Obolensky: Now, before you all get all irate, allow me to remind you of two things.
[14:43] KlausWulfenbach Outlander glares in irritation
[14:43] Bianca Namori: blinks thinking she heard a gun cock.
[14:43] Myrtil Igaly: Miss Book!!
[14:43] Doctor Obolensky: One, Miss Heinrichs will be more or less no worse for wear in a half-hour or so.
[14:43] Ahnyanka Delphin looks up at Miss Bookworm with concern.
[14:44] Breezy Carver Gasp !!!!
[14:44] Jedburgh30 Dagger growls
[14:44] Rhianon Jameson thinks it fortunate that she kept her pistol beneath her skirt
[14:44] Breezy Carver: but bt she was talking !!
[14:44] Doctor Obolensky: And the second, that you all have, for the last few minutes, been breathing South Patagonian Deathflower pollen.
[14:44] Breezy Carver: what did you do ???
[14:44] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Is that all?
[14:44] Myrtil Igaly: South wha?
[14:44] Sky Netizen frowns and sniffs
[14:44] Breezy Carver: what does that mean ??
[14:44] Doctor Obolensky: Which I'll pass on the antidote too, once I'm done, provided you all behave.
[14:44] Serafina Puchkina clutches her throat and staggers
[14:44] Myrtil Igaly: meh, it's open air, how could that affect us!
[14:44] Annechen Lowey frowns, "Poor manners are not excused by your self-importance, 'Doctor'. "
[14:45] Rhianon Jameson coughs politely
[14:45] Mahakala Omegamu wonders where isa botanist when you need one!
[14:45] Doctor Obolensky: For those of you immune to such things, well, just consider your neighbors well being.
[14:45] Breezy Carver covers mouth
[14:45] KlausWulfenbach Outlander looks impatient
[14:45] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Get on with it, Obolensky.
[14:45] Breezy Carver and crosses legs ..
[14:45] Bianca Namori whispers: Someone wasn't hugged enough as a child.
[14:45] Serafina Puchkina cries about poor Book
[14:45] Doctor Obolensky: After all, you should be more appreciative of me saving you from this deluded woman's ramblings.
[14:46] Breezy Carver Gasp !
[14:46] Doctor Obolensky: But on to the subject at hand.
[14:46] Ahnyanka Delphin flutters her hand to fnan herself as she starts to feel flushed.
[14:46] Rhianon Jameson: Wha....?
[14:46] Breezy Carver: how Rude !
[14:46] Doctor Obolensky: Heroines.....silly and useless.
[14:46] Jimmy Branagh: ((kback))
[14:46] Bianca Namori: tries to hold back her laughter, being completely delighted by the turn of events.
[14:46] Myrtil Igaly: ((welcome back Jimmy))
[14:46] Stereo Nacht clenches teeth, and puts her hand behind her back, just in case...
[14:46] Jimmy Branagh: ((thx))
[14:46] Breezy Carver: (wb wb wb ))
[14:46] Jimmy Branagh: ((thxthxthx))
[14:46] Jedburgh30 Dagger grits teeth
[14:46] Doctor Obolensky: As you can tell from the examples given by this deranged harridan.. >nudges Book with the toe of his shoe<
[14:46] Rhianon Jameson waves the pistol
[14:47] Sky Netizen hisses
[14:47] Breezy Carver: Evil !
[14:47] Doctor Obolensky: Women have no real place in the world of Heroism.
[14:47] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Watch the footprints, that's my Liaison you're nudging.
[14:47] Ahnyanka Delphin's eyes narrow as she frowns at the Doctor, "I don't care what your ideals are... it's never appropriate to interrupt a performance!"
[14:47] Jimmy Branagh whispers 'ello Mr. Katsu
[14:47] Annechen Lowey growls.
[14:47] Stereo Nacht abstains to roll her eyes, so not to get them off the Doctor...
[14:47] Rhianon Jameson nods in agreement with Miss Delphin
[14:47] Katsu Malik: Hello Jimmy
[14:47] Doctor Obolensky: Oh, assassins, yes. Storytellers, liars, cheats, all are excellent work for the woman out to make a name for herself.
[14:47] Breezy Carver ponders What a great big Ham !!
[14:47] Bianca Namori: cackles even more.
[14:48] Rhianon Jameson is suddenly hungry
[14:48] Doctor Obolensky: Not to mention, the culinary arts, and propogating the species.
[14:48] Serafina Puchkina growls and looks over at the barred doors
[14:48] Doctor Obolensky: But heroism requires more than any mere woman can manage.
[14:48] Ahnyanka Delphin raises an eyebrow as she listens.
[14:48] KlausWulfenbach Outlander goes from irritated to bored
[14:48] Marion Questi notices that there are no refreshments set out...
[14:49] Doctor Obolensky: Notice none of her examples included any women involved in a life-or-death duel on a rooftop in a thunderstorm.
[14:49] Ahnyanka Delphin ((*laughs* Brava Baron!))
[14:49] Bianca Namori: Oh knocked her out for a speach!? Really?!? Just a speech?! No murder?? No suspense?!?! And you call yourself a villian...-sighs dramatically and slums in her chair-
[14:49] Rhianon Jameson: Naturally - we're not *stupid*
[14:49] Jimmy Branagh searches his poclets for fruit to throw.
[14:49] Doctor Obolensky: Well, if you insist, Miss Namori, I'll kill you later.
[14:49] Breezy Carver grins !
[14:49] Bianca Namori: Oh how delightful! You think you can! Adorable...
[14:49] Stereo NachtStereo Nacht grins at Miss Jameson - then remembers being an airwoman...
[14:49] Bianca Namori: giggles behind her hand.
[14:49] Ahnyanka Delphin secretly hands Jimmy a rotten tomato.
[14:50] Doctor Obolensky: Now then....I'll open the floor to questions on the subject. Please follow the rules of order.
[14:50] Bianca Namori: wonders where Ahnya keeps those things.
[14:50] Breezy Carver why are you you here again ?
[14:50] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: When are you leaving?
[14:50] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: And can we help?
[14:50] Doctor Obolensky: Well, I thought I had explained that.
[14:50] Bianca Namori: When -are- you going to kill me? I need to pencil it in.
[14:50] Sky Netizen thumbs through "Robert's Rules Of Order" to figure out if killing is acceptable.
[14:50] Katsu Malik: Will there be cake?
[14:50] Breezy Carver: can we review ?
[14:51] Ahnyanka Delphin giggles back at Sky.
[14:51] Bianca Namori: The cake is a lie...
[14:51] Breezy Carver: this is Babbage
[14:51] Mahakala Omegamu ponders cake or death
[14:51] Jimmy Branagh: ((Gah, can't rez tomatoes))
[14:51] Bianca Namori: Just like this mans ability to be a good villian.
[14:51] Doctor Obolensky: Really, for a group that supposedly is concerned with learning, you really are quite dull-witted.
[14:51] Stereo Nacht: DO I need my pistol?
[14:51] Rhianon Jameson tries to remember the lessons: know back alleys, lie well, use any advantage...
[14:51] Linus Lacombe: ((that was some crash))
[14:51] Breezy Carver snickers
[14:51] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: It's your field effect, Obolensky.
[14:51] Annechen Lowey: We just know when ther is dross offered instead of true knowledge.
[14:51] Bianca Namori: falls out of her chair laughing.
[14:51] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Zaida
[14:51] Breezy Carver: it is so hard to understand why you are soo Evil
[14:52] Breezy Carver: Gosh !
[14:52] Saffia Widdershins: The Primgraph has cake
[14:52] Saffia Widdershins: we always have cake
[14:52] Jimmy Branagh: The Doc is offerin' us the comic relief of th' evenin'.
[14:52] Ahnyanka Delphin buffs her fingernails and gazes down at them, "It entirely depends on the interest that we have on the subject matter, darling Doctor..."
[14:52] Rhianon Jameson: I think the insufficient-hugs explanation works, Miss Breezy.
[14:52] Myrtil Igaly: he says girls can't be heroines
[14:52] Ahnyanka Delphin chuckles back at Saffia.
[14:52] Bianca Namori: Oooh, cake...yes...
[14:52] Breezy Carver: nods i concur !!
[14:52] Bianca Namori: sits up still laughing.
[14:52] Breezy Carver: lets give him hugss
[14:52] Doctor Obolensky: have no interest in Heroines? I thought that's why you all turned up.
[14:52] Rhianon Jameson: Focus, Miss Namori!
[14:52] zaida Gearbox: pbbbbbt to doc o
[14:52] Breezy Carver: children you go first
[14:52] Ahnyanka Delphin nods at Scottie, "The Clockfinder for example!"
[14:53] Myrtil Igaly: go give him hugs?
[14:53] Jimmy Branagh: Oy'd bring up Professor Nishi, but she wos a bit before yaw toime, Doc.
[14:53] Breezy Carver: yes
[14:53] Annechen Lowey: We have interst in true heroics, not your inane babble.
[14:53] Breezy Carver: many many hugs
[14:53] Ahnyanka Delphin grins over at Miss Jed.
[14:53] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Obolensky... are you trying to tell us a secret? Are you actually a heroine after all?
[14:53] zaida Gearbox: *huggles miz breezy* ah'd rather eat a rotten egg dan hug doc o
[14:53] Rhianon Jameson snickers
[14:53] Doctor Obolensky sighs.
[14:53] Bianca Namori: I...can't...-titters- focus!! He's a ruuuubeeee....-cackles-
[14:53] Doctor Obolensky: Very well, I suppose you all will just have to die to the toxin.
[14:53] Ahnyanka Delphin ponders the Baron's question with a merry twinkle in her eyes.
[14:53] Myrtil Igaly: Well Miss Book IS an heroin
[14:53] Breezy Carver: hugs the cute child Zaida gives her a cookie
[14:53] zaida Gearbox: ((that's only ICLY - OCLY i totally hug doc o))
((that's only ICLY - OCLY i totally hug doc o))
[14:54] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Frau Lowey, how are the supplies in the Consulate lab?
[14:54] Bianca Namori: ((I'd give him a hug too...and scrub down with acid after))
[14:54] Breezy Carver: Doctor would you like a cookie too ?
[14:54] Breezy Carver smiles
[14:54] Annechen Lowey: Fairly well stocked, should not be a problem.
[14:54] Breezy Carver coughs coughs
[14:54] Doctor Obolensky: Good evening all. I had hoped for some interesting discourse....but apparently you all are all the same rabble as the rest of them.
[14:54] Stereo Nacht: Sir, he said he *has* the antidote. What about taking him down, then thaking it from him?
[14:54] Ahnyanka Delphin: Rest of who, darling?
[14:54] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Sehr gut, before we died of tedium.
[14:54] Rhianon Jameson: What Miss Nacht said.
[14:54] Vivi Boxen: Ola
[14:54] Annechen Lowey: I would rather loot the body.
[14:55] Jimmy Branagh laughs
[14:55] Myrtil Igaly raises her hand
[14:55] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Use precision, damen. We wouldn't want to break the container.
[14:55] Breezy Carver the Doctor some cookies to go in a tin
[14:55] Bookworm Hienrichs suddenly leaps up and snatches the ElectroCane from Dr. Obolensky.
[14:55] Linus Lacombe: Takes rabble to know rabble, Doctor O.
[14:55] Stereo Nacht: blade or bullet?
[14:55] Rhianon Jameson cheers Miss Book
[14:55] Breezy Carver: YAY!
[14:55] Annechen Lowey: Both.
[14:55] Doctor Obolensky: ((And this ladies and gentleman, is the kind of reason why you all don't see me much anymore.
[14:55] Sky Netizen grins
[14:55] KlausWulfenbach Outlander smiles, pleased at his Liaison's reflexes.
[14:55] Breezy Carver: ✰·.·´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`·.·✰
[14:55] Ahnyanka Delphin cheers for Miss Bookworm!
[14:55] Bookworm Hienrichs: *I* -- have had *enough* -- of being *electrocuted*!
[14:55] Mahakala Omegamu applause!
[14:55] Rowan Derryth cheers!
[14:55] Saffia Widdershins: aha!
[14:55] Breezy Carver: ✰·.·´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`·.·✰
[14:55] Doctor Obolensky: ((Good evening))
[14:55] Bookworm Hienrichs punctuates each phrase with a slam of the cane against the floor, creating sparks and a sizzling noise. Then she casts aside the now-ruined cane.
[14:55] Stereo Nacht: Yes Ma'am!
[14:55] Jimmy Branagh: Yay Miss Book!
[14:55] Saffia Widdershins applauds
[14:55] Bianca Namori: Huzzah!! She's awake.
[14:55] Marion Questi: Ole!
[14:56] zaida Gearbox: offers doc o another heartfelt pbbbbbbtttt
[14:56] KlausWulfenbach Outlanderr applauds
[14:56] Jimmy Branagh applauds
[14:56] Vivi Boxen: Heya
[14:56] Gabriell Anatra: I take it something has possibly gone wrong?
[14:56] zaida Gearbox: yay miz book!
[14:56] Bookworm Hienrichs glares after the departing Dr. Obolensky.
[14:56] Annechen Lowey: Pfft, just Oblensky.
[14:56] Marion Questi: I suppose he made up the toxin thing....
[14:56] Bookworm Hienrichs: Honestly! This is the *third* time this year!
[14:56] Bianca Namori: realizes laughing in a corset is NOT the best idea.
[14:57] Linus Lacombe: Is he prone to making thinks up?
[14:57] Bookworm Hienrichs: Are those villains *trying* to permanently damage my nerves?
[14:57] zaida Gearbox: *hugs loki*
[14:57] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Blood tests at the Consulate after the Salon for everyone.
[14:57] Jimmy Branagh: Thet wos a foine example of wot Miss Book is talkin' 'bout!
[14:57] Loki BaynLoki Bayn hugs zadia and waves to jummy
[14:57] Annechen Lowey: Though it is likely he is a poor botanist, and had no idea what he wwas using.
[14:57] Jimmy Branagh waves back
[14:57] Bookworm Hienrichs sits back down, a little shakily.
[14:58] Rhianon Jameson sneezes from the Evil Pollen
[14:58] Bianca Namori: resist throwing a ball at Loki.
[14:58] Myrtil Igaly: we're still stuck in here and people can't come in
[14:58] Linus Lacombe: probably just something he harvested from the dead weeds around his door step
[14:58] Rhianon Jameson: An airship can simply lift us all out.
[14:59] Bianca Namori: brushes off her skirts and wipes away a tear.
[14:59] Bookworm Hienrichs rubs her forehead, wincing.
[14:59] Serafina Puchkina: That evil Doctor! What can we do?
[14:59] Linus Lacombe: We can mock him in effigy
[14:59] Vivi Boxen: Was going on? babbage changed quite abit
[14:59] Vivi Boxen: Doctor O back on the rampage?
[14:59] Stereo Nacht: I always have my jetpack with me. Should I try from outside?
[14:59] Mahakala Omegamu is rather disappointed nobody stood up to fight the menace
[15:00] Bookworm Hienrichs: Ach. That always gives me such a headache.
[15:00] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Fraulein Book performed excellently as a heroine in this case. She awaited her moment to act.
[15:00] Rhianon Jameson: Indeed.
[15:00] Gabriell Anatra: Ah, made it over.
[15:00] Linus Lacombe: I came back after a crash, and the rapscallion of a cad was already wreaking his havoc. He ran off like a coward before I had my wits about me.
[15:00] Stereo Nacht: Yes, I must admit I wasn't much worried for her - I have heard she had had some excellent training.
[15:00] Bookworm Hienrichs smiles weakly.
[15:01] Vivi Boxen: Yes letus cause some havoc
[15:01] Jasper Kiergarten: it seems we are still stuck in here, however
[15:01] Bianca Namori: slips to the back of the room and heads back
[15:01] Jimmy Branagh: Nah. Do a little cloimbin'
[15:01] Stereo Nacht: Hm. Metal bars. Acid, or heat?
[15:01] Rhianon Jameson now regrets the short skirt, but reflects that she has new bloomers.
[15:01] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Try a lockpick first. Less entertaining, possibly more productive.
[15:02] Jasper Kiergarten: hmm
[15:02] Linus Lacombe looks at Ms Stereo's electrified cattle prod and behaves
[15:02] Jasper Kiergarten: what do you think Jed?
[15:02] Ahnyanka Delphin: Do we get to hear the rest of the speach about Scheherazade?
[15:03] Bookworm Hienrichs: Oh, dear...
[15:03] Jasper Kiergarten: we apologize for all of this, er, funny business, everyone
[15:03] Rhianon Jameson: We don't need to - we have our own, in-the-flesh heroine!
[15:03] Bookworm Hienrichs: I do hope you'll excuse me, but I don't know that I'm up to continuing.
[15:03] Bookworm Hienrichs rubs her forehead again.
[15:03] Jasper Kiergarten: methinks we should figure out these doors, and perhaps get Miss Book to a comfortable place so she can rest
[15:03] Bookworm Hienrichs: ((Head-On--Apply directly to the forehead!))
[15:04] Sky Netizen: ((ha!))
[15:04] Jimmy Branagh: ((LOL))
[15:04] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: The Consulate isn't far.
[15:04] Stereo Nacht: No back doors? Sorry, It's the first time I come here...
[15:04] Jasper Kiergarten: *bangs on wall*
[15:04] Jimmy Branagh: ((Hammer through the TV))
([15:04] Myrtil Igaly: maybe we can climb up the wall and then go fetch a saw or something
[15:05] Jasper Kiergarten: perhaps
[15:05] Jasper Kiergarten: you urchins are better suited for that, perhaps?
[15:05] Jimmy Branagh: Oy bet Oy can get out an' foind some dynamite!
[15:05] Vivi Boxen: I have a hover chair?
[15:05] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Good work.
[15:05] Jasper Kiergarten: they're open!
[15:05] Bookworm Hienrichs starts the the clanging sound.
[15:05] Ahnyanka Delphin applauds, "Excellent work!"
[15:05] Gabriell Anatra: Oh I can get out easily, but I imagine some may have difficulty.
[15:05] Serafina Puchkina applauds
[15:05] Sky Netizen applauds
[15:05] Jasper Kiergarten: excellent work Jed
[15:05] Stereo Nacht: Oh! Nice!
[15:05] Serafina Puchkina: Very good!
[15:05] Stereo Nacht: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[15:05] Rhianon Jameson: Yay!
[15:05] Vivi Boxen: Might work?
[15:05] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Jed says Voila
[15:05] KlausWulfenbach Outlander applauds
[15:05] Sky Netizen: That's my boss!
[15:06] Bookworm Hienrichs: Thank you, Jed.
[15:06] Bookworm Hienrichs smiles.
[15:06] Linus Lacombe: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[15:06] Gabriell Anatra: Ah, good.
[15:06] Jimmy Branagh: Awww ... Oy wanted to use dynamite ...
[15:06] Serafina Puchkina: Jed saves the day!
[15:06] Mahakala Omegamu: Bravo
[15:06] Myrtil Igaly: hehehe
[15:06] Ahnyanka Delphin: Miss Jeddie saves the day.. AGAIN!
[15:06] Myrtil Igaly: another time Jimmy
[15:06] Rhianon Jameson: Maybe next time, lad.
[15:06] Vivi Boxen: NAHHHH You dumb Jimmy... not powerful enough
[15:06] Jimmy Branagh: Yay Miss Jed!
[15:06] Vivi Boxen: Yer need a tesla beam of somesort
[15:06] Jasper Kiergarten: everyone, we are so sorry about this rude and dreadful interruption
[15:06] Vivi Boxen: with 2.21 gigawats of energy
[15:06] Victor1st Mornington chuckles
[15:06] Rhianon Jameson: Quite exciting, Mr. K.!
[15:06] Linus Lacombe: 1.21 just will not cut it eh?
[15:07] Serafina Puchkina: Miss viv will be so sad to have missed the excitement. She will be properly miffed at Doc O
[15:07] Jasper Kiergarten: Unfortunately, I fear that Miss book is in no condition to continue her presentation
[15:07] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Mr. Victor!
[15:07] Gabriell Anatra: 1.21 should be sufficient. Provided you have time.
[15:07] Gabriell Anatra grins
[15:07] Jimmy Branagh: Awww, well it wos a great presentytion anywhys!
[15:07] Ahnyanka Delphin nods at Mr. Kiergarten and gazes with concern up at Miss Bookworm, "Do you need any help getting home, darling?"
[15:07] Vivi Boxen: Well Mar-gab the only energy source that can produce that kind of energy is a bolt of lightning
[15:07] Ahnyanka Delphin applauds for the presentation.
[15:07] Serafina Puchkina: We thank you for your forbearance and we will resolve this matter with the Doctor, never fear
[15:07] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Jolts to the head will do that
[15:08] Rhianon Jameson agrees with Jimmy and gives Miss Book a big round of applause.
[15:08] Jimmy Branagh: AN' she should get some rest after thet nefarious display
[15:08] Serafina Puchkina: thank you Miss Book
[15:08] Jimmy Branagh: Thanks Miss Book!
[15:08] Linus Lacombe: Unfortunately nobody knows when ad where lightening is going to strike!
[15:08] Rowan Derryth: wonderful!
[15:08] Mahakala Omegamu claps
[15:08] Alden Cortes: ☜ «´¨`•°..Im CaNaDiAn..°•´¨`»☞
[15:08] Bookworm Hienrichs smiles as well as she can. "Thank you, all."
[15:08] Jimmy Branagh applauds loudly
[15:08] Serafina Puchkina applauds
[15:08] Linus Lacombe: Thank you Ms Book!
[15:08] Sky Netizen applauds loudly
[15:08] Marion Questi: Thank you Miss Book.
[15:08] Victor1st Mornington: awwww wasnt nefarious at all, was only the old doctor showing his love for the general populace of new babbage...
[15:08] Saffia Widdershins: Thank you - I'm glad I was in time to catch some of it. And now to bed - a day's sightseeing with Miss Derryth in the real world has tired me out!
[15:08] Saffia Widdershins: :-)
[15:08] Victor1st Mornington: *giggles*
[15:08] KlausWulfenbach Outlander applauds
[15:09] Linus Lacombe: Good night Ms Widdreshins
[15:09] Rowan Derryth: Indeed, but a fabulous day it was!
[15:09] Jimmy Branagh waves to Miss Saffia
[15:09] Myrtil Igaly applauds
[15:09] Rowan Derryth: Glad to have made it back for the excitement though!
[15:09] Gabriell Anatra: Unfortunately I managed to miss the excitement. Again.
[15:09] Stereo Nacht: That is what lighitng conductors are for, Mr. Lacombe...
[15:09] Rhianon Jameson: Rest well, Miss Hienrichs. Indeed, that sounds like an excellent idea for me as well. Good evening, all!
[15:09] Gabriell Anatra: I may need some sort of time machine..
[15:09] Serafina Puchkina: thank you all for coming today. The tip jar funds will go to Miss Book who will need it to recover.
[15:09] Stereo Nacht: And good night Miss Widdershins
[15:09] Stereo Nacht: Need anything Miss Hienrichs?
[15:09] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Gute Nacht, those leaving.
[15:09] Jimmy Branagh: Oy got ... oh never moing.
[15:10] Jimmy Branagh: moind
[15:10] Bookworm Hienrichs: No, thank you, Captain Nacht. I think I'll be all right.
[15:10] Jasper Kiergarten: thank you all for coming today, hopefully we can get the evil scrubbed out in time for the next Salon..
[15:10] Stereo Nacht: Glad to hear so.
[15:10] Jasper Kiergarten: a heck ofd a way to celebrate two years od Aether Salon...
[15:10] Serafina Puchkina: I agree, Jasper. Hope Miss Viv isn't miffed at us!
[15:10] Mahakala Omegamu: I'd say
[15:10] Stereo Nacht: Well, one could say we had some entertainment! ;-)
[15:11] Jasper Kiergarten: meep
[15:11] Jasper Kiergarten: me too
[15:11] Vivi Boxen: Miss viv... better not be me I am MR viv
[15:11] Jimmy Branagh: Oy think it's an annivr'sry ta be remembered!
[15:11] Ahnyanka Delphin applauds and grins, "Wonderful job all! Even if it was so rudely interrupted!"
[15:11] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Heh.
[15:11] Bookworm Hienrichs: Here's to two more years, and more!
[15:11] Sunset Quintessa: yes a wonderful speech
[15:11] Jasper Kiergarten: cursed Docter Obelensky
[15:11] Bookworm Hienrichs smiles.
[15:12] Ahnyanka Delphin winks over at Mr. Mornington, "Hello there! I didn't see you sneak in... love to see you again!"
[15:12] Mahakala Omegamu: I must say, I had rather an epiphany during the event though
[15:12] Jimmy Branagh: "Miss Book Beats Stuffin's Out Of Evil Doctor, Audience Applauds Wildly!"
[15:12] Victor1st Mornington blushes and waves
[15:12] Serafina Puchkina: Oh?
[15:12] Vivi Boxen: Still got this snowball gun.
[15:12] Bookworm Hienrichs: ((I gotta get going--need to get back to house and dog-sitting stint, and let the poor guy out!))
[15:12] Ahnyanka Delphin gazes over at Mr. Omegamu, "Ooh?"
[15:12] Serafina Puchkina laughs at Jimmy's headline
[15:13] Serafina Puchkina: May I use that in the transcript, Jimmy?
[15:13] Jimmy Branagh smiles
[15:13] Stereo Nacht: Good bye MIss Hienrichs! Take care of yourself!
[15:13] Jimmy Branagh: SUre!
[15:13] Vivi Boxen: If Dr O attacks
[15:13] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Gute Nacht, Fraulein Bookworm.
[15:13] Serafina Puchkina: Bye Miss Book
[15:13] Mahakala Omegamu: Yes... I was sitting in the audience... awkward at the Dr. O's intrusion.. and I was sitting there thinking to myself from the event "Okay, some woman is going to stand up and stop this mess I hope"
[15:13] Ahnyanka Delphin blows a kiss to Bookworm, "Take care, darling!"
[15:13] Jimmy Branagh: Noight Miss Book. Get some rest.
[15:13] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: I had to hold Frau Lowey back, actually.
[15:13] Ahnyanka Delphin chuckles at Mahakala.
[15:13] Mahakala Omegamu: But then I realized after it all stopped "Good gods, thats exactly the type of feeling keeping people from becoming heroic to begin with"
[15:13] Vivi Boxen: Nah guns dumb
[15:14] zaida Gearbox: tank you miz book
[15:14] Mahakala Omegamu: People expecting whoever they idealize to be heroic at the time taking action
[15:14] Bookworm Hienrichs: Thank you, again. I hope I'll see you at the next salon.
[15:14] Gabriell Anatra: Dr Obolonsky does lend a bit of unplanned excitememnt to affairs, yes.
[15:14] Ahnyanka Delphin: One of the reasons that Miss Jed is such a great heroine in my opinion... she doesn't have the patience to wait for someone else to take care of it... she just does it herself.
[15:14] Bookworm Hienrichs smiles and waves.
[15:15] Jasper Kiergarten: she does indeed
[15:15] Serafina Puchkina: I agree, Miss Delphin
[15:15] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Who else do you all consider heroic?
[15:15] Stereo Nacht smiles without answering...
[15:15] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Other than the remarkable Fraulein Bookworm and Fraulein Dagger?
[15:15] zaida Gearbox: *pats maui*
[15:15] Ahnyanka Delphin: Oh.. we have so many here in New Babbage.. though I wouldn't count myself as one of them.
[15:15] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Come now, name some names.
[15:15] zaida Gearbox: *looks at all the other urchins* now what we gonna do?
[15:16] Ahnyanka Delphin: The ladies of the Fire Brigade I adore passionately for their heroism...
[15:16] Ahnyanka Delphin winks over at Miss Sera.
[15:16] Serafina Puchkina grins
[15:16] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Good example.
[15:16] Jimmy Branagh: ((I'm gonna have dinner as soon as the bell rings.))
[15:17] Vivi Boxen: ((I am gonna have to finish my psycology homework
[15:17] Stereo Nacht: Anyone who gets things done without double-thinking gets my admiration, sir!
[15:17] Ahnyanka Delphin: Who would you add to the list, Herr Baron?
[15:17] Jimmy Branagh: The New Babbage Militia has syved the dye many toimes.
[15:17] Jedburgh30 Dagger: *points at Sera*
[15:17] zaida Gearbox: what you wanna do maui?
[15:17] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: My mother would be my first example.
[15:17] Ahnyanka Delphin nods in agreement with Jimmy.
[15:17] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Remarkable woman.
[15:17] Stereo Nacht: And as such, most people of the steamlands would be considered heroes and heroins, in my book.
[15:17] Ahnyanka Delphin: Ah! An excellent example.
[15:17] zaida Gearbox: what you doing now myrtil?
[15:17] Jasper Kiergarten: ((As always, the speaker's fund goes entirely to our speakers)
[15:18] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: A Spark and a leader, yet one who did not hesitate to get her hands dirty when a task needed to be done.
[15:18] Myrtil Igaly: I'm gonna go back home for a while I think
[14:06] Mahakala Omegamu: Ahh, much better, thankyou
[14:06] Sunset Quintessa: htank you Ahnya
[14:06] Serafina Puchkina: As people are getting their chairs, I clear my throat and begin
[14:06] Serafina Puchkina: A gracious welcome to you. We are thrilled, pleased, and giddy with glee to welcome you to today’s Aether Salon, entitled Heroines!
[14:06] Serafina Puchkina: Thank you all for joining us today. Bear with us today, for we have a bit of a problem: Miss Viv refuses to return to reality and won't be with us today.
[14:07] Rhianon Jameson: I don't blame her.
[14:07] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Ach.
[14:07] Breezy Carver: awww
[14:07] Serafina Puchkina: As many of you know, the Aether Salon meets to discuss steam and Victorian topics on the third Sunday of each month, in Palisades and Academy, New Babbage.
[14:07] Serafina Puchkina: Today marks our second year of salon. When Miss Viv and I sat in her drawing room over two years ago to discuss our dreams and plans for a salon, neither of us knew how the idea would work or if we’d be run out of town on a rail. Thank you all.
[14:07] Bookworm Hienrichs smiles.
[14:07] Breezy Carver: wavess to darling Myrtal
[14:07] Serafina Puchkina: Those folks wearing sashes are past speakers of salon whom we are recognizing today. Please give them a round of applause.
[14:07] Serafina Puchkina claps
[14:07] Myrtil Igaly waves back fondly to Miss Breezy
[14:07] Rhianon Jameson applauds
[14:07] Jimmy Branagh waves to Myrtil
[14:07] Bookworm Hienrichs applauds enthusiastically.
[14:08] Sky Netizen applauds
[14:08] Breezy Carver: Myrtil even .. sigh new key board makes me stutter grins ..
[14:08] Mahakala Omegamu claps his hands appreciatively
[14:08] Myrtil Igaly pinches Jimmy
[14:08] Stereo Nacht: (And I managed to miss it for so long? Ah!)
[14:08] Breezy Carver: ✰·.·´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`·.·✰
[14:08] Linus Lacombe: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:08] Serafina Puchkina: thank you, honored speakers
[14:08] Stereo Nacht: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:08] Myrtil Igaly applauds
[14:08] Ahnyanka Delphin applauds and grins up at Miss Bookworm.
[14:08] KlausWulfenbach Outlander hastily pulls his sash out of his pocket
[14:08] Marion Questi applauds
[14:08] Serafina Puchkina: A few matters of housekeeping before we get started. If you are standing in the back, please move forward onto the maze so that you can be assured of hearing the speaker.
[14:08] Breezy Carver: grins at the Baron
[14:08] Serafina Puchkina: Please hold your questions until the end, and as a courtesy to all, please turn off everything that creates lag: all HUDs, scripts, AOs and so on.
[14:09] Serafina Puchkina: Please no weapons, rogue scripts, unmetered poetry, or incendiary devices. Your cooperation is appreciated.
[14:09] Serafina Puchkina: Edited and unedited transcripts will be posted this week on so you can revisit today’s merriment, read transcripts of past salons, and for a laugh, peruse “overheard at the salon.”
[14:09] Serafina Puchkina: Please join the Aether Salon group and receive notifications of future salon events, click the lower right hand corner of the large brown sign by the entrance. We sincerely appreciate the support we receive from everyone in the community.
[14:09] Serafina Puchkina: As a reminder, all speakers' fund jar donations go directly to the speaker.
[14:09] Linus Lacombe wonders what is up with al the sages
[14:10] Linus Lacombe: sashes
[14:10] Serafina Puchkina: Next month’s salon is Aestheticism! with Miss Rowan Derryth on Sunday, November 21. We promise to have Miss Viv back by then.
[14:10] Serafina Puchkina: Miss Jed will introduce today’s speaker. Miss Jed?
[14:10] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Thank you Serafina.
[14:10] Breezy Carver: ✰·.·´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`·.·✰
[14:10] KlausWulfenbach Outlander applauds
[14:10] Mahakala Omegamu claps
[14:10] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Thank you all for coming today. I want to take a moment to thank the other staffers for the Salon for their dedication and efforts to make all of this come together. Not to mention all of you who have faithfully supported and attended the Salon since its inception.
[14:10] Sky Netizen applauds
[14:11] Linus Lacombe: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:11] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Let me tell you a little something about our speaker. Bookworm Hienrichs once described herself as the least Steampunk-ish person living in New Babbage. She came to town about the same time I did, around two years ago, and has become an active member of the community
[14:11] Ahnyanka Delphin applaues the efforts.
[14:11] Jimmy Branagh applauds
[14:11] Jedburgh30 Dagger: She has described herself as a straight-laced Victorian woman, who isn’t a builder or an engineer. Book has also said she is an ordinary human, with no special talents or powers, yet finds herself comfortable around fae folk or people from unknown lands
[14:11] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Miss Hienrichs enjoys photography and has captured many memorable images from the Salon and from the monthly Piermont Landing balls.
[14:11] Breezy Carver smiles
[14:11] Jimmy Branagh applauds
[14:12] Jedburgh30 Dagger: For all her time in town, she has always claimed that ‘nothing exciting ever happens to her’, that all the goings-on in the city seem to move around her. She has had the occasion to live that statement down, as she has found herself involved in many other events in the city, from joining the Militia to facing down certain doom and disaster in the streets.
[14:12] Ahnyanka Delphin wonders who is taking photos today...
[14:12] Breezy Carver laughs
[14:12] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome today’s speaker, Miss Bookworm Hienrichs
[14:12] Stereo Nacht: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:12] Jimmy Branagh: Yay Miss Book!
[14:12] Jedburgh30 Dagger: applauds
[14:12] Breezy Carver: ✰·.·´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`·.·✰
[14:12] Myrtil Igaly applauds
[14:12] Sky Netizen applauds
[14:12] Rhianon Jameson applauds
[14:12] KlausWulfenbach Outlander applauds
[14:12] Scottie Melnik applauds
[14:12] PJ Trenton: ''*·.¸ APPLAUSE ¸.·*``
[14:12] Breezy Carver: ✰·.·´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`·.·✰
[14:12] Jimmy Branagh: applauds enthusiastically.
[14:12] Bookworm Hienrichs blushes and smiles. "Thank you, Miss Dagger."
[14:13] Bookworm Hienrichs: I must admit, when I was asked to speak at this Salon on the subject of Heroines, I was quite hesitant. After all, what do I really know about the subject?
[14:13] Linus Lacombe: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:13] Ahnyanka Delphin beams up at Miss Book and claps.
[14:13] Breezy Carver grins
[14:13] Stereo Nacht whispers: Good day Miss Namori!
[14:14] Bianca Namori: Ms. Nacht! -squish-
[14:14] Bookworm Hienrichs: But then, as I began investigating the topic, I grew more and more interested in it. And I think--at least, I hope--I may be able to share some insights with you.
[14:14] Breezy Carver nods nods
[14:14] Bookworm Hienrichs: It may seem as if there are few heroines, past, literary, or contemporary, for Victorian women to emulate--especially when compared with the number of heroes to find.
[14:15] Bookworm Hienrichs: However, if one is willing to look beyond the standard stereotype of heroism, one can find many heroines, with lessons to teach us.
[14:15] Linus Lacombe waves to Frau Lowey
[14:15] Breezy Carver: waves to Miss Annechen quietly
[14:15] Bookworm Hienrichs: This discussion cannot, of course, cover them all, so I will just mention a few highlights--those of the past, and those here in our midst.
[14:16] Bookworm Hienrichs: Our first stop is in the Bible, when Joshua and the Hebrews were just starting to conquer the land of Canaan.
[14:16] Jimmy Branagh waves to Frau Annechen
[14:16] Bookworm Hienrichs: Joshua sent two spies to the city of Jericho, where they stayed at the house of Rahab, an innkeeper...or *cough* prostitute, depending on the translation.
[14:16] Annechen Lowey waves hallo and attends to the lecture.
[14:17] Bookworm Hienrichs blushes a little, and quickly moves on.
[14:17] Bookworm Hienrichs: The king of Jericho found out about them, and sent soldiers to her house. But she hid the spies on her roof, under stalks of flax, and told the soldiers that yes, the men had been there, but had left just before the time the city gate would close.
[14:17] Breezy Carver ponders house of rehab
[14:17] Linus Lacombe thinks good guy prostitues are almost a Biblical meme
[14:17] Bookworm Hienrichs: After the soldiers left, she let the two men out the window by a rope, as her house was actually part of the city wall.
[14:17] Ahnyanka Delphin chuckles at Linus.
[14:17] Bianca Namori: ponders brownies.
[14:18] Bookworm Hienrichs: So what lessons can a heroine learn from Rahab? Well, first, know where the good hiding places are.
[14:18] Bianca Namori: Hi Sera. -twinkles her fingers in a wave-
[14:18] Breezy Carver feels hungry
[14:18] Linus Lacombe laughs
[14:18] Mahakala Omegamu smiles
[14:18] Bookworm Hienrichs: Now, that may not *sound* very heroic, but it is actually very useful--not just for hiding oneself when one is in danger, but to hide oneself when one is following or watching someone else, or to hide others if they're in trouble.
[14:18] Ahnyanka Delphin blows a kiss back to Bianca and then turns back to Book.
[14:18] Bookworm Hienrichs: Getting to know the less-traveled passageways, the unused rooms, the convenient piles of crates or junk--all this will be helpful to any heroine here in New Babbage.
[14:19] Bianca Namori: winks at Ahnya.
[14:19] Bookworm Hienrichs: The urchins, of course, are past masters at this.
[14:19] Bookworm Hienrichs grins at Jimmy and Myrtil.
[14:19] Myrtil Igaly smiles back
[14:19] Jimmy Branagh waves to Miss Book.
[14:19] Bookworm Hienrichs: The second lesson is to know how to lie well.
[14:19] Bookworm Hienrichs: But sometimes, for the greater good, lying is necessary, and when that time comes, the lie had best be believable.
[14:20] Linus Lacombe: hehe
[14:20] Bianca Namori: snickers.
[14:20] Bookworm Hienrichs: ((Whoops...))
[14:20] Jedburgh30 Dagger smiles
[14:20] Bookworm Hienrichs: That may sound strange--especially coming from me. But sometimes, for the greater good, lying is necessary, and when that time comes, the lie had best be believable.
[14:20] Ahnyanka Delphin flashes a grin.
[14:20] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: It can save lives.
[14:20] Linus Lacombe: effective lying
[14:20] Bookworm Hienrichs: Rahab didn't try to insist that the two spies hadn't been there--she knew that would never be believed.
[14:20] Bianca Namori: Claro.
[14:20] Bookworm Hienrichs: Instead, she said that they'd headed for the gate at dusk--an entirely plausible thing for them to do, as closing time would likely be busy, and so it would be easier for them to slip out. So, through a good lie, Rahab saved their lives.
[14:20] Bookworm Hienrichs nods at the Baron.
[14:21] Stereo Nacht: (Cally it "distorting truth", if it makes you feel better about it!)
[14:21] Bookworm Hienrichs chuckles.
[14:21] Annechen Lowey: "selective editing"
[14:21] Bianca Namori: Don't scold your friend if they're a liar, they can be saving your life someday. -snickers-
[14:21] Bookworm Hienrichs: Our other Biblical examples come from the book of Judges. Early in the history of Israel, they were led by "judges," who could settle disputes in times of peace, and act as rallying points in times of war.
[14:21] Ahnyanka Delphin chuckles at Frau Lowey.
[14:21] Jimmy Branagh: "Docufiction"
[14:22] Bookworm Hienrichs: Deborah is the only woman judge mentioned in the Bible, but she obviously served in precisely the same function as any of the male judges.
[14:22] Bookworm Hienrichs: She was also a prophetess--which doesn't mean she foretold the future, but that she received and passed on messages and directives from God.
[14:22] Breezy Carver: looks t Jim big word child !!
[14:22] Linus Lacombe thinks there were probably a lot more female judges tha history records, and probably quite heroic ones too
[14:22] Jimmy Branagh grins
[14:22] Bianca Namori: nods in agreeance with Linus' thought.
[14:23] Myrtil Igaly: He likes to say big words he read in books even if he doesn't know them..
[14:23] Bookworm Hienrichs: She was truly, at this time, the ultimate authority in Israel--though Israel was under the thumb of Jabin, a Canaanite king, and his general Sisera.
[14:23] Bianca Namori: It comes with the gender Myrtil darling...-winks-
[14:24] Ahnyanka Delphin chuckles at Myrtil.
[14:24] Jimmy Branagh: Oy know them awl. Oy loike ta learn thngs, which Oy'm troyin' ta do roight now listenin' ta Miss Book.
[14:24] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Good man.
[14:24] Bianca Namori: sniggles.
[14:24] Bookworm Hienrichs smiles at Jimmy.
[14:24] Bookworm Hienrichs: Deborah was not afraid to use the authority given her. She did not doubt God when He said the time had come to defeat the general Sisera.
[14:25] Bookworm Hienrichs: ((*waits a bit to see if Breezy makes it back online...*))
[14:26] Bookworm Hienrichs: She was not afraid to gather the troops of Israel, and appoint their general, Barak, even though this action would certainly capture the attention of Sisera.
[14:26] Breezy Carver Ouch !
[14:26] Bookworm Hienrichs: ((WB, Breezy!))
[14:27] Breezy Carver: ❤*:•;•:*¨¨*:THANK YOU:* *¨¨*:•;•:* ❤
[14:27] Breezy Carver: ((aww Dear Book what a perfect herione !!)) ..
[14:27] Bookworm Hienrichs: Nor was she afraid to tell Barak off when he publicly expressed his trepidations by insisting that she come along, telling him that the ultimate glory of winning would go not to him, but to a woman.
[14:29] Bookworm Hienrichs: That woman was Jael--who wasn't even an Israelite. She was the wife of Heber the Kenite, who was actually a descendent of Moses' father-in-law.
[14:29] Myrtil Igaly: What a family!
[14:29] Bianca Namori: What a mouth full!
[14:29] Breezy Carver: My MY !
[14:29] Bookworm Hienrichs: Despite this blood tie, Heber did have good relations with King Jabin, which made their tents the logical place for Sisera to flee when his army was defeated by Barak and the Israelites.
[14:30] Bookworm Hienrichs: Jael welcomed him into her tent--*her* tent; this was a time when men still often had several wives, who would each have their own rooms or tents.
[14:30] Breezy Carver: Yes safe it seems as well smiles well it seems
[14:30] Rhianon Jameson blushes
[14:31] Bianca Namori: giggles.
[14:31] Breezy Carver grins
[14:31] Bookworm Hienrichs blushes a bit herself.
[14:31] Breezy Carver smiles
[14:31] Ahnyanka Delphin cocks her head to the side and ponders, chuckling a bit.
[14:31] Breezy Carver snickers
[14:31] Jimmy Branagh: "Circuit training"
[14:31] Bianca Namori: gafahs.
[14:31] Jimmy Branagh snickers
[14:32] Myrtil Igaly slaps the back of Jimmy's head
[14:32] Bookworm Hienrichs laughs.
[14:32] Breezy Carver now now .. grins
[14:32] Bookworm Hienrichs: She gave him milk to drink, and consented to keep watch while he slept. But once he was asleep, she took a tent peg and hammer, and drove the peg into Sisera's skull, killing him.
[14:32] Annechen Lowey: Long as everyone was happy.
[14:32] Rhianon Jameson: Oh my.
[14:32] Breezy Carver Gasp !
[14:32] Stereo Nacht ponders, as her travellings has led her to strange place and peoples...
[14:32] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Booyah
[14:32] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: That would ruin his chances at revivification.
[14:32] Bianca Namori: Boom headshot indeed!
[14:33] Jimmy Branagh: Whoa
[14:33] Breezy Carver laughs
[14:33] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Pays not to fall asleep first, methinks
[14:33] Breezy Carver: listens for head shot !
[14:33] Linus Lacombe: And tht is why they called him "Old Peg Head" thereafter
[14:33] Ahnyanka Delphin: Wow... what a wake up call...
[14:33] Myrtil Igaly: Must remember that one!
[14:33] Ahnyanka Delphin laughs and tries to cover Myrtil's ears.
[14:33] Bianca Namori: What are you talking about Ahnya? He -didn't- wake up! -laughs-
[14:33] Breezy Carver laughs
[14:33] Ahnyanka Delphin: Oh, I'm sure he did for a moment or two!
[14:33] Bianca Namori: laughs.
[14:34] Breezy Carver terrible way to go go ...
[14:34] Linus Lacombe: "I've got a skull splitting headache"
[14:34] Bookworm Hienrichs grins at the byplay.
[14:34] Bianca Namori: Oh Linus! -blushes and laughs-
[14:34] Ahnyanka Delphin giggles at Linus and then settles down.
[14:34] Bookworm Hienrichs: It is an unfortunate fact of life that most women are physically weaker than most men.
[14:34] Breezy Carver sigh
[14:34] Bianca Namori: nods in sad agreeance.
[14:34] Rhianon Jameson bats her eyelashes
[14:35] Bookworm Hienrichs: While we can take some steps to increase our strength, it oftentimes is not enough.
[14:35] Stereo Nacht mutters: there are way to make up for it... (smirk!)
[14:35] Breezy Carver nods nods
[14:35] Bianca Namori whispers: sshh...Stereo...let them think there isn't any hope.
[14:35] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: She's not talking about clank implants.
[14:35] Myrtil Igaly: Luckily they're smarter
[14:35] KlausWulfenbach Outlander mutters, 'Deadlier at least.'
[14:35] Jedburgh30 Dagger: depends on which men
[14:35] Breezy Carver: straightens sash and smiles
[14:35] Bookworm Hienrichs: Thus, heroines must be willing to use any advantage that is given them, as Jael did, to accomplish their goal.
[14:36] Stereo Nacht: Ahem. Sorry. I though this was all good allied society... ;-)
[14:36] Linus Lacombe: Cunning quite often trumps brawn.
[14:36] Annechen LoweyAnnechen Lowey coughs quietly.
[14:36] Breezy CarverBreezy Carver looks up
[14:36] Jimmy Branagh: ((Darn AFK for a bit))
[14:36] Myrtil Igaly: ((HB!))
[14:37] Bookworm Hienrichs: Most everyone knows the basics of the Arabian Nights, the Thousand and One Nights, the Arabian Nights’ Entertainments--whatever you want to call it.
[14:37] Ahnyanka Delphin flashes a grin and nods, "A fascinating story!"
[14:37] Bianca Namori: nods excitedly.
[14:37] Bookworm Hienrichs: But not everyone may know the details, which are very interesting.
[14:38] Bookworm Hienrichs: Scheherazade was the daughter of the grand vizier of a sultan.
[14:39] Bookworm Hienrichs: This sultan had discovered his wife in flagrante delicto with a household officer, and so rather soured on marriage and women.
[14:39] Rhianon Jameson tries to suppress a giggle, and fails
[14:40] Jedburgh30 Dagger: In flagrante Delecto
[14:40] Bookworm Hienrichs: ((D'oh!))
[14:40] Rowan Derryth: Love that term!
[14:40] Stereo Nacht holds back a snarky comment about the sultan's way of treating his wife *before* she went for better... ahem.
[14:40] Bookworm Hienrichs: ((*thwaps the typist*))
[14:40] Bookworm Hienrichs: So, once he'd disposed of his wife, he decided that the only solution was to marry a virgin, sleep with her for one night, then have her killed in the morning.
[14:40] Stereo Nacht: Oh, I think you were right, Miss Hienrichs, and Mr. Dagger just played with words...
[14:41] Myrtil Igaly: "disposed of his wife" hmm...
[14:41] Rhianon Jameson: A strong incentive for the women of the sultanate to shag the nearest guy.
[14:41] Mahakala Omegamu thinks "of course, thats 'logical'" o_O
[14:41] Bookworm Hienrichs: How he expected to get any heirs out of this, I don’t know.
[14:41] Breezy Carver: nods .. yet again . ((ww )) closing .. others sigh smiles
[14:41] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: (Fraulein Dagger, Captainess.)
[14:41] Bianca Namori: Very educational.
[14:41] Stereo Nacht: (Eek! Sorry!)
[14:41] Jedburgh30 Dagger: One night stands were tough back then
[14:42] Marion Questi thinks he must have been a rather poor sort of Sultan to have had only the one wife..
[14:42] Ahnyanka Delphin can't wait for Book to be able to finish the rest of the story.
[14:42] Bookworm Hienrichs: What?!
[14:42] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Red fire!
[14:42] Myrtil Igaly: ARGH, the Doc!
[14:42] Ahnyanka Delphin gasps as Dr. O suddenly appears.
[14:42] Bookworm Hienrichs raises up.
[14:42] Doctor Obolensky: Well, good afternoon.
[14:42] Serafina Puchkina gasps
[14:42] Stereo Nacht: Hm?
[14:42] Sky Netizen's eyes widen
[14:42] Jedburgh30 Dagger: What the...
[14:42] Rhianon Jameson: This is most unexpected.
[14:42] Bookworm Hienrichs shrieks once, then collapses.
[14:42] Doctor Obolensky: And, enough of that drivel, don't you think?
[14:42] Ahnyanka Delphin: Poor form, Doctor! Don't interrupt the story!!
[14:42] Serafina Puchkina: The doors! Look at the doors!
[14:42] Breezy Carver looks at the Doctor out for a strole ??
[14:42] Mahakala Omegamu: Gasp!~ ^o^ someone stop him!
[14:42] Stereo Nacht: Herr Baron? Any orders?
[14:43] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Hold.
[14:43] Myrtil Igaly: uho...
[14:43] Ahnyanka Delphin gasps as she notices that they're trapped.
[14:43] Stereo Nacht: Yes sir.
[14:43] Doctor Obolensky: Now, before you all get all irate, allow me to remind you of two things.
[14:43] KlausWulfenbach Outlander glares in irritation
[14:43] Bianca Namori: blinks thinking she heard a gun cock.
[14:43] Myrtil Igaly: Miss Book!!
[14:43] Doctor Obolensky: One, Miss Heinrichs will be more or less no worse for wear in a half-hour or so.
[14:43] Ahnyanka Delphin looks up at Miss Bookworm with concern.
[14:44] Breezy Carver Gasp !!!!
[14:44] Jedburgh30 Dagger growls
[14:44] Rhianon Jameson thinks it fortunate that she kept her pistol beneath her skirt
[14:44] Breezy Carver: but bt she was talking !!
[14:44] Doctor Obolensky: And the second, that you all have, for the last few minutes, been breathing South Patagonian Deathflower pollen.
[14:44] Breezy Carver: what did you do ???
[14:44] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Is that all?
[14:44] Myrtil Igaly: South wha?
[14:44] Sky Netizen frowns and sniffs
[14:44] Breezy Carver: what does that mean ??
[14:44] Doctor Obolensky: Which I'll pass on the antidote too, once I'm done, provided you all behave.
[14:44] Serafina Puchkina clutches her throat and staggers
[14:44] Myrtil Igaly: meh, it's open air, how could that affect us!
[14:44] Annechen Lowey frowns, "Poor manners are not excused by your self-importance, 'Doctor'. "
[14:45] Rhianon Jameson coughs politely
[14:45] Mahakala Omegamu wonders where isa botanist when you need one!
[14:45] Doctor Obolensky: For those of you immune to such things, well, just consider your neighbors well being.
[14:45] Breezy Carver covers mouth
[14:45] KlausWulfenbach Outlander looks impatient
[14:45] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Get on with it, Obolensky.
[14:45] Breezy Carver and crosses legs ..
[14:45] Bianca Namori whispers: Someone wasn't hugged enough as a child.
[14:45] Serafina Puchkina cries about poor Book
[14:45] Doctor Obolensky: After all, you should be more appreciative of me saving you from this deluded woman's ramblings.
[14:46] Breezy Carver Gasp !
[14:46] Doctor Obolensky: But on to the subject at hand.
[14:46] Ahnyanka Delphin flutters her hand to fnan herself as she starts to feel flushed.
[14:46] Rhianon Jameson: Wha....?
[14:46] Breezy Carver: how Rude !
[14:46] Doctor Obolensky: Heroines.....silly and useless.
[14:46] Jimmy Branagh: ((kback))
[14:46] Bianca Namori: tries to hold back her laughter, being completely delighted by the turn of events.
[14:46] Myrtil Igaly: ((welcome back Jimmy))
[14:46] Stereo Nacht clenches teeth, and puts her hand behind her back, just in case...
[14:46] Jimmy Branagh: ((thx))
[14:46] Breezy Carver: (wb wb wb ))
[14:46] Jimmy Branagh: ((thxthxthx))
[14:46] Jedburgh30 Dagger grits teeth
[14:46] Doctor Obolensky: As you can tell from the examples given by this deranged harridan.. >nudges Book with the toe of his shoe<
[14:46] Rhianon Jameson waves the pistol
[14:47] Sky Netizen hisses
[14:47] Breezy Carver: Evil !
[14:47] Doctor Obolensky: Women have no real place in the world of Heroism.
[14:47] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Watch the footprints, that's my Liaison you're nudging.
[14:47] Ahnyanka Delphin's eyes narrow as she frowns at the Doctor, "I don't care what your ideals are... it's never appropriate to interrupt a performance!"
[14:47] Jimmy Branagh whispers 'ello Mr. Katsu
[14:47] Annechen Lowey growls.
[14:47] Stereo Nacht abstains to roll her eyes, so not to get them off the Doctor...
[14:47] Rhianon Jameson nods in agreement with Miss Delphin
[14:47] Katsu Malik: Hello Jimmy
[14:47] Doctor Obolensky: Oh, assassins, yes. Storytellers, liars, cheats, all are excellent work for the woman out to make a name for herself.
[14:47] Breezy Carver ponders What a great big Ham !!
[14:47] Bianca Namori: cackles even more.
[14:48] Rhianon Jameson is suddenly hungry
[14:48] Doctor Obolensky: Not to mention, the culinary arts, and propogating the species.
[14:48] Serafina Puchkina growls and looks over at the barred doors
[14:48] Doctor Obolensky: But heroism requires more than any mere woman can manage.
[14:48] Ahnyanka Delphin raises an eyebrow as she listens.
[14:48] KlausWulfenbach Outlander goes from irritated to bored
[14:48] Marion Questi notices that there are no refreshments set out...
[14:49] Doctor Obolensky: Notice none of her examples included any women involved in a life-or-death duel on a rooftop in a thunderstorm.
[14:49] Ahnyanka Delphin ((*laughs* Brava Baron!))
[14:49] Bianca Namori: Oh knocked her out for a speach!? Really?!? Just a speech?! No murder?? No suspense?!?! And you call yourself a villian...-sighs dramatically and slums in her chair-
[14:49] Rhianon Jameson: Naturally - we're not *stupid*
[14:49] Jimmy Branagh searches his poclets for fruit to throw.
[14:49] Doctor Obolensky: Well, if you insist, Miss Namori, I'll kill you later.
[14:49] Breezy Carver grins !
[14:49] Bianca Namori: Oh how delightful! You think you can! Adorable...
[14:49] Stereo NachtStereo Nacht grins at Miss Jameson - then remembers being an airwoman...
[14:49] Bianca Namori: giggles behind her hand.
[14:49] Ahnyanka Delphin secretly hands Jimmy a rotten tomato.
[14:50] Doctor Obolensky: Now then....I'll open the floor to questions on the subject. Please follow the rules of order.
[14:50] Bianca Namori: wonders where Ahnya keeps those things.
[14:50] Breezy Carver why are you you here again ?
[14:50] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: When are you leaving?
[14:50] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: And can we help?
[14:50] Doctor Obolensky: Well, I thought I had explained that.
[14:50] Bianca Namori: When -are- you going to kill me? I need to pencil it in.
[14:50] Sky Netizen thumbs through "Robert's Rules Of Order" to figure out if killing is acceptable.
[14:50] Katsu Malik: Will there be cake?
[14:50] Breezy Carver: can we review ?
[14:51] Ahnyanka Delphin giggles back at Sky.
[14:51] Bianca Namori: The cake is a lie...
[14:51] Breezy Carver: this is Babbage
[14:51] Mahakala Omegamu ponders cake or death
[14:51] Jimmy Branagh: ((Gah, can't rez tomatoes))
[14:51] Bianca Namori: Just like this mans ability to be a good villian.
[14:51] Doctor Obolensky: Really, for a group that supposedly is concerned with learning, you really are quite dull-witted.
[14:51] Stereo Nacht: DO I need my pistol?
[14:51] Rhianon Jameson tries to remember the lessons: know back alleys, lie well, use any advantage...
[14:51] Linus Lacombe: ((that was some crash))
[14:51] Breezy Carver snickers
[14:51] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: It's your field effect, Obolensky.
[14:51] Annechen Lowey: We just know when ther is dross offered instead of true knowledge.
[14:51] Bianca Namori: falls out of her chair laughing.
[14:51] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Zaida
[14:51] Breezy Carver: it is so hard to understand why you are soo Evil
[14:52] Breezy Carver: Gosh !
[14:52] Saffia Widdershins: The Primgraph has cake
[14:52] Saffia Widdershins: we always have cake
[14:52] Jimmy Branagh: The Doc is offerin' us the comic relief of th' evenin'.
[14:52] Ahnyanka Delphin buffs her fingernails and gazes down at them, "It entirely depends on the interest that we have on the subject matter, darling Doctor..."
[14:52] Rhianon Jameson: I think the insufficient-hugs explanation works, Miss Breezy.
[14:52] Myrtil Igaly: he says girls can't be heroines
[14:52] Ahnyanka Delphin chuckles back at Saffia.
[14:52] Bianca Namori: Oooh, cake...yes...
[14:52] Breezy Carver: nods i concur !!
[14:52] Bianca Namori: sits up still laughing.
[14:52] Breezy Carver: lets give him hugss
[14:52] Doctor Obolensky: have no interest in Heroines? I thought that's why you all turned up.
[14:52] Rhianon Jameson: Focus, Miss Namori!
[14:52] zaida Gearbox: pbbbbbt to doc o
[14:52] Breezy Carver: children you go first
[14:52] Ahnyanka Delphin nods at Scottie, "The Clockfinder for example!"
[14:53] Myrtil Igaly: go give him hugs?
[14:53] Jimmy Branagh: Oy'd bring up Professor Nishi, but she wos a bit before yaw toime, Doc.
[14:53] Breezy Carver: yes
[14:53] Annechen Lowey: We have interst in true heroics, not your inane babble.
[14:53] Breezy Carver: many many hugs
[14:53] Ahnyanka Delphin grins over at Miss Jed.
[14:53] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Obolensky... are you trying to tell us a secret? Are you actually a heroine after all?
[14:53] zaida Gearbox: *huggles miz breezy* ah'd rather eat a rotten egg dan hug doc o
[14:53] Rhianon Jameson snickers
[14:53] Doctor Obolensky sighs.
[14:53] Bianca Namori: I...can't...-titters- focus!! He's a ruuuubeeee....-cackles-
[14:53] Doctor Obolensky: Very well, I suppose you all will just have to die to the toxin.
[14:53] Ahnyanka Delphin ponders the Baron's question with a merry twinkle in her eyes.
[14:53] Myrtil Igaly: Well Miss Book IS an heroin
[14:53] Breezy Carver: hugs the cute child Zaida gives her a cookie
[14:53] zaida Gearbox: ((that's only ICLY - OCLY i totally hug doc o))
((that's only ICLY - OCLY i totally hug doc o))
[14:54] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Frau Lowey, how are the supplies in the Consulate lab?
[14:54] Bianca Namori: ((I'd give him a hug too...and scrub down with acid after))
[14:54] Breezy Carver: Doctor would you like a cookie too ?
[14:54] Breezy Carver smiles
[14:54] Annechen Lowey: Fairly well stocked, should not be a problem.
[14:54] Breezy Carver coughs coughs
[14:54] Doctor Obolensky: Good evening all. I had hoped for some interesting discourse....but apparently you all are all the same rabble as the rest of them.
[14:54] Stereo Nacht: Sir, he said he *has* the antidote. What about taking him down, then thaking it from him?
[14:54] Ahnyanka Delphin: Rest of who, darling?
[14:54] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Sehr gut, before we died of tedium.
[14:54] Rhianon Jameson: What Miss Nacht said.
[14:54] Vivi Boxen: Ola
[14:54] Annechen Lowey: I would rather loot the body.
[14:55] Jimmy Branagh laughs
[14:55] Myrtil Igaly raises her hand
[14:55] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Use precision, damen. We wouldn't want to break the container.
[14:55] Breezy Carver the Doctor some cookies to go in a tin
[14:55] Bookworm Hienrichs suddenly leaps up and snatches the ElectroCane from Dr. Obolensky.
[14:55] Linus Lacombe: Takes rabble to know rabble, Doctor O.
[14:55] Stereo Nacht: blade or bullet?
[14:55] Rhianon Jameson cheers Miss Book
[14:55] Breezy Carver: YAY!
[14:55] Annechen Lowey: Both.
[14:55] Doctor Obolensky: ((And this ladies and gentleman, is the kind of reason why you all don't see me much anymore.
[14:55] Sky Netizen grins
[14:55] KlausWulfenbach Outlander smiles, pleased at his Liaison's reflexes.
[14:55] Breezy Carver: ✰·.·´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`·.·✰
[14:55] Ahnyanka Delphin cheers for Miss Bookworm!
[14:55] Bookworm Hienrichs: *I* -- have had *enough* -- of being *electrocuted*!
[14:55] Mahakala Omegamu applause!
[14:55] Rowan Derryth cheers!
[14:55] Saffia Widdershins: aha!
[14:55] Breezy Carver: ✰·.·´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`·.·✰
[14:55] Doctor Obolensky: ((Good evening))
[14:55] Bookworm Hienrichs punctuates each phrase with a slam of the cane against the floor, creating sparks and a sizzling noise. Then she casts aside the now-ruined cane.
[14:55] Stereo Nacht: Yes Ma'am!
[14:55] Jimmy Branagh: Yay Miss Book!
[14:55] Saffia Widdershins applauds
[14:55] Bianca Namori: Huzzah!! She's awake.
[14:55] Marion Questi: Ole!
[14:56] zaida Gearbox: offers doc o another heartfelt pbbbbbbtttt
[14:56] KlausWulfenbach Outlanderr applauds
[14:56] Jimmy Branagh applauds
[14:56] Vivi Boxen: Heya
[14:56] Gabriell Anatra: I take it something has possibly gone wrong?
[14:56] zaida Gearbox: yay miz book!
[14:56] Bookworm Hienrichs glares after the departing Dr. Obolensky.
[14:56] Annechen Lowey: Pfft, just Oblensky.
[14:56] Marion Questi: I suppose he made up the toxin thing....
[14:56] Bookworm Hienrichs: Honestly! This is the *third* time this year!
[14:56] Bianca Namori: realizes laughing in a corset is NOT the best idea.
[14:57] Linus Lacombe: Is he prone to making thinks up?
[14:57] Bookworm Hienrichs: Are those villains *trying* to permanently damage my nerves?
[14:57] zaida Gearbox: *hugs loki*
[14:57] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Blood tests at the Consulate after the Salon for everyone.
[14:57] Jimmy Branagh: Thet wos a foine example of wot Miss Book is talkin' 'bout!
[14:57] Loki BaynLoki Bayn hugs zadia and waves to jummy
[14:57] Annechen Lowey: Though it is likely he is a poor botanist, and had no idea what he wwas using.
[14:57] Jimmy Branagh waves back
[14:57] Bookworm Hienrichs sits back down, a little shakily.
[14:58] Rhianon Jameson sneezes from the Evil Pollen
[14:58] Bianca Namori: resist throwing a ball at Loki.
[14:58] Myrtil Igaly: we're still stuck in here and people can't come in
[14:58] Linus Lacombe: probably just something he harvested from the dead weeds around his door step
[14:58] Rhianon Jameson: An airship can simply lift us all out.
[14:59] Bianca Namori: brushes off her skirts and wipes away a tear.
[14:59] Bookworm Hienrichs rubs her forehead, wincing.
[14:59] Serafina Puchkina: That evil Doctor! What can we do?
[14:59] Linus Lacombe: We can mock him in effigy
[14:59] Vivi Boxen: Was going on? babbage changed quite abit
[14:59] Vivi Boxen: Doctor O back on the rampage?
[14:59] Stereo Nacht: I always have my jetpack with me. Should I try from outside?
[14:59] Mahakala Omegamu is rather disappointed nobody stood up to fight the menace
[15:00] Bookworm Hienrichs: Ach. That always gives me such a headache.
[15:00] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Fraulein Book performed excellently as a heroine in this case. She awaited her moment to act.
[15:00] Rhianon Jameson: Indeed.
[15:00] Gabriell Anatra: Ah, made it over.
[15:00] Linus Lacombe: I came back after a crash, and the rapscallion of a cad was already wreaking his havoc. He ran off like a coward before I had my wits about me.
[15:00] Stereo Nacht: Yes, I must admit I wasn't much worried for her - I have heard she had had some excellent training.
[15:00] Bookworm Hienrichs smiles weakly.
[15:01] Vivi Boxen: Yes letus cause some havoc
[15:01] Jasper Kiergarten: it seems we are still stuck in here, however
[15:01] Bianca Namori: slips to the back of the room and heads back
[15:01] Jimmy Branagh: Nah. Do a little cloimbin'
[15:01] Stereo Nacht: Hm. Metal bars. Acid, or heat?
[15:01] Rhianon Jameson now regrets the short skirt, but reflects that she has new bloomers.
[15:01] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Try a lockpick first. Less entertaining, possibly more productive.
[15:02] Jasper Kiergarten: hmm
[15:02] Linus Lacombe looks at Ms Stereo's electrified cattle prod and behaves
[15:02] Jasper Kiergarten: what do you think Jed?
[15:02] Ahnyanka Delphin: Do we get to hear the rest of the speach about Scheherazade?
[15:03] Bookworm Hienrichs: Oh, dear...
[15:03] Jasper Kiergarten: we apologize for all of this, er, funny business, everyone
[15:03] Rhianon Jameson: We don't need to - we have our own, in-the-flesh heroine!
[15:03] Bookworm Hienrichs: I do hope you'll excuse me, but I don't know that I'm up to continuing.
[15:03] Bookworm Hienrichs rubs her forehead again.
[15:03] Jasper Kiergarten: methinks we should figure out these doors, and perhaps get Miss Book to a comfortable place so she can rest
[15:03] Bookworm Hienrichs: ((Head-On--Apply directly to the forehead!))
[15:04] Sky Netizen: ((ha!))
[15:04] Jimmy Branagh: ((LOL))
[15:04] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: The Consulate isn't far.
[15:04] Stereo Nacht: No back doors? Sorry, It's the first time I come here...
[15:04] Jasper Kiergarten: *bangs on wall*
[15:04] Jimmy Branagh: ((Hammer through the TV))
([15:04] Myrtil Igaly: maybe we can climb up the wall and then go fetch a saw or something
[15:05] Jasper Kiergarten: perhaps
[15:05] Jasper Kiergarten: you urchins are better suited for that, perhaps?
[15:05] Jimmy Branagh: Oy bet Oy can get out an' foind some dynamite!
[15:05] Vivi Boxen: I have a hover chair?
[15:05] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Good work.
[15:05] Jasper Kiergarten: they're open!
[15:05] Bookworm Hienrichs starts the the clanging sound.
[15:05] Ahnyanka Delphin applauds, "Excellent work!"
[15:05] Gabriell Anatra: Oh I can get out easily, but I imagine some may have difficulty.
[15:05] Serafina Puchkina applauds
[15:05] Sky Netizen applauds
[15:05] Jasper Kiergarten: excellent work Jed
[15:05] Stereo Nacht: Oh! Nice!
[15:05] Serafina Puchkina: Very good!
[15:05] Stereo Nacht: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[15:05] Rhianon Jameson: Yay!
[15:05] Vivi Boxen: Might work?
[15:05] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Jed says Voila
[15:05] KlausWulfenbach Outlander applauds
[15:05] Sky Netizen: That's my boss!
[15:06] Bookworm Hienrichs: Thank you, Jed.
[15:06] Bookworm Hienrichs smiles.
[15:06] Linus Lacombe: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[15:06] Gabriell Anatra: Ah, good.
[15:06] Jimmy Branagh: Awww ... Oy wanted to use dynamite ...
[15:06] Serafina Puchkina: Jed saves the day!
[15:06] Mahakala Omegamu: Bravo
[15:06] Myrtil Igaly: hehehe
[15:06] Ahnyanka Delphin: Miss Jeddie saves the day.. AGAIN!
[15:06] Myrtil Igaly: another time Jimmy
[15:06] Rhianon Jameson: Maybe next time, lad.
[15:06] Vivi Boxen: NAHHHH You dumb Jimmy... not powerful enough
[15:06] Jimmy Branagh: Yay Miss Jed!
[15:06] Vivi Boxen: Yer need a tesla beam of somesort
[15:06] Jasper Kiergarten: everyone, we are so sorry about this rude and dreadful interruption
[15:06] Vivi Boxen: with 2.21 gigawats of energy
[15:06] Victor1st Mornington chuckles
[15:06] Rhianon Jameson: Quite exciting, Mr. K.!
[15:06] Linus Lacombe: 1.21 just will not cut it eh?
[15:07] Serafina Puchkina: Miss viv will be so sad to have missed the excitement. She will be properly miffed at Doc O
[15:07] Jasper Kiergarten: Unfortunately, I fear that Miss book is in no condition to continue her presentation
[15:07] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Mr. Victor!
[15:07] Gabriell Anatra: 1.21 should be sufficient. Provided you have time.
[15:07] Gabriell Anatra grins
[15:07] Jimmy Branagh: Awww, well it wos a great presentytion anywhys!
[15:07] Ahnyanka Delphin nods at Mr. Kiergarten and gazes with concern up at Miss Bookworm, "Do you need any help getting home, darling?"
[15:07] Vivi Boxen: Well Mar-gab the only energy source that can produce that kind of energy is a bolt of lightning
[15:07] Ahnyanka Delphin applauds for the presentation.
[15:07] Serafina Puchkina: We thank you for your forbearance and we will resolve this matter with the Doctor, never fear
[15:07] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Jolts to the head will do that
[15:08] Rhianon Jameson agrees with Jimmy and gives Miss Book a big round of applause.
[15:08] Jimmy Branagh: AN' she should get some rest after thet nefarious display
[15:08] Serafina Puchkina: thank you Miss Book
[15:08] Jimmy Branagh: Thanks Miss Book!
[15:08] Linus Lacombe: Unfortunately nobody knows when ad where lightening is going to strike!
[15:08] Rowan Derryth: wonderful!
[15:08] Mahakala Omegamu claps
[15:08] Alden Cortes: ☜ «´¨`•°..Im CaNaDiAn..°•´¨`»☞
[15:08] Bookworm Hienrichs smiles as well as she can. "Thank you, all."
[15:08] Jimmy Branagh applauds loudly
[15:08] Serafina Puchkina applauds
[15:08] Linus Lacombe: Thank you Ms Book!
[15:08] Sky Netizen applauds loudly
[15:08] Marion Questi: Thank you Miss Book.
[15:08] Victor1st Mornington: awwww wasnt nefarious at all, was only the old doctor showing his love for the general populace of new babbage...
[15:08] Saffia Widdershins: Thank you - I'm glad I was in time to catch some of it. And now to bed - a day's sightseeing with Miss Derryth in the real world has tired me out!
[15:08] Saffia Widdershins: :-)
[15:08] Victor1st Mornington: *giggles*
[15:08] KlausWulfenbach Outlander applauds
[15:09] Linus Lacombe: Good night Ms Widdreshins
[15:09] Rowan Derryth: Indeed, but a fabulous day it was!
[15:09] Jimmy Branagh waves to Miss Saffia
[15:09] Myrtil Igaly applauds
[15:09] Rowan Derryth: Glad to have made it back for the excitement though!
[15:09] Gabriell Anatra: Unfortunately I managed to miss the excitement. Again.
[15:09] Stereo Nacht: That is what lighitng conductors are for, Mr. Lacombe...
[15:09] Rhianon Jameson: Rest well, Miss Hienrichs. Indeed, that sounds like an excellent idea for me as well. Good evening, all!
[15:09] Gabriell Anatra: I may need some sort of time machine..
[15:09] Serafina Puchkina: thank you all for coming today. The tip jar funds will go to Miss Book who will need it to recover.
[15:09] Stereo Nacht: And good night Miss Widdershins
[15:09] Stereo Nacht: Need anything Miss Hienrichs?
[15:09] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Gute Nacht, those leaving.
[15:09] Jimmy Branagh: Oy got ... oh never moing.
[15:10] Jimmy Branagh: moind
[15:10] Bookworm Hienrichs: No, thank you, Captain Nacht. I think I'll be all right.
[15:10] Jasper Kiergarten: thank you all for coming today, hopefully we can get the evil scrubbed out in time for the next Salon..
[15:10] Stereo Nacht: Glad to hear so.
[15:10] Jasper Kiergarten: a heck ofd a way to celebrate two years od Aether Salon...
[15:10] Serafina Puchkina: I agree, Jasper. Hope Miss Viv isn't miffed at us!
[15:10] Mahakala Omegamu: I'd say
[15:10] Stereo Nacht: Well, one could say we had some entertainment! ;-)
[15:11] Jasper Kiergarten: meep
[15:11] Jasper Kiergarten: me too
[15:11] Vivi Boxen: Miss viv... better not be me I am MR viv
[15:11] Jimmy Branagh: Oy think it's an annivr'sry ta be remembered!
[15:11] Ahnyanka Delphin applauds and grins, "Wonderful job all! Even if it was so rudely interrupted!"
[15:11] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Heh.
[15:11] Bookworm Hienrichs: Here's to two more years, and more!
[15:11] Sunset Quintessa: yes a wonderful speech
[15:11] Jasper Kiergarten: cursed Docter Obelensky
[15:11] Bookworm Hienrichs smiles.
[15:12] Ahnyanka Delphin winks over at Mr. Mornington, "Hello there! I didn't see you sneak in... love to see you again!"
[15:12] Mahakala Omegamu: I must say, I had rather an epiphany during the event though
[15:12] Jimmy Branagh: "Miss Book Beats Stuffin's Out Of Evil Doctor, Audience Applauds Wildly!"
[15:12] Victor1st Mornington blushes and waves
[15:12] Serafina Puchkina: Oh?
[15:12] Vivi Boxen: Still got this snowball gun.
[15:12] Bookworm Hienrichs: ((I gotta get going--need to get back to house and dog-sitting stint, and let the poor guy out!))
[15:12] Ahnyanka Delphin gazes over at Mr. Omegamu, "Ooh?"
[15:12] Serafina Puchkina laughs at Jimmy's headline
[15:13] Serafina Puchkina: May I use that in the transcript, Jimmy?
[15:13] Jimmy Branagh smiles
[15:13] Stereo Nacht: Good bye MIss Hienrichs! Take care of yourself!
[15:13] Jimmy Branagh: SUre!
[15:13] Vivi Boxen: If Dr O attacks
[15:13] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Gute Nacht, Fraulein Bookworm.
[15:13] Serafina Puchkina: Bye Miss Book
[15:13] Mahakala Omegamu: Yes... I was sitting in the audience... awkward at the Dr. O's intrusion.. and I was sitting there thinking to myself from the event "Okay, some woman is going to stand up and stop this mess I hope"
[15:13] Ahnyanka Delphin blows a kiss to Bookworm, "Take care, darling!"
[15:13] Jimmy Branagh: Noight Miss Book. Get some rest.
[15:13] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: I had to hold Frau Lowey back, actually.
[15:13] Ahnyanka Delphin chuckles at Mahakala.
[15:13] Mahakala Omegamu: But then I realized after it all stopped "Good gods, thats exactly the type of feeling keeping people from becoming heroic to begin with"
[15:13] Vivi Boxen: Nah guns dumb
[15:14] zaida Gearbox: tank you miz book
[15:14] Mahakala Omegamu: People expecting whoever they idealize to be heroic at the time taking action
[15:14] Bookworm Hienrichs: Thank you, again. I hope I'll see you at the next salon.
[15:14] Gabriell Anatra: Dr Obolonsky does lend a bit of unplanned excitememnt to affairs, yes.
[15:14] Ahnyanka Delphin: One of the reasons that Miss Jed is such a great heroine in my opinion... she doesn't have the patience to wait for someone else to take care of it... she just does it herself.
[15:14] Bookworm Hienrichs smiles and waves.
[15:15] Jasper Kiergarten: she does indeed
[15:15] Serafina Puchkina: I agree, Miss Delphin
[15:15] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Who else do you all consider heroic?
[15:15] Stereo Nacht smiles without answering...
[15:15] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Other than the remarkable Fraulein Bookworm and Fraulein Dagger?
[15:15] zaida Gearbox: *pats maui*
[15:15] Ahnyanka Delphin: Oh.. we have so many here in New Babbage.. though I wouldn't count myself as one of them.
[15:15] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Come now, name some names.
[15:15] zaida Gearbox: *looks at all the other urchins* now what we gonna do?
[15:16] Ahnyanka Delphin: The ladies of the Fire Brigade I adore passionately for their heroism...
[15:16] Ahnyanka Delphin winks over at Miss Sera.
[15:16] Serafina Puchkina grins
[15:16] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Good example.
[15:16] Jimmy Branagh: ((I'm gonna have dinner as soon as the bell rings.))
[15:17] Vivi Boxen: ((I am gonna have to finish my psycology homework
[15:17] Stereo Nacht: Anyone who gets things done without double-thinking gets my admiration, sir!
[15:17] Ahnyanka Delphin: Who would you add to the list, Herr Baron?
[15:17] Jimmy Branagh: The New Babbage Militia has syved the dye many toimes.
[15:17] Jedburgh30 Dagger: *points at Sera*
[15:17] zaida Gearbox: what you wanna do maui?
[15:17] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: My mother would be my first example.
[15:17] Ahnyanka Delphin nods in agreement with Jimmy.
[15:17] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Remarkable woman.
[15:17] Stereo Nacht: And as such, most people of the steamlands would be considered heroes and heroins, in my book.
[15:17] Ahnyanka Delphin: Ah! An excellent example.
[15:17] zaida Gearbox: what you doing now myrtil?
[15:17] Jasper Kiergarten: ((As always, the speaker's fund goes entirely to our speakers)
[15:18] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: A Spark and a leader, yet one who did not hesitate to get her hands dirty when a task needed to be done.
[15:18] Myrtil Igaly: I'm gonna go back home for a while I think
Aether Salon,
Bookworm Hienrichs,
Friday, October 8, 2010

Aether Salon
Sunday, October 17 at 2 pm slt
Babbage Palisade & Academy of Industry
Do you know one? ARE you one? From self-rescuing princess to those daring gals who save the world and look fabulous doing so (hey, soot is IN), all the while cooking, cleaning, and raising brilliant children. Who isn't a little bit curious how they do it all? I mean, trouncing and squashing and humiliating Evil-doers is a huge job, right? For the Aether Salon's two-year anniversary, Miss Bookworm Hienrichs will enlighten us, as well as share a few tips and tricks she's picked up along the way. You'll be on the edge of your seat, gasping in awe at the derring-do of amazing and resourceful heroines throughout history. Watch out henchmen, madmen, and villains all! A new Heroine is in town!
Join us on Sunday, October 17
Viv, Jed, Sera, Jasper
Aether Salon,
Bookworm Hienrichs,
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