Monday, November 17, 2014

Calling! Salon (Edited transcript)

Bookworm Hienrichs: I think we'll get started now. And please excuse me if I fall silent - I may freeze up while talking.

Welcome to this month's Aether Salon! Today, Lord Mayor Perryn Peterson of Mieville has come to give us some insights into the world of manners and etiquette.  Before we get started, a few housekeeping items:

1) To ensure you can hear the speaker, stand or sit on the patterned carpet.
2) If you do not have a wearable chair and wish one, please contact me.
3) Please remove all lag-feeding whats-its you might be wearing.
4) A tip jar is out for our speaker. Do please show your appreciation!
5) Any tips to help support the establishment will also be welcome - just click on one of the support signs.
6) If you're not a member of the AEther Salon group, there are signs that will let you join up. You'll be most heartily welcome!
7) Edited and unedited transcripts of these proceedings will be posted at

Also, please get your web browsers ready, as our speaker will be using web-based visual aids.

And now, to introduce our speaker.  Lord Mayor Perryn Peterson has been in charge of the successful commercial city of Mieville for nearly six years.  He teaches several classes weekly on a variety of topics, which makes him eminently suitable to instruct us free-wheeling Babbagers. *grin*  He also runs the yearly Steam and Silk Road hunts, both of which are very popular. Please welcome our esteemed speaker!

Perryn Peterson: Thank you, Miss Bookworm.

Good afternoon/evening, everyone, it is an honour to join you today. A few short remarks before we begin the lecture proper.  You will have noticed that it is extremely laggy here. Therefore please avail yourself of Miss Bookworm's wearable chairs, remove all possible lag monsters you may be wearing, and be prepared to enjoy!  This talk will be in TEXT, not voice. Please have a page of your browser ready as there will be piccies.

I would draw your attention to the sign at my right. It asks that you type "@" if you wish to ask a question or make a comment. A question will naturally end with "?" but if a comment please type "#" at the end so that we all know you have completed your remarks. Thank you.

And now… I am going to introduce you to the Etiquette of the Victorian Calling Card!
By the beginning of the 19th century, the etiquette of calling was a firmly established ritual in society, and the calling card an essential part of introductions, invitations and visits. There were hundreds of books, pamphlets and magazine articles with instructions for those not already in the know.
This particular example dates from the American Civil War.  Calling cards evolved in England as a way for people to get into the elite social circle, and for those already there to keep out the unwanted. Calling cards could keep social aspirants at a distance until they could be properly screened.
Mingling with the Victorian elite, the aristocracy, was the social goal of the enterprising middle class. Desiring to introduce themselves to the aristocrats, the morning call became (with luck) one way to further one's step up the ladder.
A lady's card was larger than a gentleman's, who had to fit his in his breast pocket. A lady's card could be glazed, while her husband's was not.
The engraving was in simple type, small and without flourishes, although script became far more elaborate as the century went on. A simple 'Mr.' Or 'Mrs.' before the name was sufficient, except in the case of acknowledgement of rank (Earl, Viscount, etc.).
Early Victorian cards bore only a person's title and name, with the name of their house or district sometimes added. By the end of the century, the address was added to the card, and when applicable, a lady's reception day.
During her husband's lifetime, a married lady's card should read "Mrs., John Doe", and the prefix "Mrs." must never be omitted. A widow's card, however, should read "Mrs. Sarah Doe". Young unmarried ladies must attach the prefix "Miss" to their names on their cards, and nicknames are never allowed. However, a few acceptable abbreviations such as "Wm." for "William" (especially if a middle name) were occasionally used.
A mother with a daughter just entering society may share the same card with both names appearing: the mother's on top; the daughter's directly below. A young lady may have a card of her own after having been in society for one year.
Visiting card cases were made of a variety of materials, including silver, ivory and papier-mache. Their lids during the 1830s often depicted views of castles, such as Warwick or Winsdor. By the 1840s, after Queen Victoria's purchase of Balmoral (an entire lecture in itself!) Scottish views became popular.
Victorians preferred ivory, tortoiseshell and woodwork. Because gold and other metals were expensive, only the wealthy could afford cases made of these substances. Victorian cards were larger than their earlier counterparts, so only a few were carried at a time.
A lady would start making calls as soon as she arrived in Town, to notify everyone that her family had arrived. She remained in her carriage while her groom took her card and handed it in.
The card was conveyed to the mistress of the house, who would then decide whether or not to receive the caller. If the mistress was 'not at home', it was a rejection of the visitor.
A reciprocal card could be given to the caller, but if not presented formally, that usually meant there was no desire to further the acquaintance. If, however, a formal call was returned with a formal call, there was hope for the relationship to grow.
Cards from visitors were placed on a silver salver in the entry hall--the more impressive names displayed on top. The trays had a pie-crust rim so the cards would not slip off. In less wealthy households, unimpressive china bowls were used to hold cards.
For a first call, one was wise to simply leave the card without inquiring as to whether or not the mistress was "at home". She would then take the next step. A newcomer waited until she received cards from neighbours. It was then good manners to call on those neighbours who left cards.
By mid-century, a wife could leave her husband's card for him. She left her own card, plus two of her husband's--one for the mistress of the house, and one for the master. The names of grown-up daughters could be printed on her card when they accompanied her on a call as long as they were still living at home.
A turned-down corner indicated that the card had been delivered in person, rather than by a servant. Some elaborate cards had the words Visite, Felicitation, Affaires, and Adieu imprinted on the reverse side, on the corners. So whichever corner was turned up, one of those messages appeared and explained the reason for the visit.  (And if you think *this* is complicated, it is as nothing compared to the Victorian "Language of Flowers", another lecture of mine.)
The meaning of the folds were as follows:
A folded top left corner meant the visitor had come in person; this corner unfolded meant a servant was sent.
A folded bottom left corner signified a farewell
A folded top right corner meant congratulations
A folded bottom right corner expressed condolence.

Calls should be made only on At Home days. Later in the era, days and times for these were engraved on visiting cards.
Formal calls were made following ceremonial events such as marriage or childbirth, and also as acknowledgement of hospitality. Calls for condolence and congratulations were made about a week after the event. If intimate, a visitor could ask for admission. If not, they inquired of the servant as to the person's well-being.
Ceremonial visits were made the day after a ball, when it sufficed to simply leave a card. Calls were made within a day or two after a dinner party, and within a week of a small party.
Jaz Beverly: What if a lady wished to make a condolence or other call on another whose "at home" day was the same as her own?
Perryn Peterson: Bingo! First problem.  Times were allocated for each type of call. 'Morning calls' were confusingly made in the afternoon. 'Ceremonial calls' were made between three and four o'clock, semi-ceremonial between four and five, and intimate calls between five and six--but never on Sunday, the day reserved for close friends and relatives.
Visits were short, lasting from twenty to thirty minutes. If another caller arrived during a visit, the first caller left within a moment or two.
If a family was temporarily leaving the area, they wrote P.P.C. (pour prendre congé) on their cards when they called.
A call should be returned with a call, a card with a card, within one week, or at the most, ten days.,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/1970xj8qnk5hajpg.jpg
In short, without visiting or calling cards, it seems that Victorian society would have entirely fallen apart. One may be grateful for indoor plumbing and other modern conveniences, but we must mourn the falling away of this mannerly tradition.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, brings us to time for questions/comments, predictions about the weather, as you wish.

[2014/11/16 14:35]  Tepic Harlequin: /me raises his hand....
[2014/11/16 14:35]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Tepic, your question?
[2014/11/16 14:36]  Tepic Harlequin: errr.... do i have ter be introduced before i can ask a question?
[2014/11/16 14:36]  Perryn Peterson: /me winks to Tepic whom he has not seen in donkey's years
[2014/11/16 14:37]  Bookworm Hienrichs: I don't think it's necessary, Tepic. *chuckle*
[2014/11/16 14:37]  Perryn Peterson: /me waits for Tepic's question
[2014/11/16 14:37]  Tepic Harlequin: errrr....... that were the question!
[2014/11/16 14:37]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me laughs.
[2014/11/16 14:37]  Perryn Peterson: Ah-hah!
[2014/11/16 14:38]  Tristizia Demonista: sounded like a lot of "work" for the upper class ;)
[2014/11/16 14:38]  Seth Stratten: @
[2014/11/16 14:38]  Jaz Beverly: Was there any significance to which day one chose to be "at home?"
[2014/11/16 14:39]  Perryn Peterson: We did not get into the gorgeous cards that came later in "our" period... with all sorts of decorations and even little tabs hiding the name, which were naturally called "hidden name" cards.
[2014/11/16 14:39]  Perryn Peterson: Indeed, Miss Demonista.
[2014/11/16 14:39]  Seth Stratten: So business cards were probably evolved from calling cards .
[2014/11/16 14:39]  Perryn Peterson: No, I think ladies just chose whichever day they wished... however, if there were a "leader" of their particular society, they'd avoid HER day.
[2014/11/16 14:40]  Perryn Peterson: Probably, Mr S, although they seemed to evolve alongside the calling cards... called trade cards.
[2014/11/16 14:40]  Perryn Peterson: And that is a whole nother lecture too!
[2014/11/16 14:40]  Seth Stratten: ooOooo
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Garnet Psaltery: A question - did ladies of the night have scarlet-edged calling cards?
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Tepic Harlequin: heheh bet that's why visiting cards got all fancy, so they wern't confused with mere trade ones!
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Perryn Peterson: /me chuckles
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Lia V (venra.aries): no wonder half the forests in the UK vanished during the victorian era, all these cards being made =o
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Perryn Peterson: If not, they should have done!
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Garnet Psaltery: :D
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): printers must have made a killing
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Garnet Psaltery: Indeed
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Perryn Peterson: They surely did!
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Elleon Bergamasco: /me grins
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Perryn Peterson: It was a good time to be a printer.
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Jaz Beverly: Was there an etiquette to how long one could keep a prestigous calling card on the top of one's bowl?
[2014/11/16 14:42]  Garnet Psaltery: :o)
[2014/11/16 14:42]  Perryn Peterson: Ha! A good question! I dunno!
[2014/11/16 14:42]  Perryn Peterson: How long could one keep the Kaiser's card? Ha ha ha!
[2014/11/16 14:42]  Beryl Strifeclaw (gager): /me imagines someone might frame an important enough one.
[2014/11/16 14:42]  Garnet Psaltery: Name -dropping -oops I just dropped this prestigious card in front of everyone
[2014/11/16 14:42]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): haha
[2014/11/16 14:42]  Perryn Peterson: Forever, obviously, as these cards have survived a good 150 years... so far!
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): I wonder if social climbers pinched the more prestigious cards from other ladies' bowls
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Jaz Beverly: strategic!
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Lily Cavendish (leiliah.nandahar): ha, i bet it happend
[2014/11/16 14:44]  Perryn Peterson: I wonder whether they did, Miss Ellsmere!
[2014/11/16 14:44]  Professor Julia V. Sheehan (juliesheehan): I suppose the urchins and rascals might have made a few shillings selling "prestigious" cards for the social climber to show....
[2014/11/16 14:44]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): hmmm
[2014/11/16 14:44]  Miss Suzanne Super Sweet (supersuz): ((At a party last night noticed a miniature letter press on my host's office shelf. I should ask her about it))
[2014/11/16 14:44]  Beryl Strifeclaw (gager): If they chose their guests poorly perhaps. =3
[2014/11/16 14:44]  Avariel Falcon: /me ponders if it would be Miss Falcon or Dr Falcon
[2014/11/16 14:44]  Garnet Psaltery: Dr Miss?
[2014/11/16 14:45]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): Professor Falcon, surely?
[2014/11/16 14:45]  Avariel Falcon: Yes, that is possible
[2014/11/16 14:45]  Perryn Peterson: All of this was quite serious, you realise. If a lady didn't pass muster, she might as well be dead in that town, for she would have zero friends.
[2014/11/16 14:45]  Stereo Nacht: Miss Pr. Avariel Falcon... I think?
[2014/11/16 14:45]  Avariel Falcon: /me nods
[2014/11/16 14:45]  Tepic Harlequin: ah! rules of precedent!
[2014/11/16 14:45]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): Mme Professeur
[2014/11/16 14:45]  Garnet Psaltery: Title before rank, I think
[2014/11/16 14:45]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Indeed, Mayor Peterson.
[2014/11/16 14:46]  Perryn Peterson: Oh, my goodness, the rules of precedence would surely put all of you to sleep in short order!
[2014/11/16 14:46]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me laughs.
[2014/11/16 14:46]  Wildstar Beaumont: :)
[2014/11/16 14:46]  Avariel Falcon: ^_^
[2014/11/16 14:46]  Jaz Beverly: Share just a few, perhaps?
[2014/11/16 14:46]  Beryl Strifeclaw (gager): /me giggles
[2014/11/16 14:46]  Perryn Peterson: It was not only stultifying but incredibly important!
[2014/11/16 14:46]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): how did one ever get to the dinner table without knowing who was to lead the way?
[2014/11/16 14:47]  Tepic Harlequin: me!
[2014/11/16 14:47]  Garnet Psaltery: /me laughs
[2014/11/16 14:47]  Perryn Peterson: Well, in America, it was easy. The richest people had precedence. And the richer a woman's husband was, the more status she held.
[2014/11/16 14:47]  Stereo Nacht: /me slaps Mr. Harlequin's hands: "Wash your hands and face, first!" ;-)
[2014/11/16 14:47]  Perryn Peterson: But in Great Britain, oh, my slings and arrows! It was SO complicated.
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Tristizia Demonista: WAS ? ;)
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Seth Stratten: I would think in England, it would be tied to court standing
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Perryn Peterson: /me just recently gave a lesson to his class about the English Peerage
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Garnet Psaltery: Buck Palace is still stiflingly rule-bound
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Seth Stratten: Great lecture
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Beryl Strifeclaw (gager): =3
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Perryn Peterson: Each rank has so many pearls on his or her coronet, etc. etc. Sheesh.
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Any more questions for our speaker?
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): how did the ladies know whose husband was richest?
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Lia V (venra.aries): Lords, Ladies, Barons, Baronesses, Dukes, Duchesses.... etc etc etc
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Seth Stratten: hahahaa
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Perryn Peterson: Believe me, they knew.
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Seth Stratten: by their clothes
[2014/11/16 14:49]  Garnet Psaltery: Feeling in their pockets?
[2014/11/16 14:49]  Stereo Nacht: @What if a woman "marries down"? Does she keep using her title (if she has one), or does she goes with her husband's title?#
[2014/11/16 14:49]  Perryn Peterson: Oh, that's a whole nother lecture yet again!
[2014/11/16 14:49]  Seth Stratten: husbands
[2014/11/16 14:49]  Stereo Nacht: Ah... Complex, I see. Thank you!
[2014/11/16 14:50]  Perryn Peterson: Very.

Bookworm Hienrichs: Thank you for coming! Please be sure to join us next month, when I do believe the Boiler Elf will be... gracing us with his presence again!

Calling! Salon (Unedited transcript)

[2014/11/16 13:54]  Arthur Serpente (gauisartephiusserpente): oooooo coffee, hello Miss Psaltery, how are you?
[2014/11/16 13:54]  Garnet Psaltery: I'm very well, thank you, and you?
[2014/11/16 13:54]  Arthur Serpente (gauisartephiusserpente): /me attaches himself to the coffee machine with vigor
[2014/11/16 13:54]  Stereo Nacht: Good day Herr Baron, nice to see you back!
[2014/11/16 13:54]  Lily Cavendish (leiliah.nandahar): Get me one too!
[2014/11/16 13:54]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Aha!
[2014/11/16 13:55]  Pippy (pippyfox): Hello !
[2014/11/16 13:55]  Arthur Serpente (gauisartephiusserpente): very well, thank you, Lady Cavendish please, there's room for two on this
[2014/11/16 13:55]  Seth Stratten: I licked all the muffins
[2014/11/16 13:55]  Arthur Serpente (gauisartephiusserpente): makes room
[2014/11/16 13:55]  Garnet Psaltery: Miss Nacht, good to see you again
[2014/11/16 13:55]  Arthur Serpente (gauisartephiusserpente): I'm sure all the muffins appreciated that, hope they tipped you
[2014/11/16 13:55]  Perryn Peterson: /me thinks Mr S has done his job well
[2014/11/16 13:55]  Seth Stratten: I didnt make them, I just licked them
[2014/11/16 13:55]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Fraulein Stereo, I am barely here but at least I can listen.
[2014/11/16 13:55]  Stereo Nacht: And good day Queen Zantabraxus, Mr. Peterson, Ms Hienrichs, Ms. V, Ms. Cavendish, Mr. Serpente, 'Ti Pippy, Ms. Garnet!
[2014/11/16 13:56]  Lia V (venra.aries): /me waves
[2014/11/16 13:56]  Garnet Psaltery: You licked them, Mr Stratten?
[2014/11/16 13:56]  Lily Cavendish (leiliah.nandahar): Hello Hello all
[2014/11/16 13:56]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Welcome, all who arrived while I was distracted!
[2014/11/16 13:56]  Seth Stratten: um..
[2014/11/16 13:56]  Seth Stratten: was that wrong?
[2014/11/16 13:56]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Please come closer! We don't bite. Especially not today.
[2014/11/16 13:56]  Garnet Psaltery: I'm sure you were just testing for noxious substances. Very kind of you
[2014/11/16 13:56]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me grins.
[2014/11/16 13:57]  Bookworm Hienrichs: If anyone would like a wearable chair, please let me know.
[2014/11/16 13:57]  Tristizia Demonista: good evening all
[2014/11/16 13:58]  Lily Cavendish (leiliah.nandahar): oh id love one
[2014/11/16 13:58]  Second Life: Items successfully shared.
[2014/11/16 13:58]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /me chuckles at Fraulein Bookworm.
[2014/11/16 13:58]  Garnet Psaltery: Good evening
[2014/11/16 13:58]  Stereo Nacht: Good day 'Ti Seth!
[2014/11/16 13:58]  Second Life: Items successfully shared.
[2014/11/16 13:58]  Stereo Nacht: And Ms. Demonista, and... all those I missed!
[2014/11/16 13:58]  Seth Stratten: Hi Stereo
[2014/11/16 13:58]  Bookworm Hienrichs: We'll get started in a few minutes. We generally wait a bit past the hour to give latecomers time to arrive.
[2014/11/16 13:58]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me smiles.
[2014/11/16 13:59]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Welcome, Admiral Beaumont!
[2014/11/16 13:59]  Wildstar Beaumont: good evening everybody
[2014/11/16 13:59]  Bookworm Hienrichs: And good day, Miss Elleon!
[2014/11/16 13:59]  Stereo Nacht: Good evening Admiral!
[2014/11/16 13:59]  Elleon Bergamasco: /me waves
[2014/11/16 13:59]  Garnet Psaltery: /me waves to Wildstar
[2014/11/16 13:59]  Elleon Bergamasco: Hallo Book!
[2014/11/16 13:59]  Arthur Serpente (gauisartephiusserpente): /me stands behind Lady Cavendish to rub her shoulders
[2014/11/16 14:00]  Elleon Bergamasco: Pippy! haven't seen you forever!
[2014/11/16 14:00]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Fraulein Bergamasco!  It has been too long.
[2014/11/16 14:00]  Elleon Bergamasco: /me curtsies gracefully and with respect
[2014/11/16 14:00]  Seth Stratten: I hope you're married
[2014/11/16 14:00]  Elleon Bergamasco: Lovely to see you again Baron
[2014/11/16 14:00]  Pippy (pippyfox): Hello!
[2014/11/16 14:01]  Stereo Nacht: Good day/eveing Ms. Bergamasco!
[2014/11/16 14:01]  Elleon Bergamasco: many thanks, greetings to you as well
[2014/11/16 14:01]  Elleon Bergamasco: /me looks for an out of the way place to park her chair
[2014/11/16 14:01]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Fraulein, I believe you have not yet met my wife.
[2014/11/16 14:01]  Perryn Peterson: /me bows to the Baronin thinking it has been too long since he has had the honour of seeing her
[2014/11/16 14:02]  Elleon Bergamasco: /me curtsies gracefully and with respect
[2014/11/16 14:02]  Elleon Bergamasco: a pleasure to make your acquaintence Baronin
[2014/11/16 14:02]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Zantabraxus, this is Fraulein Elleon Bergamasco, a long-time citizen here.
[2014/11/16 14:02]  Elleon Bergamasco: /me smiles
[2014/11/16 14:03]  Elleon Bergamasco: how wonderful for your wife to be here, what adventures you must be having
[2014/11/16 14:03]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Welcome, M. Chance, Ms. Beverly.
[2014/11/16 14:03]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): She has a distraction, and will return her attention shortly.
[2014/11/16 14:03]  Elleon Bergamasco: /me nods
[2014/11/16 14:03]  Elleon Bergamasco: it happens to us all
[2014/11/16 14:03]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): It has been a great delight, Fraulein, danke.
[2014/11/16 14:03]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Welcome, Miss Blossomlove.
[2014/11/16 14:03]  Stereo Nacht: Good evneing Ms. Blossomlove!
[2014/11/16 14:04]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): hi!
[2014/11/16 14:04]  Chance (chanceboson): /me waves to everyone and sitson the floor.
[2014/11/16 14:04]  Garnet Psaltery: Wildstar, how is your yacht?
[2014/11/16 14:04]  Garnet Psaltery: /me waves to arrivals
[2014/11/16 14:04]  Stereo Nacht: And Ms. Jordan, and Ms Kasa
[2014/11/16 14:04]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): hi guys!
[2014/11/16 14:04]  Lia V (venra.aries): hi blossom
[2014/11/16 14:04]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): hai
[2014/11/16 14:04]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Welcome, Kasa!
[2014/11/16 14:04]  Perryn Peterson: /me sits quietly thumbing through his notes on various scraps of paper hidden deep in several of his pockets
[2014/11/16 14:04]  Elleon Bergamasco: /me waves to Mr Peterson
[2014/11/16 14:04]  Garnet Psaltery: Hello VBlossom
[2014/11/16 14:04]  Elleon Bergamasco: How kind of you to speak here today!
[2014/11/16 14:04]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Avariel! So good to see you!
[2014/11/16 14:05]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): hi!
[2014/11/16 14:05]  Garnet Psaltery: Avariel yay!
[2014/11/16 14:05]  Stereo Nacht: And...Wow. I get distarcted a minute, and see who have come in! Good evening all!
[2014/11/16 14:05]  Avariel Falcon: Hello there everyone
[2014/11/16 14:05]  Wildstar Beaumont: /me waves at the unicorn
[2014/11/16 14:05]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): hi
[2014/11/16 14:05]  Stereo Nacht: Good evening Ms. Falcon!
[2014/11/16 14:05]  Pippy (pippyfox): Hello Miss Avariel
[2014/11/16 14:05]  Seth Stratten: /me nibbles on a muffin.
[2014/11/16 14:05]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): avariel! :D
[2014/11/16 14:05]  Bookworm Hienrichs: I think we'll get started now. And please excuse me if I fall silent - I may freeze up while talking.
[2014/11/16 14:05]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): What an excellent group today.
[2014/11/16 14:05]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Welcome to this month's Aether Salon! Today, Lord Mayor Perryn Peterson of Mieville has come to give us some insights into the world of manners and etiquette.
[2014/11/16 14:05]  Elleon Bergamasco: your so shy Book dear!
[2014/11/16 14:06]  Elleon Bergamasco: /me grins
[2014/11/16 14:06]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me chuckles.
[2014/11/16 14:06]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Before we get started, a few housekeeping items:
[2014/11/16 14:06]  Bookworm Hienrichs: 1) To ensure you can hear the speaker, stand or sit on the patterned carpet.
[2014/11/16 14:06]  Bookworm Hienrichs: 2) If you do not have a wearable chair and wish one, please contact me.
[2014/11/16 14:06]  Bookworm Hienrichs: 3) Please remove all lag-feeding whats-its you might be wearing.
[2014/11/16 14:06]  Bookworm Hienrichs: 4) A tip jar is out for our speaker. Do please show your appreciation!
[2014/11/16 14:06]  Bookworm Hienrichs: 5) Any tips to help support the establishment will also be welcome - just click on one of the support signs.
[2014/11/16 14:07]  Bookworm Hienrichs: 6) If you're not a member of the AEther Salon group, there are signs that will let you join up. You'll be most heartily welcome!
[2014/11/16 14:07]  Bookworm Hienrichs: 7) Edited and unedited transcripts of these proceedings will be posted at
[2014/11/16 14:07]  Garnet Psaltery: Hello Miss Polly :o)
[2014/11/16 14:07]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Also, please get your web browsers ready, as our speaker will be using web-based visual aids.
[2014/11/16 14:07]  Stereo Nacht: Good evening 'Ti Polly, and Professor Sheeshan!
[2014/11/16 14:07]  Bookworm Hienrichs: And now, to introduce our speaker.
[2014/11/16 14:07]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Lord Mayor Perryn Peterson has been in charge of the successful commercial city of Mieville for nearly six years.
[2014/11/16 14:07]  Stereo Nacht: Do come closer, Professor, if you want to hear properly!
[2014/11/16 14:07]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): hello Miss Garnet :)
[2014/11/16 14:08]  Bookworm Hienrichs: He teaches several classes weekly on a variety of topics, which makes him eminently suitable to instruct us free-wheeling Babbagers. *grin*
[2014/11/16 14:08]  Bookworm Hienrichs: He also runs the yearly Steam and Silk Road hunts, both of which are very popular. Please welcome our esteemed speaker!
[2014/11/16 14:08]  Perryn Peterson: Thank you, Miss Bookworm.
[2014/11/16 14:08]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me applauds.
[2014/11/16 14:08]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /clap
[2014/11/16 14:08]  Garnet Psaltery: /me applauds
[2014/11/16 14:08]  Elleon Bergamasco: /me applauds
[2014/11/16 14:08]  Arthur Serpente (gauisartephiusserpente): /me applauds
[2014/11/16 14:08]  Avariel Falcon: ♫ ((( Yay! Applause! Yay! ))) ♪
[2014/11/16 14:08]  Stereo Nacht:  `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[2014/11/16 14:08]  Pippy (pippyfox): /me claps
[2014/11/16 14:08]  Perryn Peterson: Good afternoon/evening, everyone, it is an honour to join you today. A few short remarks before we begin the lecture proper.
[2014/11/16 14:08]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): ♩♪♫♬  APPAWS! ♩♪♫♬
[2014/11/16 14:08]  Tristizia Demonista: /me applauds
[2014/11/16 14:09]  Perryn Peterson: You will have noticed that it is extremely laggy here. Therefore please avail yourself of Miss Bookworm's wearable chairs, remove all possible lag monsters you may be wearing, and be prepared to enjoy!
[2014/11/16 14:09]  Perryn Peterson: This talk will be in TEXT, not voice. Please have a page of your browser ready as there will be piccies.
[2014/11/16 14:09]  Stereo Nacht: Good evening Mr. Beril, Mr. Mornington!
[2014/11/16 14:10]  Garnet Psaltery: /me waves to Vic
[2014/11/16 14:10]  Elleon Bergamasco: /me pulls out a small notebook and pen
[2014/11/16 14:11]  Perryn Peterson: I would draw your attention to the sign at my right. It asks that you type "@" if you wish to ask a question or make a comment. A question will naturally end with "?" but if a comment please type "#" at the end so that we all know you have completed your remarks. Thank you.
[2014/11/16 14:11]  Perryn Peterson: And now...
[2014/11/16 14:11]  Perryn Peterson: I am going to introduce you to the Etiquette of the Victorian Calling Card!
[2014/11/16 14:11]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:12]  Perryn Peterson: By the beginning of the 19th century, the etiquette of calling was a firmly established ritual in society, and the calling card an essential part of introductions, invitations and visits. There were hundreds of books, pamphlets and magazine articles with instructions for those not already in the know.
[2014/11/16 14:12]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:12]  Perryn Peterson: This particular example dates from the American Civil War.
[2014/11/16 14:13]  Perryn Peterson: Calling cards evolved in England as a way for people to get into the elite social circle, and for those already there to keep out the unwanted. Calling cards could keep social aspirants at a distance until they could be properly screened.
[2014/11/16 14:13]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:14]  Perryn Peterson: Mingling with the Victorian elite, the aristocracy, was the social goal of the enterprising middle class. Desiring to introduce themselves to the aristocrats, the morning call became (with luck) one way to further one's step up the ladder.
[2014/11/16 14:14]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:15]  Perryn Peterson: A lady's card was larger than a gentleman's, who had to fit his in his breast pocket. A lady's card could be glazed, while her husband's was not.
[2014/11/16 14:15]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:16]  Perryn Peterson: The engraving was in simple type, small and without flourishes, although script became far more elaborate as the century went on. A simple 'Mr.' Or 'Mrs.' before the name was sufficient, except in the case of acknowledgement of rank (Earl, Viscount, etc.).
[2014/11/16 14:16]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:16]  Perryn Peterson: Early Victorian cards bore only a person's title and name, with the name of their house or district sometimes added. By the end of the century, the address was added to the card, and when applicable, a lady's reception day.
[2014/11/16 14:17]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:17]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): back
[2014/11/16 14:18]  Perryn Peterson: During her husband's lifetime, a married lady's card should read "Mrs., John Doe", and the prefix "Mrs." must never be omitted. A widow's card, however, should read "Mrs. Sarah Doe". Young unmarried ladies must attach the prefix "Miss" to their names on their cards, and nicknames are never allowed. However, a few acceptable abbreviations such as "Wm." for "William" (especially if a middle name) were occasionally used.
[2014/11/16 14:18]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:19]  Perryn Peterson: A mother with a daughter just entering society may share the same card with both names appearing: the mother's on top; the daughter's directly below. A young lady may have a card of her own after having been in society for one year.
[2014/11/16 14:19]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:20]  Stereo Nacht: (Not allowed out on her own while being prime goods, perhaps... ;-) )
[2014/11/16 14:20]  Perryn Peterson: Visiting card cases were made of a variety of materials, including silver, ivory and papier-mache. Their lids during the 1830s often depicted views of castles, such as Warwick or Winsdor. By the 1840s, after Queen Victoria's purchase of Balmoral (an entire lecture in itself!) Scottish views became popular.
[2014/11/16 14:20]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:21]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): of course it became popular... its scottish....
[2014/11/16 14:21]  Avariel Falcon: /me nods
[2014/11/16 14:21]  Perryn Peterson: Victorians preferred ivory, tortoiseshell and woodwork. Because gold and other metals were expensive, only the wealthy could afford cases made of these substances. Victorian cards were larger than their earlier counterparts, so only a few were carried at a time.
[2014/11/16 14:21]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): XD
[2014/11/16 14:21]  Tristizia Demonista: /me smiles
[2014/11/16 14:21]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:21]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /me chuckles at Herr Victor
[2014/11/16 14:22]  Perryn Peterson: A lady would start making calls as soon as she arrived in Town, to notify everyone that her family had arrived. She remained in her carriage while her groom took her card and handed it in.
[2014/11/16 14:22]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:23]  Perryn Peterson: The card was conveyed to the mistress of the house, who would then decide whether or not to receive the caller. If the mistress was 'not at home', it was a rejection of the visitor.
[2014/11/16 14:23]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:23]  Perryn Peterson: A reciprocal card could be given to the caller, but if not presented formally, that usually meant there was no desire to further the acquaintance. If, however, a formal call was returned with a formal call, there was hope for the relationship to grow.
[2014/11/16 14:24]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:24]  Perryn Peterson: Cards from visitors were placed on a silver salver in the entry hall--the more impressive names displayed on top. The trays had a pie-crust rim so the cards would not slip off. In less wealthy households, unimpressive china bowls were used to hold cards.
[2014/11/16 14:24]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): interesting!
[2014/11/16 14:24]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:24]  Perryn Peterson: /me smiles
[2014/11/16 14:25]  Perryn Peterson: For a first call, one was wise to simply leave the card without inquiring as to whether or not the mistress was "at home". She would then take the next step. A newcomer waited until she received cards from neighbours. It was then good manners to call on those neighbours who left cards.
[2014/11/16 14:25]  Seth Stratten: WANT!
[2014/11/16 14:25]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:25]  Perryn Peterson: I completely understand, Mr Stratten. <chuckles>
[2014/11/16 14:26]  Perryn Peterson: By mid-century, a wife could leave her husband's card for him. She left her own card, plus two of her husband's--one for the mistress of the house, and one for the master. The names of grown-up daughters could be printed on her card when they accompanied her on a call as long as they were still living at home.
[2014/11/16 14:26]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:27]  Perryn Peterson: A turned-down corner indicated that the card had been delivered in person, rather than by a servant. Some elaborate cards had the words Visite, Felicitation, Affaires, and Adieu imprinted on the reverse side, on the corners. So whichever corner was turned up, one of those messages appeared and explained the reason for the visit.
[2014/11/16 14:27]  Perryn Peterson: ((And if you think *this* is complicated, it is as nothing compared to the Victorian "Language of Flowers", another lecture of mine.))
[2014/11/16 14:27]  Wildstar Beaumont: :)
[2014/11/16 14:28]  Avariel Falcon: ^_^
[2014/11/16 14:28]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Perhaps next season?
[2014/11/16 14:28]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:28]  Perryn Peterson: Indeed, Herr Baron, with pleasure.
[2014/11/16 14:28]  Perryn Peterson: The meaning of the folds were as follows:
A folded top left corner meant the visitor had come in person; this corner unfolded meant a servant was sent.
A folded bottom left corner signified a farewell
A folded top right corner meant congratulations
A folded bottom right corner expressed condolence.
[2014/11/16 14:29]  Perryn Peterson: Calls should be made only on At Home days. Later in the era, days and times for these were engraved on visiting cards.
[2014/11/16 14:29]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:29]  Perryn Peterson: Formal calls were made following ceremonial events such as marriage or childbirth, and also as acknowledgement of hospitality. Calls for condolence and congratulations were made about a week after the event. If intimate, a visitor could ask for admission. If not, they inquired of the servant as to the person's well-being.
[2014/11/16 14:29]  Beryl Strifeclaw (gager): (And these are all your manners before you even MEET someone.)
[2014/11/16 14:30]  Perryn Peterson: Correct!
[2014/11/16 14:30]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:30]  Garnet Psaltery: :D
[2014/11/16 14:30]  Perryn Peterson: Ceremonial visits were made the day after a ball, when it sufficed to simply leave a card. Calls were made within a day or two after a dinner party, and within a week of a small party.
[2014/11/16 14:30]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:30]  Jaz Beverly: What if a lady wished to make a condolence or other call on another whose "at home" day was the same as her own?
[2014/11/16 14:31]  Perryn Peterson: Bingo! First problem.
[2014/11/16 14:31]  Perryn Peterson: Times were allocated for each type of call. 'Morning calls' were confusingly made in the afternoon. 'Ceremonial calls' were made between three and four o'clock, semi-ceremonial between four and five, and intimate calls between five and six--but never on Sunday, the day reserved for close friends and relatives.
[2014/11/16 14:31]  Garnet Psaltery: Visits shouldn't have been more than 15 minutes long anyway
[2014/11/16 14:31]  Perryn Peterson: Correct, as I shall soon state.
[2014/11/16 14:31]  Seth Stratten: O.o
[2014/11/16 14:31]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:31]  Garnet Psaltery: /me hushes with a smile
[2014/11/16 14:32]  Garnet Psaltery: /me waves to Tepic
[2014/11/16 14:32]  Perryn Peterson: Visits were short, lasting from twenty to thirty minutes. If another caller arrived during a visit, the first caller left within a moment or two.
[2014/11/16 14:32]  Tepic Harlequin: watcha all, am i late?
[2014/11/16 14:32]  Jaz Beverly: One can only talk for so long about the weather!
[2014/11/16 14:32]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:32]  Stereo Nacht: Oh, barely, Mr. Barlequin! ;-)
[2014/11/16 14:32]  Perryn Peterson: If a family was temporarily leaving the area, they wrote P.P.C. (pour prendre congé) on their cards when they called.
[2014/11/16 14:32]  Stereo Nacht: *Harlequin* (sorry)
[2014/11/16 14:33]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:33]  Tepic Harlequin: oh good, would hate ter be late!
[2014/11/16 14:33]  Perryn Peterson: /me simply LOVES that picture!
[2014/11/16 14:33]  Perryn Peterson: A call should be returned with a call, a card with a card, within one week, or at the most, ten days.
[2014/11/16 14:33]  Perryn Peterson:,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/1970xj8qnk5hajpg.jpg
[2014/11/16 14:34]  Chance (chanceboson): haha
[2014/11/16 14:34]  Perryn Peterson: In short, without visiting or calling cards, it seems that Victorian society would have entirely fallen apart. One may be grateful for indoor plumbing and other modern conveniences, but we must mourn the falling away of this mannerly tradition.
[2014/11/16 14:34]  Perryn Peterson:
[2014/11/16 14:34]  Stereo Nacht: (LOLcats - and dogs - are not *that* recent! ;-) )
[2014/11/16 14:34]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Indeed.
[2014/11/16 14:34]  Avariel Falcon: /me nods
[2014/11/16 14:34]  Beryl Strifeclaw (gager): /me purrs
[2014/11/16 14:34]  Perryn Peterson: And that, ladies and gentlemen, brings us to time for questions/comments, predictions about the weather, as you wish.
[2014/11/16 14:34]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): eeyup
[2014/11/16 14:35]  Miss Suzanne Super Sweet (supersuz): Hmmms
[2014/11/16 14:35]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me applauds.
[2014/11/16 14:35]  Beryl Strifeclaw (gager): /me claps
[2014/11/16 14:35]  Garnet Psaltery: /me waves to Maleficent
[2014/11/16 14:35]  Tepic Harlequin: /me raises his hand....
[2014/11/16 14:35]  Garnet Psaltery: ***** APPLAUSE *****
[2014/11/16 14:35]  Wulfriðe Blitzen  (ancasta): /me applauds
[2014/11/16 14:35]  Avariel Falcon: ♫ ((( Yay! Applause! Yay! ))) ♪
[2014/11/16 14:35]  Tristizia Demonista: /me applauds
[2014/11/16 14:35]  Stereo Nacht:  `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[2014/11/16 14:35]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): ♩♪♫♬  APPAWS! ♩♪♫♬
[2014/11/16 14:35]  Perryn Peterson: Thank you.
[2014/11/16 14:35]  Professor Julia V. Sheehan (juliesheehan): Very nice, well done!
[2014/11/16 14:35]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Tepic, your question?
[2014/11/16 14:35]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /me applauds
[2014/11/16 14:36]  Miss Suzanne Super Sweet (supersuz): Thank you, Lord Mayor. Always a pleasure to hear your lessons.
[2014/11/16 14:36]  Tepic Harlequin: errr.... do i have ter be introduced before i can ask a question?
[2014/11/16 14:36]  Perryn Peterson: /me smiles to Miss Suz
[2014/11/16 14:36]  Perryn Peterson: /me winks to Tepic whom he has not seen in donkey's years
[2014/11/16 14:37]  Bookworm Hienrichs: I don't think it's necessary, Tepic. *chuckle*
[2014/11/16 14:37]  Perryn Peterson: /me waits for Tepic's question
[2014/11/16 14:37]  Tepic Harlequin: errrr....... that were the question!
[2014/11/16 14:37]  Garnet Psaltery: Mr P, Mr H, Mr H, Mr P. Done
[2014/11/16 14:37]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me laughs.
[2014/11/16 14:37]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): lol
[2014/11/16 14:37]  Perryn Peterson: Ah-hah!
[2014/11/16 14:38]  Mosseveno Tenk: /me thinks barelequin might be a nice name for a beer
[2014/11/16 14:38]  Garnet Psaltery: heh
[2014/11/16 14:38]  Lia V (venra.aries): =D lol
[2014/11/16 14:38]  Lily Cavendish (leiliah.nandahar): lol
[2014/11/16 14:38]  Lily Cavendish (leiliah.nandahar): nice job!
[2014/11/16 14:38]  Tristizia Demonista: sounded like a lot of "work" for the upper class ;)
[2014/11/16 14:38]  Seth Stratten: @
[2014/11/16 14:38]  Jaz Beverly: Was there any significance to which day one chose to be "at home?"
[2014/11/16 14:39]  Perryn Peterson: We did not get into the gorgeous cards that came later in "our" period... with all sorts of decorations and even little tabs hiding the name, which were naturally called "hidden name" cards.
[2014/11/16 14:39]  Perryn Peterson: Indeed, Miss Demonista.
[2014/11/16 14:39]  Seth Stratten: So business cards were probably evolved from calling cards .
[2014/11/16 14:39]  Perryn Peterson: No, I think ladies just chose whichever day they wished... however, if there were a "leader" of their particular society, they'd avoid HER day.
[2014/11/16 14:40]  Perryn Peterson: Probably, Mr S, although they seemed to evolve alongside the calling cards... called trade cards.
[2014/11/16 14:40]  Perryn Peterson: And that is a whole nother lecture too!
[2014/11/16 14:40]  Seth Stratten: ooOooo
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Garnet Psaltery: A question - did ladies of the night have scarlet-edged calling cards?
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Tepic Harlequin: heheh bet that's why visiting cards got all fancy, so they wern't confused with mere trade ones!
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Perryn Peterson: /me chuckles
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Lia V (venra.aries): no wonder half the forests in the UK vanished during the victorian era, all these cards being made =o
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Perryn Peterson: If not, they should have done!
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Garnet Psaltery: :D
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): printers must have made a killing
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Garnet Psaltery: Indeed
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Perryn Peterson: They surely did!
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Elleon Bergamasco: /me grins
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Perryn Peterson: It was a good time to be a printer.
[2014/11/16 14:41]  Jaz Beverly: Was there an etiquette to how long one could keep a prestigous calling card on the top of one's bowl?
[2014/11/16 14:42]  Garnet Psaltery: :o)
[2014/11/16 14:42]  Perryn Peterson: Ha! A good question! I dunno!
[2014/11/16 14:42]  Perryn Peterson: How long could one keep the Kaiser's card? Ha ha ha!
[2014/11/16 14:42]  Beryl Strifeclaw (gager): /me imagines someone might frame an important enough one.
[2014/11/16 14:42]  Garnet Psaltery: Name -dropping -oops I just dropped this prestigious card in front of everyone
[2014/11/16 14:42]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): haha
[2014/11/16 14:42]  Perryn Peterson: Forever, obviously, as these cards have survived a good 150 years... so far!
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): in scotland one's social standing was tied directly to how many coo's was in ones gairden....
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Tristizia Demonista: /me chuckles
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Garnet Psaltery: :D
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /me chuckles
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Avariel Falcon: Moo!
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Perryn Peterson: /me grins
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Lia V (venra.aries): /me facepalms
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): XD
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): I wonder if social climbers pinched the more prestigious cards from other ladies' bowls
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Garnet Psaltery: Baaa
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Lily Cavendish (leiliah.nandahar): coo?
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Jaz Beverly: strategic!
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Lily Cavendish (leiliah.nandahar): ha, i bet it happend
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Garnet Psaltery: Cow
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Lily Cavendish (leiliah.nandahar): ooooo
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Perryn Peterson: /me quickly thinks up a little rhyme involving coos and moos
[2014/11/16 14:43]  Lily Cavendish (leiliah.nandahar): moo
[2014/11/16 14:44]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Dialect, Fraulein Cavendish.
[2014/11/16 14:44]  Perryn Peterson: I wonder whether they did, Miss Ellsmere!
[2014/11/16 14:44]  Professor Julia V. Sheehan (juliesheehan): I suppose the urchins and rascals might have made a few shillings selling "prestigious" cards for the social climber to show....
[2014/11/16 14:44]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): hmmm
[2014/11/16 14:44]  Miss Suzanne Super Sweet (supersuz): ((At a party last night noticed a miniature letter press on my host's office shelf. I should ask her about it))
[2014/11/16 14:44]  Lily Cavendish (leiliah.nandahar): got it lol
[2014/11/16 14:44]  Beryl Strifeclaw (gager): If they chose their guests poorly perhaps. =3
[2014/11/16 14:44]  Avariel Falcon: /me ponders if it would be Miss Falcon or Dr Falcon
[2014/11/16 14:44]  Garnet Psaltery: Dr Miss?
[2014/11/16 14:45]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): Professor Falcon, surely?
[2014/11/16 14:45]  Avariel Falcon: Yes, that is possible
[2014/11/16 14:45]  Perryn Peterson: All of this was quite serious, you realise. If a lady didn't pass muster, she might as well be dead in that town, for she would have zero friends.
[2014/11/16 14:45]  Stereo Nacht: Miss Pr. Avariel Falcon... I think?
[2014/11/16 14:45]  Avariel Falcon: /me nods
[2014/11/16 14:45]  Tepic Harlequin: ah! rules of precedent!
[2014/11/16 14:45]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): Mme Professeur
[2014/11/16 14:45]  Garnet Psaltery: Title before rank, I think
[2014/11/16 14:45]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Indeed, Mayor Peterson.
[2014/11/16 14:46]  Perryn Peterson: Oh, my goodness, the rules of precedence would surely put all of you to sleep in short order!
[2014/11/16 14:46]  Bookworm Hienrichs: /me laughs.
[2014/11/16 14:46]  Wildstar Beaumont: :)
[2014/11/16 14:46]  Avariel Falcon: ^_^
[2014/11/16 14:46]  Jaz Beverly: Share just a few, perhaps?
[2014/11/16 14:46]  Beryl Strifeclaw (gager): /me giggles
[2014/11/16 14:46]  Perryn Peterson: It was not only stultifying but incredibly important!
[2014/11/16 14:46]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): how did one ever get to the dinner table without knowing who was to lead the way?
[2014/11/16 14:47]  Tepic Harlequin: me!
[2014/11/16 14:47]  Garnet Psaltery: /me laughs
[2014/11/16 14:47]  Perryn Peterson: Well, in America, it was easy. The richest people had precedence. And the richer a woman's husband was, the more status she held.
[2014/11/16 14:47]  Stereo Nacht: /me slaps Mr. Harlequin's hands: "Wash your hands and face, first!" ;-)
[2014/11/16 14:47]  Perryn Peterson: But in Great Britain, oh, my slings and arrows! It was SO complicated.
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Tristizia Demonista: WAS ? ;)
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Seth Stratten: I would think in England, it would be tied to court standing
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Perryn Peterson: /me just recently gave a lesson to his class about the English Peerage
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Garnet Psaltery: Buck Palace is still stiflingly rule-bound
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Seth Stratten: Great lecture
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Beryl Strifeclaw (gager): =3
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Perryn Peterson: Each rank has so many pearls on his or her coronet, etc. etc. Sheesh.
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Any more questions for our speaker?
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): how did the ladies know whose husband was richest?
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Lia V (venra.aries): Lords, Ladies, Barons, Baronesses, Dukes, Duchesses.... etc etc etc
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Seth Stratten: hahahaa
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Perryn Peterson: Believe me, they knew.
[2014/11/16 14:48]  Seth Stratten: by their clothes
[2014/11/16 14:49]  Garnet Psaltery: Feeling in their pockets?
[2014/11/16 14:49]  Stereo Nacht: @What if a woman "marries down"? Does she keep using her title (if she has one), or does she goes with her husband's title?#
[2014/11/16 14:49]  Perryn Peterson: Oh, that's a whole nother lecture yet again!
[2014/11/16 14:49]  Seth Stratten: husbands
[2014/11/16 14:49]  Stereo Nacht: Ah... Complex, I see. Thank you!
[2014/11/16 14:50]  Perryn Peterson: Very.
[2014/11/16 14:50]  Miss Suzanne Super Sweet (supersuz): /me wonders if some of our urchins could benefit from Mieville's finishing school.
[2014/11/16 14:50]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): /me chuckles
[2014/11/16 14:50]  Avariel Falcon: I think we have an entire season of lectures planned out already!
[2014/11/16 14:50]  Perryn Peterson: They'd be more than welcome... but... I doubt they'd want to stay.
[2014/11/16 14:50]  Garnet Psaltery: Indeed
[2014/11/16 14:50]  Wildstar Beaumont: does urchin and school fit in the same sentence ?
[2014/11/16 14:50]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): depends what you mean by 'benefit'
[2014/11/16 14:50]  Garnet Psaltery: On ly if you also include fire
[2014/11/16 14:50]  Tristizia Demonista: /me chuckles
[2014/11/16 14:50]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Oh, I'm sure they could. The troubles would be 1) getting them there, and 2) preventing them from blowing it up.
[2014/11/16 14:51]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): not here, the school usually accidentally burns down....or blows up... or both
[2014/11/16 14:51]  Lily Cavendish (leiliah.nandahar): You'd have to trick them
[2014/11/16 14:51]  Perryn Peterson: They're welcome to blow up the Urchins' School.
[2014/11/16 14:51]  Tepic Harlequin: i been there, nice place!
[2014/11/16 14:51]  Perryn Peterson: Thanks, Tepic.
[2014/11/16 14:51]  Garnet Psaltery: May I ask an unrelated question?
[2014/11/16 14:51]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): i wonder if the babbage cuckoos will ever return?
[2014/11/16 14:51]  Tepic Harlequin: better than the Falun Mines, anyhow.....
[2014/11/16 14:52]  Garnet Psaltery: Just curious to know a little about the Frost Fair
[2014/11/16 14:52]  Perryn Peterson: /me wonders how the urchins would feel about meeting the Evil Basement Kittehs of Tinyopolis.....
[2014/11/16 14:52]  Beryl Strifeclaw (gager): =^_^=
[2014/11/16 14:52]  Mosseveno Tenk: thye'd eat them.
[2014/11/16 14:52]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): cats are evil, replace them with bunnies....
[2014/11/16 14:52]  Garnet Psaltery: :P
[2014/11/16 14:52]  Avariel Falcon: Bunnies!
[2014/11/16 14:52]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): :D
[2014/11/16 14:52]  Garnet Psaltery: /me slaps Vic
[2014/11/16 14:52]  Avariel Falcon: Yay!
[2014/11/16 14:52]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): Master Beryl is a cardboard box kitteh
[2014/11/16 14:53]  Tristizia Demonista: lol
[2014/11/16 14:53]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): :o
[2014/11/16 14:53]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): ?
[2014/11/16 14:53]  Bookworm Hienrichs: We're nearing the top of the hour. Any further questions?
[2014/11/16 14:53]  Perryn Peterson: The Frost Fair will take place from 28 Nov - 28 Dec with more than 150 merchants, amusement park, mini-hunt, Advent Calendar, dances/parties, ice skating, sledding... oh, my goodness, and much much more!
[2014/11/16 14:53]  Garnet Psaltery: Thank you :o)
[2014/11/16 14:53]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): ooooh! :D
[2014/11/16 14:53]  Avariel Falcon: Oooh!
[2014/11/16 14:53]  Wildstar Beaumont: :)
[2014/11/16 14:53]  Avariel Falcon: That sounds wonderful!
[2014/11/16 14:54]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Mieville always has something entertaining happening.
[2014/11/16 14:54]  Perryn Peterson: Indeed we do!
[2014/11/16 14:54]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Also last chance for the tipjar...
[2014/11/16 14:54]  Miss Suzanne Super Sweet (supersuz): Indeed it does.
[2014/11/16 14:54]  Stereo Nacht: Speaking of entertaining, if I am not too bold to preacy for my town... ;-)
[2014/11/16 14:54]  Miss Suzanne Super Sweet (supersuz): Beautiful festivals
[2014/11/16 14:54]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Go ahead, Fraulein Stereo.
[2014/11/16 14:54]  Stereo Nacht: And before everyone go on their way, may I remind that Caledon is having its last day of the Harvest Festival? The Deans of Oxbridge are on the plank waiting for dunking, and Ms. Rain will provide music for the tea dance. Do join us if you can!
[2014/11/16 14:54]  Perryn Peterson: Thank you all for coming!
[2014/11/16 14:54]  Garnet Psaltery: That sounds lovely, Stereo
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): :D
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Blossomlove (lddfan9): bravo!
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Avariel Falcon: ♫ ((( Yay! Applause! Yay! ))) ♪
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Garnet Psaltery: Thank you again, Mr P. Most enlightening
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Stereo Nacht: (Ahem. I had written that in advance, sorry...)
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Avariel Falcon: ♫ ((( Yay! Applause! Yay! ))) ♪
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Avariel Falcon: ♫ ((( Yay! Applause! Yay! ))) ♪
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Jaz Beverly: /me applauds
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Stereo Nacht: Thank you Mr. Peterson, that was most enjoyable!
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Thank you for coming! Please be sure to join us next month, when I do believe the Boiler Elf will be... gracing us with his presence again!
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Stereo Nacht:  `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Arthur Serpente (gauisartephiusserpente): /me claps
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Miss Suzanne Super Sweet (supersuz): Absolutely Marvelous!
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): ♩♪♫♬  APPAWS! ♩♪♫♬
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Beryl Strifeclaw (gager): /me purrs
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Tristizia Demonista: /me applauds
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Garnet Psaltery: Excellent
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Wulfriðe Blitzen  (ancasta): /me Applauds
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): /me applauds
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Avariel Falcon: Thank you, this has been a wonderful lecture *nods*
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Lily Cavendish (leiliah.nandahar): clap clap clap clap
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Danke, Lord Mayor.
[2014/11/16 14:55]  Seth Stratten: Thank you
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): ahhh wello back to work on lia's market >.< *waves*
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Stereo Nacht: Good bye (or good night) everyone!
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Garnet Psaltery: Cheerio Vic
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Perryn Peterson: Bitte, my pleasure, Herr Baron.
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Garnet Psaltery: I need to work on building as well
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Avariel Falcon: IT is time for me to return to the power station
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Perryn Peterson: Goodbye, everyone!
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Bookworm Hienrichs: Safe travels, everyone!
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Garnet Psaltery: /me waves and vanishes
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Avariel Falcon: I am overseeing the new construction works
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Avariel Falcon: /me nods
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Tristizia Demonista: /me waves goodbye to all
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Jaz Beverly: Thank you for the edifying event!
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): goodbye Mayor Peterson
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Polly (polly.ellsmere): bye all
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): I must be going as well, I am draining my resources from this remote location.
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Garnet Psaltery: oohI'll come and see later Avariel
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Avariel Falcon: Goodnight everyone
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Beryl Strifeclaw (gager): It's looking pretty good so far Avariel
[2014/11/16 14:56]  Lily Cavendish (leiliah.nandahar): bye bye all
[2014/11/16 14:57]  Arthur Serpente (gauisartephiusserpente): /me pours another cup of coffee and waves
[2014/11/16 14:57]  Wildstar Beaumont: good night everybody
[2014/11/16 14:58]  Elleon Bergamasco: thank you so much