Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: We are a bit late, so let us get started.
Yenta Bernheim and Walter Schoggenstein are also the Duchess and Duke of Caledon Ahavah, in the south of that land. They have been known since their arrival for their charity and generosity, which reflects their behaviours in their First Lives as well.
They have become known for their beautiful ballroom and the dances held there. As they are also devout in their faith, they were the perfect presenters to explain to us something about the Jewish Festival of Lights, Chanukah, one of many seasonal celebrations in the wintertime.
One last note - the Duchess and Duke will be donating their tips to fundraising against Pancreatic Cancer.
Duchess Yenta, thank you and His Grace for this presentation.
Yenta Bernheim: Shalom my friends, and in light of the seasons her upon us all matter your culture of Faith Mazel Tov.
Walter and I first wish to thank for your invitation. We love Community and consider all our Friends. And just so you are aware Walter isn't allowed to speak.
Walter Schnogginstein coughs.
Yenta Bernheim: Mostly because he can't get a word in. I am chatty.
Let me begin.
The topic we have chosen is Chanukah, The Festival of Lights.
More than twenty-one centuries ago, the Holy Land was ruled by the Seleucids (Syrian-Greeks), who sought to forcefully Hellenize the people of Israel. Against all odds, a small band of faithful Jews defeated one of the mightiest armies on earth, drove the Greeks from the land, reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and rededicated it to the service of G-d.
When they sought to light the Temple's menorah (the seven branched candelabrum), they found only a single cruse of olive oil that had escaped contamination by the Greeks; miraculously, the one-day supply burned for eight days, until new oil could be prepared under conditions of ritual purity.
To commemorate and publicize these miracles, the sages instituted the festival of Chanukah. At the heart of the festival is the nightly menorah (candelabrum) lighting: a single flame on the first night, two on the second evening, and so on till the eighth night of Chanukah, when all eight lights are kindled.
On Chanukah we also add the Hallel and Al HaNissim in our daily prayers to offer praise and thanksgiving to G-d for "delivering the strong into the hands of the weak, the many into the hands of the few... the wicked into the hands of the righteous."
Chanukah customs include eating foods fried in oil -- latkes (potato pancakes) and sufganiot (doughnuts); playing with the dreidel (a spinning top on which are inscribed the Hebrew letters nun, gimmel, hei and shin, an acronym for Nes Gadol Hayah Sham, "a great miracle happened there"); and the giving of Chanukah gelt, gifts of money, to children.
All over the world, no matter where, the Chanukah table is basically the same. Fried foods are the main staple, like Latkas with Sour Cream and Apple sauce ...lots of chives and onion. I meant to add recipes from my family in your gifts I will be giving out later. But if you im me after (please not now) I'll send.
I gave you the History for the people but I would like to share a personal side. When I was a little girl especially, this was a time for Family many Jews were lost in the Holocaust (over 6 million). So, for Jews making family multiply is important. Family is not just those born to us; it's community, too.
The lesson learned with the war with the Maccabees and Greeks centered around persecution for who you are. In light of that message we are all Jews. We live in such good times ...the Miracle of the lights is needed as much now as then. Diversity and Tolerance. Be who you are and be proud.
My family would sit on the first night. The matriarch would like the first candle, and I had my little menorah, and I would light mine. After the blessing, we would share bread....Challah, and then we basically made feast.
I will share with you now the prayers of the lighting. Before kindling the Chanukah lights on the first night of Chanukah, Tuesday, December 20, 2011, (or if you're kindling the Chanukah lights for the first time this year) recite all three blessings. On every subsequent night only the first two are recited.
Recited only on the first night (or the first time lighting this Chanukah):
1. Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-he-nu Me-lech ha-olam a-sher ki-de-sha-nu be-mitz-vo-tav ve-tzi-va-nu le-had-lik ner Cha-nu-kah.
1. Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to kindle the Chanukah light.
The second blessing :
2. Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-he-nu Me-lech Ha-olam she-a-sa ni-sim la-avo-te-nu ba-ya-mim ha-hem bi-zman ha-zeh.
2. Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who performed miracles for our forefathers in those days, at this time.
The 3rd :
3. Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-he-nu Me-lech Ha-olam she-heche-ya-nu ve-ki-yi-ma-nu ve-higi-a-nu liz-man ha-zeh.
3. Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who has granted us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this occasion.
The Candles are lit from the Right to the Left. You always use the center candle to light, never one of the 8. We do this to remember the Miracle and to remember to accept one another without prejudice.
Shalom to you all From Walter and I. Please come visit our Synagogue in Caledon Ahavah. There is also a Memorial there built by our very own Dimmie and Lady Sol, because we have to remember those not here with us any longer. Because we are all Metaphysically bound to one another no matter our Faith. Shalom and Mazel Tov many thanks for inviting us to share. I will attempt to answer questions.
Walter Schnogginstein: My duchess, perhaps you'd like to cycle through the slide show. I haven't advanced any of the slides. I will advance them now, and you can explain each of them.
Solace Fairlady raises hand for a question
Bodhisatva Paperclip: Does the word Chanukah derive from other words?
Yenta Bernheim: Yes Solace?
Solace Fairlady: I am so sorry Dame Yenta, but you say 8 candles, for the 8 days, but I only see 7 on the menorah?
Yenta Bernheim: Chanukah is derived from the hebrew word to "dedicate"
Bodhisatva Paperclip: Ah! I see.
Yenta Bernheim: Oy I put the wrong menorah out this is one that is just used in the synagogue as a light
Solace Fairlady: O I see!
Solace Fairlady: they would have 9m then, the central and 8 to the sides?
Walter Schnogginstein: Duchess, would you care to explain the slides? This looks like a cookie?
Yenta Bernheim: oh let me look at the slides
zaida Gearbox: do you still give presents on all de nights of hannakah?
Yenta Bernheim: I know this will come as a shock but it's not rezzed for me
Walter Schnogginstein: It's a cookie
Bodhisatva Paperclip: It looks kind of like a triangular kolache
Darlingmonster Ember: is yummy golden yummy
Jimmy Branagh: Looks loike a turnover
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Hamatashen, is it?
Skye McLeod: a tri-cornered one, Yenta
Walter Schnogginstein: Here is a picture of chocolate coins and a toy
Walter Schnogginstein: A dreidel?
Yenta Bernheim: The Dreidel with the geld
Yenta Bernheim: I see it now
Solace Fairlady: Dame Yenta, why in particular a spinning top? Is it related in some fashion to the same concpet as a prayer wheel?
Yenta Bernheim: We would play the game and win the gold coins which are chocolate
Walter Schnogginstein: This is a picture of the bread...challah
Yenta Bernheim: the spinning top has been an easy gift and is great to teach children hebrew
Darlingmonster Ember: we always gave out tops with cantrips when I was a child
Yenta Bernheim: Ah and though Christmas has gift giving during the 8 days a gift is given everyday
Yenta Bernheim: What my Family does on Christmas Day is we go to the Mission and serve Christmas dinner to the people there
Walter Schnogginstein: This is a picture of the Hanikkah Table
Yenta Bernheim: Usually we have brisket
Yenta Bernheim: and there is good brisket and bad brisket
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Duchess, I believe you were going to address the variant spellings of the holiday as well?
Yenta Bernheim: Well the varient is like most things ...cultural
Yenta Bernheim: Currently in this modern time you will see Chanukah
Yenta Bernheim: but the most historically correct is Hanukkah I do believe
Walter Schnogginstein: Latkas!
Walter Schnogginstein: This is the final slide. Lighting of the menorah.
Yenta Bernheim: We will have a giant menorah on the hill of Ahavah that will be erected on the 20th
Yenta Bernheim: And we will light a Menorah and say Prayers in the Synagogue for any who wish to attend
Jimmy Branagh: Is there a time set Miss Yenta?
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Duchess. Your generosity in making the craft this month is appreciated.
Yenta Bernheim: sunset
Jimmy Branagh: Ummm ... When is sunset in SL?
Skye McLeod: sunset in Caledon, I believe
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Duchess. I shall be picking up the tipjar now, and Her Grace will have a nice donation for the Pancreatic Cancer Society.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Chanukah! Salon (Unedited Transcript)
[14:06] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach looks at his watch
[14:06] Solace Fairlady: isnt the snow cold though?
[14:06] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: We are a bit late, so let us get started.
[14:06] Walter Schnogginstein positions himself to advance the slideshow.
[14:07] Jimmy Branagh: Grab a chair Tepic!
[14:07] Yenta Bernheim: I apologize for the lateness
[14:07] Yenta Bernheim: just looking for the Menorah
[14:08] Jimmy Branagh: Just make sure no one's sittin' in it!
[14:08] Bodhisatva Paperclip: or "borrowed" it?
[14:08] Solace Fairlady: wb again my love!
[14:08] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Yenta Bernheim and Walter Schoggenstein are also the Duchess and Duke of Caledon Ahavah, in the south of that land. They have been known since their arrival for their charity and generosity, which reflects their behaviours in their First Lives as well.
[14:09] Ceejay WriterCeejay Writer smiles
[14:09] Artemiss Luminos: :-)))
[14:09] Skye McLeod: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[14:09] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: They have become known for their beautiful ballroom and the dances held there. As they are also devout in their faith, they were the perfect presenters to explain to us something about the Jewish Festival of Lights, Chanukah, one of many seasonal celebrations in the wintertime.
[14:09] Walter Schnogginstein smiles.
[14:09] Jimmy Branagh applauds
[14:09] Solace Fairlady applauds
[14:09] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[14:09] Artemiss Luminos applauds
[14:10] Bodhisatva Paperclip applauds
[14:10] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: One last note - the Duchess and Duke will be donating their tips to fundraising against Pancreatic Cancer.
[14:10] Solace Fairlady applauds again
[14:10] Ceejay Writer beams approval.
[14:10] Jimmy Branagh: Thet's very noice
[14:10] Skye McLeod: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[14:10] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Duchess Yenta, thank you and His Grace for this presentation.
[14:11] Skye McLeod: Shalom, Yenta!
[14:11] Yenta Bernheim: Shalom my friends
[14:11] Ceejay Writer awkwardly says Shalom
[14:11] Artemiss Luminos: Shalom Lady Yenta :-)
[14:11] Yenta Bernheim: and in light of the seasons her upon us all matter your culture of Faith Mazel Tov
[14:11] Yenta Bernheim: here
[14:11] Skye McLeod: Mazel Tov!!!
[14:11] Walter Schnogginstein: Mazel Tov!
[14:11] Bodhisatva Paperclip: :)
[14:11] Solace Fairlady: Mazel Tov!
[14:11] Artemiss Luminos: Mazel Tov :-))
[14:12] Darlingmonster Ember: :D
[14:12] Yenta Bernheim: Please be patient I am not used to these things
[14:12] Jimmy Branagh: Mazel Tov!
[14:12] Skye McLeod: smils
[14:12] Skye McLeod: smiles, even
[14:12] Yenta Bernheim: Walter and I first wish to thank for your invitation
[14:12] Yenta Bernheim: We love Community and consider all our Friends
[14:13] Yenta Bernheim: And just so you are aware Walter isn't allowed to speak
[14:13] Walter Schnogginstein coughs
[14:13] Skye McLeod: haaaa
[14:13] Ceejay Writer laughs
[14:13] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach raises an eyebrow
[14:13] Yenta Bernheim: Mostly because he can't get a word in
[14:13] Skye McLeod: laughs
[14:13] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
[14:13] Walter Schnogginstein grins.
[14:13] Yenta Bernheim: I am chatty
[14:13] Artemiss Luminos: *giggles*
[14:13] Ceejay Writer: WE may be sisters.
[14:13] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Heee
[14:13] Yenta Bernheim: Let me begin
[14:13] Darlingmonster Ember takes notes
[14:13] June Forsythe pulls out her leatherbound journal to take notes
[14:14] Yenta Bernheim: The topic we have chosen is Chanukah The Festival of Lights
[14:14] Yenta Bernheim: (I am Cutting and pasting so heh )
[14:14] Skye McLeod: :-)
[14:15] Yenta Bernheim: More than twenty-one centuries ago, the Holy Land was ruled by the Seleucids (Syrian-Greeks), who sought to forcefully Hellenize the people of Israel. Against all odds, a small band of faithful Jews defeated one of the mightiest armies on earth, drove the Greeks from the land, reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and rededicated it to the service of G-d.
[14:15] Yenta Bernheim: When they sought to light the Temple's menorah (the seven branched candelabrum), they found only a single cruse of olive oil that had escaped contamination by the Greeks; miraculously, the one-day supply burned for eight days, until new oil could be prepared under conditions of ritual purity.
[14:15] Yenta Bernheim: To commemorate and publicize these miracles, the sages instituted the festival of Chanukah. At the heart of the festival is the nightly menorah (candelabrum) lighting: a single flame on the first night, two on the second evening, and so on till the eighth night of Chanukah, when all eight lights are kindled.
[14:16] Jimmy Branagh: ((Little slower ;) ))
[14:16] Yenta Bernheim: On Chanukah we also add the Hallel and Al HaNissim in our daily prayers to offer praise and thanksgiving to G-d for "delivering the strong into the hands of the weak, the many into the hands of the few... the wicked into the hands of the righteous."
[14:16] Yenta Bernheim: OH
[14:16] Yenta Bernheim: sorry
[14:16] Yenta Bernheim: my typist is a speedy one
[14:16] Skye McLeod: smiles
[14:16] Jimmy Branagh: ((NP :) ))
[14:16] Ceejay Writer: No worries! We learn by doing!
[14:17] Yenta Bernheim smoothes her skirts and pats her hair
[14:17] Walter Schnogginstein smiles an encouraging smile.
[14:17] Skye McLeod: loves Yenta
[14:17] Yenta Bernheim: Shall I continue?
[14:17] Skye McLeod: Please!
[14:17] Jimmy Branagh: Yes please!
[14:17] Yenta Bernheim: Chanukah customs include eating foods fried in oil -- latkes (potato pancakes) and sufganiot (doughnuts); playing with the dreidel (a spinning top on which are inscribed the Hebrew letters nun, gimmel, hei and shin, an acronym for Nes Gadol Hayah Sham, "a great miracle happened there"); and the giving of Chanukah gelt, gifts of money, to children
[14:18] Skye McLeod: ah!
[14:18] Skye McLeod: I forgot that!
[14:18] Tepic Harlequin: oh!
[14:18] Yenta Bernheim: All over the world no matter where the Chanukah table is basically the same
[14:18] Artemiss Luminos: latkes are lovely, by the way :-)
[14:19] Jimmy Branagh: Mmmm, tasty!
[14:19] Yenta Bernheim: Fried foods are the main staple
[14:19] Solace Fairlady: We all love latkes, not a little but a lot
[14:19] Skye McLeod: Love latkes!
[14:19] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach smiles
[14:19] Yenta Bernheim: like yes Latkas with Sour Cream and Apple sauce ...lots of chives and onion
[14:19] Walter Schnogginstein feels his stomach growl.
[14:19] Ceejay WriterCeejay Writer licks lips
[14:20] Yenta Bernheim: I meant to add recipes from my family in your gifts I wll be giving out later
[14:20] Yenta Bernheim: but if you im me after (please not now) I'll send
[14:20] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Very nice.
[14:20] Yenta Bernheim: I gave you the History for the people but I would like to share a personal side
[14:21] Artemiss Luminos: :-)
[14:21] June Forsythe nods, indeed
[14:21] Ceejay Writer: (will IM later, happily)
[14:21] Artemiss Luminos: please do Lady Yenta :-)
[14:21] Skye McLeod: yes!
[14:21] Yenta Bernheim: When I was a little girl especially, this was a time for Family many jews were lost in the Holocaust (over 6 million)
[14:22] Yenta Bernheim: So, for Jews making family multiply is important
[14:22] Walter Schnogginstein grins.
[14:22] Yenta Bernheim: family is not just those born to us
[14:22] Yenta Bernheim: it's community too
[14:23] Bodhisatva Paperclip nods
[14:23] Skye McLeod: Indeed!
[14:23] Artemiss Luminos: so true
[14:23] Yenta Bernheim: The lesson learned with the war with the Maccabees and Greeks centered around persecution for who you are
[14:23] Yenta Bernheim: In light of that message we are all Jews
[14:24] Artemiss Luminos: oh yes, so so true
[14:24] Jimmy Branagh smiles
[14:24] Yenta Bernheim: We live in such good times ...the Miracle of the lights is needed as much now as them
[14:24] Yenta Bernheim: then
[14:24] Yenta Bernheim: Diversity and Tolerance
[14:24] Yenta Bernheim: Be who you are and be proud
[14:25] Yenta Bernheim: My family would sit on the first night
[14:25] Ceejay Writer: Such good sentiments.
[14:25] Yenta Bernheim: The matriarch would like the first candle
[14:25] Yenta Bernheim: and I had my little menorah
[14:25] Yenta Bernheim: and I would light mine
[14:25] Skye McLeod: smiles, visualizing this
[14:25] June Forsythe: aww!
[14:25] Yenta Bernheim: after the blessing
[14:25] Artemiss Luminos: :-)))
[14:26] Yenta Bernheim: we would share bread....Challah
[14:26] Skye McLeod: Challah is also so very delicious!
[14:26] Blackberry Harvey: Best... bread... ever
[14:26] Yenta Bernheim: and then we basically made feast
[14:26] Artemiss Luminos: yes! :-)
[14:26] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
[14:26] Bodhisatva Paperclip can always endorse a good feast
[14:27] Yenta Bernheim: I will share with you now the prayers of the lighting
[14:27] Solace Fairlady: A good shared meal is at the heart of many joyous celebrations
[14:27] Yenta Bernheim: Before kindling the Chanukah lights on the first night of Chanukah, Tuesday, December 20, 2011, (or if you're kindling the Chanukah lights for the first time this year) recite all three blessings. On every subsequent night only the first two are recited.
[14:27] Tepic Harlequin carefully sidles out, it being way past his bedtime...
[14:27] Solace Fairlady whipsers dream well M Tepic!
[14:27] Yenta Bernheim: Recited only on the first night (or the first time lighting this Chanukah):
1. Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-he-nu Me-lech ha-olam a-sher ki-de-sha-nu be-mitz-vo-tav ve-tzi-va-nu le-had-lik ner Cha-nu-kah.
[14:28] Yenta Bernheim: Translation:
1. Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to kindle the Chanukah light.
[14:28] Yenta Bernheim: the second blessing :
[14:28] Dieguito Marais (diegojalfin): hi
[14:28] Ceejay WriterCeejay Writer slowly pronounces it.
[14:28] Yenta Bernheim: 2. Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-he-nu Me-lech Ha-olam she-a-sa ni-sim la-avo-te-nu ba-ya-mim ha-hem bi-zman ha-zeh.
[14:29] Yenta Bernheim: 2. Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who performed miracles for our forefathers in those days, at this time.
[14:29] Yenta Bernheim: the 3rd :3. Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-he-nu Me-lech Ha-olam she-heche-ya-nu ve-ki-yi-ma-nu ve-higi-a-nu liz-man ha-zeh.
[14:30] Yenta Bernheim: 3. Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who has granted us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this occasion.
[14:30] Solace Fairlady waves discreetly to the Admiral
[14:30] Skye McLeod: smiles
[14:30] Yenta Bernheim: The Candles are lit from the Right to the Left ..
[14:31] Yenta Bernheim: you always use the center candle to light never one of the 8
[14:32] Artemiss Luminos: that is a beautiful symbolism :-)
[14:32] Yenta Bernheim: We do this to remember the Miracle and to remember to accept one another without prejudcie
[14:33] Yenta Bernheim: Shalom to you all From Walter and I. Please come visit our Synagogue in Caledon Ahavah. There is also a Memorial there built by our very own Dimmie and Lady Sol
[14:33] Darlingmonster Ember nods
[14:33] Yenta Bernheim: Because we have to remember those not here with us any longer
[14:33] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Splendid.
[14:33] Artemiss Luminos: yes i would love to see it :-)
[14:33] Salon Speaker Tipjar: Thank you for supporting the Aether Salon, Blackberry Harvey!
[14:34] Jimmy Branagh: Me too!
[14:34] Solace Fairlady nods and says quietly "mainly by Dimmie:))"
[14:34] Yenta Bernheim: Because we are all Metaphysically bound to one another no matter our Faith
[14:34] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Thank you.
[14:34] Walter Schnogginstein looks up at the picture of the synagogue on the slideshow
[14:34] Darlingmonster Ember: ooo
[14:34] Yenta Bernheim: Shalom and Mazel Tov many thanks for inviting us to share
[14:34] Walter Schnogginstein: My duchess, perhaps you'd like to cycle through the slide show.
[14:34] Walter Schnogginstein: I haven't advanced any of the slides.
[14:34] Yenta Bernheim: I will attempt to answer questions
[14:34] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[14:35] Solace Fairlady: The synagoghue was built by M Jorge Serapis
[14:35] Bodhisatva Paperclip applauds
[14:35] Yenta Bernheim: OH
[14:35] Skye McLeod: beams at Yenta
[14:35] Skye McLeod: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[14:35] Jimmy Branagh applauds
[14:35] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[14:35] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Beautiful buildings in Ahavah.
[14:35] Yenta Bernheim: I thought you were doing the slide show Walter haha
[14:35] Solace Fairlady applauds heartily
[14:35] Jimmy Branagh chuckles
[14:35] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach smiles
[14:35] Walter Schnogginstein: No... I didn't know when to advance the slides.
[14:35] Walter Schnogginstein: :(
[14:35] Solace Fairlady raises hand for a question
[14:35] Yenta Bernheim: Oh yes sorry you are correct Lady Sol
[14:35] Artemiss Luminos: oh this was wonderful :-) such a fantastic presentation, and a wonderful way to harness the power of SL for the good of all of us :-)
[14:35] Blackberry HarveyBlackberry Harvey applauds
[14:35] Walter Schnogginstein: I will advance them now
[14:35] Artemiss Luminos applauds
[14:35] Jimmy Branagh: Thet was a good talk
[14:35] Skye McLeod: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[14:35] Walter Schnogginstein: And you can explain each of them.
[14:35] zaida Gearbox: imma sorry i came in at de end
[14:35] June ForsytheJune Forsythe applauds
[14:36] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Does the word Chanukah derive from other words?
[14:36] Yenta Bernheim: Yes Solace?
[14:36] zaida Gearbox: hannakah is very interesting to me
[14:36] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Hallo, Zaida.
[14:36] zaida Gearbox: hello mr. baron
[14:36] Solace Fairlady: I am so sorry Dame Yenta, but you say 8 candles, for the 8 days, but I only see 7 on the menorah?
[14:37] Yenta Bernheim: Chanukah is derived from the hebrew word to "dedicate"
[14:37] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Ah! I see.
[14:38] Bodhisatva Paperclip: and I see food!
[14:38] Artemiss Luminos says quietly- greetings my Lord :-)
[14:38] Yenta Bernheim: Oy I put the wrong menorah out this is one that is just used in the synagogue as a light
[14:38] Solace Fairlady: O I see!
[14:38] June Forsythe: I must excuse myself for dinner. Thank you so much for the wonderful presentation!
[14:38] Yenta Bernheim: I have gifts by the way but i have to give them to you individually
[14:38] Solace Fairlady: they would have 9m then, the central and 8 to the sides?
[14:38] June Forsythe: OH, I will wait for that
[14:38] June Forsythe: :)
[14:38] Walter Schnogginstein: Duchess, would you care to explain the slides?
[14:39] Bodhisatva Paperclip: :)
[14:39] Skye McLeod: Oh how lovely of you, Yenta
[14:39] Walter Schnogginstein: This looks like a cookie?
[14:39] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Thank you most kindly for your attendance, Ms Forsythe.
[14:39] Yenta Bernheim: I sent your Miss Forsythe
[14:39] June Forsythe: Thank you Yenta
[14:39] Blackberry Harvey: Bye, Miss June
[14:39] Yenta Bernheim: oh let me look at the slides
[14:39] Artemiss Luminos: farewell Miss June
[14:39] Walter Schnogginstein smiles
[14:40] Sidonie: Good evening, Miss Zaida *waves*
[14:40] zaida Gearboxzaida Gearbox waves
[14:40] zaida Gearbox: do you still give presents on all de nights of hannakah?
[14:40] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Zaida, the transcript will be available soon.
[14:40] Yenta Bernheim: I know this will come as a shock but it's not rezzed for me
[14:40] zaida Gearbox: tank you mr. baron
[14:40] Solace Fairlady: that looks delicious!
[14:40] Skye McLeod: oh no
[14:40] Walter Schnogginstein: It's a cookie
[14:40] Bodhisatva Paperclip: It looks kind of like a triangular kolache
[14:40] Darlingmonster Ember: is yummy golden yummy
[14:40] Jimmy Branagh: Looks loike a turnover
[14:40] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Hamatashen, is it?
[14:41] Skye McLeod: a tri-cornered one, Yenta
[14:41] Artemiss Luminos: whatever it is it looks very yummy :-)
[14:41] Solace Fairlady: yummy deep fried turn over1
[14:41] Darlingmonster Ember: whoops
[14:41] Skye McLeod: oh dear
[14:41] Walter Schnogginstein: oh my
[14:41] Skye McLeod: sighs
[14:41] Darlingmonster Ember: here she is again
[14:41] Skye McLeod: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[14:41] Skye McLeod: *•.¸'*•.¸ ? ¸.•*´¸.•*
[14:41] Skye McLeod: .•*?¨`• BRAVO!!!! •¨`?*•.
[14:41] Skye McLeod: ¸.•*`¸.•*´ ? `*•.¸`*•.¸
[14:41] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Whew!
[14:41] Artemiss Luminos: whatever it is it looks very yummy :-)
[14:41] Solace Fairlady: yummy deep fried turn over1
[14:41] Darlingmonster Ember: whoops
[14:41] Skye McLeod: oh dear
[14:41] Walter Schnogginstein: oh my
[14:41] Skye McLeod: sighs
[14:41] Darlingmonster Ember: here she is again
[14:41] Skye McLeod: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[14:41] Skye McLeod: *•.¸'*•.¸ ? ¸.•*´¸.•*
[14:41] Skye McLeod: .•*?¨`• BRAVO!!!! •¨`?*•.
[14:41] Skye McLeod: ¸.•*`¸.•*´ ? `*•.¸`*•.¸
[14:41] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Whew!
[14:41] Solace Fairlady: ha! even the gremlins cannot keep her grcae down for long!
[14:41] Solace Fairlady: *grace
[14:41] Skye McLeod: Welcome Back, Yenta!
[14:41] Yenta Bernheim: That silly SL
[14:41] Artemiss Luminos: welcome back Dame Yenta :-)
[14:42] Walter Schnogginstein: Here is a picture of chocolate coins and a toy
[14:42] Skye McLeod: BAD SL!! BAD!
[14:42] Solace Fairlady: see how she levitates with the power of the peerage?
[14:42] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach grins
[14:42] Walter Schnogginstein: A dreidel?
[14:42] Skye McLeod: laughs
[14:42] Bodhisatva Paperclip: :D
[14:42] Jimmy Branagh: Thise are draidles
[14:42] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Is that what it is, eh?
[14:42] Jimmy Branagh: *Those
[14:42] Yenta Bernheim: The Dreidel with the geld
[14:42] Artemiss Luminos: yes, those are dreidels i believe
[14:42] Skye McLeod: yes, with coins
[14:42] Yenta Bernheim: I see it now
[14:43] Solace Fairlady: Dame Yenta, why in particular a spinning top? Is it related in some fashion to the same concpet as a prayer wheel?
[14:43] Yenta Bernheim: We would play the game and win the gold coins which are chocolate
[14:44] Bodhisatva Paperclip would play long and hard for chocolate
[14:44] Walter Schnogginstein: This is a picture of the bread...challah
[14:44] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ah, there is the acclaimed bread.
[14:44] Skye McLeod: salivates...
[14:44] Artemiss Luminos: so would i Bodhisatva! *grins*
[14:44] Jimmy Branagh: Mmmmmm ...
[14:45] Yenta Bernheim: the spinning top has been an easy gift and is great to teach children hebrew
[14:45] Solace Fairlady: me nods
[14:45] Darlingmonster Ember: aah
[14:45] Skye McLeod: mmmm
[14:45] Darlingmonster Ember: we always gave out tops with cantrips when I was a child
[14:45] Yenta Bernheim: Ah and though Christmas has gift giving during the 8 days a gift is given everyday
[14:45] Darlingmonster Ember: nod
[14:46] Skye McLeod: Oh, how beautiful!
[14:46] Yenta Bernheim: What my Family does on Christmas Day is we go to the Mission and serve Christmas dinner to the people there
[14:46] Walter Schnogginstein: This is a picture of the Hanikkah Table
[14:46] Darlingmonster Ember: oooooo
[14:46] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Oh, nommy
[14:46] Yenta Bernheim: Usually we have brisket
[14:46] Solace Fairlady: Oh Dame Yenta you are so good!
[14:47] Yenta Bernheim: and there is good brisket and bad brisket
[14:47] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Duchess, I believe you were going to address the variant spellings of the holiday as well?
[14:47] Skye McLeod: Channukah
[14:47] Artemiss Luminos: oh Lady Yenta, that is wonderful
[14:47] Skye McLeod: and Hannukah
[14:47] Darlingmonster Ember: depends on which viewer you are in?
[14:47] Darlingmonster Ember: grins
[14:47] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
[14:47] Skye McLeod: hee hee
[14:47] Solace Fairlady laughs
[14:47] Bodhisatva Paperclip: ha!
[14:47] Yenta Bernheim: Well the varient is like most things ...cultural
[14:47] Solace Fairlady: Adam sandler sanfg a song about one of them?
[14:48] Solace Fairlady: if that is even his right name
[14:48] Yenta Bernheim: Currently in this modern time you will see Chanukah
[14:48] Skye McLeod: Isn't Channukah more of an Israeli spelling, Yenta?
[14:48] Yenta Bernheim: but the most historically correct is Hanukkah I do believe
[14:48] Skye McLeod: Ack, I've been misspelling it completely
[14:48] zaida Gearbox: i've seen it both ways
[14:48] Yenta Bernheim: That is correct
[14:49] Walter Schnogginstein: Latkas!
[14:49] Yenta Bernheim: LATKAS
[14:49] Skye McLeod: latkes!
[14:49] Yenta Bernheim: i can eat my weight in latkas
[14:49] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
[14:49] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Fried foods!!
[14:49] Solace Fairlady: I have always seen it written as Hannukah
[14:49] Skye McLeod: yum!!!
[14:49] Yenta Bernheim: I like mine with lots of onions
[14:49] Jimmy Branagh extends his hand toward the screen
[14:49] Skye McLeod: me too!
[14:49] Skye McLeod: licks her monitor
[14:49] Big Daddy Acacia: I like holidays with food, but they don't like me.
[14:49] Yenta Bernheim: heh
[14:49] Skye McLeod: heh heh
[14:50] Walter Schnogginstein: This is the final slide. Lighting of the menorah.
[14:50] Skye McLeod: It's beautiful
[14:50] Bodhisatva Paperclip: New candles every night?
[14:50] Yenta Bernheim: We will have a giant menorah on the hill of Ahavah that will be erected on the 20th
[14:50] Skye McLeod: Oh wonderful!
[14:50] Yenta Bernheim: And we will light a Menorah and say Prayers in the Synagogue for any who wish to attend
[14:51] Skye McLeod: Thank you, Yenta
[14:51] Yenta Bernheim: now if you will all be still i have gifts
[14:51] Bodhisatva Paperclip checks his datebook
[14:51] Darlingmonster Ember: lovely
[14:51] Walter Schnogginstein: Yay gifts!
[14:51] Bodhisatva Paperclip: :)
[14:51] Solace Fairlady: O wonderful dame Yenta!
[14:51] Skye McLeod: laughs at Walter...
[14:51] Jimmy Branagh: Is there a time set Miss Yenta?
[14:51] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Duchess. Your generosity in making the craft this month is appreciated.
[14:51] Yenta Bernheim: sunset
[14:52] Jimmy Branagh: Ummm ... When is sunset in SL?
[14:52] Skye McLeod: hmmmm
[14:52] Jimmy Branagh smiles
[14:52] Skye McLeod: sunset in Caledon, I believe
[14:53] Artemiss Luminos: thank you so much for such a wonderful presentation and the opportunity to learn :-)
[14:53] Big Daddy Acacia: Thank you Dame Yenta *bows*
[14:53] Skye McLeod: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[14:53] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ah... which sunset?
[14:53] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[14:53] Jimmy Branagh applauds
[14:53] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[14:53] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Thank you very much!
[14:53] Artemiss Luminos applauds
[14:53] Walter Schnogginstein claps for such a good presentation from the duchess.
[14:53] Grollvurk: Thank you! *tips his hat*
[14:54] Solace Fairlady: A fabuous presentation your Graces!
[14:54] AetherSalon: Thank you very much for your kind donation, Mr Branagh.
[14:54] Jimmy Branagh: Thenks Miss Yenta!
[14:54] Walter Schnogginstein: The gift boxes are extra good. I took a peek when she was wrapping them.
[14:55] Artemiss Luminos: yes, i so hope the Salon has many more presentations like this! :-)
[14:55] Bodhisatva Paperclip: the last two salons have made me hungry :)
[14:55] Ceejay Writer: ((massive apologies. Internet died))
[14:55] Skye McLeod: Yes, it was both wonderful and educational!
[14:56] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Any last donations to our lovely speaker?
[14:56] Vain Adder bows deeply. "Thank you for the kind gift."
[14:56] Artemiss Luminos *giggles* @ Bodhisatva :-)
[14:56] Darlingmonster Ember: no worries Miss CeeJay
[14:56] Sidonie: Thank you!
[14:56] Skye McLeod: Thank you, Yenta!
[14:57] Darlingmonster Ember: yes, very nice to come and hear
[14:57] Ceejay Writer: I shall read what I missed when posted to the Aether Salon website!
[14:57] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Duchess. I shall be picking up the tipjar now, and Her Grace will have a nice donation for the Pancreatic Cancer Society.
[14:57] Solace Fairlady: was very good to hear, a wonderful celebration i knew little about
[14:57] Bodhisatva Paperclip applauds
[14:57] Jimmy Branagh: Yay!
[14:57] Jimmy Branagh applauds
[14:57] Solace Fairlady: Thank you your grace!
[14:57] Darlingmonster Ember: thank you kindly
[14:57] Walter Schnogginstein: Thank you all for coming and participating.
[14:57] Ceejay Writer: Thank you for the gift!
[14:57] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[14:57] Rudolph Ruddy Bones waves over to Jimmy
[14:57] Yenta Bernheim: I missed if you said anythign
[14:58] Yenta Bernheim: did everyone get a gift?
[14:58] Jimmy Branagh waves back
[14:58] Walter Schnogginstein: WIthout ears to hear we just make echoes.
[14:58] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Rudy
[14:58] Skye McLeod: Yes, Ma'am
[14:58] Yenta Bernheim: Ms Isadora did you ?
[14:58] Rudolph Ruddy Bones: Hoy, Jimmy!
[14:58] Sidonie: Yes, thank you
[14:58] Skye McLeod: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[14:58] Walter Schnogginstein: /calp
[14:59] Yenta Bernheim: Thank you Baron
[14:59] Ceejay Writer: Thank you so much for sharing with us today!
[14:59] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: bow0
[14:59] Ceejay Writer: Next Salon: WALTER SPEAKS.
[14:59] Big Daddy Acacia calps too :)
[14:59] Solace Fairlady: Blessings of the season to you all, whatever our different faiths we share one thing, the symbolism of the light in the dark at this time of year
[14:59] Walter Schnogginstein coughs
[14:59] Yenta Bernheim: I hope I did your Salon justice
[14:59] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach laughs at Fraulein Ceejay's comment
[14:59] Walter Schnogginstein: Mazel Tov!
[14:59] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: You did splendidly, Duchess. Much appreciated.
[14:59] Skye McLeod: Blessings to each of you at this holiday season!
[14:59] Artemiss Luminos: oh yes Miss Solace :-)
[14:59] Yenta Bernheim: Amen and Mazel Tov Dimmie
[15:00] Darlingmonster Ember curtsies
[15:00] Darlingmonster Ember: mazel tov
[15:00] Darlingmonster Ember: and dream of wonder
[15:00] Skye McLeod: Mazel Tov!
[15:00] Big Daddy Acacia: His blessings upon one and all
[15:00] Artemiss Luminos: Blessings ot everyone here and all the best in the coming year :-)
[15:00] Solace Fairlady: Mazel Tov!
[15:00] Yenta Bernheim: Did we fit in the right time slot?
[15:00] Jimmy Branagh: Mazel Tov!
[15:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Bitte, do not forget to join the Salon group, and remember to donate to help keep this space.
[15:00] Ceejay Writer: (brb)
[15:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Perfectly well.
[15:00] Solace Fairlady: Whatis the translation of mazel Tgov?
[15:00] Yenta Bernheim: OH yes of course
[15:00] zaida Gearbox: can't you say l'chaim
[15:00] Solace Fairlady: *Tov
[15:00] Jimmy Branagh: Oy gotta run alkl. See ya soon!
[15:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Gute Nacht, Herr Jimmy.
[15:01] Jimmy Branagh waves
[15:01] Jimmy Branagh: Byeeee!
[15:01] Darlingmonster Ember: night all
[15:01] Darlingmonster Ember: waves
[15:01] Yenta Bernheim: it means "good luck"
[15:01] Sidonie: Nanight, you two.
[15:01] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Good night everyone. Be well and happy!
[15:01] Solace Fairlady: ah thank you Dame yenta!
[15:01] Yenta Bernheim: L'chiam means "to life"
[15:01] Artemiss Luminos: Mr Klaus, how can i join the Salon group please?
[15:01] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Certainly.
[15:02] Artemiss Luminos: thank you so much :-)
[15:02] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Fraulein.
[15:03] Ceejay Writer: I must say that I have had a very very hectic week, and in spite of my 'net interruption, this was a time of smiles and very uplifting talk. Thank you.
[15:03] Walter Schnogginstein: Baron, thanks for allowing the duchess to present.
[15:03] Artemiss Luminos: it was very nice to meet everyone here too :-)
[15:03] AetherSalon: Mr Adder, your generosity in supporting the Aethersalon is greatly appreciated.
[15:03] Yenta Bernheim: OH and friend me with a request for recipes
[15:03] Skye McLeod: smiles
[15:03] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: I was most pleased when you two accepted.
[15:03] Walter Schnogginstein: I must run now, for I have some business which requires my attention.
[15:03] Walter Schnogginstein: Mazel Tov, all!
[15:03] Artemiss Luminos: farewell and take care :-)
[15:03] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Gute Nacht, Your Grace.
[15:03] Yenta Bernheim: Thankyou for the slide show
[15:03] Sidonie: I second Miss Luminos' question. How do you join?
[15:03] Walter Schnogginstein grins.
[15:04] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: My poster seems to have vanished. I shall add you.
[15:04] Sidonie: Thank you, Herr Baron. *Smiles*
[15:04] Big Daddy Acacia: Click on one white signs around you
[15:05] Ceejay Writer: As you can see, you will receiv e a very chic group title. *preens mine*
[15:05] Sidonie: Oh you mean those huge rectangular things I can't quite read? *feels slightly stupid and does so*
[15:06] Big Daddy Acacia: :)
[15:06] Artemiss Luminos: good night :-)
[15:06] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: One of them was supposed to be a group poster.
[15:06] Sidonie: Good evening, Dancer
[15:07] Dark DancerDark Dancerhi
[15:07] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Hallo, M~ Dancer.
[15:07] Dark Dancer: hi Baron
[15:07] Sidonie: As I said, fairly over.
[15:07] Dark Dancer: lol
[15:08] Sidonie: Herr Baron, this is Miss Dancer. She's a friend of mine.
[15:08] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ahhh. She is, of course, most welcome.
[15:08] Dark Dancer: thank you kindly
[15:08] Dark Dancer: :)
[15:09] Yenta Bernheim: OH and we raised another 2500 Linden for Pancreatic Cancer research
[15:10] Artemiss Luminos: farwell all and happiest of the season to you :-)))
[15:10] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[15:10] Ceejay Writer: Very nice!
[15:11] Sidonie: Congratulations ^.^
[15:11] Ceejay Writer: Hmmm. Two salons in a row have made people very hungry. Perhaps this is now the Aether Cuisine Salon?
[15:11] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach laughs
[15:11] Yenta Bernheim: I will go put it in the kiosk before I forget
[15:11] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Gute Nacht, Your Grace.
[15:11] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach nods
[15:12] Ceejay Writer: I shall take my leave now... thank you again for this timely Salon!
[14:06] Solace Fairlady: isnt the snow cold though?
[14:06] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: We are a bit late, so let us get started.
[14:06] Walter Schnogginstein positions himself to advance the slideshow.
[14:07] Jimmy Branagh: Grab a chair Tepic!
[14:07] Yenta Bernheim: I apologize for the lateness
[14:07] Yenta Bernheim: just looking for the Menorah
[14:08] Jimmy Branagh: Just make sure no one's sittin' in it!
[14:08] Bodhisatva Paperclip: or "borrowed" it?
[14:08] Solace Fairlady: wb again my love!
[14:08] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Yenta Bernheim and Walter Schoggenstein are also the Duchess and Duke of Caledon Ahavah, in the south of that land. They have been known since their arrival for their charity and generosity, which reflects their behaviours in their First Lives as well.
[14:09] Ceejay WriterCeejay Writer smiles
[14:09] Artemiss Luminos: :-)))
[14:09] Skye McLeod: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[14:09] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: They have become known for their beautiful ballroom and the dances held there. As they are also devout in their faith, they were the perfect presenters to explain to us something about the Jewish Festival of Lights, Chanukah, one of many seasonal celebrations in the wintertime.
[14:09] Walter Schnogginstein smiles.
[14:09] Jimmy Branagh applauds
[14:09] Solace Fairlady applauds
[14:09] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[14:09] Artemiss Luminos applauds
[14:10] Bodhisatva Paperclip applauds
[14:10] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: One last note - the Duchess and Duke will be donating their tips to fundraising against Pancreatic Cancer.
[14:10] Solace Fairlady applauds again
[14:10] Ceejay Writer beams approval.
[14:10] Jimmy Branagh: Thet's very noice
[14:10] Skye McLeod: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[14:10] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Duchess Yenta, thank you and His Grace for this presentation.
[14:11] Skye McLeod: Shalom, Yenta!
[14:11] Yenta Bernheim: Shalom my friends
[14:11] Ceejay Writer awkwardly says Shalom
[14:11] Artemiss Luminos: Shalom Lady Yenta :-)
[14:11] Yenta Bernheim: and in light of the seasons her upon us all matter your culture of Faith Mazel Tov
[14:11] Yenta Bernheim: here
[14:11] Skye McLeod: Mazel Tov!!!
[14:11] Walter Schnogginstein: Mazel Tov!
[14:11] Bodhisatva Paperclip: :)
[14:11] Solace Fairlady: Mazel Tov!
[14:11] Artemiss Luminos: Mazel Tov :-))
[14:12] Darlingmonster Ember: :D
[14:12] Yenta Bernheim: Please be patient I am not used to these things
[14:12] Jimmy Branagh: Mazel Tov!
[14:12] Skye McLeod: smils
[14:12] Skye McLeod: smiles, even
[14:12] Yenta Bernheim: Walter and I first wish to thank for your invitation
[14:12] Yenta Bernheim: We love Community and consider all our Friends
[14:13] Yenta Bernheim: And just so you are aware Walter isn't allowed to speak
[14:13] Walter Schnogginstein coughs
[14:13] Skye McLeod: haaaa
[14:13] Ceejay Writer laughs
[14:13] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach raises an eyebrow
[14:13] Yenta Bernheim: Mostly because he can't get a word in
[14:13] Skye McLeod: laughs
[14:13] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
[14:13] Walter Schnogginstein grins.
[14:13] Yenta Bernheim: I am chatty
[14:13] Artemiss Luminos: *giggles*
[14:13] Ceejay Writer: WE may be sisters.
[14:13] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Heee
[14:13] Yenta Bernheim: Let me begin
[14:13] Darlingmonster Ember takes notes
[14:13] June Forsythe pulls out her leatherbound journal to take notes
[14:14] Yenta Bernheim: The topic we have chosen is Chanukah The Festival of Lights
[14:14] Yenta Bernheim: (I am Cutting and pasting so heh )
[14:14] Skye McLeod: :-)
[14:15] Yenta Bernheim: More than twenty-one centuries ago, the Holy Land was ruled by the Seleucids (Syrian-Greeks), who sought to forcefully Hellenize the people of Israel. Against all odds, a small band of faithful Jews defeated one of the mightiest armies on earth, drove the Greeks from the land, reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and rededicated it to the service of G-d.
[14:15] Yenta Bernheim: When they sought to light the Temple's menorah (the seven branched candelabrum), they found only a single cruse of olive oil that had escaped contamination by the Greeks; miraculously, the one-day supply burned for eight days, until new oil could be prepared under conditions of ritual purity.
[14:15] Yenta Bernheim: To commemorate and publicize these miracles, the sages instituted the festival of Chanukah. At the heart of the festival is the nightly menorah (candelabrum) lighting: a single flame on the first night, two on the second evening, and so on till the eighth night of Chanukah, when all eight lights are kindled.
[14:16] Jimmy Branagh: ((Little slower ;) ))
[14:16] Yenta Bernheim: On Chanukah we also add the Hallel and Al HaNissim in our daily prayers to offer praise and thanksgiving to G-d for "delivering the strong into the hands of the weak, the many into the hands of the few... the wicked into the hands of the righteous."
[14:16] Yenta Bernheim: OH
[14:16] Yenta Bernheim: sorry
[14:16] Yenta Bernheim: my typist is a speedy one
[14:16] Skye McLeod: smiles
[14:16] Jimmy Branagh: ((NP :) ))
[14:16] Ceejay Writer: No worries! We learn by doing!
[14:17] Yenta Bernheim smoothes her skirts and pats her hair
[14:17] Walter Schnogginstein smiles an encouraging smile.
[14:17] Skye McLeod: loves Yenta
[14:17] Yenta Bernheim: Shall I continue?
[14:17] Skye McLeod: Please!
[14:17] Jimmy Branagh: Yes please!
[14:17] Yenta Bernheim: Chanukah customs include eating foods fried in oil -- latkes (potato pancakes) and sufganiot (doughnuts); playing with the dreidel (a spinning top on which are inscribed the Hebrew letters nun, gimmel, hei and shin, an acronym for Nes Gadol Hayah Sham, "a great miracle happened there"); and the giving of Chanukah gelt, gifts of money, to children
[14:18] Skye McLeod: ah!
[14:18] Skye McLeod: I forgot that!
[14:18] Tepic Harlequin: oh!
[14:18] Yenta Bernheim: All over the world no matter where the Chanukah table is basically the same
[14:18] Artemiss Luminos: latkes are lovely, by the way :-)
[14:19] Jimmy Branagh: Mmmm, tasty!
[14:19] Yenta Bernheim: Fried foods are the main staple
[14:19] Solace Fairlady: We all love latkes, not a little but a lot
[14:19] Skye McLeod: Love latkes!
[14:19] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach smiles
[14:19] Yenta Bernheim: like yes Latkas with Sour Cream and Apple sauce ...lots of chives and onion
[14:19] Walter Schnogginstein feels his stomach growl.
[14:19] Ceejay WriterCeejay Writer licks lips
[14:20] Yenta Bernheim: I meant to add recipes from my family in your gifts I wll be giving out later
[14:20] Yenta Bernheim: but if you im me after (please not now) I'll send
[14:20] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Very nice.
[14:20] Yenta Bernheim: I gave you the History for the people but I would like to share a personal side
[14:21] Artemiss Luminos: :-)
[14:21] June Forsythe nods, indeed
[14:21] Ceejay Writer: (will IM later, happily)
[14:21] Artemiss Luminos: please do Lady Yenta :-)
[14:21] Skye McLeod: yes!
[14:21] Yenta Bernheim: When I was a little girl especially, this was a time for Family many jews were lost in the Holocaust (over 6 million)
[14:22] Yenta Bernheim: So, for Jews making family multiply is important
[14:22] Walter Schnogginstein grins.
[14:22] Yenta Bernheim: family is not just those born to us
[14:22] Yenta Bernheim: it's community too
[14:23] Bodhisatva Paperclip nods
[14:23] Skye McLeod: Indeed!
[14:23] Artemiss Luminos: so true
[14:23] Yenta Bernheim: The lesson learned with the war with the Maccabees and Greeks centered around persecution for who you are
[14:23] Yenta Bernheim: In light of that message we are all Jews
[14:24] Artemiss Luminos: oh yes, so so true
[14:24] Jimmy Branagh smiles
[14:24] Yenta Bernheim: We live in such good times ...the Miracle of the lights is needed as much now as them
[14:24] Yenta Bernheim: then
[14:24] Yenta Bernheim: Diversity and Tolerance
[14:24] Yenta Bernheim: Be who you are and be proud
[14:25] Yenta Bernheim: My family would sit on the first night
[14:25] Ceejay Writer: Such good sentiments.
[14:25] Yenta Bernheim: The matriarch would like the first candle
[14:25] Yenta Bernheim: and I had my little menorah
[14:25] Yenta Bernheim: and I would light mine
[14:25] Skye McLeod: smiles, visualizing this
[14:25] June Forsythe: aww!
[14:25] Yenta Bernheim: after the blessing
[14:25] Artemiss Luminos: :-)))
[14:26] Yenta Bernheim: we would share bread....Challah
[14:26] Skye McLeod: Challah is also so very delicious!
[14:26] Blackberry Harvey: Best... bread... ever
[14:26] Yenta Bernheim: and then we basically made feast
[14:26] Artemiss Luminos: yes! :-)
[14:26] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
[14:26] Bodhisatva Paperclip can always endorse a good feast
[14:27] Yenta Bernheim: I will share with you now the prayers of the lighting
[14:27] Solace Fairlady: A good shared meal is at the heart of many joyous celebrations
[14:27] Yenta Bernheim: Before kindling the Chanukah lights on the first night of Chanukah, Tuesday, December 20, 2011, (or if you're kindling the Chanukah lights for the first time this year) recite all three blessings. On every subsequent night only the first two are recited.
[14:27] Tepic Harlequin carefully sidles out, it being way past his bedtime...
[14:27] Solace Fairlady whipsers dream well M Tepic!
[14:27] Yenta Bernheim: Recited only on the first night (or the first time lighting this Chanukah):
1. Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-he-nu Me-lech ha-olam a-sher ki-de-sha-nu be-mitz-vo-tav ve-tzi-va-nu le-had-lik ner Cha-nu-kah.
[14:28] Yenta Bernheim: Translation:
1. Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to kindle the Chanukah light.
[14:28] Yenta Bernheim: the second blessing :
[14:28] Dieguito Marais (diegojalfin): hi
[14:28] Ceejay WriterCeejay Writer slowly pronounces it.
[14:28] Yenta Bernheim: 2. Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-he-nu Me-lech Ha-olam she-a-sa ni-sim la-avo-te-nu ba-ya-mim ha-hem bi-zman ha-zeh.
[14:29] Yenta Bernheim: 2. Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who performed miracles for our forefathers in those days, at this time.
[14:29] Yenta Bernheim: the 3rd :3. Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-he-nu Me-lech Ha-olam she-heche-ya-nu ve-ki-yi-ma-nu ve-higi-a-nu liz-man ha-zeh.
[14:30] Yenta Bernheim: 3. Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who has granted us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this occasion.
[14:30] Solace Fairlady waves discreetly to the Admiral
[14:30] Skye McLeod: smiles
[14:30] Yenta Bernheim: The Candles are lit from the Right to the Left ..
[14:31] Yenta Bernheim: you always use the center candle to light never one of the 8
[14:32] Artemiss Luminos: that is a beautiful symbolism :-)
[14:32] Yenta Bernheim: We do this to remember the Miracle and to remember to accept one another without prejudcie
[14:33] Yenta Bernheim: Shalom to you all From Walter and I. Please come visit our Synagogue in Caledon Ahavah. There is also a Memorial there built by our very own Dimmie and Lady Sol
[14:33] Darlingmonster Ember nods
[14:33] Yenta Bernheim: Because we have to remember those not here with us any longer
[14:33] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Splendid.
[14:33] Artemiss Luminos: yes i would love to see it :-)
[14:33] Salon Speaker Tipjar: Thank you for supporting the Aether Salon, Blackberry Harvey!
[14:34] Jimmy Branagh: Me too!
[14:34] Solace Fairlady nods and says quietly "mainly by Dimmie:))"
[14:34] Yenta Bernheim: Because we are all Metaphysically bound to one another no matter our Faith
[14:34] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Thank you.
[14:34] Walter Schnogginstein looks up at the picture of the synagogue on the slideshow
[14:34] Darlingmonster Ember: ooo
[14:34] Yenta Bernheim: Shalom and Mazel Tov many thanks for inviting us to share
[14:34] Walter Schnogginstein: My duchess, perhaps you'd like to cycle through the slide show.
[14:34] Walter Schnogginstein: I haven't advanced any of the slides.
[14:34] Yenta Bernheim: I will attempt to answer questions
[14:34] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[14:35] Solace Fairlady: The synagoghue was built by M Jorge Serapis
[14:35] Bodhisatva Paperclip applauds
[14:35] Yenta Bernheim: OH
[14:35] Skye McLeod: beams at Yenta
[14:35] Skye McLeod: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[14:35] Jimmy Branagh applauds
[14:35] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[14:35] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Beautiful buildings in Ahavah.
[14:35] Yenta Bernheim: I thought you were doing the slide show Walter haha
[14:35] Solace Fairlady applauds heartily
[14:35] Jimmy Branagh chuckles
[14:35] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach smiles
[14:35] Walter Schnogginstein: No... I didn't know when to advance the slides.
[14:35] Walter Schnogginstein: :(
[14:35] Solace Fairlady raises hand for a question
[14:35] Yenta Bernheim: Oh yes sorry you are correct Lady Sol
[14:35] Artemiss Luminos: oh this was wonderful :-) such a fantastic presentation, and a wonderful way to harness the power of SL for the good of all of us :-)
[14:35] Blackberry HarveyBlackberry Harvey applauds
[14:35] Walter Schnogginstein: I will advance them now
[14:35] Artemiss Luminos applauds
[14:35] Jimmy Branagh: Thet was a good talk
[14:35] Skye McLeod: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[14:35] Walter Schnogginstein: And you can explain each of them.
[14:35] zaida Gearbox: imma sorry i came in at de end
[14:35] June ForsytheJune Forsythe applauds
[14:36] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Does the word Chanukah derive from other words?
[14:36] Yenta Bernheim: Yes Solace?
[14:36] zaida Gearbox: hannakah is very interesting to me
[14:36] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Hallo, Zaida.
[14:36] zaida Gearbox: hello mr. baron
[14:36] Solace Fairlady: I am so sorry Dame Yenta, but you say 8 candles, for the 8 days, but I only see 7 on the menorah?
[14:37] Yenta Bernheim: Chanukah is derived from the hebrew word to "dedicate"
[14:37] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Ah! I see.
[14:38] Bodhisatva Paperclip: and I see food!
[14:38] Artemiss Luminos says quietly- greetings my Lord :-)
[14:38] Yenta Bernheim: Oy I put the wrong menorah out this is one that is just used in the synagogue as a light
[14:38] Solace Fairlady: O I see!
[14:38] June Forsythe: I must excuse myself for dinner. Thank you so much for the wonderful presentation!
[14:38] Yenta Bernheim: I have gifts by the way but i have to give them to you individually
[14:38] Solace Fairlady: they would have 9m then, the central and 8 to the sides?
[14:38] June Forsythe: OH, I will wait for that
[14:38] June Forsythe: :)
[14:38] Walter Schnogginstein: Duchess, would you care to explain the slides?
[14:39] Bodhisatva Paperclip: :)
[14:39] Skye McLeod: Oh how lovely of you, Yenta
[14:39] Walter Schnogginstein: This looks like a cookie?
[14:39] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Thank you most kindly for your attendance, Ms Forsythe.
[14:39] Yenta Bernheim: I sent your Miss Forsythe
[14:39] June Forsythe: Thank you Yenta
[14:39] Blackberry Harvey: Bye, Miss June
[14:39] Yenta Bernheim: oh let me look at the slides
[14:39] Artemiss Luminos: farewell Miss June
[14:39] Walter Schnogginstein smiles
[14:40] Sidonie: Good evening, Miss Zaida *waves*
[14:40] zaida Gearboxzaida Gearbox waves
[14:40] zaida Gearbox: do you still give presents on all de nights of hannakah?
[14:40] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Zaida, the transcript will be available soon.
[14:40] Yenta Bernheim: I know this will come as a shock but it's not rezzed for me
[14:40] zaida Gearbox: tank you mr. baron
[14:40] Solace Fairlady: that looks delicious!
[14:40] Skye McLeod: oh no
[14:40] Walter Schnogginstein: It's a cookie
[14:40] Bodhisatva Paperclip: It looks kind of like a triangular kolache
[14:40] Darlingmonster Ember: is yummy golden yummy
[14:40] Jimmy Branagh: Looks loike a turnover
[14:40] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Hamatashen, is it?
[14:41] Skye McLeod: a tri-cornered one, Yenta
[14:41] Artemiss Luminos: whatever it is it looks very yummy :-)
[14:41] Solace Fairlady: yummy deep fried turn over1
[14:41] Darlingmonster Ember: whoops
[14:41] Skye McLeod: oh dear
[14:41] Walter Schnogginstein: oh my
[14:41] Skye McLeod: sighs
[14:41] Darlingmonster Ember: here she is again
[14:41] Skye McLeod: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[14:41] Skye McLeod: *•.¸'*•.¸ ? ¸.•*´¸.•*
[14:41] Skye McLeod: .•*?¨`• BRAVO!!!! •¨`?*•.
[14:41] Skye McLeod: ¸.•*`¸.•*´ ? `*•.¸`*•.¸
[14:41] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Whew!
[14:41] Artemiss Luminos: whatever it is it looks very yummy :-)
[14:41] Solace Fairlady: yummy deep fried turn over1
[14:41] Darlingmonster Ember: whoops
[14:41] Skye McLeod: oh dear
[14:41] Walter Schnogginstein: oh my
[14:41] Skye McLeod: sighs
[14:41] Darlingmonster Ember: here she is again
[14:41] Skye McLeod: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[14:41] Skye McLeod: *•.¸'*•.¸ ? ¸.•*´¸.•*
[14:41] Skye McLeod: .•*?¨`• BRAVO!!!! •¨`?*•.
[14:41] Skye McLeod: ¸.•*`¸.•*´ ? `*•.¸`*•.¸
[14:41] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Whew!
[14:41] Solace Fairlady: ha! even the gremlins cannot keep her grcae down for long!
[14:41] Solace Fairlady: *grace
[14:41] Skye McLeod: Welcome Back, Yenta!
[14:41] Yenta Bernheim: That silly SL
[14:41] Artemiss Luminos: welcome back Dame Yenta :-)
[14:42] Walter Schnogginstein: Here is a picture of chocolate coins and a toy
[14:42] Skye McLeod: BAD SL!! BAD!
[14:42] Solace Fairlady: see how she levitates with the power of the peerage?
[14:42] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach grins
[14:42] Walter Schnogginstein: A dreidel?
[14:42] Skye McLeod: laughs
[14:42] Bodhisatva Paperclip: :D
[14:42] Jimmy Branagh: Thise are draidles
[14:42] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Is that what it is, eh?
[14:42] Jimmy Branagh: *Those
[14:42] Yenta Bernheim: The Dreidel with the geld
[14:42] Artemiss Luminos: yes, those are dreidels i believe
[14:42] Skye McLeod: yes, with coins
[14:42] Yenta Bernheim: I see it now
[14:43] Solace Fairlady: Dame Yenta, why in particular a spinning top? Is it related in some fashion to the same concpet as a prayer wheel?
[14:43] Yenta Bernheim: We would play the game and win the gold coins which are chocolate
[14:44] Bodhisatva Paperclip would play long and hard for chocolate
[14:44] Walter Schnogginstein: This is a picture of the bread...challah
[14:44] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ah, there is the acclaimed bread.
[14:44] Skye McLeod: salivates...
[14:44] Artemiss Luminos: so would i Bodhisatva! *grins*
[14:44] Jimmy Branagh: Mmmmmm ...
[14:45] Yenta Bernheim: the spinning top has been an easy gift and is great to teach children hebrew
[14:45] Solace Fairlady: me nods
[14:45] Darlingmonster Ember: aah
[14:45] Skye McLeod: mmmm
[14:45] Darlingmonster Ember: we always gave out tops with cantrips when I was a child
[14:45] Yenta Bernheim: Ah and though Christmas has gift giving during the 8 days a gift is given everyday
[14:45] Darlingmonster Ember: nod
[14:46] Skye McLeod: Oh, how beautiful!
[14:46] Yenta Bernheim: What my Family does on Christmas Day is we go to the Mission and serve Christmas dinner to the people there
[14:46] Walter Schnogginstein: This is a picture of the Hanikkah Table
[14:46] Darlingmonster Ember: oooooo
[14:46] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Oh, nommy
[14:46] Yenta Bernheim: Usually we have brisket
[14:46] Solace Fairlady: Oh Dame Yenta you are so good!
[14:47] Yenta Bernheim: and there is good brisket and bad brisket
[14:47] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Duchess, I believe you were going to address the variant spellings of the holiday as well?
[14:47] Skye McLeod: Channukah
[14:47] Artemiss Luminos: oh Lady Yenta, that is wonderful
[14:47] Skye McLeod: and Hannukah
[14:47] Darlingmonster Ember: depends on which viewer you are in?
[14:47] Darlingmonster Ember: grins
[14:47] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
[14:47] Skye McLeod: hee hee
[14:47] Solace Fairlady laughs
[14:47] Bodhisatva Paperclip: ha!
[14:47] Yenta Bernheim: Well the varient is like most things ...cultural
[14:47] Solace Fairlady: Adam sandler sanfg a song about one of them?
[14:48] Solace Fairlady: if that is even his right name
[14:48] Yenta Bernheim: Currently in this modern time you will see Chanukah
[14:48] Skye McLeod: Isn't Channukah more of an Israeli spelling, Yenta?
[14:48] Yenta Bernheim: but the most historically correct is Hanukkah I do believe
[14:48] Skye McLeod: Ack, I've been misspelling it completely
[14:48] zaida Gearbox: i've seen it both ways
[14:48] Yenta Bernheim: That is correct
[14:49] Walter Schnogginstein: Latkas!
[14:49] Yenta Bernheim: LATKAS
[14:49] Skye McLeod: latkes!
[14:49] Yenta Bernheim: i can eat my weight in latkas
[14:49] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
[14:49] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Fried foods!!
[14:49] Solace Fairlady: I have always seen it written as Hannukah
[14:49] Skye McLeod: yum!!!
[14:49] Yenta Bernheim: I like mine with lots of onions
[14:49] Jimmy Branagh extends his hand toward the screen
[14:49] Skye McLeod: me too!
[14:49] Skye McLeod: licks her monitor
[14:49] Big Daddy Acacia: I like holidays with food, but they don't like me.
[14:49] Yenta Bernheim: heh
[14:49] Skye McLeod: heh heh
[14:50] Walter Schnogginstein: This is the final slide. Lighting of the menorah.
[14:50] Skye McLeod: It's beautiful
[14:50] Bodhisatva Paperclip: New candles every night?
[14:50] Yenta Bernheim: We will have a giant menorah on the hill of Ahavah that will be erected on the 20th
[14:50] Skye McLeod: Oh wonderful!
[14:50] Yenta Bernheim: And we will light a Menorah and say Prayers in the Synagogue for any who wish to attend
[14:51] Skye McLeod: Thank you, Yenta
[14:51] Yenta Bernheim: now if you will all be still i have gifts
[14:51] Bodhisatva Paperclip checks his datebook
[14:51] Darlingmonster Ember: lovely
[14:51] Walter Schnogginstein: Yay gifts!
[14:51] Bodhisatva Paperclip: :)
[14:51] Solace Fairlady: O wonderful dame Yenta!
[14:51] Skye McLeod: laughs at Walter...
[14:51] Jimmy Branagh: Is there a time set Miss Yenta?
[14:51] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Duchess. Your generosity in making the craft this month is appreciated.
[14:51] Yenta Bernheim: sunset
[14:52] Jimmy Branagh: Ummm ... When is sunset in SL?
[14:52] Skye McLeod: hmmmm
[14:52] Jimmy Branagh smiles
[14:52] Skye McLeod: sunset in Caledon, I believe
[14:53] Artemiss Luminos: thank you so much for such a wonderful presentation and the opportunity to learn :-)
[14:53] Big Daddy Acacia: Thank you Dame Yenta *bows*
[14:53] Skye McLeod: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[14:53] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ah... which sunset?
[14:53] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[14:53] Jimmy Branagh applauds
[14:53] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[14:53] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Thank you very much!
[14:53] Artemiss Luminos applauds
[14:53] Walter Schnogginstein claps for such a good presentation from the duchess.
[14:53] Grollvurk: Thank you! *tips his hat*
[14:54] Solace Fairlady: A fabuous presentation your Graces!
[14:54] AetherSalon: Thank you very much for your kind donation, Mr Branagh.
[14:54] Jimmy Branagh: Thenks Miss Yenta!
[14:54] Walter Schnogginstein: The gift boxes are extra good. I took a peek when she was wrapping them.
[14:55] Artemiss Luminos: yes, i so hope the Salon has many more presentations like this! :-)
[14:55] Bodhisatva Paperclip: the last two salons have made me hungry :)
[14:55] Ceejay Writer: ((massive apologies. Internet died))
[14:55] Skye McLeod: Yes, it was both wonderful and educational!
[14:56] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Any last donations to our lovely speaker?
[14:56] Vain Adder bows deeply. "Thank you for the kind gift."
[14:56] Artemiss Luminos *giggles* @ Bodhisatva :-)
[14:56] Darlingmonster Ember: no worries Miss CeeJay
[14:56] Sidonie: Thank you!
[14:56] Skye McLeod: Thank you, Yenta!
[14:57] Darlingmonster Ember: yes, very nice to come and hear
[14:57] Ceejay Writer: I shall read what I missed when posted to the Aether Salon website!
[14:57] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Duchess. I shall be picking up the tipjar now, and Her Grace will have a nice donation for the Pancreatic Cancer Society.
[14:57] Solace Fairlady: was very good to hear, a wonderful celebration i knew little about
[14:57] Bodhisatva Paperclip applauds
[14:57] Jimmy Branagh: Yay!
[14:57] Jimmy Branagh applauds
[14:57] Solace Fairlady: Thank you your grace!
[14:57] Darlingmonster Ember: thank you kindly
[14:57] Walter Schnogginstein: Thank you all for coming and participating.
[14:57] Ceejay Writer: Thank you for the gift!
[14:57] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[14:57] Rudolph Ruddy Bones waves over to Jimmy
[14:57] Yenta Bernheim: I missed if you said anythign
[14:58] Yenta Bernheim: did everyone get a gift?
[14:58] Jimmy Branagh waves back
[14:58] Walter Schnogginstein: WIthout ears to hear we just make echoes.
[14:58] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Rudy
[14:58] Skye McLeod: Yes, Ma'am
[14:58] Yenta Bernheim: Ms Isadora did you ?
[14:58] Rudolph Ruddy Bones: Hoy, Jimmy!
[14:58] Sidonie: Yes, thank you
[14:58] Skye McLeod: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[14:58] Walter Schnogginstein: /calp
[14:59] Yenta Bernheim: Thank you Baron
[14:59] Ceejay Writer: Thank you so much for sharing with us today!
[14:59] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: bow0
[14:59] Ceejay Writer: Next Salon: WALTER SPEAKS.
[14:59] Big Daddy Acacia calps too :)
[14:59] Solace Fairlady: Blessings of the season to you all, whatever our different faiths we share one thing, the symbolism of the light in the dark at this time of year
[14:59] Walter Schnogginstein coughs
[14:59] Yenta Bernheim: I hope I did your Salon justice
[14:59] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach laughs at Fraulein Ceejay's comment
[14:59] Walter Schnogginstein: Mazel Tov!
[14:59] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: You did splendidly, Duchess. Much appreciated.
[14:59] Skye McLeod: Blessings to each of you at this holiday season!
[14:59] Artemiss Luminos: oh yes Miss Solace :-)
[14:59] Yenta Bernheim: Amen and Mazel Tov Dimmie
[15:00] Darlingmonster Ember curtsies
[15:00] Darlingmonster Ember: mazel tov
[15:00] Darlingmonster Ember: and dream of wonder
[15:00] Skye McLeod: Mazel Tov!
[15:00] Big Daddy Acacia: His blessings upon one and all
[15:00] Artemiss Luminos: Blessings ot everyone here and all the best in the coming year :-)
[15:00] Solace Fairlady: Mazel Tov!
[15:00] Yenta Bernheim: Did we fit in the right time slot?
[15:00] Jimmy Branagh: Mazel Tov!
[15:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Bitte, do not forget to join the Salon group, and remember to donate to help keep this space.
[15:00] Ceejay Writer: (brb)
[15:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Perfectly well.
[15:00] Solace Fairlady: Whatis the translation of mazel Tgov?
[15:00] Yenta Bernheim: OH yes of course
[15:00] zaida Gearbox: can't you say l'chaim
[15:00] Solace Fairlady: *Tov
[15:00] Jimmy Branagh: Oy gotta run alkl. See ya soon!
[15:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Gute Nacht, Herr Jimmy.
[15:01] Jimmy Branagh waves
[15:01] Jimmy Branagh: Byeeee!
[15:01] Darlingmonster Ember: night all
[15:01] Darlingmonster Ember: waves
[15:01] Yenta Bernheim: it means "good luck"
[15:01] Sidonie: Nanight, you two.
[15:01] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Good night everyone. Be well and happy!
[15:01] Solace Fairlady: ah thank you Dame yenta!
[15:01] Yenta Bernheim: L'chiam means "to life"
[15:01] Artemiss Luminos: Mr Klaus, how can i join the Salon group please?
[15:01] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Certainly.
[15:02] Artemiss Luminos: thank you so much :-)
[15:02] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Fraulein.
[15:03] Ceejay Writer: I must say that I have had a very very hectic week, and in spite of my 'net interruption, this was a time of smiles and very uplifting talk. Thank you.
[15:03] Walter Schnogginstein: Baron, thanks for allowing the duchess to present.
[15:03] Artemiss Luminos: it was very nice to meet everyone here too :-)
[15:03] AetherSalon: Mr Adder, your generosity in supporting the Aethersalon is greatly appreciated.
[15:03] Yenta Bernheim: OH and friend me with a request for recipes
[15:03] Skye McLeod: smiles
[15:03] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: I was most pleased when you two accepted.
[15:03] Walter Schnogginstein: I must run now, for I have some business which requires my attention.
[15:03] Walter Schnogginstein: Mazel Tov, all!
[15:03] Artemiss Luminos: farewell and take care :-)
[15:03] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Gute Nacht, Your Grace.
[15:03] Yenta Bernheim: Thankyou for the slide show
[15:03] Sidonie: I second Miss Luminos' question. How do you join?
[15:03] Walter Schnogginstein grins.
[15:04] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: My poster seems to have vanished. I shall add you.
[15:04] Sidonie: Thank you, Herr Baron. *Smiles*
[15:04] Big Daddy Acacia: Click on one white signs around you
[15:05] Ceejay Writer: As you can see, you will receiv e a very chic group title. *preens mine*
[15:05] Sidonie: Oh you mean those huge rectangular things I can't quite read? *feels slightly stupid and does so*
[15:06] Big Daddy Acacia: :)
[15:06] Artemiss Luminos: good night :-)
[15:06] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: One of them was supposed to be a group poster.
[15:06] Sidonie: Good evening, Dancer
[15:07] Dark DancerDark Dancerhi
[15:07] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Hallo, M~ Dancer.
[15:07] Dark Dancer: hi Baron
[15:07] Sidonie: As I said, fairly over.
[15:07] Dark Dancer: lol
[15:08] Sidonie: Herr Baron, this is Miss Dancer. She's a friend of mine.
[15:08] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ahhh. She is, of course, most welcome.
[15:08] Dark Dancer: thank you kindly
[15:08] Dark Dancer: :)
[15:09] Yenta Bernheim: OH and we raised another 2500 Linden for Pancreatic Cancer research
[15:10] Artemiss Luminos: farwell all and happiest of the season to you :-)))
[15:10] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[15:10] Ceejay Writer: Very nice!
[15:11] Sidonie: Congratulations ^.^
[15:11] Ceejay Writer: Hmmm. Two salons in a row have made people very hungry. Perhaps this is now the Aether Cuisine Salon?
[15:11] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach laughs
[15:11] Yenta Bernheim: I will go put it in the kiosk before I forget
[15:11] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Gute Nacht, Your Grace.
[15:11] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach nods
[15:12] Ceejay Writer: I shall take my leave now... thank you again for this timely Salon!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Victuals! Salon (Edited Transcript)
((This is actually Miss Writer's transcript. Baron Wulfenbach had an unfortunate failure of his recording device, so the usual types of unedited and edited transcripts may not be available for this Salon.))
Ceejay Writer: Good afternoon, gourmets, connoisseurs, foodies and people who like to eat!
Before I begin, let me preface my talk by explaining that I am a born-and-bred American, and come from a rich heritage of American pioneers. My family emigrated from Italy in 1635 (in fact the Albertis were the first Italian emigrants to set foot on American soil), and from England in the early 1700’s, settling in New York/New Amsterdam, Canada, Michigan and Missouri.
As the nation began to Go West, my family hopped in covered wagons, settling in Utah and Southern California. Much of what I have learned about cooking and food preservation is based on the history and traditions passed down to me through the generations.
I’m a hybrid who loves a shiny espresso maker just as much as a bale wire canning jar. I’m lucky enough to live in the countryside and have a good amount of land. I grow a lot of our food and prepare it to take us through the winter months.
I’ve definitely got one foot in the past and one in the present, and I like it that way. But my upbringing means that a lot of what I know and do is decidedly American. Many of you are *not* Americans, I know!
However, I encourage you to take what you like from this talk and expand on it. Use it as a springboard to learn more about your own history and culture, and bring a bit of it that your kitchen and onto your dining table.
The Victorian Era was an amazing time to be a Foodie! Many changes in American eating habits developed as the citizens got settled in and stopped moving around so much. As home life became more stable, we demanded much more from our kitchens. We wanted better food, faster, easier, and reliable ways to store it.
One of my favorite foodies of the day was Fannie Farmer. She graduated from one of the first American cooking schools, The Boston Cooking School, and in 1896 published (at her own expense) the Boston Cooking-School Cookbook. Versions of her book are still in use today.
Thanks in great part to Fannie, our recipes became more exact. She removed the guesswork from recipes and helped standardize the American measurement system. Precise measurements came into use instead of ‘pinches’ and ‘butter the size of an egg’. She earned the nickname “The Mother of Level Measurements”. Explicit instructions were a huge boon to novice cooks, as it takes many years to develop a natural sense of ‘when just enough is right.’
But, it’s no good having well-prepared food if it’s not safe to eat! We owe a debt of thanks to Louis Pasteur, who in 1856 figured out how to make food much safer. His process of Pasteurization kills bacteria in certain foods.
The urchins in the Salon may want to gather in closer now, cause we’re about to talk about something rather gross. In 1859 Louis Pasteur entered a contest sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences. The goal was to devise an experiment that would disprove the belief in “spontaneous generation’.
What, you may ask, is spontaneous generation? It was a longstanding belief that dated back to before the middle ages. Basically, people believed that decaying matter could suddenly produce life forms.
Here’s a spontaneous regeneration recipe from the 17th century, and I swear I am not making this up! How to produce mice: Put your sweaty stinky underwear into a jar, add wheat husks and wait three weeks. During that time, the sweat would soak into the husks and turn them into mice.
Knowing all we know today, of course that was absurd thinking. Mice were sneaking in after those wheat husks, of course. But this is the sort of mindset that needed to be shattered.
Anyway, Pasteur’s contest experiment had him boiling meat broth in a flask, then heating the neck of the flask enough to bend it into an S shape. The S allowed air to enter, but microorganisms settled out in the S curve, thanks to gravity.
The broth did not produce any microorganisms - and when he tilted the flask to let the broth slide up into the S where all the icky stuff had settled, THEN the broth turned cloudy and went awful.
This new information about the effects of air and microorganisms on food helped pave the way for advances in food storage techniques.
The notion of putting food into metal cans has been around a long time. Decades before Pasteur changed the way we thought about food safety, we’d starting sealing food into containers. In 1810. Peter Durand figured out how to put food into cans.
His invention went into use the British Navy a few years later. Sounds good so far, right? Well. The cans were made of solid iron with a thin coating of tin that clearly outweighed their contents. Now, let’s assume you’re hungry and you’d actually like to get AT those contents.
Grab a can opener? Nope. They haven’t been invented yet and won’t be for a long time. The recommended method to get at your ironclad foodstuffs was to get a hammer and chisel and work your way around the top. Some people couldn’t be bothered with that method and used bullets or bayonets to try to get at their supper.
Any nutritional benefits of the canned food was surely offset by the risk of injury from the method of opening, or the metal shards that might get bashed into your food and ingested... clearly, the food can was an idea needing a lot of work.
In the 1860’s, steel cans replaced those old iron ones - and hurrah, they were much thinner! In 1858, Ezra Warner was the first to obtain a patent on a can opener (clearly, he’d been waiting for this advancement in canning technology).
His can opener had a blade that could be shoved into the rim of the can and then forced around the edge. Warner was obviously a New Babbager, if only in spirit, as he claimed in his patent that‘“a child may use it without difficulty, or risk.”
But you wouldn’t find Ezra’s can opener anywhere in a kitchen - when you purchased your canned goods, you’d ask the store clerk to open them for you, using the store’s can opener. And then you’d take them home. Any benefit of long-term storage ended the moment you bought your food.
In 1870, William Lyman invented that handy little cutting wheel that goes around a can’s rim, and eventually the contraption settled out into something that became a must-have in every kitchen.
While tin cans are one method of long-term food storage, a more hands-on approach is home canning, which in spite of the name, uses glass jars and not cans. Home-canning techniques have changed vastly through the years, but the benefits have always been clear - growing your own food, when possible, extends the household budget, and allows you to preserve your harvest for the winter months.
Even those who don’t grow produce can benefit from taking advantage of good prices for seasonal fresh vegetables and fruit. It’s also a chance to prepare extra luxuries such as jams, jellies, relishes, and pickles. Unlike tin cans, glass jars are re-usable and the contents can be seen through the container.
I could spend hours talking about canning as it’s a topic dear to me - and I’d be happy to offer advise or instructions at other times to anyone wishing to learn more. But for this salon, let’s just focus on one brilliant, eccentric woman who was influential in this area.
Amanda Jones was a scientist who invented the vacuum method of canning. Basically, that means sucking all the air out of a container, thus making it impossible for bacteria to grow. She got the idea from her spirit guides. Yes, you heard me right. You see, she’d contacted her brother *after* his death years before, and ever since then she took most of her advice from her ‘spirit guides’.
The spirits suggested she contact a man named Cooley, and they also described to her the vacuum canning process. She’d never canned anything in her life, but she got in touch with Cooley, and in 1873, together they created the “Jones Process”.
Ten years later, she founded the Women’s Canning and Preserving Company, only allowing women to work there. But three years later, men were hired - and they promptly took over the company and tossed Amanda out. Bet the spirits didn’t tell her *that* was coming!
Now let’s move on to some fun devices that help us make our food tasty. How many of you like.... toast? It’s one of my favorite snacks! People have been making toast for eons. It was originally a way to preserve bread once it lost it’s fresh-baked texture. It’s also a very handy communication device for sending us mere mortals images of deities and aging entertainers, lightly burned into our bread, just waiting for us to alert Ripley’s, or the Weekly World News.
In the Pre-Toaster Era, hunks of bread were laid on hot stones or held up to a fire. In fact, the word ‘toast’ is derived from the Latin ‘tostum’ which means to scorch or burn.
In England in the 1870’s, the first toasters began to appear. These were simple iron heating coils that a slice of bread could be leaned close to. The bread needed to be hand-turned to get both sides toasted. Still, it was pretty techie compared to hot rocks. But these first machines were slightly inconvenient, as they had a tendency to rust, melt, and start fires.
In later years, General Electric pioneered the use of nickel and chromium in the coils, which eliminated that tendency to melt. The toaster has undergone constant refining and improvements ever since - proof that we all are seeking the Perfect Slice of Toast. Someday, I predict that we shall even have Talking Toasters!
Now then. Is Saffia Widdershins in the room? Because we are going to talk about technology beneficial to CAKE. A light fluffy cake often requires well beaten eggs. And there was a time when eggbeaters as we know them did not exist!
Cooks would instead use a ’broad-bladed knife’ or ‘clean switches, peeled and dried’ to whip those egg whites into meringue, and that was very fatiguing work!
Enter intrepid inventor Rufus M. Eastman, who in 1885 created a mixer which could be powered by water, electricity or manually. Pretty fun notion, but it didn’t catch on. The man history remembers is Willie Johnston, who one year earlier devised a beater that used a wheel and well-placed gears to spin the beater blades.
His machine was dual-action, too! It would mix eggs in one bowl and dry ingredients in another, at the same time. Bet that was fun to watch!
So. Now we’ve touched upon inventions that produce toast, and cake... two favored treats in the Steamlands. But I would be remiss if I did not make mention of a device that makes that beloved foodstuff that no Tiny can resist - Waffles!
All hail Cornelius Swarthout of Troy, New York! On August 24th, 1869, he became the first inventor to patent a waffle maker. His device was clever and practical, making good use of the stoves in use at the time.
The Swarthout Waffle Maker was designed to fit exactly into one of those round openings on a woodstove. You’d pull the stove lid out, insert the waffle iron ring, and set the waffle iron into the ring, hooking it into special grooves as shown in the picture.
To cook a waffle, you’d open up the iron, add batter, close it and let the waffle cook. After a short time, you’d turn the waffle iron in the ring to get the other side of your waffle browned.
Atop that waffle, you would have been able to heap fruit preserves, thanks to canning techniques, and whipped cream, courtesy the eggbeater. Serve up that plate with a big glass of pasteurized milk, thanks to our friend Louis. Life doesn’t get much better than this.
Now, please help yourself to a Salon Gift, which I hope both amuses and educates. Special thanks must go to Vernden Jervil, who had the scripting skills to both untangle my logic and improve upon it, helping my notion come to life. I appreciate the assistance!
Questions, comments, anecdotes, recipes?
Ceejay Writer: Good afternoon, gourmets, connoisseurs, foodies and people who like to eat!
Before I begin, let me preface my talk by explaining that I am a born-and-bred American, and come from a rich heritage of American pioneers. My family emigrated from Italy in 1635 (in fact the Albertis were the first Italian emigrants to set foot on American soil), and from England in the early 1700’s, settling in New York/New Amsterdam, Canada, Michigan and Missouri.
As the nation began to Go West, my family hopped in covered wagons, settling in Utah and Southern California. Much of what I have learned about cooking and food preservation is based on the history and traditions passed down to me through the generations.
I’m a hybrid who loves a shiny espresso maker just as much as a bale wire canning jar. I’m lucky enough to live in the countryside and have a good amount of land. I grow a lot of our food and prepare it to take us through the winter months.
I’ve definitely got one foot in the past and one in the present, and I like it that way. But my upbringing means that a lot of what I know and do is decidedly American. Many of you are *not* Americans, I know!
However, I encourage you to take what you like from this talk and expand on it. Use it as a springboard to learn more about your own history and culture, and bring a bit of it that your kitchen and onto your dining table.
The Victorian Era was an amazing time to be a Foodie! Many changes in American eating habits developed as the citizens got settled in and stopped moving around so much. As home life became more stable, we demanded much more from our kitchens. We wanted better food, faster, easier, and reliable ways to store it.
One of my favorite foodies of the day was Fannie Farmer. She graduated from one of the first American cooking schools, The Boston Cooking School, and in 1896 published (at her own expense) the Boston Cooking-School Cookbook. Versions of her book are still in use today.
Thanks in great part to Fannie, our recipes became more exact. She removed the guesswork from recipes and helped standardize the American measurement system. Precise measurements came into use instead of ‘pinches’ and ‘butter the size of an egg’. She earned the nickname “The Mother of Level Measurements”. Explicit instructions were a huge boon to novice cooks, as it takes many years to develop a natural sense of ‘when just enough is right.’
But, it’s no good having well-prepared food if it’s not safe to eat! We owe a debt of thanks to Louis Pasteur, who in 1856 figured out how to make food much safer. His process of Pasteurization kills bacteria in certain foods.
The urchins in the Salon may want to gather in closer now, cause we’re about to talk about something rather gross. In 1859 Louis Pasteur entered a contest sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences. The goal was to devise an experiment that would disprove the belief in “spontaneous generation’.
What, you may ask, is spontaneous generation? It was a longstanding belief that dated back to before the middle ages. Basically, people believed that decaying matter could suddenly produce life forms.
Here’s a spontaneous regeneration recipe from the 17th century, and I swear I am not making this up! How to produce mice: Put your sweaty stinky underwear into a jar, add wheat husks and wait three weeks. During that time, the sweat would soak into the husks and turn them into mice.
Knowing all we know today, of course that was absurd thinking. Mice were sneaking in after those wheat husks, of course. But this is the sort of mindset that needed to be shattered.
Anyway, Pasteur’s contest experiment had him boiling meat broth in a flask, then heating the neck of the flask enough to bend it into an S shape. The S allowed air to enter, but microorganisms settled out in the S curve, thanks to gravity.
The broth did not produce any microorganisms - and when he tilted the flask to let the broth slide up into the S where all the icky stuff had settled, THEN the broth turned cloudy and went awful.
This new information about the effects of air and microorganisms on food helped pave the way for advances in food storage techniques.
The notion of putting food into metal cans has been around a long time. Decades before Pasteur changed the way we thought about food safety, we’d starting sealing food into containers. In 1810. Peter Durand figured out how to put food into cans.
His invention went into use the British Navy a few years later. Sounds good so far, right? Well. The cans were made of solid iron with a thin coating of tin that clearly outweighed their contents. Now, let’s assume you’re hungry and you’d actually like to get AT those contents.
Grab a can opener? Nope. They haven’t been invented yet and won’t be for a long time. The recommended method to get at your ironclad foodstuffs was to get a hammer and chisel and work your way around the top. Some people couldn’t be bothered with that method and used bullets or bayonets to try to get at their supper.
Any nutritional benefits of the canned food was surely offset by the risk of injury from the method of opening, or the metal shards that might get bashed into your food and ingested... clearly, the food can was an idea needing a lot of work.
In the 1860’s, steel cans replaced those old iron ones - and hurrah, they were much thinner! In 1858, Ezra Warner was the first to obtain a patent on a can opener (clearly, he’d been waiting for this advancement in canning technology).
His can opener had a blade that could be shoved into the rim of the can and then forced around the edge. Warner was obviously a New Babbager, if only in spirit, as he claimed in his patent that‘“a child may use it without difficulty, or risk.”
But you wouldn’t find Ezra’s can opener anywhere in a kitchen - when you purchased your canned goods, you’d ask the store clerk to open them for you, using the store’s can opener. And then you’d take them home. Any benefit of long-term storage ended the moment you bought your food.
In 1870, William Lyman invented that handy little cutting wheel that goes around a can’s rim, and eventually the contraption settled out into something that became a must-have in every kitchen.
While tin cans are one method of long-term food storage, a more hands-on approach is home canning, which in spite of the name, uses glass jars and not cans. Home-canning techniques have changed vastly through the years, but the benefits have always been clear - growing your own food, when possible, extends the household budget, and allows you to preserve your harvest for the winter months.
Even those who don’t grow produce can benefit from taking advantage of good prices for seasonal fresh vegetables and fruit. It’s also a chance to prepare extra luxuries such as jams, jellies, relishes, and pickles. Unlike tin cans, glass jars are re-usable and the contents can be seen through the container.
I could spend hours talking about canning as it’s a topic dear to me - and I’d be happy to offer advise or instructions at other times to anyone wishing to learn more. But for this salon, let’s just focus on one brilliant, eccentric woman who was influential in this area.
Amanda Jones was a scientist who invented the vacuum method of canning. Basically, that means sucking all the air out of a container, thus making it impossible for bacteria to grow. She got the idea from her spirit guides. Yes, you heard me right. You see, she’d contacted her brother *after* his death years before, and ever since then she took most of her advice from her ‘spirit guides’.
The spirits suggested she contact a man named Cooley, and they also described to her the vacuum canning process. She’d never canned anything in her life, but she got in touch with Cooley, and in 1873, together they created the “Jones Process”.
Ten years later, she founded the Women’s Canning and Preserving Company, only allowing women to work there. But three years later, men were hired - and they promptly took over the company and tossed Amanda out. Bet the spirits didn’t tell her *that* was coming!
Now let’s move on to some fun devices that help us make our food tasty. How many of you like.... toast? It’s one of my favorite snacks! People have been making toast for eons. It was originally a way to preserve bread once it lost it’s fresh-baked texture. It’s also a very handy communication device for sending us mere mortals images of deities and aging entertainers, lightly burned into our bread, just waiting for us to alert Ripley’s, or the Weekly World News.
In the Pre-Toaster Era, hunks of bread were laid on hot stones or held up to a fire. In fact, the word ‘toast’ is derived from the Latin ‘tostum’ which means to scorch or burn.
In England in the 1870’s, the first toasters began to appear. These were simple iron heating coils that a slice of bread could be leaned close to. The bread needed to be hand-turned to get both sides toasted. Still, it was pretty techie compared to hot rocks. But these first machines were slightly inconvenient, as they had a tendency to rust, melt, and start fires.
In later years, General Electric pioneered the use of nickel and chromium in the coils, which eliminated that tendency to melt. The toaster has undergone constant refining and improvements ever since - proof that we all are seeking the Perfect Slice of Toast. Someday, I predict that we shall even have Talking Toasters!
Now then. Is Saffia Widdershins in the room? Because we are going to talk about technology beneficial to CAKE. A light fluffy cake often requires well beaten eggs. And there was a time when eggbeaters as we know them did not exist!
Cooks would instead use a ’broad-bladed knife’ or ‘clean switches, peeled and dried’ to whip those egg whites into meringue, and that was very fatiguing work!
Enter intrepid inventor Rufus M. Eastman, who in 1885 created a mixer which could be powered by water, electricity or manually. Pretty fun notion, but it didn’t catch on. The man history remembers is Willie Johnston, who one year earlier devised a beater that used a wheel and well-placed gears to spin the beater blades.
His machine was dual-action, too! It would mix eggs in one bowl and dry ingredients in another, at the same time. Bet that was fun to watch!
So. Now we’ve touched upon inventions that produce toast, and cake... two favored treats in the Steamlands. But I would be remiss if I did not make mention of a device that makes that beloved foodstuff that no Tiny can resist - Waffles!
All hail Cornelius Swarthout of Troy, New York! On August 24th, 1869, he became the first inventor to patent a waffle maker. His device was clever and practical, making good use of the stoves in use at the time.
The Swarthout Waffle Maker was designed to fit exactly into one of those round openings on a woodstove. You’d pull the stove lid out, insert the waffle iron ring, and set the waffle iron into the ring, hooking it into special grooves as shown in the picture.
To cook a waffle, you’d open up the iron, add batter, close it and let the waffle cook. After a short time, you’d turn the waffle iron in the ring to get the other side of your waffle browned.
Atop that waffle, you would have been able to heap fruit preserves, thanks to canning techniques, and whipped cream, courtesy the eggbeater. Serve up that plate with a big glass of pasteurized milk, thanks to our friend Louis. Life doesn’t get much better than this.
Now, please help yourself to a Salon Gift, which I hope both amuses and educates. Special thanks must go to Vernden Jervil, who had the scripting skills to both untangle my logic and improve upon it, helping my notion come to life. I appreciate the assistance!
Questions, comments, anecdotes, recipes?
Friday, November 18, 2011
Victuals! November Aether Salon

Sunday, November 20 at 2 pm slt
Babbage Palisade & Academy of Industry
What's that bubbling in the pot on the stove? SCIENCE! Kitchen technology took great strides in the Victorian era, thanks in part to discoveries by Louis Pasteur, Gale Borden, George B. Simpson and many other inventive and scientific minds. Learn about surprising changes in food preparation of yesteryear - and how you can bring a bit of vintage techniques into your kitchen of today.
Salon presenter Ceejay Writer practices what she preaches. In her First Life, she grows and preserves foods to last through the winter months. She is a self-taught herbalist with extensive herb and tea gardens, an organic vegetable gardener and forest forager. Besides traditional canning, she enjoys figuring out new uses for her beloved dehydrator. Most of her favored food preparation methods pre-date her own birth.
Join us on Sunday, November 20 at 2 pm slt
'Then I commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry...'
Klaus Wulfenbach, Ceejay Writer
and all the friends of the Salon
Aether Salon,
Ceejay Writer,
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Anniversary! Unedited Transcript
(There will be no edited transcript. There wasn't a set topic, so the wandering conversation *was* the topic, so to speak.)
[2011/10/16 13:55] Blackberry Harvey: Please help yourselves to refreshments, courtesy of the CocoaJava Cafe.
[2011/10/16 13:55] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Guten Abend to you all.
[2011/10/16 13:55] Darlingmonster Ember: grins
[2011/10/16 13:55] Blackberry Harvey: Guten abend, Herr Baron.
[2011/10/16 13:55] Solace Fairlady: Guten abend Herr baron
[2011/10/16 13:55] Jimmy Branagh: Guten Abend Herr Baron
[2011/10/16 13:55] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Capt Red!
[2011/10/16 13:55] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Hello Jimmy Dear!
[2011/10/16 13:55] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Thank you Herr Baron!
[2011/10/16 13:55] Jimmy Branagh: Miss Breezy's a bit cloudy
[2011/10/16 13:56] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: As these are rather informal surroundings this month, we shall be informal in our presentation as well.
[2011/10/16 13:56] Darlingmonster Ember: ah, Cpt Llewellyn, nice to see you
[2011/10/16 13:56] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Breezy is a breath of fresh air!
[2011/10/16 13:56] Solace Fairlady: Hello Miss Red
[2011/10/16 13:56] Blackberry Harvey: Indeed, one can't have a silver lining without a cloud
[2011/10/16 13:57] Darlingmonster Ember: lovely punch set
[2011/10/16 13:57] Jimmy Branagh: Hmmm
[2011/10/16 13:57] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Hello dear Solace Fairlady!
[2011/10/16 13:57] Blackberry Harvey: Thank you! I don't think the urchins have spiked it yet
[2011/10/16 13:57] Solace Fairlady: a fine spread Mr Blackberry!
[2011/10/16 13:57] Jimmy Branagh: Oy tapped on the soine an' it brought up me Engineer group.
[2011/10/16 13:57] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach smiles at the Captain
[2011/10/16 13:58] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: [smiles warmly back at the Baron]
[2011/10/16 13:58] Rhianon Jameson: Good afternoon!
[2011/10/16 13:59] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Rhianon!
[2011/10/16 13:59] Solace Fairlady: Hello Miss Rhiannon
[2011/10/16 13:59] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Breezy!
[2011/10/16 13:59] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: Hello Miss Rhiannon Big Big Smile !!!
[2011/10/16 13:59] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: hello Jimmy .. hugss !
[2011/10/16 13:59] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: [waves & smiles at Miss Rhiannon]
[2011/10/16 14:00] Rhianon Jameson: Hello, Master Jimmy, Miss Fairlady, Miss Breezy, Captain Red, Herr Baron, Miss Ember, Mr. Harvey, and anyone else I've forgotten.
[2011/10/16 14:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Fraulein.
[2011/10/16 14:00] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: Darling !!
[2011/10/16 14:00] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: Hello :)
[2011/10/16 14:00] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: wavess to the Baron
[2011/10/16 14:00] Blackberry Harvey: Good afternoon!
[2011/10/16 14:00] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Whew! Miss Rhiannon your manners & lung do you well! [grins]
[2011/10/16 14:00] Jimmy Branagh: Allroight then this soine ain't workin'.
[2011/10/16 14:01] Rhianon Jameson grins. "Clean living. Well, something like that."
[2011/10/16 14:01] Darlingmonster Ember: grins at M Jameson
[2011/10/16 14:01] Darlingmonster Ember: great to see you here
[2011/10/16 14:01] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Try it now, bitte.
[2011/10/16 14:02] Jimmy Branagh: Nope. When Oy click the link in chat it brings up teh Engineer group
[2011/10/16 14:02] Darlingmonster Ember: something intriguing and mysterious about scaffolding.... potentials... puzzles.... futures
[2011/10/16 14:02] Jasper Kiergarten: good afternoon
[2011/10/16 14:02] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach sighs
[2011/10/16 14:02] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: I see. I had the correct key input... it relates to group permissions.
[2011/10/16 14:02] Jimmy Branagh chuckles
[2011/10/16 14:03] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: wavesss to Sera Hi Ya Jed !!
[2011/10/16 14:03] Rhianon Jameson: Good afternoon, Mr. Kiergarten, Miss Sera.
[2011/10/16 14:03] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: One moment.
[2011/10/16 14:03] Jimmy Branagh: Modern technology
[2011/10/16 14:03] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: Hi Jasper :)
[2011/10/16 14:03] Rhianon Jameson: ...and Miss Jed and Miss Ceejay
[2011/10/16 14:03] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: Hello Wild :)
[2011/10/16 14:03] Jasper Kiergarten: Hi Breezy
[2011/10/16 14:03] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Jed! Hoy Miss Ceejay!
[2011/10/16 14:03] Rhianon Jameson: ...and Captain Beaumont. :)
[2011/10/16 14:03] Wildstar Beaumont smiles and waves
[2011/10/16 14:03] Jasper Kiergarten: what on earth is Red doing in world?? :p
[2011/10/16 14:03] Darlingmonster Ember: greetings M Carver Fabre, M Dagger, M Puchkina, Adm Beaumont
[2011/10/16 14:03] Solace Fairlady: Hello Admiral! And Miss Jed, mr Kiergarten, Miss Serafina
[2011/10/16 14:03] Jimmy Branagh: 'ello Gadget
[2011/10/16 14:03] Gadget [Gadget Starsider]: Wotcha Jimmy
[2011/10/16 14:03] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Sera darling!!!
[2011/10/16 14:04] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Hello dear!
[2011/10/16 14:04] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Mr. Kiergarten, a pleasure!
[2011/10/16 14:04] Jasper Kiergarten: as always
[2011/10/16 14:04] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: grins and whispers no . Ceejay i think the .. scafolding is just in the way
[2011/10/16 14:04] Jimmy Branagh: 'ello Mr. Jasper!
[2011/10/16 14:04] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: There, that fixed it.
[2011/10/16 14:04] Jasper Kiergarten: hi there Jimmy
[2011/10/16 14:05] Ceejay Writer: Whew, thank you Baron! I was looking for the entrance.
[2011/10/16 14:05] Jasper Kiergarten: hey there Jed
[2011/10/16 14:05] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Hey Sera
[2011/10/16 14:05] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Welcome, everyone.
[2011/10/16 14:05] Ceejay Writer: Hoy Jimmy!
[2011/10/16 14:05] Jimmy Branagh: Yup, thet did it
[2011/10/16 14:05] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: hi ya Gaget
[2011/10/16 14:05] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: (It's phantomed, behind the sign.)
[2011/10/16 14:05] Rhianon Jameson: Danke.
[2011/10/16 14:05] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Herr Jimmy.
[2011/10/16 14:05] Gadget [Gadget Starsider]: Hello Miss
[2011/10/16 14:05] Jimmy Branagh: 'ow are ya Miss Ceejay?
[2011/10/16 14:05] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: Hi Kim :)
[2011/10/16 14:05] Ceejay Writer: I'm great!
[2011/10/16 14:05] Kimika Ying: Hello :)
[2011/10/16 14:05] Ceejay Writer: Hello everyone!
[2011/10/16 14:05] Jimmy Branagh: Yay!
[2011/10/16 14:05] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Oh Sera! Oh Sera! I must have you over soon, I have a new build thanks to the genius of Prof Mornington!
[2011/10/16 14:06] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Hello Ceejay! Jimmy! Baron! Kimika!
[2011/10/16 14:06] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Hello love
[2011/10/16 14:06] Jasper Kiergarten: hi Cej
[2011/10/16 14:06] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington] blushes
[2011/10/16 14:06] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Sera!
[2011/10/16 14:06] Kimika Ying: Hello dear :)
[2011/10/16 14:06] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: [clasps hand over mouth that came out louder than expected]
[2011/10/16 14:06] Kimika Ying: Hi Sera :)
[2011/10/16 14:06] Ceejay Writer runs back to the side with music. *grin*
[2011/10/16 14:06] Jimmy Branagh: Oy guess Oy oughtta get off th' stage, eh?
[2011/10/16 14:06] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: As we have no formal speaker today, do any of our Emeriti have a word or two to share on the auspicious occasion of the Salon's third anniversary?
[2011/10/16 14:06] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Breezy! Victor! and everyone else I can't see yet!
[2011/10/16 14:06] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington]: Sera! XD
[2011/10/16 14:06] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver] smiles ..
[2011/10/16 14:06] Ceejay Writer: I probably do, let me think!
[2011/10/16 14:06] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: oh yes, I will Red!
[2011/10/16 14:06] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: whispers is there music ??
[2011/10/16 14:06] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Splendid.
[2011/10/16 14:07] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: hehehe
[2011/10/16 14:07] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach writes a terse note to the Clockwinder about land.
[2011/10/16 14:07] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: [beams smilingly and bemuses] Three years already!
[2011/10/16 14:07] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: I just thought it was "the different tune" i dance .. I mean glide to .. :)
[2011/10/16 14:07] Ceejay Writer: I think we should FIRST give a cheer for those intrepid ones who ran Salon for so long. Jed, Sera, Viv and Jasper!
[2011/10/16 14:07] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: I cannot quite control the land settings at the moment.
[2011/10/16 14:07] Ceejay Writer: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:07] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[2011/10/16 14:07] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:07] Junie Ginsburg applauds
[2011/10/16 14:07] Darlingmonster Ember: Huzzah!
[2011/10/16 14:07] Rhianon Jameson: Huzzah!
[2011/10/16 14:07] Solace Fairlady Hooooooooos!!!
[2011/10/16 14:07] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: ?•.•´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`•.•?
[2011/10/16 14:07] Darlingmonster Ember: Huzzah!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Solace Fairlady: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[2011/10/16 14:08] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Fraulein, would you like a soapbox for your speech?
[2011/10/16 14:08] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington]: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Jimmy Branagh: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Huzzah and hurrah!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Zaida!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: [claps loudly]
[2011/10/16 14:08] Ceejay Writer: Secondly, another cheer for the Baron, brave, oblivious, absurdly taking on the challenge for the NEXT three years! *laughs*
[2011/10/16 14:08] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: well hello there Mr Paperclip smiles
[2011/10/16 14:08] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
[2011/10/16 14:08] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Hello!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Solace Fairlady: Huzzah!
[2011/10/16 14:08] zaida Gearbox waves *hugs miz breezy and miz ceejay
[2011/10/16 14:08] Ceejay Writer: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Darlingmonster Ember: waves to M Paperclip
[2011/10/16 14:08] Wildstar Beaumont: greetings Professor Paperclip
[2011/10/16 14:08] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington]: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Solace Fairlady: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Jimmy Branagh: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:09] Bodhisatva Paperclip waves at DME
[2011/10/16 14:09] Rhianon Jameson: Are we sure that the Baron signed on for three years? Perhaps after today he'll have had enough.
[2011/10/16 14:09] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach laughs
[2011/10/16 14:09] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Hello, Captain Beaumont
[2011/10/16 14:09] Jimmy Branagh: 'ello Mr. Paperclip!
[2011/10/16 14:09] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: with triple loaded confeddi !
[2011/10/16 14:09] Darlingmonster Ember: snerks
[2011/10/16 14:09] Ceejay Writer: Too late, I said it, it exists in chat, he's stuck!
[2011/10/16 14:09] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: For however long it seems appropriate.
[2011/10/16 14:09] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: laughs]
[2011/10/16 14:09] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: so nice to just sit and enjoy
[2011/10/16 14:09] Rhianon Jameson: You're a brave man!
[2011/10/16 14:09] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Of course, this would not be possible without the inquiring minds of New Babbage.
[2011/10/16 14:09] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Hiya, Jimmy
[2011/10/16 14:09] Jimmy Branagh: An' Hoy ta anone Oy missed!
[2011/10/16 14:09] Ceejay Writer: Sera, you've earned the right to enjoy and relax at Salon!
[2011/10/16 14:09] Jimmy Branagh: *anyone
[2011/10/16 14:09] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Does anyone need a chair?
[2011/10/16 14:10] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Hallo, Fraulein Zanya.
[2011/10/16 14:10] Darlingmonster Ember: yes, thank goodness they had some spare inquiring minds to lend out
[2011/10/16 14:10] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver] looks
[2011/10/16 14:10] Zanya: Hi there. ^^
[2011/10/16 14:10] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: for new arrival from sounder
[2011/10/16 14:10] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: there ya go
[2011/10/16 14:10] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver] grins
[2011/10/16 14:10] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Zanya!
[2011/10/16 14:10] Ceejay Writer: True - Engineer minds, by nature, are inquisitive and wish to learn. The Aether Salon is perfect in New Babbage.
[2011/10/16 14:10] Jimmy Branagh: AN' Miss Junie!
[2011/10/16 14:10] Junie Ginsburg waves to Jimmy
[2011/10/16 14:10] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: greetings ladies !
[2011/10/16 14:11] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Kimika!
[2011/10/16 14:11] Kimika Ying: Hello Jimmy!
[2011/10/16 14:11] Solace Fairlady: Hello Miss Zaida! and all the new arrivals too many to list!
[2011/10/16 14:11] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Well said, Miss up to your lyrical name as always!
[2011/10/16 14:12] Ceejay Writer: Aw shucks, Red. *ponders getting Red tapped for a Salon*
[2011/10/16 14:12] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: wavess to zaida :)
[2011/10/16 14:13] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: I already did my duty with the history of the undermentionables!
[2011/10/16 14:13] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Surely you have other fascinating topics for discussion.
[2011/10/16 14:13] Ceejay Writer: oh that's RIGHT!
[2011/10/16 14:13] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: undercrackers, corsets, & all things frilly!
[2011/10/16 14:13] Rhianon Jameson: As well we recall, Red!
[2011/10/16 14:13] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
[2011/10/16 14:13] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: blushes]
[2011/10/16 14:13] Ceejay Writer: Undrecrackers. Such a great topic for discussion.
[2011/10/16 14:14] Zanya: Hey Stereo.
[2011/10/16 14:14] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Practical AND historical, too!
[2011/10/16 14:14] Stereo Nacht: Good day all!
[2011/10/16 14:14] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: whsipers Hi Star :) waves to MIss Nacht
[2011/10/16 14:14] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: smiles over to Miss Jameson]
[2011/10/16 14:14] Ceejay Writer: Hello, Stereo!
[2011/10/16 14:14] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Star!
[2011/10/16 14:14] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: Hiya
[2011/10/16 14:14] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington]: ello stereo, ello star :)
[2011/10/16 14:14] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Guten Abend, Fraulein Stereo.
[2011/10/16 14:14] Jasper Kiergarten: and it added the word Undercrackers to the vocabulary of many a Babbger
[2011/10/16 14:14] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Greetings, Ms. Nacht
[2011/10/16 14:15] Solace Fairlady: wb my love! and hello Capt Stereo:0
[2011/10/16 14:15] Ceejay Writer: It's the best word ever, Jasper.
[2011/10/16 14:15] Stereo Nacht: Oh! Good day Professor Paperclip!
[2011/10/16 14:15] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: We are honored by all that have come to this anniversary event! Such notables of the realm!
[2011/10/16 14:15] Darlingmonster Ember rolls her eyes and shakes fist at LL spirits
[2011/10/16 14:15] Stereo Nacht: Good day Miss Solace!
[2011/10/16 14:15] Stereo Nacht: And good day Herr Baron!
[2011/10/16 14:15] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Fraulein Captain, what is your favourite memory from the Salon?
[2011/10/16 14:15] Stereo Nacht: (People are still rezzing a bit slowly for me...)
[2011/10/16 14:16] Stereo Nacht: Oh. Hm... I would have to go for Miss Hienrichs giving a piece of her mind to Dr. Obolensky, but I haven't attended many.
[2011/10/16 14:16] Ceejay Writer: I wish I'd been at that one. It was talked about for a looooong time after.
[2011/10/16 14:16] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: So many good memories....Engines!?
[2011/10/16 14:16] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Heh, we have at least two Fraulein Captains here, my pardon.
[2011/10/16 14:16] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Ordinal Malaprop!?
[2011/10/16 14:17] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Oh dear! LOL
[2011/10/16 14:17] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Bitte, continue!
[2011/10/16 14:17] Jedburgh30 Dagger: That was a while back
[2011/10/16 14:17] Ceejay Writer: I liked Fey! due to extreme absurdity.
[2011/10/16 14:17] Stereo Nacht: Ah. Yes. This is the problem as more ladies joins the ranks! ;-)
[2011/10/16 14:17] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Absurdity how, bitte?
[2011/10/16 14:17] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Shanghaied! Fae! Curses! and Weaepons!
[2011/10/16 14:17] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: even Weapons!
[2011/10/16 14:17] Ceejay Writer: by the way, all these past Salons CAN be read, in transcript form, thanks the the intensive labors of Miss Sera, at the website.
[2011/10/16 14:17] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach laughs
[2011/10/16 14:18] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[2011/10/16 14:18] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: thank you Ceejay!
[2011/10/16 14:18] Ceejay Writer:
[2011/10/16 14:18] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: A round of applause for Frau Szuster.
[2011/10/16 14:18] Stereo Nacht: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[2011/10/16 14:18] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[2011/10/16 14:18] Jimmy Branagh: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:18] Zanya: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[2011/10/16 14:18] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: You are most kind
[2011/10/16 14:18] Blackberry Harvey: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:18] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: thank you
[2011/10/16 14:18] Solace Fairlady: me applauds
[2011/10/16 14:18] Kimika Ying: applauds!
[2011/10/16 14:18] Wildstar Beaumont: ??? Applauds!!! ???
[2011/10/16 14:18] Rhianon Jameson applauds. "Well done!"
[2011/10/16 14:18] Gadget [Gadget Starsider]: ¨`¸.•*¨¸.•*¨ ¸.•*¨¸.•*¨ Aooooouuuuu! ¨*•.¸¨*•.¸¨*•.¸¨*•.¸`¨
[2011/10/16 14:18] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: ?•.•´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`•.•?
[2011/10/16 14:18] Ceejay Writer: I remember one month filling in for Sera on the transcript cleanup, and all I can say is THE WOMAN IS A MIRACLE WORKER
[2011/10/16 14:18] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: claps with great applause at all the hard work for our commnity archive!] Huzzah!
[2011/10/16 14:18] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: She is! And so calm under presssure!
[2011/10/16 14:19] Rhianon Jameson: Good afternoon, Sir JJ!
[2011/10/16 14:19] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Well, we are all looking forward to what the new Aether Salon year will bring
[2011/10/16 14:19] Ceejay Writer: I must find out what antiperspirant she uses.
[2011/10/16 14:19] Wildstar Beaumont: Sir JJ ... :)
[2011/10/16 14:19] Solace Fairlady: Hello Sir JJ!
[2011/10/16 14:19] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: We have a fascinating subject for November, of course.
[2011/10/16 14:19] JJ Drinkwater: Good day, gentlebeings
[2011/10/16 14:19] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: [says in sotto voice] Some say mint but I must say she just has nerves of steel!
[2011/10/16 14:20] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Sir JJ, vielen dank and welcome.
[2011/10/16 14:20] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: What's the november subject?
[2011/10/16 14:20] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach holds up a finger
[2011/10/16 14:20] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: thanksgiving ???
[2011/10/16 14:20] Ceejay Writer eyedarts at the Baron.
[2011/10/16 14:20] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: [attends with baited breath]
[2011/10/16 14:20] Jimmy Branagh: Fingers?
[2011/10/16 14:20] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: Dramatic Pauses?
[2011/10/16 14:20] Blackberry Harvey: One... singular sensation?
[2011/10/16 14:20] Darlingmonster Ember smiles
[2011/10/16 14:20] Rhianon Jameson laughs
[2011/10/16 14:20] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: wait for it....
[2011/10/16 14:20] Ceejay Writer giggles madly.
[2011/10/16 14:20] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: it's sure to be legen
[2011/10/16 14:20] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: actually....come to think of it...a salon on the art of the dramatic pause would be highly amusing
[2011/10/16 14:21] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: hopes they are not lactose intollerant
[2011/10/16 14:21] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Dramatic pauses, ja.
[2011/10/16 14:21] Ceejay Writer: Sign Lady Macbain up for that.
[2011/10/16 14:21] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: dary!
[2011/10/16 14:21] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach grins
[2011/10/16 14:21] Darlingmonster Ember pinches the bridge of her nose
[2011/10/16 14:21] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington]: ellooooo PJ!
[2011/10/16 14:21] PJ Trenton: Greetings all
[2011/10/16 14:21] Bodhisatva Paperclip: How would one distinguish between a dramatic pause and plain old lag?
[2011/10/16 14:21] Blackberry Harvey: It's catsup vs. ketchup, isn't it?
[2011/10/16 14:21] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: oh its on dairy ??
[2011/10/16 14:21] Rhianon Jameson: Imitating the Baron, Miss Ember?
[2011/10/16 14:21] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: crickets
[2011/10/16 14:21] Darlingmonster Ember smiles
[2011/10/16 14:21] Wildstar Beaumont waves @ PJ
[2011/10/16 14:21] Jedburgh30 Dagger: The facial pose
[2011/10/16 14:21] Ceejay Writer waves at PJ
[2011/10/16 14:21] Zanya: *cricket cricket*
[2011/10/16 14:22] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: also throws a breezy wave to PJ]
[2011/10/16 14:22] PJ Trenton: Hello Miss Writer :-)
[2011/10/16 14:22] Ceejay Writer: Newcomers, we are debating the differences and nuances of dramatic pauses vs good old lag.
[2011/10/16 14:22] PJ Trenton: Captain
[2011/10/16 14:22] Solace Fairlady: hello Mr PJ!
[2011/10/16 14:22] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: smiles at PJ :)
[2011/10/16 14:22] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Lemonade out of lemons, I say
[2011/10/16 14:22] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: A good subject. This involved texture fetching.
[2011/10/16 14:22] JJ Drinkwater: What about dramatic lag?
[2011/10/16 14:22] Blackberry Harvey: Speaking of lemons... Please help yourselves to refreshments.
[2011/10/16 14:22] Rhianon Jameson: Indeed, Mr. Paperclip.
[2011/10/16 14:22] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: The difference between lag and dramatic pause is the difference between poetry and prose
[2011/10/16 14:22] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: In November, we shall be hearing about and discussing Victuals!
[2011/10/16 14:22] Blackberry Harvey ooohs
[2011/10/16 14:23] Rhianon Jameson feels her stomach rumbling.
[2011/10/16 14:23] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Mmmm Nom nom!
[2011/10/16 14:23] PJ Trenton: be right back
[2011/10/16 14:23] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: Ooo food
[2011/10/16 14:23] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: What a tasty subject!
[2011/10/16 14:23] Bodhisatva Paperclip perks up noticeably
[2011/10/16 14:23] Blackberry Harvey: The history of eating things!
[2011/10/16 14:23] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Herr Harvey is interested, because he is our caterer today.
[2011/10/16 14:23] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: [her mind hurts from all the punishing comments she could throw out]
[2011/10/16 14:23] Glass of Fruit Punch ! whispers: MMMmmmm!
[2011/10/16 14:23] zaida Gearbox waves to miz star
[2011/10/16 14:23] Blackberry Harvey: I mixed some fresh aether into the frosting on the carrot cake for the celebration.
[2011/10/16 14:23] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach notices the grimace and waves encouragingly at her
[2011/10/16 14:24] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Captain Llewellyn, don't hold back.
[2011/10/16 14:24] Ceejay Writer: Actually, Blackberry... the history and SCIENCE of eating things. *Winks*
[2011/10/16 14:24] Stormy Stillwater Falls from the sky and lands in hus bum "Gah, Blasted Airships!!
[2011/10/16 14:24] Rhianon Jameson: Who knew that I conduct science every time I shovel something in my mouth?
[2011/10/16 14:24] zaida Gearbox: there's a lot of science involved in being a good cook
[2011/10/16 14:24] Jimmy Branagh: They boot ya out again Stormy?
[2011/10/16 14:24] Ceejay Writer: Oh, you do. You really do. You shall see.
[2011/10/16 14:25] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: That sound be interesting, theres' that brief period in time where there are waaaaay too many utensils on the table.
[2011/10/16 14:25] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Science in the kitchen can be just as valuable or deadly as science in a conventional laboratory.
[2011/10/16 14:25] Blackberry Harvey: But licking the beaters is more enjoyable
[2011/10/16 14:25] Rhianon Jameson chuckles
[2011/10/16 14:25] Bodhisatva Paperclip makes note "deadly as science...."
[2011/10/16 14:25] Kimika Ying: Not while they are running.
[2011/10/16 14:25] Ceejay Writer: As long as the beaters have slowed to a stop, yes.
[2011/10/16 14:25] Cup of tea whispers: Warm and tasty :)
[2011/10/16 14:25] Sera [Serafina Puchkina] holds her hands over her growling stomach
[2011/10/16 14:25] Solace Fairlady: only if they have done a good job of the beating
[2011/10/16 14:25] Ceejay Writer: Jinx, Kimika.
[2011/10/16 14:25] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: The history of Gastronomy and the delicious table above and below the salt! Fascinating!
[2011/10/16 14:25] Kimika Ying: grins
[2011/10/16 14:25] Darlingmonster Ember: is so much more fun than beating the lickers
[2011/10/16 14:25] Solace Fairlady: otherwise back to their cages
[2011/10/16 14:26] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: I never beat my lickers!
[2011/10/16 14:26] Jimmy Branagh chuckles
[2011/10/16 14:26] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: oh wait!
[2011/10/16 14:26] Solace Fairlady: or id that a different sort of beater...
[2011/10/16 14:26] Bodhisatva Paperclip smirks
[2011/10/16 14:26] Blackberry Harvey: We're just egging her on now...
[2011/10/16 14:26] Ceejay Writer: SO! I wonder what other topics might come along... perhaps from the minds of some here in this room?
[2011/10/16 14:26] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Who else might have some Salon memories they would like to share? Once the beaters are dismissed, of course.
[2011/10/16 14:26] Ceejay Writer stashes all the puns for later use.
[2011/10/16 14:26] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Two excellent questions for our guests.
[2011/10/16 14:27] Ceejay Writer: I do wonder what we may have not yet spoken of at Salon. Er, of things that CAN be spoken of that is.
[2011/10/16 14:27] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Indeed.
[2011/10/16 14:27] JJ Drinkwater: One might consider, for instance, why we eat here in SL....
[2011/10/16 14:27] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Is there a comprehensive list of past topics?
[2011/10/16 14:27] Darlingmonster Ember: My best memory of the salons is the excitement of new topics and high quality each month... positively thrilling
[2011/10/16 14:27] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Pagan Rituals and their effect upon Victorian Society? the Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood?
[2011/10/16 14:27] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: On the journal, Herr Professor.
[2011/10/16 14:27] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: and the take-aways!
[2011/10/16 14:27] Bodhisatva Paperclip: thank you
[2011/10/16 14:27] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach:
[2011/10/16 14:28] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: the lovely Salon gifts!
[2011/10/16 14:28] Blackberry Harvey: Are there Salon tote bags?
[2011/10/16 14:28] Rhianon Jameson nods at Captain Red
[2011/10/16 14:28] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: oh Yes !
[2011/10/16 14:28] Ceejay Writer: the Salon gifts are so fun!
[2011/10/16 14:28] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: and whom is doing the build Baron ?
[2011/10/16 14:28] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: pardon me if I missed that
[2011/10/16 14:28] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ja, if anyone should like to contribute to the crafts - we do not have one this time, unfortunately, but should remedy that soon.
[2011/10/16 14:28] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Nein, Lady Breezy, we shall reveal the model in about fifteen minutes.
[2011/10/16 14:29] Ceejay Writer: We could name this Salon, "Whomp!" as the build descends on us?
[2011/10/16 14:29] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
[2011/10/16 14:29] zaida Gearbox laughs
[2011/10/16 14:29] Stormy Stillwater: The Smashing build! Ah, ah?!
[2011/10/16 14:29] Darlingmonster Ember: "x marks the spot" salon
[2011/10/16 14:29] Little M [LittleMystery] grins
[2011/10/16 14:29] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Heh. It's not finished yet, we shall see a smaller copy.
[2011/10/16 14:30] zaida Gearbox hugs stormy
[2011/10/16 14:30] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: Will someone post a photo to the reader? I'm afraid i"ll have to get back to work before it is revealed
[2011/10/16 14:30] Ceejay Writer: Ah, so it will be like the stonehenge scene in Spinal Tap?
[2011/10/16 14:30] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: When must you leave, Lady Macbain?
[2011/10/16 14:30] Blackberry Harvey: No one knows where they came from, or what they were doing...
[2011/10/16 14:30] Solace Fairlady: lol@ Miss Ceejay:)
[2011/10/16 14:30] Stormy Stillwater Flails "AHHH!! GET HER OFF!!... I mean.. Hello, Zaida..."
[2011/10/16 14:31] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: In about five minutes I muuuust turn my laptop off and get back to buildingmy presentation. Apollo waits for no woman.
[2011/10/16 14:31] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ah. In that case, if there are no objections....
[2011/10/16 14:31] zaida Gearbox punches stormy in the arm
[2011/10/16 14:31] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: Well...i'll turn the internet back off.
[2011/10/16 14:31] Ceejay Writer: No rest for the..... Lady.
[2011/10/16 14:31] Ceejay Writer chants and encourages others. Whomp! Whomp! Whomp!
[2011/10/16 14:31] Jimmy Branagh: WHomp! Whomp!
[2011/10/16 14:31] Stormy Stillwater Flails again "I love you too, Zaida."
[2011/10/16 14:31] Jimmy Branagh: (Dramatic pause))
[2011/10/16 14:32] Jimmy Branagh: Whomp! Whomp!
[2011/10/16 14:32] Rhianon Jameson: (Or lag)
[2011/10/16 14:32] Stormy Stillwater: DX
[2011/10/16 14:32] Ceejay Writer: Ooooh! Issa box!
[2011/10/16 14:32] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: And inside the box....
[2011/10/16 14:32] Darlingmonster Ember: omg the Borg, here in Babbage
[2011/10/16 14:32] Ceejay Writer: Another box?
[2011/10/16 14:32] Ceejay Writer: Ahhhh!
[2011/10/16 14:32] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[2011/10/16 14:32] Gadget [Gadget Starsider]: DADA!
[2011/10/16 14:32] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: ohhhhh
[2011/10/16 14:32] Stormy Stillwater: The box is the bui.. Oh.. Ahh I see!
[2011/10/16 14:32] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: ahhhh
[2011/10/16 14:32] Ceejay Writer: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:32] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: CONGRATULATIONS, HERR BLACKBERRY HARVEY.
[2011/10/16 14:32] Darlingmonster Ember: ooooooo ahhhhh
[2011/10/16 14:32] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: /applauds
[2011/10/16 14:32] Rhianon Jameson: Ooooh!
[2011/10/16 14:32] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Hooray!
[2011/10/16 14:32] Junie Ginsburg applauds
[2011/10/16 14:32] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: Woot!
[2011/10/16 14:33] Bodhisatva Paperclip claps his dramatic paws
[2011/10/16 14:33] Darlingmonster Ember: oh congrats M Harvey
[2011/10/16 14:33] Stereo Nacht: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[2011/10/16 14:33] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[2011/10/16 14:33] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Congratulations, BB!!!!
[2011/10/16 14:33] Rhianon Jameson applauds
[2011/10/16 14:33] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: It was a very difficult decision.
[2011/10/16 14:33] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:33] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: ?•.•´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`•.•?
[2011/10/16 14:33] Ceejay Writer: Bravo, Bunny!
[2011/10/16 14:33] zaida Gearbox: sort of like the shakespear theater?
[2011/10/16 14:33] Blackberry Harvey: I wanted ti echo some other builds in the area
[2011/10/16 14:33] Sera [Serafina Puchkina] applauds (correctly this time)
[2011/10/16 14:33] Jimmy Branagh: Whoa!
[2011/10/16 14:33] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: There will be cash prizes awarded to our entrants.
[2011/10/16 14:33] Solace Fairlady: Huzzah Mr Blackberry!
[2011/10/16 14:33] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:33] Blackberry Harvey: During non-salon days, it stays closed, with a door for setup and such.
[2011/10/16 14:33] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Looks observatorial
[2011/10/16 14:33] Zanya: Looks neat!
[2011/10/16 14:33] JJ Drinkwater: Congratulations, M~ Harvey
[2011/10/16 14:33] Blackberry Harvey: Then the Salon Master arrives to open the dome into a pavilion
[2011/10/16 14:33] Zanya: But I don't see a door. ^^;
[2011/10/16 14:33] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[2011/10/16 14:33] Darlingmonster Ember: oooooooooooooooooooo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
[2011/10/16 14:33] Ceejay Writer: This should add some shapliness to the skyline.
[2011/10/16 14:33] zaida Gearbox: dat's cool!
[2011/10/16 14:33] Zanya: Ahh, never mind.
[2011/10/16 14:33] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[2011/10/16 14:33] Ceejay Writer: oooooooooooooooooooo
[2011/10/16 14:33] Rhianon Jameson: Oh my!
[2011/10/16 14:33] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[2011/10/16 14:34] Kimika Ying: Ah ha!
[2011/10/16 14:34] Zanya: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[2011/10/16 14:34] Stereo Nacht: Very nice!
[2011/10/16 14:34] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[2011/10/16 14:34] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: The stage flips down.
[2011/10/16 14:34] Stormy Stillwater: 8D
[2011/10/16 14:34] Solace Fairlady applauds
[2011/10/16 14:34] Jimmy Branagh: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:34] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:34] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: wonderful !!
[2011/10/16 14:34] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: ooo I still have my krakenfettie attatched
[2011/10/16 14:34] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:34] Ceejay Writer: Very good! Engineer touches befitting a fuzzbutt of Science! *flees*
[2011/10/16 14:34] Darlingmonster Ember: amazing
[2011/10/16 14:34] Blackberry Harvey: Thank you :)
[2011/10/16 14:34] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:34] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Plenty of room for seating and curious passers-by to come inside.
[2011/10/16 14:34] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: for Da BB !!!
[2011/10/16 14:34] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Amazing, Blackberry
[2011/10/16 14:34] Solace Fairlady: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:35] Ceejay Writer is very happy
[2011/10/16 14:35] Darlingmonster Ember: ...and with tons of metal and structure rotating in a blink....what COULD go wrong?
[2011/10/16 14:35] Little M [LittleMystery]: its deffinetly interesting, very simple design
[2011/10/16 14:35] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles at Fraulein Ember.
[2011/10/16 14:35] Stormy Stillwater: Skyler will burn it down withi na month
[2011/10/16 14:35] Rhianon Jameson laughs at Miss Ember's thought.
[2011/10/16 14:35] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: and very Babbage !
[2011/10/16 14:35] Blackberry Harvey smiles, "The actual rotation will be rather slow, with lots of difficult grinding noises, I'm sure"
[2011/10/16 14:35] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: That's a stunning build blackberry
[2011/10/16 14:35] Rhianon Jameson: We'll have to take turns oiling it.
[2011/10/16 14:35] Darlingmonster Ember: ...mmmmm, so you would actually have to tie someone down in order... oh look at the time
[2011/10/16 14:36] Ceejay Writer: ah good, so a slow arm amputation is possible
[2011/10/16 14:36] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: hummm gosh i hope whispers we don't get motion sickness ?
[2011/10/16 14:36] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach raises an eyebrow at Fraulein Writer
[2011/10/16 14:36] Solace Fairlady: will that still stradle the simline?
[2011/10/16 14:36] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: watches Happy Miss Ming
[2011/10/16 14:36] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: It will.
[2011/10/16 14:36] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: it passes her test :)
[2011/10/16 14:36] Solace Fairlady: and if so wont that affect the rotation?
[2011/10/16 14:36] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: The root will be in one sim only; it should not.
[2011/10/16 14:36] Ceejay Writer: We will stock up on grease.
[2011/10/16 14:37] Blackberry Harvey: The root for the fixed part on one side, the root for the rotating part on the other side
[2011/10/16 14:37] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[2011/10/16 14:37] Ceejay Writer: DAng, Blackberry, you're smart.
[2011/10/16 14:37] Darlingmonster Ember: capital
[2011/10/16 14:37] Blackberry Harvey: I shall work with the Baron on the details ((By the way, Baron, I can't rez on the other plot))
[2011/10/16 14:37] Solace Fairlady: ah! so very clever!
[2011/10/16 14:37] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: Well done blackberry :) I look forward to attending events, and now I MUST be a good girl.
[2011/10/16 14:37] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: Ta!
[2011/10/16 14:37] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ja, the Clockwinder made some changes. I will have to have him over.
[2011/10/16 14:37] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Gute Nacht, Fraulein.
[2011/10/16 14:38] Darlingmonster Ember: is a worthy structure
[2011/10/16 14:39] Ceejay Writer: Take care, Lady Macbain!
[2011/10/16 14:39] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: As you might know, the old building was lost in a tragic, unexpected and completely innocent explosion.
[2011/10/16 14:39] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach coughs
[2011/10/16 14:39] Zanya wonders where Tensai was at the time.
[2011/10/16 14:39] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: *coughs*
[2011/10/16 14:39] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington] chuckles
[2011/10/16 14:39] Ceejay Writer: It was a fluke.
[2011/10/16 14:39] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: With the new prim technologies we have, it was time to re-engineer it anyway.
[2011/10/16 14:39] zaida Gearbox smiles at miz zanya
[2011/10/16 14:39] PJ Trenton decides not to ask what that lingering smell is
[2011/10/16 14:39] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Fantastic music afterwards tho
[2011/10/16 14:40] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington]: XD
[2011/10/16 14:40] Ceejay Writer: PJ. Two words! Ignorance and Bliss.
[2011/10/16 14:40] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Thinking of explosions... and smells... Herr Harvey, is this building Bobproofed?
[2011/10/16 14:40] Junie Ginsburg giggles
[2011/10/16 14:40] Blackberry Harvey: Now it is.
[2011/10/16 14:40] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach grins
[2011/10/16 14:40] PJ Trenton: and here I thought they were one and the same
[2011/10/16 14:40] Little M [LittleMystery] shudders at the mention of Bob
[2011/10/16 14:40] Blackberry Harvey: See, bombs just fall off.
[2011/10/16 14:40] Ceejay Writer: Is any building ever really Bobproofed? But if it is... maybe Cleanslate will allow it to be insured.
[2011/10/16 14:41] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Who else has some memories from the previous three years?
[2011/10/16 14:41] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Lady Breezy?
[2011/10/16 14:41] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Herr Trenton?
[2011/10/16 14:41] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Herr Trenton, will you continue to take your excellent photographs of these sessions?
[2011/10/16 14:42] PJ Trenton: I will indeed and hopefully Miss Heinrichs will as well
[2011/10/16 14:42] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: ohh
[2011/10/16 14:42] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: hello little tubby
[2011/10/16 14:42] Ceejay Writer: PJ's grabbed some wonderful shots through the years, and I believe many are at flickr.
[2011/10/16 14:42] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ja, she could not be here today, but will be reviewing the transcript for us all.
[2011/10/16 14:42] Junie Ginsburg waves to Tubby
[2011/10/16 14:42] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: how good to see you again child
[2011/10/16 14:42] Tubby [MaxwellTolliver]: Hiiii
[2011/10/16 14:42] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver] big smile
[2011/10/16 14:42] Jimmy Branagh: Oh Tubby's back.
[2011/10/16 14:42] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Tubby!
[2011/10/16 14:42] Tubby [MaxwellTolliver]: Hello Jimmy, hi everyone!
[2011/10/16 14:43] Ceejay Writer: the new building mode is NOT a bonbon. Stay back, Tubby.
[2011/10/16 14:43] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: grins .. now now easy on Mr Harvey's treats ok Tubby ?
[2011/10/16 14:43] PJ Trenton: well if anyone wants to wander down memory lane...
[2011/10/16 14:43] Tubby [MaxwellTolliver] mumbles, mouth full.
[2011/10/16 14:43] PJ Trenton: there are 1 or 2 or 400 photos there ;-)
[2011/10/16 14:43] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach leans the new sign back against the box.
[2011/10/16 14:43] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: awww :)
[2011/10/16 14:43] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: he is hungry :)
[2011/10/16 14:43] Ceejay Writer: Awesome, thank you PJ. HIs photos aer legendary.
[2011/10/16 14:43] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: well Hello Av!!
[2011/10/16 14:43] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Herr Trenton's work is entirely flattering as well.
[2011/10/16 14:43] Avariel Falcon: Hello there
[2011/10/16 14:44] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Fraulein Falcon, so good you could make it.
[2011/10/16 14:44] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: so nice to see YOU .. :)
[2011/10/16 14:44] Little M [LittleMystery]: uh oh, tubby spotted the cake
[2011/10/16 14:44] PJ Trenton: :-)
[2011/10/16 14:44] Rhianon Jameson grins
[2011/10/16 14:44] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: aww she bowed to the Baron :)
[2011/10/16 14:44] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: hello Mr Drinkwater !
[2011/10/16 14:44] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Fraulein Falcon, one question for the guests here, since the tables are turned -- might you have a topic which could be presented here?
[2011/10/16 14:44] JJ Drinkwater: Hello, Miss Carver
[2011/10/16 14:45] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver] smiles :)
[2011/10/16 14:45] Avariel Falcon: We are presenting topics? Oh my!
[2011/10/16 14:45] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Discussing possibilities.
[2011/10/16 14:46] Ceejay Writer: In my best board room voice. "No bad ideas!"
[2011/10/16 14:46] Avariel Falcon: Possibilities for a new wave of aethric power plants accorss the land?
[2011/10/16 14:46] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: You mentioned you are clockwork, ja? Could you do a speech on that some future month?
[2011/10/16 14:46] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver] notices little tubby .. twirling .. for cake !
[2011/10/16 14:46] Little M [LittleMystery] looks at Miss Faclon an can only think of Robot Unicorn attack
[2011/10/16 14:46] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Power plants, another good idea.
[2011/10/16 14:46] Rhianon Jameson: They always say that, Miss Ceejay, but no one ever means it. :)
[2011/10/16 14:46] Ceejay Writer: So.... Topic: Power! Perhaps?
[2011/10/16 14:46] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: well your staff ?
[2011/10/16 14:46] Darlingmonster Ember: Immigration to the Steamlands
[2011/10/16 14:47] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: early rights to non union labor ?
[2011/10/16 14:47] Darlingmonster Ember: that's a topic I'd like to see
[2011/10/16 14:47] Ceejay Writer: /mechuckles at Miss Jameson
[2011/10/16 14:47] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: That's good, Miss Ember!
[2011/10/16 14:47] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: These are good topics
[2011/10/16 14:47] Avariel Falcon: Sadly I cannot guarantee to be here on any given month, or day, my life is rather confusing.
[2011/10/16 14:47] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: AHH GOOD one Darling !
[2011/10/16 14:47] Junie Ginsburg: I'm afraid I must go, friends. I'm glad to have seen the new build unveiled!
[2011/10/16 14:47] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Lady Breezy, you know you are welcome to book a month for your presentation any time.
[2011/10/16 14:47] Ceejay Writer: Mechanial beings rights?
[2011/10/16 14:47] Jimmy Branagh: Ow about Universe Movement Procedures as relates ta Toime Travel?
[2011/10/16 14:47] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Gute Nacht, Fraulein Ginsburg.
[2011/10/16 14:47] Jimmy Branagh: Thet would be topical.
[2011/10/16 14:47] Ceejay Writer: Wow, big topic for such a young man, Jimmy!
[2011/10/16 14:47] Junie Ginsburg waves goodbye to all
[2011/10/16 14:47] Blackberry Harvey: Am I still scheduled for a talk in January?
[2011/10/16 14:48] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: You are, sir.
[2011/10/16 14:48] Jimmy Branagh: Oy been readin' up Miss Ceejay!
[2011/10/16 14:48] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver] smiles .. and nods why thank You Baron .. i shall keep that in mind Sir .. as there are always topics floating through my head :)
[2011/10/16 14:48] Ceejay Writer: I'm so proud of you!
[2011/10/16 14:48] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: I have guests for December with a refreshing topic, one never touched on before here.
[2011/10/16 14:48] Jimmy Branagh grins
[2011/10/16 14:48] Ceejay Writer: Ohhh, I am intrigued, Baron.
[2011/10/16 14:48] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: Christmas ?
[2011/10/16 14:48] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: I would hope so, Fraulein Writer.
[2011/10/16 14:49] Jasper Kiergarten: I'm afraid I will need to be off
[2011/10/16 14:49] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: Holidays ?
[2011/10/16 14:49] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Nein, Lady Breezy. You shall see soon enough.
[2011/10/16 14:49] Little M [LittleMystery]: should be something to look foardward too, yes?
[2011/10/16 14:49] Darlingmonster Ember: waves to M Kiergarten
[2011/10/16 14:49] Ceejay Writer: You've always been off, Jasper but we still like you.
[2011/10/16 14:49] Darlingmonster Ember: travel safe
[2011/10/16 14:49] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: aww do take care Jasper
[2011/10/16 14:49] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Herr Kiergarten, for your service and your presence today.
[2011/10/16 14:49] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[2011/10/16 14:49] Jasper Kiergarten: I can't wait to see what the Salon holds for us in the future
[2011/10/16 14:49] Jimmy Branagh waves to Mr. Jasper
[2011/10/16 14:49] Ceejay Writer: Take care!
[2011/10/16 14:49] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Applause for the Salonista Emeritus.
[2011/10/16 14:49] Solace Fairlady: safe travels Mr jasper!
[2011/10/16 14:49] Bodhisatva Paperclip waves at the departing
[2011/10/16 14:49] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[2011/10/16 14:49] Stereo Nacht: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[2011/10/16 14:49] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: There are many new folks around that I think they are a potential source
[2011/10/16 14:49] Solace Fairlady applauds
[2011/10/16 14:50] JJ Drinkwater somehow manages to clap without spilling his tea
[2011/10/16 14:50] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: If not for Herr Kiergarten we would all be standing.
[2011/10/16 14:50] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Certainly, Frau Szuster - but how to coax them out of their laboratories.
[2011/10/16 14:50] PJ Trenton's suede shoes thank Sir JJ
[2011/10/16 14:50] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach grins
[2011/10/16 14:51] Little M [LittleMystery]: I have one question BB
[2011/10/16 14:51] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: The Salon requires interaction. It is why we have a question-and-answer session, for one.
[2011/10/16 14:51] Blackberry Harvey: Yes?
[2011/10/16 14:51] Little M [LittleMystery]: what kind of lighting system will this new build have for the night?
[2011/10/16 14:51] Bodhisatva Paperclip: The informality is very nice
[2011/10/16 14:52] Blackberry Harvey: Good question, is there gas service here?
[2011/10/16 14:52] Jimmy Branagh: ((brb))
[2011/10/16 14:52] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Hm. Night sessions, an interesting thought.
[2011/10/16 14:52] Ceejay Writer: I vote for tesla coils every five feet.
[2011/10/16 14:52] Little M [LittleMystery] grins
[2011/10/16 14:52] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington]: o.O
[2011/10/16 14:52] PJ Trenton snaps fingers...points mouse...clicks...voila...night!
[2011/10/16 14:52] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Perhaps Fraulein Falcon can install something to help us out.
[2011/10/16 14:52] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Wow, that would be something
[2011/10/16 14:53] Stormy Stillwater: Glow stone.. Oh wait.. that's mien craft...
[2011/10/16 14:53] Blackberry Harvey: It's the Aether Salon, there should be an aetheric beam receiver
[2011/10/16 14:53] Stormy Stillwater: mine*
[2011/10/16 14:53] Little M [LittleMystery]: that would be fitting I suppose
[2011/10/16 14:53] Avariel Falcon: The AP&E company do not provide gas, we only provide electricity, and host the wireless telegraph office.
[2011/10/16 14:53] Wildstar Beaumont waves goodnight to all
[2011/10/16 14:53] Ceejay Writer: I agree Blackberry.
[2011/10/16 14:53] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Good night, Captain
[2011/10/16 14:54] JJ Drinkwater: Fair winds, Admiral
[2011/10/16 14:54] Solace Fairlady: fair winds Admiral!
[2011/10/16 14:54] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: night night !
[2011/10/16 14:54] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: good to see you :)
[2011/10/16 14:54] Zanya: Good njight/
[2011/10/16 14:54] Blackberry Harvey: I'll buy a few gross of candles just in case and work out something with Ms Falcon.
[2011/10/16 14:54] PJ Trenton: Must head off as well...great seeing everyone
[2011/10/16 14:54] Darlingmonster Ember: grins
[2011/10/16 14:54] Ceejay Writer: G'night, Captain Fabulous! Er, Beaumont!
[2011/10/16 14:54] PJ Trenton: best of luck as you move forward
[2011/10/16 14:54] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Herr Trenton, Captainess.
[2011/10/16 14:54] Stereo Nacht: Good bye those leaving!
[2011/10/16 14:55] Zanya: I have some glowing green rocks that might not cause growths and mutations we could use.
[2011/10/16 14:55] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Erm...
[2011/10/16 14:55] Blackberry Harvey: Oh, good idea, we can limne the maze design with glowing rock
[2011/10/16 14:56] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
[2011/10/16 14:56] Stormy Stillwater: I would rather not run the rish of FURTHER mutation.. .
[2011/10/16 14:56] Stormy Stillwater: risk*
[2011/10/16 14:56] Stereo Nacht: No mutation is good, but perhaps we could use a controlled reaction of magnesium? If done properly, the risks of explosions are minimal... ;-)
[2011/10/16 14:56] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: We have only a few more minutes together by the schedule, but you are all welcome to linger as you like.
[2011/10/16 14:56] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Congratulations and best wishes for the continued success of the Salons! I am off for now.
[2011/10/16 14:56] JJ Drinkwater: Well what fun is that?
[2011/10/16 14:57] Rhianon Jameson wonders if she could listen in to the speakers via wireless, given talk of mutations and explosions
[2011/10/16 14:57] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Remember, the Aether Salon is the third Sunday of each month at 2 pm.
[2011/10/16 14:57] Zanya wonders if the buuilding can resist explosions from within now.
[2011/10/16 14:57] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Gute Nacht, Professor.
[2011/10/16 14:57] Little M [LittleMystery]: It shall be nice having a build here once more, it was looking a bit loneyl here
[2011/10/16 14:57] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ja. My yurt felt quite rejected.
[2011/10/16 14:58] Jimmy Branagh: ((kback))
[2011/10/16 14:58] Little M [LittleMystery]: ((WB jimmy))
[2011/10/16 14:58] Stereo Nacht: Well, I guess I shall go. A few more things to take care of before my typist goes back to cooking.
[2011/10/16 14:58] Jimmy Branagh: (thx!))
[2011/10/16 14:58] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: I shall post a suggestion box by the door as well.
[2011/10/16 14:58] Ceejay Writer: When I first moved to Babbage....
[2011/10/16 14:58] Stereo Nacht: I look forward to more talks!
[2011/10/16 14:58] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Feel free to submit ideas.
[2011/10/16 14:58] Zanya: Good night, Stereo. ^^
[2011/10/16 14:58] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Gute Nacht, Fraulein Stereo.
[2011/10/16 14:58] Ceejay Writer: I lived across the street from the old salon locale.
[2011/10/16 14:59] Jimmy Branagh: Noight Miss Stereo!
[2011/10/16 14:59] Ceejay Writer: Before it was built, there was a HUGE Tesla contraption on a building that sparked all night.
[2011/10/16 14:59] Ceejay Writer: Odd memory, just came to mind.
[2011/10/16 14:59] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach remembers it was just on the other side of the train station from the Consulate.
[2011/10/16 14:59] Avariel Falcon: There was a more modern power plant when my creator first came to New-Babbage.
[2011/10/16 14:59] Stereo Nacht: good night Herr Baron, Zanya, Mr. Mornington, Miss Gearbox, Miss Writer, Mr. Stillwater, Mis Jameson, Mr. Branagh, Mr. DrinkwareMiss Ember, Miss Puchkina, Miss Carver-Fabre and eveyrone!
[2011/10/16 14:59] zaida Gearbox: night miz stereo
[2011/10/16 15:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Vielen dank to you all, thank you very much for your attendance and support.
[2011/10/16 15:00] Tubby [MaxwellTolliver] waves.
[2011/10/16 15:00] Darlingmonster Ember: knowledge and illumination do go together like butter and cats
[2011/10/16 15:00] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Good night Miss Nacht
[2011/10/16 15:00] Rhianon Jameson: Good night, Capt. Nacht.
[2011/10/16 15:00] zaida Gearbox: TUBBY!!!!!!
[2011/10/16 15:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: There is a donation sign and a group kiosk here at the front.
[2011/10/16 15:00] Tubby [MaxwellTolliver]: Hi Zaida.
[2011/10/16 15:00] Jimmy Branagh applauds
[2011/10/16 15:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[2011/10/16 15:00] Blackberry Harvey: If you have any suggestions on decor or details, please IM me, I'm open to all and I want this to be a true community center
[2011/10/16 15:00] zaida Gearbox: where ya been dude?
[2011/10/16 15:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach returns the accolade
[2011/10/16 15:00] Avariel Falcon: The old station was reactivated due to a demand for more power.
[2011/10/16 15:00] Darlingmonster Ember: everyone please have a good time until we meet again.
[2011/10/16 15:00] Darlingmonster Ember curtsies
[2011/10/16 15:01] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington]: catchya laters folks, got a new sauna to install in brunel :)
[2011/10/16 15:01] Rhianon Jameson: I should head out, too. Good night everyone!
[2011/10/16 15:01] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: gentle journies Darling and Solace ..
[2011/10/16 15:01] JJ Drinkwater: A pleasure to see you all, gentlebeings
[2011/10/16 15:01] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Gute Nacht, guests and friends.
[2011/10/16 15:01] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: woops too late
[2011/10/16 15:01] Rhianon Jameson: Thank you for taking up the Salon mantle, Herr Baron.
[2011/10/16 15:01] JJ Drinkwater bows and skedaddles
[2011/10/16 15:01] Blackberry Harvey: Baron, should I leave the model here?
[2011/10/16 15:01] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Bitte, Fraulein.
[2011/10/16 15:01] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: aww night night Rhianon types faster !
[2011/10/16 15:01] Solace Fairlady: Thank you Baron for this meeting, and congratulations to Mr Blackberry, it will be wonderful to see this model actualised!
[2011/10/16 15:01] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: My honour.
[2011/10/16 15:01] Jimmy Branagh: Noight sir!
[2011/10/16 15:01] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ja, Herr Harvey.
[2011/10/16 15:01] Ceejay Writer: Has been wonderful to see so many here! And I better see you next month or I'll chase you down.
[2011/10/16 15:01] Blackberry Harvey: I'll unlock it so everyone can play with it
[2011/10/16 15:01] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach grins
[2011/10/16 15:01] Little M [LittleMystery] grins "That victor wlays tinkering with something with his Inn"
[2011/10/16 15:01] Solace Fairlady: Be well and safe everyon!
[2011/10/16 15:01] Solace Fairlady bobs a curtsey
[2011/10/16 15:01] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: I'll encourage her to do that, too.
[2011/10/16 15:02] Tubby [MaxwellTolliver]: Oh I been around... here and there...
[2011/10/16 15:02] Zanya: Hmmm, maybe some artwork on the walls, depicting great minds throughout the ages.
[2011/10/16 15:02] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Oh yes, thank you Baron. and good evening to everyone! This is exciting!
[2011/10/16 15:02] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Congratulations again, Blackberry
[2011/10/16 15:02] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: The front of the scaffolding is phantom for those walking out.
[2011/10/16 15:02] Jimmy Branagh: Miss Bianca will be gald ta see ya back, Max. We got a boxin' match, remember?
[2011/10/16 15:02] Blackberry Harvey: I've been looking for exterior and interior murals depicting salon scenes, if anyone finds one, please let me know
[2011/10/16 15:02] Jimmy Branagh grins
[2011/10/16 15:02] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Splendid idea, Herr Harvey.
[2011/10/16 15:04] Avariel Falcon: I must be going, there is much work to do
[2011/10/16 15:04] Avariel Falcon: Keep well everyone
[2011/10/16 15:04] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke for stopping in.
[2011/10/16 15:04] Jimmy Branagh: Byee Miss Avariel!
[2011/10/16 15:05] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: She's very quick.
[2011/10/16 15:06] Gadget [Gadget Starsider]: Ok Im off to, thank you Baron, take care all
[2011/10/16 15:06] Jimmy Branagh: See ya Gadg
[2011/10/16 15:06] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Gadget.
[2011/10/16 15:06] Zanya: Time for me to be off, good evening everyone.
[2011/10/16 15:07] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Fraulein Zanya.
[2011/10/16 15:07] zaida Gearbox: night miz zanya. see you at home
[2011/10/16 15:07] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Do come next month.
[2011/10/16 15:07] Jimmy Branagh: Noiught Miss
[2011/10/16 15:07] Blackberry Harvey: There's some problem with the asset server, I'll come by later and redo the script. It's locked to me presently
[2011/10/16 15:08] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ach. Sundays are like that.
[2011/10/16 15:08] Blackberry Harvey: Hello, Mr. Arnold
[2011/10/16 15:09] Arnold [Gager]: Oh, and congratulations MR. Harvey.
[2011/10/16 15:09] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Fraulein M, good to see you. I had some concerns you had left the city.
[2011/10/16 15:09] Blackberry Harvey: Thank you
[2011/10/16 15:09] Jimmy Branagh: Yeh congrats Mr. Harvey. Oy loike the design very much.
[2011/10/16 15:09] Blackberry Harvey: Herr Baron, if you have copies of the sign, I'll post them at the cafe and Gangplank
[2011/10/16 15:09] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach smiles
[2011/10/16 15:10] zaida Gearbox: me too mr. blackberry
[2011/10/16 15:10] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ja, danke. Let me hand that to you.
[2011/10/16 15:11] Blackberry Harvey: Maybe it's me, let me relog and try that again
[2011/10/16 15:11] Arnold [Gager]: I saw the event and had to stop to say hi at least. I can't stay.
[2011/10/16 15:11] Ceejay Writer: I had HUGE issues earlier today, Blackberry.
[2011/10/16 15:11] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Mr. Arnold!
[2011/10/16 15:12] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Herr Arnold.
[2011/10/16 15:12] Arnold [Gager]: Hi Jimmy.
[2011/10/16 15:12] Arnold [Gager]: Though I've got to go. Food burning.
[2011/10/16 15:12] Little M [LittleMystery]: oh my
[2011/10/16 15:12] Little M [LittleMystery]: wb BB
[2011/10/16 15:13] Ceejay Writer: Well, I believe I will tend to a few matters myself now. This was very fun and encouraging for the future!
[2011/10/16 15:13] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: i must dash .. do take care all please be safe .. Baron thank YOU so much .. This is all very exciting !!
[2011/10/16 15:13] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: twirlsssss
[2011/10/16 15:13] Little M [LittleMystery]: take care
[2011/10/16 15:13] Jimmy Branagh: Bye Miss Ceejay an' Miss Breezy!
[2011/10/16 15:13] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Damen, you have been more than kind.
[2011/10/16 15:14] Jimmy Branagh: Oy guess Oy gotta run too. Thanks Herr Baron an' Mr. Harvey for the gryte presentation!
[2011/10/16 15:14] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Herr Jimmy.
[2011/10/16 15:15] Jimmy Branagh: Byee all!
[2011/10/16 15:15] Ceejay Writer: Bye for now, and thank you again for caretaking this valued tradition, Baron.
[2011/10/16 15:15] Blackberry Harvey: There, everyone should be able to use the script now.
[2011/10/16 15:15] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Herr Harvey.
[2011/10/16 15:15] Blackberry Harvey: The movable stage got unlinked but I'll fix that.
[2011/10/16 15:16] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Quite striking. Well deserved, sir.
[2011/10/16 15:16] Little M [LittleMystery]: I do look forward to the final product
[2011/10/16 15:16] Blackberry Harvey: The model is 27 prims, I expect the building itself with more details to be 50 or so
[2011/10/16 15:16] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach nods
[2011/10/16 15:16] LittleMystery Resident: I always am a fan of prim saving design
[2011/10/16 15:17] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: The new prims make this easier as well.
[2011/10/16 15:17] Stormy Stillwater: As is anyone really
[2011/10/16 15:17] Little M [LittleMystery]: indeed, that is true!
[2011/10/16 15:17] Stormy Stillwater: Well.. Except that one person.
[2011/10/16 15:17] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: That one person?
[2011/10/16 15:17] Little M [LittleMystery]: the new prim limit certainly has opened building up allot smoother at least, than having to ceasrh for appropraite megas
[2011/10/16 15:19] Stormy Stillwater: Oh, nevermind. Just someone who used to live in New Babbage who used all of the prim on a parcel in the build it's self.
[2011/10/16 15:19] Blackberry Harvey: Heh
[2011/10/16 15:19] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Lovely.
[2011/10/16 15:19] Stormy Stillwater: Yes. lovely builds.. but no room for furnishings.
[2011/10/16 15:19] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach picks up some refreshments for eating while moving on.
[2011/10/16 15:19] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: I know the feeling.
[2011/10/16 15:20] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: It's the reason I shall be replacing my oldest office.
[2011/10/16 15:20] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Bitte, I must be going for now. Danke for attending and I will see you all soon, I am sure.
[2011/10/16 15:20] Blackberry Harvey: Goodbye sir
[2011/10/16 13:55] Blackberry Harvey: Please help yourselves to refreshments, courtesy of the CocoaJava Cafe.
[2011/10/16 13:55] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Guten Abend to you all.
[2011/10/16 13:55] Darlingmonster Ember: grins
[2011/10/16 13:55] Blackberry Harvey: Guten abend, Herr Baron.
[2011/10/16 13:55] Solace Fairlady: Guten abend Herr baron
[2011/10/16 13:55] Jimmy Branagh: Guten Abend Herr Baron
[2011/10/16 13:55] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Capt Red!
[2011/10/16 13:55] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Hello Jimmy Dear!
[2011/10/16 13:55] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Thank you Herr Baron!
[2011/10/16 13:55] Jimmy Branagh: Miss Breezy's a bit cloudy
[2011/10/16 13:56] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: As these are rather informal surroundings this month, we shall be informal in our presentation as well.
[2011/10/16 13:56] Darlingmonster Ember: ah, Cpt Llewellyn, nice to see you
[2011/10/16 13:56] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Breezy is a breath of fresh air!
[2011/10/16 13:56] Solace Fairlady: Hello Miss Red
[2011/10/16 13:56] Blackberry Harvey: Indeed, one can't have a silver lining without a cloud
[2011/10/16 13:57] Darlingmonster Ember: lovely punch set
[2011/10/16 13:57] Jimmy Branagh: Hmmm
[2011/10/16 13:57] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Hello dear Solace Fairlady!
[2011/10/16 13:57] Blackberry Harvey: Thank you! I don't think the urchins have spiked it yet
[2011/10/16 13:57] Solace Fairlady: a fine spread Mr Blackberry!
[2011/10/16 13:57] Jimmy Branagh: Oy tapped on the soine an' it brought up me Engineer group.
[2011/10/16 13:57] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach smiles at the Captain
[2011/10/16 13:58] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: [smiles warmly back at the Baron]
[2011/10/16 13:58] Rhianon Jameson: Good afternoon!
[2011/10/16 13:59] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Rhianon!
[2011/10/16 13:59] Solace Fairlady: Hello Miss Rhiannon
[2011/10/16 13:59] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Breezy!
[2011/10/16 13:59] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: Hello Miss Rhiannon Big Big Smile !!!
[2011/10/16 13:59] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: hello Jimmy .. hugss !
[2011/10/16 13:59] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: [waves & smiles at Miss Rhiannon]
[2011/10/16 14:00] Rhianon Jameson: Hello, Master Jimmy, Miss Fairlady, Miss Breezy, Captain Red, Herr Baron, Miss Ember, Mr. Harvey, and anyone else I've forgotten.
[2011/10/16 14:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Fraulein.
[2011/10/16 14:00] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: Darling !!
[2011/10/16 14:00] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: Hello :)
[2011/10/16 14:00] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: wavess to the Baron
[2011/10/16 14:00] Blackberry Harvey: Good afternoon!
[2011/10/16 14:00] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Whew! Miss Rhiannon your manners & lung do you well! [grins]
[2011/10/16 14:00] Jimmy Branagh: Allroight then this soine ain't workin'.
[2011/10/16 14:01] Rhianon Jameson grins. "Clean living. Well, something like that."
[2011/10/16 14:01] Darlingmonster Ember: grins at M Jameson
[2011/10/16 14:01] Darlingmonster Ember: great to see you here
[2011/10/16 14:01] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Try it now, bitte.
[2011/10/16 14:02] Jimmy Branagh: Nope. When Oy click the link in chat it brings up teh Engineer group
[2011/10/16 14:02] Darlingmonster Ember: something intriguing and mysterious about scaffolding.... potentials... puzzles.... futures
[2011/10/16 14:02] Jasper Kiergarten: good afternoon
[2011/10/16 14:02] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach sighs
[2011/10/16 14:02] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: I see. I had the correct key input... it relates to group permissions.
[2011/10/16 14:02] Jimmy Branagh chuckles
[2011/10/16 14:03] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: wavesss to Sera Hi Ya Jed !!
[2011/10/16 14:03] Rhianon Jameson: Good afternoon, Mr. Kiergarten, Miss Sera.
[2011/10/16 14:03] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: One moment.
[2011/10/16 14:03] Jimmy Branagh: Modern technology
[2011/10/16 14:03] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: Hi Jasper :)
[2011/10/16 14:03] Rhianon Jameson: ...and Miss Jed and Miss Ceejay
[2011/10/16 14:03] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: Hello Wild :)
[2011/10/16 14:03] Jasper Kiergarten: Hi Breezy
[2011/10/16 14:03] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Jed! Hoy Miss Ceejay!
[2011/10/16 14:03] Rhianon Jameson: ...and Captain Beaumont. :)
[2011/10/16 14:03] Wildstar Beaumont smiles and waves
[2011/10/16 14:03] Jasper Kiergarten: what on earth is Red doing in world?? :p
[2011/10/16 14:03] Darlingmonster Ember: greetings M Carver Fabre, M Dagger, M Puchkina, Adm Beaumont
[2011/10/16 14:03] Solace Fairlady: Hello Admiral! And Miss Jed, mr Kiergarten, Miss Serafina
[2011/10/16 14:03] Jimmy Branagh: 'ello Gadget
[2011/10/16 14:03] Gadget [Gadget Starsider]: Wotcha Jimmy
[2011/10/16 14:03] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Sera darling!!!
[2011/10/16 14:04] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Hello dear!
[2011/10/16 14:04] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Mr. Kiergarten, a pleasure!
[2011/10/16 14:04] Jasper Kiergarten: as always
[2011/10/16 14:04] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: grins and whispers no . Ceejay i think the .. scafolding is just in the way
[2011/10/16 14:04] Jimmy Branagh: 'ello Mr. Jasper!
[2011/10/16 14:04] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: There, that fixed it.
[2011/10/16 14:04] Jasper Kiergarten: hi there Jimmy
[2011/10/16 14:05] Ceejay Writer: Whew, thank you Baron! I was looking for the entrance.
[2011/10/16 14:05] Jasper Kiergarten: hey there Jed
[2011/10/16 14:05] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Hey Sera
[2011/10/16 14:05] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Welcome, everyone.
[2011/10/16 14:05] Ceejay Writer: Hoy Jimmy!
[2011/10/16 14:05] Jimmy Branagh: Yup, thet did it
[2011/10/16 14:05] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: hi ya Gaget
[2011/10/16 14:05] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: (It's phantomed, behind the sign.)
[2011/10/16 14:05] Rhianon Jameson: Danke.
[2011/10/16 14:05] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Herr Jimmy.
[2011/10/16 14:05] Gadget [Gadget Starsider]: Hello Miss
[2011/10/16 14:05] Jimmy Branagh: 'ow are ya Miss Ceejay?
[2011/10/16 14:05] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: Hi Kim :)
[2011/10/16 14:05] Ceejay Writer: I'm great!
[2011/10/16 14:05] Kimika Ying: Hello :)
[2011/10/16 14:05] Ceejay Writer: Hello everyone!
[2011/10/16 14:05] Jimmy Branagh: Yay!
[2011/10/16 14:05] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Oh Sera! Oh Sera! I must have you over soon, I have a new build thanks to the genius of Prof Mornington!
[2011/10/16 14:06] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Hello Ceejay! Jimmy! Baron! Kimika!
[2011/10/16 14:06] Jedburgh30 Dagger: Hello love
[2011/10/16 14:06] Jasper Kiergarten: hi Cej
[2011/10/16 14:06] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington] blushes
[2011/10/16 14:06] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Sera!
[2011/10/16 14:06] Kimika Ying: Hello dear :)
[2011/10/16 14:06] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: [clasps hand over mouth that came out louder than expected]
[2011/10/16 14:06] Kimika Ying: Hi Sera :)
[2011/10/16 14:06] Ceejay Writer runs back to the side with music. *grin*
[2011/10/16 14:06] Jimmy Branagh: Oy guess Oy oughtta get off th' stage, eh?
[2011/10/16 14:06] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: As we have no formal speaker today, do any of our Emeriti have a word or two to share on the auspicious occasion of the Salon's third anniversary?
[2011/10/16 14:06] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Breezy! Victor! and everyone else I can't see yet!
[2011/10/16 14:06] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington]: Sera! XD
[2011/10/16 14:06] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver] smiles ..
[2011/10/16 14:06] Ceejay Writer: I probably do, let me think!
[2011/10/16 14:06] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: oh yes, I will Red!
[2011/10/16 14:06] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: whispers is there music ??
[2011/10/16 14:06] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Splendid.
[2011/10/16 14:07] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: hehehe
[2011/10/16 14:07] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach writes a terse note to the Clockwinder about land.
[2011/10/16 14:07] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: [beams smilingly and bemuses] Three years already!
[2011/10/16 14:07] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: I just thought it was "the different tune" i dance .. I mean glide to .. :)
[2011/10/16 14:07] Ceejay Writer: I think we should FIRST give a cheer for those intrepid ones who ran Salon for so long. Jed, Sera, Viv and Jasper!
[2011/10/16 14:07] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: I cannot quite control the land settings at the moment.
[2011/10/16 14:07] Ceejay Writer: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:07] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[2011/10/16 14:07] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:07] Junie Ginsburg applauds
[2011/10/16 14:07] Darlingmonster Ember: Huzzah!
[2011/10/16 14:07] Rhianon Jameson: Huzzah!
[2011/10/16 14:07] Solace Fairlady Hooooooooos!!!
[2011/10/16 14:07] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: ?•.•´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`•.•?
[2011/10/16 14:07] Darlingmonster Ember: Huzzah!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Solace Fairlady: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[2011/10/16 14:08] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Fraulein, would you like a soapbox for your speech?
[2011/10/16 14:08] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington]: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Jimmy Branagh: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Huzzah and hurrah!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Zaida!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: [claps loudly]
[2011/10/16 14:08] Ceejay Writer: Secondly, another cheer for the Baron, brave, oblivious, absurdly taking on the challenge for the NEXT three years! *laughs*
[2011/10/16 14:08] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: well hello there Mr Paperclip smiles
[2011/10/16 14:08] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
[2011/10/16 14:08] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Hello!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Solace Fairlady: Huzzah!
[2011/10/16 14:08] zaida Gearbox waves *hugs miz breezy and miz ceejay
[2011/10/16 14:08] Ceejay Writer: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Darlingmonster Ember: waves to M Paperclip
[2011/10/16 14:08] Wildstar Beaumont: greetings Professor Paperclip
[2011/10/16 14:08] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington]: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Solace Fairlady: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:08] Jimmy Branagh: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:09] Bodhisatva Paperclip waves at DME
[2011/10/16 14:09] Rhianon Jameson: Are we sure that the Baron signed on for three years? Perhaps after today he'll have had enough.
[2011/10/16 14:09] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach laughs
[2011/10/16 14:09] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Hello, Captain Beaumont
[2011/10/16 14:09] Jimmy Branagh: 'ello Mr. Paperclip!
[2011/10/16 14:09] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: with triple loaded confeddi !
[2011/10/16 14:09] Darlingmonster Ember: snerks
[2011/10/16 14:09] Ceejay Writer: Too late, I said it, it exists in chat, he's stuck!
[2011/10/16 14:09] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: For however long it seems appropriate.
[2011/10/16 14:09] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: laughs]
[2011/10/16 14:09] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: so nice to just sit and enjoy
[2011/10/16 14:09] Rhianon Jameson: You're a brave man!
[2011/10/16 14:09] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Of course, this would not be possible without the inquiring minds of New Babbage.
[2011/10/16 14:09] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Hiya, Jimmy
[2011/10/16 14:09] Jimmy Branagh: An' Hoy ta anone Oy missed!
[2011/10/16 14:09] Ceejay Writer: Sera, you've earned the right to enjoy and relax at Salon!
[2011/10/16 14:09] Jimmy Branagh: *anyone
[2011/10/16 14:09] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Does anyone need a chair?
[2011/10/16 14:10] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Hallo, Fraulein Zanya.
[2011/10/16 14:10] Darlingmonster Ember: yes, thank goodness they had some spare inquiring minds to lend out
[2011/10/16 14:10] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver] looks
[2011/10/16 14:10] Zanya: Hi there. ^^
[2011/10/16 14:10] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: for new arrival from sounder
[2011/10/16 14:10] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: there ya go
[2011/10/16 14:10] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver] grins
[2011/10/16 14:10] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Zanya!
[2011/10/16 14:10] Ceejay Writer: True - Engineer minds, by nature, are inquisitive and wish to learn. The Aether Salon is perfect in New Babbage.
[2011/10/16 14:10] Jimmy Branagh: AN' Miss Junie!
[2011/10/16 14:10] Junie Ginsburg waves to Jimmy
[2011/10/16 14:10] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: greetings ladies !
[2011/10/16 14:11] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Kimika!
[2011/10/16 14:11] Kimika Ying: Hello Jimmy!
[2011/10/16 14:11] Solace Fairlady: Hello Miss Zaida! and all the new arrivals too many to list!
[2011/10/16 14:11] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Well said, Miss up to your lyrical name as always!
[2011/10/16 14:12] Ceejay Writer: Aw shucks, Red. *ponders getting Red tapped for a Salon*
[2011/10/16 14:12] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: wavess to zaida :)
[2011/10/16 14:13] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: I already did my duty with the history of the undermentionables!
[2011/10/16 14:13] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Surely you have other fascinating topics for discussion.
[2011/10/16 14:13] Ceejay Writer: oh that's RIGHT!
[2011/10/16 14:13] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: undercrackers, corsets, & all things frilly!
[2011/10/16 14:13] Rhianon Jameson: As well we recall, Red!
[2011/10/16 14:13] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
[2011/10/16 14:13] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: blushes]
[2011/10/16 14:13] Ceejay Writer: Undrecrackers. Such a great topic for discussion.
[2011/10/16 14:14] Zanya: Hey Stereo.
[2011/10/16 14:14] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Practical AND historical, too!
[2011/10/16 14:14] Stereo Nacht: Good day all!
[2011/10/16 14:14] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: whsipers Hi Star :) waves to MIss Nacht
[2011/10/16 14:14] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: smiles over to Miss Jameson]
[2011/10/16 14:14] Ceejay Writer: Hello, Stereo!
[2011/10/16 14:14] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Star!
[2011/10/16 14:14] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: Hiya
[2011/10/16 14:14] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington]: ello stereo, ello star :)
[2011/10/16 14:14] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Guten Abend, Fraulein Stereo.
[2011/10/16 14:14] Jasper Kiergarten: and it added the word Undercrackers to the vocabulary of many a Babbger
[2011/10/16 14:14] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Greetings, Ms. Nacht
[2011/10/16 14:15] Solace Fairlady: wb my love! and hello Capt Stereo:0
[2011/10/16 14:15] Ceejay Writer: It's the best word ever, Jasper.
[2011/10/16 14:15] Stereo Nacht: Oh! Good day Professor Paperclip!
[2011/10/16 14:15] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: We are honored by all that have come to this anniversary event! Such notables of the realm!
[2011/10/16 14:15] Darlingmonster Ember rolls her eyes and shakes fist at LL spirits
[2011/10/16 14:15] Stereo Nacht: Good day Miss Solace!
[2011/10/16 14:15] Stereo Nacht: And good day Herr Baron!
[2011/10/16 14:15] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Fraulein Captain, what is your favourite memory from the Salon?
[2011/10/16 14:15] Stereo Nacht: (People are still rezzing a bit slowly for me...)
[2011/10/16 14:16] Stereo Nacht: Oh. Hm... I would have to go for Miss Hienrichs giving a piece of her mind to Dr. Obolensky, but I haven't attended many.
[2011/10/16 14:16] Ceejay Writer: I wish I'd been at that one. It was talked about for a looooong time after.
[2011/10/16 14:16] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: So many good memories....Engines!?
[2011/10/16 14:16] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Heh, we have at least two Fraulein Captains here, my pardon.
[2011/10/16 14:16] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Ordinal Malaprop!?
[2011/10/16 14:17] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Oh dear! LOL
[2011/10/16 14:17] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Bitte, continue!
[2011/10/16 14:17] Jedburgh30 Dagger: That was a while back
[2011/10/16 14:17] Ceejay Writer: I liked Fey! due to extreme absurdity.
[2011/10/16 14:17] Stereo Nacht: Ah. Yes. This is the problem as more ladies joins the ranks! ;-)
[2011/10/16 14:17] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Absurdity how, bitte?
[2011/10/16 14:17] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Shanghaied! Fae! Curses! and Weaepons!
[2011/10/16 14:17] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: even Weapons!
[2011/10/16 14:17] Ceejay Writer: by the way, all these past Salons CAN be read, in transcript form, thanks the the intensive labors of Miss Sera, at the website.
[2011/10/16 14:17] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach laughs
[2011/10/16 14:18] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[2011/10/16 14:18] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: thank you Ceejay!
[2011/10/16 14:18] Ceejay Writer:
[2011/10/16 14:18] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: A round of applause for Frau Szuster.
[2011/10/16 14:18] Stereo Nacht: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[2011/10/16 14:18] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[2011/10/16 14:18] Jimmy Branagh: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:18] Zanya: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[2011/10/16 14:18] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: You are most kind
[2011/10/16 14:18] Blackberry Harvey: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:18] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: thank you
[2011/10/16 14:18] Solace Fairlady: me applauds
[2011/10/16 14:18] Kimika Ying: applauds!
[2011/10/16 14:18] Wildstar Beaumont: ??? Applauds!!! ???
[2011/10/16 14:18] Rhianon Jameson applauds. "Well done!"
[2011/10/16 14:18] Gadget [Gadget Starsider]: ¨`¸.•*¨¸.•*¨ ¸.•*¨¸.•*¨ Aooooouuuuu! ¨*•.¸¨*•.¸¨*•.¸¨*•.¸`¨
[2011/10/16 14:18] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: ?•.•´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`•.•?
[2011/10/16 14:18] Ceejay Writer: I remember one month filling in for Sera on the transcript cleanup, and all I can say is THE WOMAN IS A MIRACLE WORKER
[2011/10/16 14:18] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: claps with great applause at all the hard work for our commnity archive!] Huzzah!
[2011/10/16 14:18] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: She is! And so calm under presssure!
[2011/10/16 14:19] Rhianon Jameson: Good afternoon, Sir JJ!
[2011/10/16 14:19] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Well, we are all looking forward to what the new Aether Salon year will bring
[2011/10/16 14:19] Ceejay Writer: I must find out what antiperspirant she uses.
[2011/10/16 14:19] Wildstar Beaumont: Sir JJ ... :)
[2011/10/16 14:19] Solace Fairlady: Hello Sir JJ!
[2011/10/16 14:19] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: We have a fascinating subject for November, of course.
[2011/10/16 14:19] JJ Drinkwater: Good day, gentlebeings
[2011/10/16 14:19] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: [says in sotto voice] Some say mint but I must say she just has nerves of steel!
[2011/10/16 14:20] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Sir JJ, vielen dank and welcome.
[2011/10/16 14:20] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: What's the november subject?
[2011/10/16 14:20] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach holds up a finger
[2011/10/16 14:20] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: thanksgiving ???
[2011/10/16 14:20] Ceejay Writer eyedarts at the Baron.
[2011/10/16 14:20] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: [attends with baited breath]
[2011/10/16 14:20] Jimmy Branagh: Fingers?
[2011/10/16 14:20] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: Dramatic Pauses?
[2011/10/16 14:20] Blackberry Harvey: One... singular sensation?
[2011/10/16 14:20] Darlingmonster Ember smiles
[2011/10/16 14:20] Rhianon Jameson laughs
[2011/10/16 14:20] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: wait for it....
[2011/10/16 14:20] Ceejay Writer giggles madly.
[2011/10/16 14:20] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: it's sure to be legen
[2011/10/16 14:20] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: actually....come to think of it...a salon on the art of the dramatic pause would be highly amusing
[2011/10/16 14:21] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: hopes they are not lactose intollerant
[2011/10/16 14:21] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Dramatic pauses, ja.
[2011/10/16 14:21] Ceejay Writer: Sign Lady Macbain up for that.
[2011/10/16 14:21] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: dary!
[2011/10/16 14:21] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach grins
[2011/10/16 14:21] Darlingmonster Ember pinches the bridge of her nose
[2011/10/16 14:21] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington]: ellooooo PJ!
[2011/10/16 14:21] PJ Trenton: Greetings all
[2011/10/16 14:21] Bodhisatva Paperclip: How would one distinguish between a dramatic pause and plain old lag?
[2011/10/16 14:21] Blackberry Harvey: It's catsup vs. ketchup, isn't it?
[2011/10/16 14:21] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: oh its on dairy ??
[2011/10/16 14:21] Rhianon Jameson: Imitating the Baron, Miss Ember?
[2011/10/16 14:21] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: crickets
[2011/10/16 14:21] Darlingmonster Ember smiles
[2011/10/16 14:21] Wildstar Beaumont waves @ PJ
[2011/10/16 14:21] Jedburgh30 Dagger: The facial pose
[2011/10/16 14:21] Ceejay Writer waves at PJ
[2011/10/16 14:21] Zanya: *cricket cricket*
[2011/10/16 14:22] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: also throws a breezy wave to PJ]
[2011/10/16 14:22] PJ Trenton: Hello Miss Writer :-)
[2011/10/16 14:22] Ceejay Writer: Newcomers, we are debating the differences and nuances of dramatic pauses vs good old lag.
[2011/10/16 14:22] PJ Trenton: Captain
[2011/10/16 14:22] Solace Fairlady: hello Mr PJ!
[2011/10/16 14:22] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: smiles at PJ :)
[2011/10/16 14:22] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Lemonade out of lemons, I say
[2011/10/16 14:22] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: A good subject. This involved texture fetching.
[2011/10/16 14:22] JJ Drinkwater: What about dramatic lag?
[2011/10/16 14:22] Blackberry Harvey: Speaking of lemons... Please help yourselves to refreshments.
[2011/10/16 14:22] Rhianon Jameson: Indeed, Mr. Paperclip.
[2011/10/16 14:22] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: The difference between lag and dramatic pause is the difference between poetry and prose
[2011/10/16 14:22] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: In November, we shall be hearing about and discussing Victuals!
[2011/10/16 14:22] Blackberry Harvey ooohs
[2011/10/16 14:23] Rhianon Jameson feels her stomach rumbling.
[2011/10/16 14:23] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Mmmm Nom nom!
[2011/10/16 14:23] PJ Trenton: be right back
[2011/10/16 14:23] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: Ooo food
[2011/10/16 14:23] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: What a tasty subject!
[2011/10/16 14:23] Bodhisatva Paperclip perks up noticeably
[2011/10/16 14:23] Blackberry Harvey: The history of eating things!
[2011/10/16 14:23] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Herr Harvey is interested, because he is our caterer today.
[2011/10/16 14:23] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: [her mind hurts from all the punishing comments she could throw out]
[2011/10/16 14:23] Glass of Fruit Punch ! whispers: MMMmmmm!
[2011/10/16 14:23] zaida Gearbox waves to miz star
[2011/10/16 14:23] Blackberry Harvey: I mixed some fresh aether into the frosting on the carrot cake for the celebration.
[2011/10/16 14:23] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach notices the grimace and waves encouragingly at her
[2011/10/16 14:24] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Captain Llewellyn, don't hold back.
[2011/10/16 14:24] Ceejay Writer: Actually, Blackberry... the history and SCIENCE of eating things. *Winks*
[2011/10/16 14:24] Stormy Stillwater Falls from the sky and lands in hus bum "Gah, Blasted Airships!!
[2011/10/16 14:24] Rhianon Jameson: Who knew that I conduct science every time I shovel something in my mouth?
[2011/10/16 14:24] zaida Gearbox: there's a lot of science involved in being a good cook
[2011/10/16 14:24] Jimmy Branagh: They boot ya out again Stormy?
[2011/10/16 14:24] Ceejay Writer: Oh, you do. You really do. You shall see.
[2011/10/16 14:25] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: That sound be interesting, theres' that brief period in time where there are waaaaay too many utensils on the table.
[2011/10/16 14:25] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Science in the kitchen can be just as valuable or deadly as science in a conventional laboratory.
[2011/10/16 14:25] Blackberry Harvey: But licking the beaters is more enjoyable
[2011/10/16 14:25] Rhianon Jameson chuckles
[2011/10/16 14:25] Bodhisatva Paperclip makes note "deadly as science...."
[2011/10/16 14:25] Kimika Ying: Not while they are running.
[2011/10/16 14:25] Ceejay Writer: As long as the beaters have slowed to a stop, yes.
[2011/10/16 14:25] Cup of tea whispers: Warm and tasty :)
[2011/10/16 14:25] Sera [Serafina Puchkina] holds her hands over her growling stomach
[2011/10/16 14:25] Solace Fairlady: only if they have done a good job of the beating
[2011/10/16 14:25] Ceejay Writer: Jinx, Kimika.
[2011/10/16 14:25] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: The history of Gastronomy and the delicious table above and below the salt! Fascinating!
[2011/10/16 14:25] Kimika Ying: grins
[2011/10/16 14:25] Darlingmonster Ember: is so much more fun than beating the lickers
[2011/10/16 14:25] Solace Fairlady: otherwise back to their cages
[2011/10/16 14:26] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: I never beat my lickers!
[2011/10/16 14:26] Jimmy Branagh chuckles
[2011/10/16 14:26] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: oh wait!
[2011/10/16 14:26] Solace Fairlady: or id that a different sort of beater...
[2011/10/16 14:26] Bodhisatva Paperclip smirks
[2011/10/16 14:26] Blackberry Harvey: We're just egging her on now...
[2011/10/16 14:26] Ceejay Writer: SO! I wonder what other topics might come along... perhaps from the minds of some here in this room?
[2011/10/16 14:26] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Who else might have some Salon memories they would like to share? Once the beaters are dismissed, of course.
[2011/10/16 14:26] Ceejay Writer stashes all the puns for later use.
[2011/10/16 14:26] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Two excellent questions for our guests.
[2011/10/16 14:27] Ceejay Writer: I do wonder what we may have not yet spoken of at Salon. Er, of things that CAN be spoken of that is.
[2011/10/16 14:27] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Indeed.
[2011/10/16 14:27] JJ Drinkwater: One might consider, for instance, why we eat here in SL....
[2011/10/16 14:27] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Is there a comprehensive list of past topics?
[2011/10/16 14:27] Darlingmonster Ember: My best memory of the salons is the excitement of new topics and high quality each month... positively thrilling
[2011/10/16 14:27] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: Pagan Rituals and their effect upon Victorian Society? the Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood?
[2011/10/16 14:27] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: On the journal, Herr Professor.
[2011/10/16 14:27] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: and the take-aways!
[2011/10/16 14:27] Bodhisatva Paperclip: thank you
[2011/10/16 14:27] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach:
[2011/10/16 14:28] Capt. Red Llewellyn [Redgrrl Llewellyn]: the lovely Salon gifts!
[2011/10/16 14:28] Blackberry Harvey: Are there Salon tote bags?
[2011/10/16 14:28] Rhianon Jameson nods at Captain Red
[2011/10/16 14:28] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: oh Yes !
[2011/10/16 14:28] Ceejay Writer: the Salon gifts are so fun!
[2011/10/16 14:28] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: and whom is doing the build Baron ?
[2011/10/16 14:28] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: pardon me if I missed that
[2011/10/16 14:28] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ja, if anyone should like to contribute to the crafts - we do not have one this time, unfortunately, but should remedy that soon.
[2011/10/16 14:28] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Nein, Lady Breezy, we shall reveal the model in about fifteen minutes.
[2011/10/16 14:29] Ceejay Writer: We could name this Salon, "Whomp!" as the build descends on us?
[2011/10/16 14:29] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
[2011/10/16 14:29] zaida Gearbox laughs
[2011/10/16 14:29] Stormy Stillwater: The Smashing build! Ah, ah?!
[2011/10/16 14:29] Darlingmonster Ember: "x marks the spot" salon
[2011/10/16 14:29] Little M [LittleMystery] grins
[2011/10/16 14:29] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Heh. It's not finished yet, we shall see a smaller copy.
[2011/10/16 14:30] zaida Gearbox hugs stormy
[2011/10/16 14:30] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: Will someone post a photo to the reader? I'm afraid i"ll have to get back to work before it is revealed
[2011/10/16 14:30] Ceejay Writer: Ah, so it will be like the stonehenge scene in Spinal Tap?
[2011/10/16 14:30] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: When must you leave, Lady Macbain?
[2011/10/16 14:30] Blackberry Harvey: No one knows where they came from, or what they were doing...
[2011/10/16 14:30] Solace Fairlady: lol@ Miss Ceejay:)
[2011/10/16 14:30] Stormy Stillwater Flails "AHHH!! GET HER OFF!!... I mean.. Hello, Zaida..."
[2011/10/16 14:31] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: In about five minutes I muuuust turn my laptop off and get back to buildingmy presentation. Apollo waits for no woman.
[2011/10/16 14:31] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ah. In that case, if there are no objections....
[2011/10/16 14:31] zaida Gearbox punches stormy in the arm
[2011/10/16 14:31] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: Well...i'll turn the internet back off.
[2011/10/16 14:31] Ceejay Writer: No rest for the..... Lady.
[2011/10/16 14:31] Ceejay Writer chants and encourages others. Whomp! Whomp! Whomp!
[2011/10/16 14:31] Jimmy Branagh: WHomp! Whomp!
[2011/10/16 14:31] Stormy Stillwater Flails again "I love you too, Zaida."
[2011/10/16 14:31] Jimmy Branagh: (Dramatic pause))
[2011/10/16 14:32] Jimmy Branagh: Whomp! Whomp!
[2011/10/16 14:32] Rhianon Jameson: (Or lag)
[2011/10/16 14:32] Stormy Stillwater: DX
[2011/10/16 14:32] Ceejay Writer: Ooooh! Issa box!
[2011/10/16 14:32] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: And inside the box....
[2011/10/16 14:32] Darlingmonster Ember: omg the Borg, here in Babbage
[2011/10/16 14:32] Ceejay Writer: Another box?
[2011/10/16 14:32] Ceejay Writer: Ahhhh!
[2011/10/16 14:32] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[2011/10/16 14:32] Gadget [Gadget Starsider]: DADA!
[2011/10/16 14:32] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: ohhhhh
[2011/10/16 14:32] Stormy Stillwater: The box is the bui.. Oh.. Ahh I see!
[2011/10/16 14:32] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: ahhhh
[2011/10/16 14:32] Ceejay Writer: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:32] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: CONGRATULATIONS, HERR BLACKBERRY HARVEY.
[2011/10/16 14:32] Darlingmonster Ember: ooooooo ahhhhh
[2011/10/16 14:32] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: /applauds
[2011/10/16 14:32] Rhianon Jameson: Ooooh!
[2011/10/16 14:32] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Hooray!
[2011/10/16 14:32] Junie Ginsburg applauds
[2011/10/16 14:32] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: Woot!
[2011/10/16 14:33] Bodhisatva Paperclip claps his dramatic paws
[2011/10/16 14:33] Darlingmonster Ember: oh congrats M Harvey
[2011/10/16 14:33] Stereo Nacht: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[2011/10/16 14:33] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[2011/10/16 14:33] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Congratulations, BB!!!!
[2011/10/16 14:33] Rhianon Jameson applauds
[2011/10/16 14:33] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: It was a very difficult decision.
[2011/10/16 14:33] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:33] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: ?•.•´` Claps Very Loudly!! ´`•.•?
[2011/10/16 14:33] Ceejay Writer: Bravo, Bunny!
[2011/10/16 14:33] zaida Gearbox: sort of like the shakespear theater?
[2011/10/16 14:33] Blackberry Harvey: I wanted ti echo some other builds in the area
[2011/10/16 14:33] Sera [Serafina Puchkina] applauds (correctly this time)
[2011/10/16 14:33] Jimmy Branagh: Whoa!
[2011/10/16 14:33] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: There will be cash prizes awarded to our entrants.
[2011/10/16 14:33] Solace Fairlady: Huzzah Mr Blackberry!
[2011/10/16 14:33] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:33] Blackberry Harvey: During non-salon days, it stays closed, with a door for setup and such.
[2011/10/16 14:33] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Looks observatorial
[2011/10/16 14:33] Zanya: Looks neat!
[2011/10/16 14:33] JJ Drinkwater: Congratulations, M~ Harvey
[2011/10/16 14:33] Blackberry Harvey: Then the Salon Master arrives to open the dome into a pavilion
[2011/10/16 14:33] Zanya: But I don't see a door. ^^;
[2011/10/16 14:33] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[2011/10/16 14:33] Darlingmonster Ember: oooooooooooooooooooo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
[2011/10/16 14:33] Ceejay Writer: This should add some shapliness to the skyline.
[2011/10/16 14:33] zaida Gearbox: dat's cool!
[2011/10/16 14:33] Zanya: Ahh, never mind.
[2011/10/16 14:33] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[2011/10/16 14:33] Ceejay Writer: oooooooooooooooooooo
[2011/10/16 14:33] Rhianon Jameson: Oh my!
[2011/10/16 14:33] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[2011/10/16 14:34] Kimika Ying: Ah ha!
[2011/10/16 14:34] Zanya: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[2011/10/16 14:34] Stereo Nacht: Very nice!
[2011/10/16 14:34] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[2011/10/16 14:34] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: The stage flips down.
[2011/10/16 14:34] Stormy Stillwater: 8D
[2011/10/16 14:34] Solace Fairlady applauds
[2011/10/16 14:34] Jimmy Branagh: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:34] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:34] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: wonderful !!
[2011/10/16 14:34] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: ooo I still have my krakenfettie attatched
[2011/10/16 14:34] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:34] Ceejay Writer: Very good! Engineer touches befitting a fuzzbutt of Science! *flees*
[2011/10/16 14:34] Darlingmonster Ember: amazing
[2011/10/16 14:34] Blackberry Harvey: Thank you :)
[2011/10/16 14:34] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:34] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Plenty of room for seating and curious passers-by to come inside.
[2011/10/16 14:34] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: for Da BB !!!
[2011/10/16 14:34] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Amazing, Blackberry
[2011/10/16 14:34] Solace Fairlady: YAY!
[2011/10/16 14:35] Ceejay Writer is very happy
[2011/10/16 14:35] Darlingmonster Ember: ...and with tons of metal and structure rotating in a blink....what COULD go wrong?
[2011/10/16 14:35] Little M [LittleMystery]: its deffinetly interesting, very simple design
[2011/10/16 14:35] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles at Fraulein Ember.
[2011/10/16 14:35] Stormy Stillwater: Skyler will burn it down withi na month
[2011/10/16 14:35] Rhianon Jameson laughs at Miss Ember's thought.
[2011/10/16 14:35] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: and very Babbage !
[2011/10/16 14:35] Blackberry Harvey smiles, "The actual rotation will be rather slow, with lots of difficult grinding noises, I'm sure"
[2011/10/16 14:35] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: That's a stunning build blackberry
[2011/10/16 14:35] Rhianon Jameson: We'll have to take turns oiling it.
[2011/10/16 14:35] Darlingmonster Ember: ...mmmmm, so you would actually have to tie someone down in order... oh look at the time
[2011/10/16 14:36] Ceejay Writer: ah good, so a slow arm amputation is possible
[2011/10/16 14:36] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: hummm gosh i hope whispers we don't get motion sickness ?
[2011/10/16 14:36] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach raises an eyebrow at Fraulein Writer
[2011/10/16 14:36] Solace Fairlady: will that still stradle the simline?
[2011/10/16 14:36] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: watches Happy Miss Ming
[2011/10/16 14:36] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: It will.
[2011/10/16 14:36] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: it passes her test :)
[2011/10/16 14:36] Solace Fairlady: and if so wont that affect the rotation?
[2011/10/16 14:36] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: The root will be in one sim only; it should not.
[2011/10/16 14:36] Ceejay Writer: We will stock up on grease.
[2011/10/16 14:37] Blackberry Harvey: The root for the fixed part on one side, the root for the rotating part on the other side
[2011/10/16 14:37] Darlingmonster Ember applauds
[2011/10/16 14:37] Ceejay Writer: DAng, Blackberry, you're smart.
[2011/10/16 14:37] Darlingmonster Ember: capital
[2011/10/16 14:37] Blackberry Harvey: I shall work with the Baron on the details ((By the way, Baron, I can't rez on the other plot))
[2011/10/16 14:37] Solace Fairlady: ah! so very clever!
[2011/10/16 14:37] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: Well done blackberry :) I look forward to attending events, and now I MUST be a good girl.
[2011/10/16 14:37] Lady Macbain [Stargirl Macbain]: Ta!
[2011/10/16 14:37] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ja, the Clockwinder made some changes. I will have to have him over.
[2011/10/16 14:37] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Gute Nacht, Fraulein.
[2011/10/16 14:38] Darlingmonster Ember: is a worthy structure
[2011/10/16 14:39] Ceejay Writer: Take care, Lady Macbain!
[2011/10/16 14:39] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: As you might know, the old building was lost in a tragic, unexpected and completely innocent explosion.
[2011/10/16 14:39] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach coughs
[2011/10/16 14:39] Zanya wonders where Tensai was at the time.
[2011/10/16 14:39] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: *coughs*
[2011/10/16 14:39] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington] chuckles
[2011/10/16 14:39] Ceejay Writer: It was a fluke.
[2011/10/16 14:39] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: With the new prim technologies we have, it was time to re-engineer it anyway.
[2011/10/16 14:39] zaida Gearbox smiles at miz zanya
[2011/10/16 14:39] PJ Trenton decides not to ask what that lingering smell is
[2011/10/16 14:39] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Fantastic music afterwards tho
[2011/10/16 14:40] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington]: XD
[2011/10/16 14:40] Ceejay Writer: PJ. Two words! Ignorance and Bliss.
[2011/10/16 14:40] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Thinking of explosions... and smells... Herr Harvey, is this building Bobproofed?
[2011/10/16 14:40] Junie Ginsburg giggles
[2011/10/16 14:40] Blackberry Harvey: Now it is.
[2011/10/16 14:40] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach grins
[2011/10/16 14:40] PJ Trenton: and here I thought they were one and the same
[2011/10/16 14:40] Little M [LittleMystery] shudders at the mention of Bob
[2011/10/16 14:40] Blackberry Harvey: See, bombs just fall off.
[2011/10/16 14:40] Ceejay Writer: Is any building ever really Bobproofed? But if it is... maybe Cleanslate will allow it to be insured.
[2011/10/16 14:41] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Who else has some memories from the previous three years?
[2011/10/16 14:41] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Lady Breezy?
[2011/10/16 14:41] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Herr Trenton?
[2011/10/16 14:41] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Herr Trenton, will you continue to take your excellent photographs of these sessions?
[2011/10/16 14:42] PJ Trenton: I will indeed and hopefully Miss Heinrichs will as well
[2011/10/16 14:42] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: ohh
[2011/10/16 14:42] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: hello little tubby
[2011/10/16 14:42] Ceejay Writer: PJ's grabbed some wonderful shots through the years, and I believe many are at flickr.
[2011/10/16 14:42] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ja, she could not be here today, but will be reviewing the transcript for us all.
[2011/10/16 14:42] Junie Ginsburg waves to Tubby
[2011/10/16 14:42] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: how good to see you again child
[2011/10/16 14:42] Tubby [MaxwellTolliver]: Hiiii
[2011/10/16 14:42] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver] big smile
[2011/10/16 14:42] Jimmy Branagh: Oh Tubby's back.
[2011/10/16 14:42] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Tubby!
[2011/10/16 14:42] Tubby [MaxwellTolliver]: Hello Jimmy, hi everyone!
[2011/10/16 14:43] Ceejay Writer: the new building mode is NOT a bonbon. Stay back, Tubby.
[2011/10/16 14:43] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: grins .. now now easy on Mr Harvey's treats ok Tubby ?
[2011/10/16 14:43] PJ Trenton: well if anyone wants to wander down memory lane...
[2011/10/16 14:43] Tubby [MaxwellTolliver] mumbles, mouth full.
[2011/10/16 14:43] PJ Trenton: there are 1 or 2 or 400 photos there ;-)
[2011/10/16 14:43] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach leans the new sign back against the box.
[2011/10/16 14:43] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: awww :)
[2011/10/16 14:43] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: he is hungry :)
[2011/10/16 14:43] Ceejay Writer: Awesome, thank you PJ. HIs photos aer legendary.
[2011/10/16 14:43] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: well Hello Av!!
[2011/10/16 14:43] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Herr Trenton's work is entirely flattering as well.
[2011/10/16 14:43] Avariel Falcon: Hello there
[2011/10/16 14:44] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Fraulein Falcon, so good you could make it.
[2011/10/16 14:44] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: so nice to see YOU .. :)
[2011/10/16 14:44] Little M [LittleMystery]: uh oh, tubby spotted the cake
[2011/10/16 14:44] PJ Trenton: :-)
[2011/10/16 14:44] Rhianon Jameson grins
[2011/10/16 14:44] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: aww she bowed to the Baron :)
[2011/10/16 14:44] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: hello Mr Drinkwater !
[2011/10/16 14:44] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Fraulein Falcon, one question for the guests here, since the tables are turned -- might you have a topic which could be presented here?
[2011/10/16 14:44] JJ Drinkwater: Hello, Miss Carver
[2011/10/16 14:45] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver] smiles :)
[2011/10/16 14:45] Avariel Falcon: We are presenting topics? Oh my!
[2011/10/16 14:45] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Discussing possibilities.
[2011/10/16 14:46] Ceejay Writer: In my best board room voice. "No bad ideas!"
[2011/10/16 14:46] Avariel Falcon: Possibilities for a new wave of aethric power plants accorss the land?
[2011/10/16 14:46] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: You mentioned you are clockwork, ja? Could you do a speech on that some future month?
[2011/10/16 14:46] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver] notices little tubby .. twirling .. for cake !
[2011/10/16 14:46] Little M [LittleMystery] looks at Miss Faclon an can only think of Robot Unicorn attack
[2011/10/16 14:46] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Power plants, another good idea.
[2011/10/16 14:46] Rhianon Jameson: They always say that, Miss Ceejay, but no one ever means it. :)
[2011/10/16 14:46] Ceejay Writer: So.... Topic: Power! Perhaps?
[2011/10/16 14:46] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: well your staff ?
[2011/10/16 14:46] Darlingmonster Ember: Immigration to the Steamlands
[2011/10/16 14:47] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: early rights to non union labor ?
[2011/10/16 14:47] Darlingmonster Ember: that's a topic I'd like to see
[2011/10/16 14:47] Ceejay Writer: /mechuckles at Miss Jameson
[2011/10/16 14:47] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: That's good, Miss Ember!
[2011/10/16 14:47] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: These are good topics
[2011/10/16 14:47] Avariel Falcon: Sadly I cannot guarantee to be here on any given month, or day, my life is rather confusing.
[2011/10/16 14:47] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: AHH GOOD one Darling !
[2011/10/16 14:47] Junie Ginsburg: I'm afraid I must go, friends. I'm glad to have seen the new build unveiled!
[2011/10/16 14:47] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Lady Breezy, you know you are welcome to book a month for your presentation any time.
[2011/10/16 14:47] Ceejay Writer: Mechanial beings rights?
[2011/10/16 14:47] Jimmy Branagh: Ow about Universe Movement Procedures as relates ta Toime Travel?
[2011/10/16 14:47] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Gute Nacht, Fraulein Ginsburg.
[2011/10/16 14:47] Jimmy Branagh: Thet would be topical.
[2011/10/16 14:47] Ceejay Writer: Wow, big topic for such a young man, Jimmy!
[2011/10/16 14:47] Junie Ginsburg waves goodbye to all
[2011/10/16 14:47] Blackberry Harvey: Am I still scheduled for a talk in January?
[2011/10/16 14:48] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: You are, sir.
[2011/10/16 14:48] Jimmy Branagh: Oy been readin' up Miss Ceejay!
[2011/10/16 14:48] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver] smiles .. and nods why thank You Baron .. i shall keep that in mind Sir .. as there are always topics floating through my head :)
[2011/10/16 14:48] Ceejay Writer: I'm so proud of you!
[2011/10/16 14:48] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: I have guests for December with a refreshing topic, one never touched on before here.
[2011/10/16 14:48] Jimmy Branagh grins
[2011/10/16 14:48] Ceejay Writer: Ohhh, I am intrigued, Baron.
[2011/10/16 14:48] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: Christmas ?
[2011/10/16 14:48] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: I would hope so, Fraulein Writer.
[2011/10/16 14:49] Jasper Kiergarten: I'm afraid I will need to be off
[2011/10/16 14:49] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: Holidays ?
[2011/10/16 14:49] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Nein, Lady Breezy. You shall see soon enough.
[2011/10/16 14:49] Little M [LittleMystery]: should be something to look foardward too, yes?
[2011/10/16 14:49] Darlingmonster Ember: waves to M Kiergarten
[2011/10/16 14:49] Ceejay Writer: You've always been off, Jasper but we still like you.
[2011/10/16 14:49] Darlingmonster Ember: travel safe
[2011/10/16 14:49] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: aww do take care Jasper
[2011/10/16 14:49] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Herr Kiergarten, for your service and your presence today.
[2011/10/16 14:49] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[2011/10/16 14:49] Jasper Kiergarten: I can't wait to see what the Salon holds for us in the future
[2011/10/16 14:49] Jimmy Branagh waves to Mr. Jasper
[2011/10/16 14:49] Ceejay Writer: Take care!
[2011/10/16 14:49] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Applause for the Salonista Emeritus.
[2011/10/16 14:49] Solace Fairlady: safe travels Mr jasper!
[2011/10/16 14:49] Bodhisatva Paperclip waves at the departing
[2011/10/16 14:49] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[2011/10/16 14:49] Stereo Nacht: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[2011/10/16 14:49] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: There are many new folks around that I think they are a potential source
[2011/10/16 14:49] Solace Fairlady applauds
[2011/10/16 14:50] JJ Drinkwater somehow manages to clap without spilling his tea
[2011/10/16 14:50] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: If not for Herr Kiergarten we would all be standing.
[2011/10/16 14:50] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Certainly, Frau Szuster - but how to coax them out of their laboratories.
[2011/10/16 14:50] PJ Trenton's suede shoes thank Sir JJ
[2011/10/16 14:50] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach grins
[2011/10/16 14:51] Little M [LittleMystery]: I have one question BB
[2011/10/16 14:51] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: The Salon requires interaction. It is why we have a question-and-answer session, for one.
[2011/10/16 14:51] Blackberry Harvey: Yes?
[2011/10/16 14:51] Little M [LittleMystery]: what kind of lighting system will this new build have for the night?
[2011/10/16 14:51] Bodhisatva Paperclip: The informality is very nice
[2011/10/16 14:52] Blackberry Harvey: Good question, is there gas service here?
[2011/10/16 14:52] Jimmy Branagh: ((brb))
[2011/10/16 14:52] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Hm. Night sessions, an interesting thought.
[2011/10/16 14:52] Ceejay Writer: I vote for tesla coils every five feet.
[2011/10/16 14:52] Little M [LittleMystery] grins
[2011/10/16 14:52] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington]: o.O
[2011/10/16 14:52] PJ Trenton snaps fingers...points mouse...clicks...voila...night!
[2011/10/16 14:52] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Perhaps Fraulein Falcon can install something to help us out.
[2011/10/16 14:52] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Wow, that would be something
[2011/10/16 14:53] Stormy Stillwater: Glow stone.. Oh wait.. that's mien craft...
[2011/10/16 14:53] Blackberry Harvey: It's the Aether Salon, there should be an aetheric beam receiver
[2011/10/16 14:53] Stormy Stillwater: mine*
[2011/10/16 14:53] Little M [LittleMystery]: that would be fitting I suppose
[2011/10/16 14:53] Avariel Falcon: The AP&E company do not provide gas, we only provide electricity, and host the wireless telegraph office.
[2011/10/16 14:53] Wildstar Beaumont waves goodnight to all
[2011/10/16 14:53] Ceejay Writer: I agree Blackberry.
[2011/10/16 14:53] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Good night, Captain
[2011/10/16 14:54] JJ Drinkwater: Fair winds, Admiral
[2011/10/16 14:54] Solace Fairlady: fair winds Admiral!
[2011/10/16 14:54] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: night night !
[2011/10/16 14:54] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: good to see you :)
[2011/10/16 14:54] Zanya: Good njight/
[2011/10/16 14:54] Blackberry Harvey: I'll buy a few gross of candles just in case and work out something with Ms Falcon.
[2011/10/16 14:54] PJ Trenton: Must head off as well...great seeing everyone
[2011/10/16 14:54] Darlingmonster Ember: grins
[2011/10/16 14:54] Ceejay Writer: G'night, Captain Fabulous! Er, Beaumont!
[2011/10/16 14:54] PJ Trenton: best of luck as you move forward
[2011/10/16 14:54] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Herr Trenton, Captainess.
[2011/10/16 14:54] Stereo Nacht: Good bye those leaving!
[2011/10/16 14:55] Zanya: I have some glowing green rocks that might not cause growths and mutations we could use.
[2011/10/16 14:55] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Erm...
[2011/10/16 14:55] Blackberry Harvey: Oh, good idea, we can limne the maze design with glowing rock
[2011/10/16 14:56] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
[2011/10/16 14:56] Stormy Stillwater: I would rather not run the rish of FURTHER mutation.. .
[2011/10/16 14:56] Stormy Stillwater: risk*
[2011/10/16 14:56] Stereo Nacht: No mutation is good, but perhaps we could use a controlled reaction of magnesium? If done properly, the risks of explosions are minimal... ;-)
[2011/10/16 14:56] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: We have only a few more minutes together by the schedule, but you are all welcome to linger as you like.
[2011/10/16 14:56] Bodhisatva Paperclip: Congratulations and best wishes for the continued success of the Salons! I am off for now.
[2011/10/16 14:56] JJ Drinkwater: Well what fun is that?
[2011/10/16 14:57] Rhianon Jameson wonders if she could listen in to the speakers via wireless, given talk of mutations and explosions
[2011/10/16 14:57] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Remember, the Aether Salon is the third Sunday of each month at 2 pm.
[2011/10/16 14:57] Zanya wonders if the buuilding can resist explosions from within now.
[2011/10/16 14:57] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Gute Nacht, Professor.
[2011/10/16 14:57] Little M [LittleMystery]: It shall be nice having a build here once more, it was looking a bit loneyl here
[2011/10/16 14:57] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ja. My yurt felt quite rejected.
[2011/10/16 14:58] Jimmy Branagh: ((kback))
[2011/10/16 14:58] Little M [LittleMystery]: ((WB jimmy))
[2011/10/16 14:58] Stereo Nacht: Well, I guess I shall go. A few more things to take care of before my typist goes back to cooking.
[2011/10/16 14:58] Jimmy Branagh: (thx!))
[2011/10/16 14:58] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: I shall post a suggestion box by the door as well.
[2011/10/16 14:58] Ceejay Writer: When I first moved to Babbage....
[2011/10/16 14:58] Stereo Nacht: I look forward to more talks!
[2011/10/16 14:58] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Feel free to submit ideas.
[2011/10/16 14:58] Zanya: Good night, Stereo. ^^
[2011/10/16 14:58] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Gute Nacht, Fraulein Stereo.
[2011/10/16 14:58] Ceejay Writer: I lived across the street from the old salon locale.
[2011/10/16 14:59] Jimmy Branagh: Noight Miss Stereo!
[2011/10/16 14:59] Ceejay Writer: Before it was built, there was a HUGE Tesla contraption on a building that sparked all night.
[2011/10/16 14:59] Ceejay Writer: Odd memory, just came to mind.
[2011/10/16 14:59] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach remembers it was just on the other side of the train station from the Consulate.
[2011/10/16 14:59] Avariel Falcon: There was a more modern power plant when my creator first came to New-Babbage.
[2011/10/16 14:59] Stereo Nacht: good night Herr Baron, Zanya, Mr. Mornington, Miss Gearbox, Miss Writer, Mr. Stillwater, Mis Jameson, Mr. Branagh, Mr. DrinkwareMiss Ember, Miss Puchkina, Miss Carver-Fabre and eveyrone!
[2011/10/16 14:59] zaida Gearbox: night miz stereo
[2011/10/16 15:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Vielen dank to you all, thank you very much for your attendance and support.
[2011/10/16 15:00] Tubby [MaxwellTolliver] waves.
[2011/10/16 15:00] Darlingmonster Ember: knowledge and illumination do go together like butter and cats
[2011/10/16 15:00] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Good night Miss Nacht
[2011/10/16 15:00] Rhianon Jameson: Good night, Capt. Nacht.
[2011/10/16 15:00] zaida Gearbox: TUBBY!!!!!!
[2011/10/16 15:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: There is a donation sign and a group kiosk here at the front.
[2011/10/16 15:00] Tubby [MaxwellTolliver]: Hi Zaida.
[2011/10/16 15:00] Jimmy Branagh applauds
[2011/10/16 15:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
[2011/10/16 15:00] Blackberry Harvey: If you have any suggestions on decor or details, please IM me, I'm open to all and I want this to be a true community center
[2011/10/16 15:00] zaida Gearbox: where ya been dude?
[2011/10/16 15:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach returns the accolade
[2011/10/16 15:00] Avariel Falcon: The old station was reactivated due to a demand for more power.
[2011/10/16 15:00] Darlingmonster Ember: everyone please have a good time until we meet again.
[2011/10/16 15:00] Darlingmonster Ember curtsies
[2011/10/16 15:01] Vic Mornington [Victor1st Mornington]: catchya laters folks, got a new sauna to install in brunel :)
[2011/10/16 15:01] Rhianon Jameson: I should head out, too. Good night everyone!
[2011/10/16 15:01] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: gentle journies Darling and Solace ..
[2011/10/16 15:01] JJ Drinkwater: A pleasure to see you all, gentlebeings
[2011/10/16 15:01] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Gute Nacht, guests and friends.
[2011/10/16 15:01] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: woops too late
[2011/10/16 15:01] Rhianon Jameson: Thank you for taking up the Salon mantle, Herr Baron.
[2011/10/16 15:01] JJ Drinkwater bows and skedaddles
[2011/10/16 15:01] Blackberry Harvey: Baron, should I leave the model here?
[2011/10/16 15:01] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Bitte, Fraulein.
[2011/10/16 15:01] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: aww night night Rhianon types faster !
[2011/10/16 15:01] Solace Fairlady: Thank you Baron for this meeting, and congratulations to Mr Blackberry, it will be wonderful to see this model actualised!
[2011/10/16 15:01] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: My honour.
[2011/10/16 15:01] Jimmy Branagh: Noight sir!
[2011/10/16 15:01] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ja, Herr Harvey.
[2011/10/16 15:01] Ceejay Writer: Has been wonderful to see so many here! And I better see you next month or I'll chase you down.
[2011/10/16 15:01] Blackberry Harvey: I'll unlock it so everyone can play with it
[2011/10/16 15:01] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach grins
[2011/10/16 15:01] Little M [LittleMystery] grins "That victor wlays tinkering with something with his Inn"
[2011/10/16 15:01] Solace Fairlady: Be well and safe everyon!
[2011/10/16 15:01] Solace Fairlady bobs a curtsey
[2011/10/16 15:01] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: I'll encourage her to do that, too.
[2011/10/16 15:02] Tubby [MaxwellTolliver]: Oh I been around... here and there...
[2011/10/16 15:02] Zanya: Hmmm, maybe some artwork on the walls, depicting great minds throughout the ages.
[2011/10/16 15:02] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Oh yes, thank you Baron. and good evening to everyone! This is exciting!
[2011/10/16 15:02] Sera [Serafina Puchkina]: Congratulations again, Blackberry
[2011/10/16 15:02] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: The front of the scaffolding is phantom for those walking out.
[2011/10/16 15:02] Jimmy Branagh: Miss Bianca will be gald ta see ya back, Max. We got a boxin' match, remember?
[2011/10/16 15:02] Blackberry Harvey: I've been looking for exterior and interior murals depicting salon scenes, if anyone finds one, please let me know
[2011/10/16 15:02] Jimmy Branagh grins
[2011/10/16 15:02] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Splendid idea, Herr Harvey.
[2011/10/16 15:04] Avariel Falcon: I must be going, there is much work to do
[2011/10/16 15:04] Avariel Falcon: Keep well everyone
[2011/10/16 15:04] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke for stopping in.
[2011/10/16 15:04] Jimmy Branagh: Byee Miss Avariel!
[2011/10/16 15:05] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: She's very quick.
[2011/10/16 15:06] Gadget [Gadget Starsider]: Ok Im off to, thank you Baron, take care all
[2011/10/16 15:06] Jimmy Branagh: See ya Gadg
[2011/10/16 15:06] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Gadget.
[2011/10/16 15:06] Zanya: Time for me to be off, good evening everyone.
[2011/10/16 15:07] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Fraulein Zanya.
[2011/10/16 15:07] zaida Gearbox: night miz zanya. see you at home
[2011/10/16 15:07] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Do come next month.
[2011/10/16 15:07] Jimmy Branagh: Noiught Miss
[2011/10/16 15:07] Blackberry Harvey: There's some problem with the asset server, I'll come by later and redo the script. It's locked to me presently
[2011/10/16 15:08] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ach. Sundays are like that.
[2011/10/16 15:08] Blackberry Harvey: Hello, Mr. Arnold
[2011/10/16 15:09] Arnold [Gager]: Oh, and congratulations MR. Harvey.
[2011/10/16 15:09] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Fraulein M, good to see you. I had some concerns you had left the city.
[2011/10/16 15:09] Blackberry Harvey: Thank you
[2011/10/16 15:09] Jimmy Branagh: Yeh congrats Mr. Harvey. Oy loike the design very much.
[2011/10/16 15:09] Blackberry Harvey: Herr Baron, if you have copies of the sign, I'll post them at the cafe and Gangplank
[2011/10/16 15:09] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach smiles
[2011/10/16 15:10] zaida Gearbox: me too mr. blackberry
[2011/10/16 15:10] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Ja, danke. Let me hand that to you.
[2011/10/16 15:11] Blackberry Harvey: Maybe it's me, let me relog and try that again
[2011/10/16 15:11] Arnold [Gager]: I saw the event and had to stop to say hi at least. I can't stay.
[2011/10/16 15:11] Ceejay Writer: I had HUGE issues earlier today, Blackberry.
[2011/10/16 15:11] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Mr. Arnold!
[2011/10/16 15:12] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Herr Arnold.
[2011/10/16 15:12] Arnold [Gager]: Hi Jimmy.
[2011/10/16 15:12] Arnold [Gager]: Though I've got to go. Food burning.
[2011/10/16 15:12] Little M [LittleMystery]: oh my
[2011/10/16 15:12] Little M [LittleMystery]: wb BB
[2011/10/16 15:13] Ceejay Writer: Well, I believe I will tend to a few matters myself now. This was very fun and encouraging for the future!
[2011/10/16 15:13] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: i must dash .. do take care all please be safe .. Baron thank YOU so much .. This is all very exciting !!
[2011/10/16 15:13] Breezy Carver Fabre [Breezy Carver]: twirlsssss
[2011/10/16 15:13] Little M [LittleMystery]: take care
[2011/10/16 15:13] Jimmy Branagh: Bye Miss Ceejay an' Miss Breezy!
[2011/10/16 15:13] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Damen, you have been more than kind.
[2011/10/16 15:14] Jimmy Branagh: Oy guess Oy gotta run too. Thanks Herr Baron an' Mr. Harvey for the gryte presentation!
[2011/10/16 15:14] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Herr Jimmy.
[2011/10/16 15:15] Jimmy Branagh: Byee all!
[2011/10/16 15:15] Ceejay Writer: Bye for now, and thank you again for caretaking this valued tradition, Baron.
[2011/10/16 15:15] Blackberry Harvey: There, everyone should be able to use the script now.
[2011/10/16 15:15] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Danke, Herr Harvey.
[2011/10/16 15:15] Blackberry Harvey: The movable stage got unlinked but I'll fix that.
[2011/10/16 15:16] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Quite striking. Well deserved, sir.
[2011/10/16 15:16] Little M [LittleMystery]: I do look forward to the final product
[2011/10/16 15:16] Blackberry Harvey: The model is 27 prims, I expect the building itself with more details to be 50 or so
[2011/10/16 15:16] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach nods
[2011/10/16 15:16] LittleMystery Resident: I always am a fan of prim saving design
[2011/10/16 15:17] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: The new prims make this easier as well.
[2011/10/16 15:17] Stormy Stillwater: As is anyone really
[2011/10/16 15:17] Little M [LittleMystery]: indeed, that is true!
[2011/10/16 15:17] Stormy Stillwater: Well.. Except that one person.
[2011/10/16 15:17] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: That one person?
[2011/10/16 15:17] Little M [LittleMystery]: the new prim limit certainly has opened building up allot smoother at least, than having to ceasrh for appropraite megas
[2011/10/16 15:19] Stormy Stillwater: Oh, nevermind. Just someone who used to live in New Babbage who used all of the prim on a parcel in the build it's self.
[2011/10/16 15:19] Blackberry Harvey: Heh
[2011/10/16 15:19] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Lovely.
[2011/10/16 15:19] Stormy Stillwater: Yes. lovely builds.. but no room for furnishings.
[2011/10/16 15:19] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach picks up some refreshments for eating while moving on.
[2011/10/16 15:19] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: I know the feeling.
[2011/10/16 15:20] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: It's the reason I shall be replacing my oldest office.
[2011/10/16 15:20] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Bitte, I must be going for now. Danke for attending and I will see you all soon, I am sure.
[2011/10/16 15:20] Blackberry Harvey: Goodbye sir
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