[13:52] zaida Gearbox fidgets with her clothes clearly unfomfortable
[13:52] zaida Gearbox gives tepic a side eye
[13:52] Stormy (stormy.stillwater): Zaida's worn a dress.. like, once!
[13:52] zaida Gearbox squees "MIZ BOOK!"
[13:53] zaida Gearbox: i wear skirts though
[13:53] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Hallo, Fraulein Bekkers.
[13:53] zaida Gearbox: river got dis dress special for today an' put starch in it which makes it all stiff an' itchy
[13:54] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Do our honoured guests need chairs?
[13:54] Jimmy Branagh: Naw, Oy don;t Herr Baron
[13:54] zaida Gearbox: jimmy's all gray
[13:54] JulesPorter Darkwatch snickers as he sees zaida
[13:55] zaida Gearbox sticks her tongue out at jules
[13:55] Jimmy Branagh: It's not th' age, it's th' moilage
[13:55] JulesPorter Darkwatch sticks his tongue back out at her
[13:55] Garnet Psaltery: Now we're all going to be on our best behaviour for the Baron, aren't we, children?
[13:56] zaida Gearbox thinks miz garnet probably shouldn't hold her breath
[13:56] Tepic Harlequin: yes, will be on the best behaviour we know how, Miss.....
[13:56] Garnet Psaltery: I don't think he actually eats naughty children, but ..
[13:56] zaida Gearbox: river say dat imma representin' steelhead today an' i hafta do dem proud
[13:56] JulesPorter Darkwatch eyes the Baron, but remains quiet for now.
[13:56] Garnet Psaltery: Of course, you will, Zaida
[13:56] Bookworm Hienrichs: Hello, Mr. Lacombe!
[13:56] Jimmy Branagh: Just don't throw nothin' at us till we finish Tep!
[13:57] Linus Lacombe: Hello Ms Book
[13:57] zaida Gearbox waves to mr. linus
[13:57] Garnet Psaltery: Hello Mr Lacombe
[13:57] Bookworm Hienrichs: And welcome, Miss Caxton.
[13:57] Garnet Psaltery: Miss Caxton
[13:57] AetherSalon: Thank you, Master.
[13:57] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Mr. Linus!
[13:57] Renee Caxton waves
[13:58] Gager Resident: Hello everyone, Lottie Kaf, Jules, Renee, Linus, others I missed
[13:58] Garnet Psaltery: Hello Miss Jameson
[13:58] Kafkagome Bekkers: Hello! :)
[13:58] Arnold (gager): Rhianon who just came in
[13:58] JulesPorter Darkwatch waves to Arnold
[13:58] Rhianon Jameson: Good afternoon, Miss Psaltery. Hello, Arnold.
[13:58] Rhianon Jameson: Greetings, everyone.
[13:58] Tepic Harlequin: grettins!
[13:58] Bookworm Hienrichs waves hello to Ms. Jameson.
[13:59] Garnet Psaltery: Hello MIss Maur'vir.
[13:59] Tepic Harlequin: so.... do we get tea an sarnies?
[13:59] Garnet Psaltery: Would you like a chair?
[13:59] Rhianon Jameson: Hello, Miss Hienrichs!
[13:59] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Help yourselves. There are refreshments on both sides of the room.
[13:59] Arnold (gager): Hello Momoe
[13:59] Arnold (gager): Just in time
[13:59] Garnet Psaltery: Hello Mis Mollari
[13:59] maurvir Resident: Hello Ms. Psaltery :)
[13:59] Momoe Mollari: \o/
[13:59] zaida Gearbox sits on the sofa and continues fussing the her dress
[13:59] Tepic Harlequin: oh good! fill yer boots, fellas!
[14:00] Garnet Psaltery: Hello Miss Maertens
[14:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) rolls his eyes
[14:00] Garnet Psaltery: and Miss Cip
[14:00] Bookworm Hienrichs: Welcome, Miss Maertens, Miss Maur'vir.
[14:00] Gloriana Maertens: Thank you, and hello, everyone!
[14:00] JulesPorter Darkwatch watches zaida and snickers some more
[14:00] Garnet Psaltery: Lord Twilight, good to see you
[14:01] JJ Drinkwater: Greets, partially visible people
[14:01] Bookworm Hienrichs: Good afternoon, Mr. Drinkwater!
[14:01] Precipitate Flood: Indeed.
[14:01] zaida Gearbox: hi mr jj
[14:01] JJ Drinkwater: Good day, Good day all
[14:01] Gloriana Maertens: /mw waits patiently for her friedns to rez....
[14:01] Jimmy Branagh: 'ello sir.
[14:01] zaida Gearbox: where's miz serra?
[14:01] Renee Caxton remarks how pretty little zaida looks
[14:01] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Hallo, Sir JJ!
[14:02] Rhianon Jameson: Good day, sir.
[14:02] JJ Drinkwater: Ah, Miss Zaida, Mr JImmy, how could I miss your great day, eh?
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): We shall wait a few
extra moments for those whose travel is afflicted by lag.
[14:02] Garnet Psaltery: Hello Vic!
[14:02] Arnold (gager): Hello Victor
[14:02] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Mr. Vic!
[14:02] JJ Drinkwater: MIss Serra is detained by her HUman, who is travelling
[14:02] Garnet Psaltery: Hello again, Admiral
[14:02] Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): ellooooo
[14:02] zaida Gearbox: selena too?
[14:02] Garnet Psaltery: Hello Mrs Askham
[14:03] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Good to see you, Herr Victor.
[14:03] Wildstar Beaumont: hello all !
[14:03] Jimmy Branagh waves to all coming in
Stereo Nacht: Good day/evening Herr Baron, Ms. Hienrichs, Ms. Caxton,
Mr. Harlequin, Mr. Mornington, Mr. Arnold, Sir JJ, Ms. Garnet, Admiral
Beaumont, and everyone!
[14:03] zaida Gearbox waves to mr. victor
[14:03] Celestia Blanchard: helo and greetings
[14:03] JJ Drinkwater: Alas, yes, Selena too
[14:03] Garnet Psaltery: Captain Nacht, good to see you
[14:03] Garnet Psaltery: Does anyone need a seat?
[14:03] Jamie Marie Ryan-Askham (celestia.blanchard): ( rezzing ))
JulesPorter Darkwatch is a bit fidgety and can't stand still, he
glances around and then back at zaida, a smile crossing his face.
[14:04] Stereo Nacht: And good evening Mr. Branagh, Ms. Gearbox!
[14:04] Stereo Nacht: Or day.
[14:04] Jimmy Branagh: Hoy Miss Stereo!
[14:04] Garnet Psaltery: Strifeclaw - you look well
[14:05] Arnold (gager) nods.
[14:05] Gloriana Maertens: Oh, how nice everyone looks. *grins*
[14:05] Jimmy Branagh looks down at himself, shrugs
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): We shall start in a
moment; let me point out the tip-jar for our excellent speakers, which
shall be split between the two of them at the conclusion of this talk.
Bitte, do tip generously.
[14:06] JulesPorter Darkwatch leans over to look at the tip jar and then back at the Baron.
[14:06] Gloriana Maertens: Well, now tha I can see you at all, Jimmy. ^.^
[14:06] zaida Gearbox gives jules her best stare that she learned from watching miz mara
[14:06] Garnet Psaltery: Donations are to go into the jar and not out of course
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): The Salon
management would also appreciate any contributions to the maintenance of
this property. You may join the AEther Salon group if you are not
already a member; it is Open.
[14:06] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): There are signs around the walls to assist you with both.
[14:07] JulesPorter Darkwatch frowns and sticks his tongue out at zaida
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): As this is not the
Jaeger Poetry Slam, do not show your appreciation by firing at the
[14:07] Garnet Psaltery smiles
[14:07] Jimmy Branagh: 'least not till we're done.
[14:08] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Throw food if you must, the urchins will appreciate the free meal.
[14:08] Maur'vir (maurvir): has this been a probem in the past?
[14:08] Arnold (gager) purrs
[14:08] Jimmy Branagh: Poy! Throw poy!
[14:08] Arnold (gager): They can always put it in a stew.
[14:08] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): It is the Steamlands, everyone is armed, especially the Damen.
[14:08] RobocopT1000 Resident: Poi?
[14:08] Arnold (gager): Pie.
[14:08] Linus Lacombe throws a 4 course chicken dinner at the stage, to see what happens
[14:08] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Sometimes audiences get overexcited.
[14:08] Garnet Psaltery hides her weapon
[14:09] Gloriana Maertens hastily tucks the marshmallow shooter back into her bodice.
[14:09] Maur'vir (maurvir) checks to make sure she brought extra ammo
[14:09] Stereo Nacht: Well, we got used to shooting daleks at Steelhead's dances... ;-)
[14:09] JulesPorter Darkwatch can't help but laugh as the chicken dinner gets tossed up at zaida and Jimmy
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Our speakers today
are Herr Jimmy Branagh, a long-time resident of everywhere, who will be
speaking on the urchin culture of New Babbage in particular.
[14:09] zaida Gearbox: yay jimmy!!!!!!
[14:10] Arnold (gager): Yay!
[14:10] Jimmy Branagh waves
[14:10] Linus Lacombe: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): We also have
Fraulein Zaida Gearbox, from the American southern swamplands, who will
tell us about the scamps of Steelhead City.
[14:10] Jamie Marie Ryan-Askham (celestia.blanchard) waves to Jimmy with her free hand
[14:10] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) applauds
[14:10] Linus Lacombe: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:10] Rhianon Jameson: \me applauds
[14:10] Jimmy Branagh: Yay Zaida!
[14:10] zaida Gearbox blows kisses
[14:10] Gloriana Maertens applauds!
[14:10] Stereo Nacht: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:10] Jimmy Branagh: ((We have chat lag))
[14:10] Tepic Harlequin: urchin culture? didn't the ointment clear that up?
[14:10] Garnet Psaltery: Hello Clockwinder - just in time
[14:10] Rhianon Jameson frowns at her keyboard
[14:10] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Heh.
[14:10] Mosseveno Tenk: took a couple tries
[14:11] JulesPorter Darkwatch jumps up and down for zaida and yells. "Go zaida! Our favorite girl."
[14:11] 'Cip' (precipitate.flood) attacks her general lag with a sink plunger
[14:11] zaida Gearbox waves and blows more kisses
[14:11] Stereo Nacht: Good day, Mr. Clockwinder!
[14:11] Garnet Psaltery: Welcome, Loki
[14:12] Jimmy Branagh: Umm ...
[14:12] Jimmy Branagh: We ready?
[14:12] Momoe Mollari: (ᴖ_ᴖ;)
[14:12] Bookworm Hienrichs: I think so. Have at it!
[14:12] Jamie Marie Ryan-Askham (celestia.blanchard): whenever you are, Young Master Jimmy ^_^
[14:12] Arnold (gager): Go for it
[14:12] Jimmy Branagh: Alroight then!
Jimmy Branagh: Hoy everyone, an' welcome ta this month's Aether Salon
toitled "Kinder", which means kid in German faw those of ya 'oo can't
read. It doesn't mean we're gonna be koind an' noice to ya an' thet
stuff. Thanks faw comin'!
[14:13] Garnet Psaltery: Hello Dr.Foehammer
[14:13] Jimmy Branagh: An' 'appy St. Patrick's dye too!
[14:13] Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): \o/
[14:13] Rhianon Jameson hoists a green beverage
[14:13] Jimmy Branagh looks at Stormy, and suddenly speaks in a perfectly clipped upper-class speech pattern.
[14:13] Garnet Psaltery: Welcome, Mr. Whitfield-Ling
Jimmy Branagh: I will drop the urchinspeak for the duration, rather
than drive everyone mad, though it is not my first choice.
[14:13] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) blinks
[14:13] 'Cip' (precipitate.flood): You can drive us mad after
[14:14] Jimmy Branagh grins.
[14:14] Beolas Whitfield whispers: thank you
[14:14] Stormy (stormy.stillwater) throws an egg at Jimmy for soeakin' al lposh.
Jimmy Branagh: We didn't know exactly how to approach this since the
ways people approach roleplay has a fairly wide variation, so we thought
we would simply give brief talks on the state of Urchindom in New
Babbage and Steelhead as representative of the Steamlands, then open the
floor to the usual comments, questions and general chaos that generally
follows these talks.
[14:14] Stereo Nacht: Hm, Isn't half the attendance already mad, and the other way past? ;-)
[14:14] Arnold (gager) nods.
[14:14] Garnet Psaltery: Hello, Miss Ancelin
[14:14] Stereo Nacht waves to the newcomers
Jimmy Branagh: About two years ago, we presented an Aether Salon that
dealt with the lives of the children of the Victorian Age, from the real
life point of view, with Miss Saffia Widdershins.
Jimmy Branagh: The life of any of the thousands of street children of
the time was a horrendous existance. Poverty, prostitution, drug use,
human trafficking and forced child labor were nearly default in what was
considered a civilized society, in many ways similar to situations in
many parts of the world even today.
[14:16] zaida Gearbox nods and looks sad
Jimmy Branagh: Today, we'd like to very briefly present those lives as
interpreted here in the Steamlands, in role-play, and how things have
changed ver the years.
Jimmy Branagh: I will attempt to describe current urchin life in New
Babbage, and Zaida will follow and take on Steelhead, which has perhaps a
less dangerous angle to life on the street.
Jimmy Branagh: I had hoped to find a child of the wealthy to talk about
upperclass living in say, Antiquity, but was not able to find a rich
kid anywhere in the Steamlands. It seems no one wants to be a
hoity-toity kid.
[14:17] Rhianon Jameson laughs
[14:17] Wildstar Beaumont: :)
Jimmy Branagh: As we all know, things change continually within the
Steamlands, more often by naturally-occurring forces than by conscious
[14:17] Linus Lacombe: have you seen the outfits they made them wear? I don't blame them!
[14:18] Jimmy Branagh: The New Babbage urchins of today have changed quite a bit from those who originally walked its streets.
[14:18] zaida Gearbox fusses with her dress again
[14:18] JulesPorter Darkwatch makes a face, but says nothing
Jimmy Branagh: Those of you who were around when New Babbage was just
one or two sims remember that the street kids were more true to their
real-life predecessors - given to pick-pocketing, nicking stores,
fighting, stealing, scratching for food and starting fires and generally
causing what mayhem they could.
[14:18] JJ Drinkwater: Whereas all the adults want to be aristocrats...
Jimmy Branagh: There were knifings, shootings, kidnappings and torture
... you get the idea. And of course, the ever present extra-dimensional
entities who appeared now and then looking for lunch among them, as well
as human sacrifice performed upon them by the followers of those
[14:19] Wildstar Beaumont: :-O
[14:19] Bookworm Hienrichs: Quite the eventful times!
[14:19] Kafkagome Bekkers: O.O
[14:19] Momoe Mollari: o.O
[14:19] Stormy (stormy.stillwater): Ah, the good old days!
[14:19] Garnet Psaltery: Welcome,Miss Suz
[14:20] Arnold (gager): That's still going on, what are you talking about?
[14:20] Gloriana Maertens smiles wistfully
[14:20] Arnold (gager) half grins.
Jimmy Branagh: As then, the urchins of today are constantly forming
ever-changing gangs amongst themselves to forward whatever RP
opportunity presents itself.
[14:20] Stormy (stormy.stillwater) has already stolen three coin purses since he arrived today
[14:20] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) thought there were many children in Antiquity....
[14:21] Rhianon Jameson is glad she didn't bring much cash on her person.
[14:21] Jimmy Branagh: Oy don;t know any though ...
[14:21] Beolas Whitfield-Ling (beolas.whitfield) searches his purse....
[14:21] Jimmy Branagh: They run away.
[14:21] Stereo Nacht: Careful, Stormy, there is no coins in mine... Just a bad surprise! ;-)
[14:21] Jimmy Branagh: They have, however, also become somewhat domesticated.
[14:21] Tepic Harlequin: eh?
[14:21] Tepic Harlequin: domesticated?!!
Jimmy Branagh: The residents of New Babbage treated them well even in
the beginning, with donations and charitable feasts and what not, and a
kind of peaceful co-existence has grown among them.
[14:22] Bugka Glippa (bugginiafirefly): Appologeez. Hy yam sorrey to be zo lateish.
[14:22] Garnet Psaltery: Welcome, Bugka
[14:22] Stormy (stormy.stillwater): Ewww...
Jimmy Branagh: The urchins of New Babbage no longer nick from residents
... much anyway ... and the street kids are welcome at all the parties,
balls and other celebrations.
[14:23] Stormy (stormy.stillwater): We've been bought by the people of Bababge
[14:23] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Heh.
Jimmy Branagh: Recently, the "Acting Mayor" even formed a city militia -
The Babbage Urchin Militia, or BUMS, to keep order in the city during
the recent curfew raised over several strange events, not the least of
which was the Acting Mayor's own behavior.
[14:23] Bugka Glippa (bugginiafirefly): Tenk hyu, M. Psaltery
[14:23] Bookworm Hienrichs looks across at Tenk.
Jimmy Branagh: Many of the urchins are now responsible land-owners in
their own right, and businesspeople, brewers, architects, shop-keepers
and the like. No one is sure where all their start-up money came from,
but none have been caught in anything untoward yet, and its more than
obvious that the urchins of New Babbage have learned the joys of
[14:24] Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): \o/
[14:24] Jimmy Branagh: An urchin I know is even a Consular Liason for Europa Wulfenbach!
[14:24] Jimmy Branagh grins
[14:24] Garnet Psaltery: Remarkable
[14:24] zaida Gearbox: yeah. you!
[14:24] Bookworm Hienrichs chuckles.
[14:24] Garnet Psaltery: what came over them
[14:24] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Imagine that.
[14:24] Tepic Harlequin: uh oh... we's becomin respectable!
[14:24] Stereo Nacht: ;-)
[14:25] Lilith (lilith.zulaman): they rather us behaving i think then causing mischief
[14:25] Stereo Nacht: (And quite adept at making things happen, too!)
[14:25] Rhianon Jameson: Must be something in the water.
[14:25] Momoe Mollari: (ᴖ_ᴖ;)
[14:25] Wildstar Beaumont: urchin diplomacy can be very ... convincing
Jimmy Branagh: Whether this change in the urchins from somewhat
melevolent to somewhat benevolent is good or bad in the case of
role-play is in the mind of the beholder. Some prefer the grimy
presentation of urchins in the 1948 version of Oliver Twist, and some
prefer mostly happy-go-lucky kids in the musical OLIVER!
[14:25] Garnet Psaltery: Wiggyfish
[14:25] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) grins
[14:25] JJ Drinkwater: Horatio Alger success stories, every one
[14:25] Jimmy Branagh: I suggest there is room for both.
[14:25] Jimmy Branagh: And now, Miss Zaida Gearbox!
[14:26] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) applauds
[14:26] Stormy (stormy.stillwater): YAAY!!!
[14:26] Linus Lacombe: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:26] Garnet Psaltery: Thank you, Jimmy
[14:26] Bookworm Hienrichs applauds.
[14:26] JJ Drinkwater applauds
[14:26] Gloriana Maertens applauds
[14:26] Ancelin Resident applauds
[14:26] zaida Gearbox walks to the front of the stage and continues fussing with her dress obviously uncomfortable
[14:26] Rhianon Jameson applauds
[14:26] Stereo Nacht: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:26] Jimmy Branagh bows
[14:26] Arnold (gager): YAY!
[14:26] SuperSuz Resident: Oh I made that!
[14:26] Super Suz (supersuz): wonderful
[14:26] Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): elloooo sid!
[14:26] Super Suz (supersuz): and yes, Absolutely Marvelous
[14:27] Stereo Nacht: You look all cute, Ms. Gearbox! No playing with the machines today? ;-)
[14:27] Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin) waves ''Allo!"
zaida Gearbox: Hello! My name is Zaida Gearbox! Like Mr. Baron said I
was born in Barataria Louisiana. I don't have no memories of my real
mamma. Only my great-grandmamma who I called Ramoo. Before Ramoo died
she told my big sister to take me to Steelhead. That we would both be
safe there.
[14:27] JulesPorter Darkwatch chimes up. "not in that dress."
[14:27] Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin) smiles at zaida
zaida Gearbox sticks tongue out and continues. "So, when Ramoo died,
River took me on a airship to Chicago. But, it was winter time, so we
couldn't get a airship across the Rockies
zaida Gearbox: By the time we left Chicago a very bad man had gone all
soft on River, so we had to run away to Steelhead. When we arrived in
Steelhead Mr. Lunar seemed like he was expecting us.
[14:29] zaida Gearbox: He told us that we were both under his protection now and that we were both safe.
[14:29] zaida Gearbox: Steelhead is very different from Babbage starting with that you can't see the air.
[14:29] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) chuckles
[14:29] Garnet Psaltery smiles
[14:29] Linus Lacombe laughs
[14:29] Jimmy Branagh laughs
[14:29] zaida Gearbox: There are lots of green spaces and trees for climbing and mines for exploring
[14:29] Lilith (lilith.zulaman) giggles
[14:30] 'Cip' (precipitate.flood): Can't see...? But how will you know you can breathe?
[14:30] Rhianon Jameson coughs
[14:30] Gloriana Maertens murmurs, "I'm not sure I trust air I can't see..."
zaida Gearbox: Also, Scamps are not allowed in the Saloons except for
the Geoduck (pronounced Gooeyduck) Inn which doesn't serve alcohol. They
only serve nice refreshing Zaidapop and tea
[14:30] Stereo Nacht prefers to see the sun than the air, but it may be professional inclination
[14:30] Bugka Glippa (bugginiafirefly): Schteelhead is gut fur de treez und up-geblowin mountanes
zaida Gearbox: Also, in Steelhead the scamps are required to attend
school at least one time every week. They thought if we had to go more
than that we might blow up the school. But, Mr. Lunar, Dr. Kristos, an'
some other guest teachers make going to school fun, so we go with only a
minimal amount of complaining
[14:32] JulesPorter Darkwatch snickers a few more times as zaida says 'geoduck'
[14:32] zaida Gearbox scowls at Jules
[14:32] Arnold (gager) stares
[14:32] Arnold (gager): You go to school? Once a week?!
[14:32] Tepic Harlequin: school...?
[14:32] Garnet Psaltery: Yes, aren't they lucky?
[14:32] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): They enjoy it quite a lot. They learn about explosions.
[14:32] Lottie (robocopt1000): You'd never know it.
[14:33] JulesPorter Darkwatch: Must be where zaida learned to wear a dress
[14:33] Super Suz (supersuz): What are you taught in school, may I ask?
[14:33] Jimmy Branagh: School in Steelhead is always fun
[14:33] Stereo Nacht: Well, A Steelhead's school... Or *course* they'd learn about explosions! ;-)
[14:33] Bugka Glippa (bugginiafirefly): Hyus. I vent to schul to tschow off mein flyerflies, but ate mein homeverk.
[14:33] Garnet Psaltery chuckles
zaida Gearbox: Also, most of the Scamps in Steelhead have places where
they stay and or grownups who look after them. Scamps without guadians
usually stay at the mill in St. Helens that is owned by a faery lady
named Mara Ravenswood. When we first arrived in Steelhead, my sister,
River thought Miz Mara was going to steal me, but she hasn't yet
[14:34] Stereo Nacht: You *do* have a gardian, though, Miss Gearbox!
[14:34] JJ Drinkwater: Or she did and you didn't notice
[14:34] zaida Gearbox nods
zaida Gearbox: An' we have Miz Tensai who is a mad scientist who puts
mad scientists in Babbage to shame. She really likes to blow things up,
an' I want to be jes' like her when I grow up. The end
[14:35] Jaspur Pawpad: sorry about that Vic
[14:35] Stereo Nacht: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:35] Gloriana Maertens smiles and applauds!
[14:35] Rhianon Jameson applauds
[14:35] Bookworm Hienrichs: Oh, that's throwing the cat among the pigeons!
[14:35] Linus Lacombe: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:35] Bookworm Hienrichs laughs and applauds.
[14:35] Garnet Psaltery: ***** APPLAUSE *****
[14:35] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) applauds
[14:35] Rhianon Jameson: I like an ambitious girl.
[14:35] Garnet Psaltery: Very interesting talk
[14:35] Arnold (gager): YAY!
[14:35] Jimmy Branagh: Yay Zaida!
[14:35] Momoe Mollari: \o/
[14:35] Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin) applauds
[14:36] Wildstar Beaumont: ♪♫♥ Applauds!!! ♥♫♪
[14:36] Arnold (gager): Hmmm. Pidgeons
[14:36] Renee Caxton applauds
[14:36] Jamie Marie Ryan-Askham (celestia.blanchard) soflty claps
[14:36] Beolas Whitfield-Ling (beolas.whitfield): mr/applauds
[14:36] Jimmy Branagh: AN' now it's th' q & A toime
[14:36] JulesPorter Darkwatch holds up his hand
[14:36] 'Cip' (precipitate.flood) thumps her hind legs in applause
[14:36] Jimmy Branagh: Yes, first question
[14:37] JulesPorter Darkwatch: How did you manage to get zaida all scrubbed up and in a dress?
[14:37] Jimmy Branagh: Oy dint!
[14:37] Stormy (stormy.stillwater) snickers
[14:37] Jimmy Branagh: hehe
[14:37] Gloriana Maertens facepalms
[14:37] JulesPorter Darkwatch grins at zaida
[14:37] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) clears his throat
[14:37] Arnold (gager): They get her to go to school
[14:37] Garnet Psaltery: I have a question, if I may?
[14:37] Arnold (gager): Obviously she's very domesticated now.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): She is paying
respect to her Ramoo's memory, the Management of Steelhead and this
Salon by dressing thusly.
Stereo Nacht: Hmm... Well, Miss Thought-Werk isn't here, so I will ask
her question for her: is there some requirement to be a scamp? Can she
be one?
[14:38] Jimmy Branagh: Miss Garnet!
[14:38] zaida Gearbox: who you callin' domesticated?
[14:38] 'Cip' (precipitate.flood): Appearnces can be deceiving Arnold
[14:38] Garnet Psaltery: After you, Miss Nacht
[14:38] JulesPorter Darkwatch speaks his clipped British tone. "You zaida."
[14:38] Stereo Nacht: Sorry for not raising my hand first!
[14:38] Arnold (gager) chuckle purrs
Jimmy Branagh: ((Umm might be better to address the question to one of
us, otherwise could be chaos. No that there's anything wrong with that
... ))
[14:38] Bugka Glippa (bugginiafirefly): Ho, I miszt the part abut ze clothez. Vere to buy, plz?
zaida Gearbox sticks her nose up in the air, "i hafta go to school an'
learn my maths an' stuff if i want to be a mad scientist when i grow
[14:39] Loki Eliot shouts: I have a question :)
[14:39] zaida Gearbox: okay loki!
[14:39] Gloriana Maertens nods. "Math is very important for understanding chemistry."
[14:39] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) smiles at her
[14:39] JJ Drinkwater raises his hand
[14:39] Garnet Psaltery: Jimmy, how does a newly-arrived urchin find their way to others so they may be helped to settle?
[14:39] 'Cip' (precipitate.flood) hands a LM to Bugka
[14:40] Stereo Nacht: Well, perhaps Miss Gearbox can answer first, then if you want to add, Mr. Branagh? And
[14:40] Super Suz (supersuz): hmmm, good question
[14:40] Bugka Glippa (bugginiafirefly) nods. "Danke"
[14:40] Stereo Nacht: (But I can wait until those more behaved than me get answered! X-D )
[14:40] zaida Gearbox: umm, well, when i was new i met jimmy an' myrtil an' they showed me de ropes
Jimmy Branagh: Usually just foind one of us who's been around awhile,
and we can run ya through the gauntlet ... er, show ya where ta go an'
get food and stuff.
[14:41] Garnet Psaltery smiles
Loki Eliot: There is quite a difference between Steamlands on how
Urchins are, partly i guess to their different atmospheres, but i think
most Urchins think of oliver twist first when it comes to RP'ing a child
in a steamland... how much are you influenced by the dickes classic and
how much of it do you feel is actually important to Urching?
[14:41] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): 'Urching'? Heh.
[14:41] Jimmy Branagh: Ummm
[14:41] Loki Eliot: hehe
[14:42] JulesPorter Darkwatch seems amused by the term 'urchining' and chuckles
zaida Gearbox: i jes' wanted to be little an' cute when i became a
urchin. besides you can get away with sayin' an' doin' de darndest
things when you're a kid
Jimmy Branagh: I am healily influenced by it, of course, but also by
the films and even the musical. I type like Dodger talks, basically
[14:42] 'Cip' (precipitate.flood): Urchery?
[14:42] Stormy (stormy.stillwater): That's what I'll cal lit from now on!
[14:43] Jimmy Branagh: I like aspects of both approaches
[14:43] Bugka Glippa (bugginiafirefly) is confuzzled hagain by Inklish and the verb 'To urch.'
Mosseveno Tenk: i like urching. sounds like you should be picking
pockets and getting rounded up for experiments and human sacrifice.
[14:43] Jimmy Branagh: Nasty grungy hard life Urchery, and the more whimsical end
[14:43] Garnet Psaltery: I think they made it up, Miss Bugka
[14:43] Loki Eliot: what i mean is there are important themes in Oliver Twist that discribe childhood in Victirian times,
[14:43] Arnold (gager): Also sounds like Henching
[14:43] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) snickers at the Clockwinder
[14:43] Rhianon Jameson: Urching is a great word.
[14:44] Stormy (stormy.stillwater): Urchining Urchins one urchin at a time!
[14:44] Garnet Psaltery: Clockwinder, I told them the Baron doesn't eat children
[14:44] Jimmy Branagh: I agree Loki, and I think we've gotten away from that a bit.
[14:44] Gloriana Maertens: ..both as a descriptor and as a verb. "...urching around..."
[14:44] Mosseveno Tenk eyes Dr. Foehammer
[14:44] Bugka Glippa (bugginiafirefly): Hy urch prizzoners to talk. Confuzuing.
[14:44] Jamie Marie Ryan-Askham (celestia.blanchard) gently raises her hand
[14:44] Mosseveno Tenk: maybe someone will bring back the old ways.
[14:44] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) grins at Bugka
[14:45] Mosseveno Tenk nods firmly
[14:45] Stormy (stormy.stillwater): Justa Urchin' round!
[14:45] JJ Drinkwater raises his hand, a bit more obviously this time
[14:45] zaida Gearbox: yes mr. jj?
[14:45] Jimmy Branagh: Whaddaya think, people? Should the Urchins get rough again?
Loki Eliot: But is that a bad thing? maybe some of Oliver Twist is but a
cliche, what other influences are there that bring a fresh perspective
on urching?
[14:45] Mosseveno Tenk: Yes.
JJ Drinkwater: Thank you, Miss Zaida. Do any of the urchins age?
Celebrate birthdays? Mature from year to year? Or do all of them live in
an unchanging present?
[14:46] Momoe Mollari: Just be nice to the Plank (ᴖ_ᴖ;)
[14:46] Starchaser Snowpaw: Speaking of new urchins and oliver twist. I think I'd be a prime example of that
[14:46] JulesPorter Darkwatch taunts. "Can't be a proper urchin in a girly-girl dress..."
[14:46] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) looks directly at Herr Darkwatch.
[14:46] Jimmy Branagh: We are trapped in a freeze-frame, Mr. JJ
[14:46] Mosseveno Tenk snickers
Kafkagome Bekkers: I think a lot of Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" would
be relevant...not exactly the right time period, but very similar
[14:46] zaida Gearbox: max grew up but got bored and became a kid again
[14:46] Lilith (lilith.zulaman): would be interesting to get more to the gritty part of urchin life was not always easy
'Cip' (precipitate.flood) rises to her hind legs. "As St Augustine is
quoted, 'Beware the man of only one book'. Or urchins. Are there any
other references useful for a life of Urchery?"
[14:47] Bugka Glippa (bugginiafirefly): Hyus, urchings.. urchinz are hongry, too. Bad timez.
[14:47] zaida Gearbox: but most of us are freeze framed. i've been 7 for three years now
[14:47] Jimmy Branagh: Oy 'aven;t grown an inch since coming to New Babbage
[14:47] Mosseveno Tenk: It's a rare one that lets himself age. the teenagers are more likely to age themselves.
[14:47] zaida Gearbox thinks growing up is a horrible fate
[14:47] 'Cip' (precipitate.flood): Or they end up 'in lavender', if you know what I mean.
[14:47] Garnet Psaltery: Welcome, Mr. Mannonen
[14:47] Rhianon Jameson: Indeed, Miss Gearbox. I completely agree.
[14:48] Wildstar Beaumont: across the channel "Sans Familie" might be a good book to take into account
[14:48] Bookworm Hienrichs: I believe Mrs. Ryan-Askham has a question...
[14:48] Jimmy Branagh: Yes ma'am?
[14:48] Loki Eliot: I think part of why the urchins babbage became soft, was they were pampered to much by the adults :-p
[14:48] Mosseveno Tenk: hear hear
Jamie Marie Ryan-Askham (celestia.blanchard): Yes. Do you feel that
RPing as an urchin provides a more robust RP oportunity than that of a
grouwn up?
[14:49] Jimmy Branagh: Loike feedin' zoo animals. They get fat an' lazy
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Anyone with
questions, do be loud and persistent... like everyone else.
[14:49] Garnet Psaltery: Hmm I don't regret putting out an urchin shelter in the depths of wintet
[14:49] Mosseveno Tenk imagines tubby in a zoo...
[14:49] Stormy (stormy.stillwater) laughs
[14:50] zaida Gearbox: sometimes. but i have river for when i don't feel like being little and cute.
[14:50] zaida Gearbox: i like tubby!
[14:50] Jimmy Branagh: For me, yes. I see no reason to come to this fantasy land and ... basically play who I am in real life.
[14:50] JulesPorter Darkwatch: I got another question... Did Mr Lunar make you wear that dress zaida?
[14:50] Jimmy Branagh: I can do that there.
[14:50] Garnet Psaltery: Who else has a serious question?
[14:50] zaida Gearbox: no. river did. *gives jules a dirty look*
[14:50] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) clears his throat at Herr Darkwatch.
[14:50] Garnet Psaltery: Jules, behave yourself
[14:50] Jamie Marie Ryan-Askham (celestia.blanchard): point taken, Jimmy ^_^
[14:51] Bookworm Hienrichs: I think someone asked earlier about what is taught in the Steelhead school.
[14:51] Jimmy Branagh: Oh, th' gifty thing!
[14:51] Zaros Xue: To either or: Do you think that owning land IC has affected urchins for better or worse?
Loki Eliot: It might simply be the fact , no one wants to horrible, but
historically people were real horrible to urchins, And thats not a bad
thing that just shows what a better world we live in, becasue you all
want to help those in need.
[14:51] Garnet Psaltery: Except for Mr. Underby
[14:51] Rhianon Jameson: Heh.
[14:51] Bookworm Hienrichs chuckles.
[14:52] Arnold (gager): I think there's a long list of people who are still horrible.
[14:52] JulesPorter Darkwatch scowels a bit and falls silent for a moment
[14:52] Loki Eliot: i find mr Underby adorable
Mosseveno Tenk: Another problem with treating urchins poorly in
charactdr is many roleplayers are not able to maintain distance from
what is happening and take it personally.
[14:52] Garnet Psaltery: Actually I quite like him but wouldn't tell him
[14:52] Jimmy Branagh: Oy'll let 'om know, Loki!
[14:52] Jimmy Branagh laughs
[14:52] Loki Eliot: hehe
Jimmy Branagh: Okay, Oy forgot all about makin' a gift related ta
Kinder, so ya get a desk elephant. :) It's The Elephant of the Bastille.
Thet's in France.
zaida Gearbox: actually i've only ever had the problem in babbage which
means you mugs are either really good role players or actually really
[14:53] Mosseveno Tenk stares at Loki... what is wrong with you??
[14:53] Jimmy Branagh: Touch the box on the stage
[14:53] Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin): I have had that happen before, Mr. Tenk. Many people don't differentiate between IC and OOC.
[14:53] Garnet Psaltery: Oh very nice, thank you
[14:53] Bugka Glippa (bugginiafirefly): Urchinz hat no protektion... other than kind pipple
Gloriana Maertens murmurs, "Playing a 'bad guy' is one of the hardest,
and certainly the most under-appreciated, jobs in RP."
[14:53] Jimmy Branagh: Yes it is Miss Garnet
zaida Gearbox nods in agreement. mr. underby was a real champ about all
the abuse that was heaped on him during the recent rp
[14:54] Tepic Harlequin: the elephant! wheeeeee!!!!!!!
[14:54] Jimmy Branagh chuckles
[14:54] Arnold (gager): Just what I needed.
[14:54] JulesPorter Darkwatch shuffles his feet and sticks his tongue out at zaida again
Mosseveno Tenk: i've talked more than one villian down from walking
away during some of the longer story arcs. its rough.
[14:55] Garnet Psaltery: Miss Zaida, does Babbage make you nervous?
[14:55] Rhianon Jameson: Thank you, Jimmy. I'll be sure to open that package somewhere with sound walls.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): We have about five
minutes left, for those wishing to express appreciation to our speakers
and ask any questions.
[14:55] Jimmy Branagh: hehe
[14:55] zaida Gearbox: no, but i am mostly just interested in running around with the other kids
[14:55] Jimmy Branagh: It's small. Only 4 LI
[14:55] Loki Eliot shouts: I LOVE YOU JIMMY!
[14:55] Garnet Psaltery nods
[14:55] zaida Gearbox: i try to leave the grow'd up stuff to de grow'd ups
[14:55] Jimmy Branagh: I LOVE YOU TOO LOIKI!
[14:55] zaida Gearbox makes a face at jules
[14:55] Garnet Psaltery: Well, it's been delightful to hear from you both
[14:56] Loki Eliot: ok i said it, now hand over the monies
[14:56] xbombshell21 Resident shouts: im sure jimmy loves you too ㋡
[14:56] Jimmy Branagh: LOL
[14:56] Loki Eliot: you promised!
[14:56] Bugka Glippa (bugginiafirefly) vill find a platz to the elefant put.
[14:56] Mosseveno Tenk: oh, i'd like to see that wager book
[14:56] Arnold (gager): If you promised Jimmy...
[14:56] Jimmy Branagh: Any more questions? Comments? Launched missiles?
JulesPorter Darkwatch smiles at zaida and twists a finger on each of
his cheeks, making a bit of a curtsy like gesture at her
[14:56] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) grins at the boys
[14:56] Garnet Psaltery: and I have to say, on the whole, the assembled urchins have been well-behaved and deserve cookies
[14:56] Rhianon Jameson: My thanks to both Miss Zaida and Master Jimmy.
Gloriana Maertens: Speaking out of character, if I may, what can we do
to help you in RP? Is there anything in particular that sticks out as
'helpful" ?
[14:56] Mosseveno Tenk: yes. loki. are we getting a story this year?
[14:56] Loki Eliot: should do yes
[14:57] JulesPorter Darkwatch: Zaida, you look too girly... I bet you can't throw like the rest of us no more.
[14:57] Loki Eliot: actually what i have in mind is exactly about this issue of soft urching
[14:57] zaida Gearbox: oh yea? but i can still whip your sorry tail!
[14:57] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Herr Darkwatch, I shall set the Damen on you if you persist.
[14:57] JulesPorter Darkwatch: I don't think so!
[14:57] Jimmy Branagh cracks up
[14:57] JulesPorter Darkwatch looks up at the Baron
[14:57] zaida Gearbox jumps off the stage and punches jules in the head
[14:57] Stereo Nacht remembers giving fencing lessons to Miss Gearbox... Perhaps she could practice on some fellow urchins? ;-)
[14:57] Garnet Psaltery: Jules, I can slap pretty hard
[14:57] Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin) raises her eyebrows
[14:58] Garnet Psaltery: Miss Zaida, step away
[14:58] Jimmy Branagh: Now you've done it Jukes
[14:58] JulesPorter Darkwatch takes the hit as he had been looking at the Baron. "Ow!"
[14:58] Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin): Heh.
[14:58] Jimmy Branagh: Jules
[14:58] Rhianon Jameson: A good whipping is always in order.
[14:58] Tepic Harlequin: night all!
[14:58] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) spreads his hands
[14:58] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): See?
[14:58] Dakoda (starchaser.snowpaw): Actually I might have a question or concern. Speaking as a new urchin OOCly and all..
[14:58] Arnold (gager): Good night Tepic
[14:58] Jimmy Branagh: Noight Tep!
[14:58] zaida Gearbox bites jules
[14:58] zaida Gearbox: night tepic!
[14:58] Jimmy Branagh: Thanks for comin'!
[14:58] Loki Eliot: night tep
[14:58] 'Cip' (precipitate.flood): Oh dear
[14:58] Stereo Nacht: Good night Mr. Harlequin!
[14:58] Lilith (lilith.zulaman): nini tepic
[14:58] Garnet Psaltery: Dakoda?
[14:58] JulesPorter Darkwatch lets out another yelp and calls a portal. "Ow ow ow."
[14:58] Jimmy Branagh: So Oy guess we're ended. Don;t fawget ta grab a gifty.
[14:58] Momoe Mollari: ☻
[14:58] zaida Gearbox: chicken!
[14:59] Arnold (gager): YAY!
[14:59] zaida Gearbox: a gift? we get gifts?
[14:59] Loki Eliot: urchins are never out of character
Dakoda (starchaser.snowpaw): Having a well established urchin show you
around the urchin places is all well and good. But what things are there
for an urchin to do in town?
[14:59] Momoe Mollari: YAY!
[14:59] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) chuckles
[14:59] Arnold (gager): YAY!
[14:59] Jimmy Branagh: AN' thanks everyone faw comin!
[14:59] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) applauds
[14:59] zaida Gearbox: what's de elephant of de bastille?
[14:59] Jamie Marie Ryan-Askham (celestia.blanchard): thanks ^__^
[14:59] Lilith (lilith.zulaman): theres plenty of things for urchins ta do
[14:59] Stereo Nacht: That's a good girl. Pretty when she needs, pitiless when teased on! ;-)
[14:59] Momoe Mollari: Always a pleasure Jimmy ^_^
[14:59] Stereo Nacht: `*.¸.*´ APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE `*.¸.*´
[14:59] Loki Eliot: you can sneak in to brunels cellar and steal some drink
[14:59] Gloriana Maertens applauds!
[14:59] zaida Gearbox beams at miz stereo
[14:59] Arnold (gager): A large one is in front of City hall
[14:59] Arnold (gager): Or nearby
[14:59] Jimmy Branagh: It's a thing Napoleaon started but it fell apart
[14:59] Loki Eliot: there are tunnels to explore
[14:59] Bookworm Hienrichs applauds.
[15:00] Dakoda (starchaser.snowpaw): like what. other than school in some other town.. I usually end up wandering around
[15:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Last call for the tipjar.
[15:00] Loki Eliot: evil monster by the woe tree to squish
[15:00] Jimmy Branagh: ((It was in Les Miserable film))
[15:00] Stereo Nacht: (don't forget the Salon's tipjar too, if we want to keep having more! :-) )
[15:00] Lilith (lilith.zulaman): and places to chill and socialze
[15:00] Garnet Psaltery: A nice round number now
[15:00] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander) reaches over and picks up the Speakers' jar
[15:01] Stereo Nacht: Thank you Mr. Branagh, Ms. Gearbox!
[15:01] Jimmy Branagh: Thenks Herr Baron, and thenk you awl!
[15:01] zaida Gearbox keeps her fists balled up as if daring any of the other urchins to call her girlie
[15:01] Gloriana Maertens: Thank you both, good show!
[15:01] Garnet Psaltery: So, what are you scamps going to do next?
[15:01] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Bitte, Herr Jimmy, well done.
[15:01] Wildstar Beaumont: good night all !
[15:01] Garnet Psaltery: Goodnight, Admiral
[15:02] Stereo Nacht: Good night Admiral!
[15:02] Super Suz (supersuz): Very nice indeed. Learned a bit and laughed a bit
[15:02] Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin) grins at zaida.. "That's my girl."
[15:02] 'Cip' (precipitate.flood): Splendid salon, much appreciated
[15:02] Dakoda (starchaser.snowpaw): No offence to Kaf here. But I also wonder how well Ponies are accepted in Babbage..
[15:02] Jimmy Branagh: Oy'm gonna go nick someone an' burn down a buildin'!
[15:02] Jimmy Branagh: It's th' new way!
[15:02] Garnet Psaltery laughs
[15:02] Jimmy Branagh chuckles
[15:02] Kafkagome Bekkers: ((I'm technically a Changeling :3 ))
[15:02] zaida Gearbox: imma change outta dis dress!
[15:02] Bugka Glippa (bugginiafirefly) tucks hankercheef und pocket-buch avay
[15:02] Arnold (gager): Cell shaded ponies are treated as halucinations
[15:02] Jimmy Branagh: Everyone get their elephant?
[15:02] Mosseveno Tenk: Dakoda, ponies and rp is a bad idea
[15:02] Kafkagome Bekkers: Excellent! Muahahahahaha
[15:03] Lilith (lilith.zulaman) smiles and nods tail twitching as she gets up to stretch
Stereo Nacht: And good night Herr Baron, Ms. Psaltery, Ms. Hienrichs,
Mr. Branagh, Ms. Gearbox, Ms. Lilith, Ms. Mollari, Mr. Arnold, M.s
Lottie, Mr. Mornington, Ms. Glippa, Ms. Caxton, Clockwinder and
[15:03] zaida Gearbox runs her fingers through her hair and ruins her curls
[15:03] Arnold (gager): Real looking ponies like Avariel are...well ponies
[15:03] Gloriana Maertens: Yes, thank you Jimmy!
[15:03] Garnet Psaltery: Goodnight, Miss Nacht
[15:03] Jimmy Branagh: Noight Miss Stereo!
[15:03] Dakoda (starchaser.snowpaw): unless you go to the pony sims Mr Tenk
[15:03] Momoe Mollari: Take care Stereo
[15:03] Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): g'night Stereo!
[15:03] Mosseveno Tenk: we're not in a pony sim.
[15:03] Garnet Psaltery: Petra, i didn't see you come in
[15:03] zaida Gearbox: what about the kind of ponies that look like real ponies and that you can ride on
[15:03] Jimmy Branagh: Pony mykes a foine meal ...
[15:03] zaida Gearbox: not those nasty pastel things
[15:03] Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin): Good night, Ms. Stereo
[15:03] Vic Mornington (victor1st.mornington): right im off to take over Book's dock at port....great Salon folks! \o/
[15:03] Garnet Psaltery: Cheerio, Vic!
[15:04] Dakoda (starchaser.snowpaw): I've actually seen someone rp as a horse around here
[15:04] Jimmy Branagh: Thanks
[15:04] Arnold (gager): Yes, Avariel
[15:04] zaida Gearbox: why's victor takin' over miz book's dock
[15:04] Garnet Psaltery: There is a clockwork unicorn
[15:04] Jimmy Branagh: Couldn;t 'ave done it wit'out Zaida!
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Fraulein Falcon is
actually an extremely well made clockwork unicorn.
[15:04] Bookworm Hienrichs: St. Patrick's Day party, Zaida.
[15:04] zaida Gearbox: that was django and he wasn't a nasty pastel pony
[15:04] Mosseveno Tenk: best pony rp i ever saw here was brother lapis pretending it was a drug induced hallucination.
[15:04] zaida Gearbox: me is happy she can now pay up some of her tier
[15:04] Momoe Mollari: hehe
[15:04] zaida Gearbox: i bet that was funny
[15:04] Arnold (gager): Did he have some of Emerson's pie?
[15:05] Olive Dorben: I heard that there was cookies and juice is this true?
[15:05] Bookworm Hienrichs: I must be off, too. Thank you all for coming!
[15:05] Jimmy Branagh: Thanks Miss Book!
[15:05] Garnet Psaltery: There are refreshments at the side
[15:05] Garnet Psaltery: Help yourselves
[15:05] Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin): Good ngiht, Ms. Book
[15:05] Olive Dorben: yay
[15:05] Olive Dorben: thanks
[15:05] Garnet Psaltery: Goodnight, Miss Book
[15:06] Bugka Glippa (bugginiafirefly): Hy musst be orff.
[15:06] Renee Caxton: Take care, all
[15:06] zaida Gearbox: thank you for coming!
[15:06] Jimmy Branagh: Noight awl!
[15:06] Garnet Psaltery: Good hunting, Miss Bugka
[15:06] Teapot Mk 2: Have some tea.
[15:06] Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin): Good bye, Miss Bugka, Ms. Renee
[15:06] Luncheon Plate Mk 2: Have some petit fours.
[15:07] Garnet Psaltery: Goodness, that mad eme quite hungry
[15:07] Gloriana Maertens: Good evening, all - thank you again for the talk!
[15:07] Bugka Glippa (bugginiafirefly): Zo long und tanks fur de cookees....
[15:07] Maur'vir (maurvir): A very pleasant talk, thank you as well!
[15:07] Garnet Psaltery: Goodnight, Miss Maertend
[15:07] Arnold (gager): Time for RL
[15:07] Arnold (gager): See you all later.
[15:07] Bugka Glippa (bugginiafirefly) nods at Miz Sid and alles
[15:07] Lilith (lilith.zulaman): was a nice talk zadia and jimmy
[15:07] Lilith (lilith.zulaman): later arnold
[15:07] Garnet Psaltery: Goodnight, leavers
[15:07] Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin): One of my favourites yet.
[15:07] Jimmy Branagh: Thank you
[15:08] Garnet Psaltery: Children, have you all got a bed for the night?
[15:08] Petraliza Resident nods
[15:08] Lilith (lilith.zulaman) looks over and nods "I do right infront of a nice fire"
[15:08] Momoe Mollari: okay, back to the Gangplank for more tinkering.
[15:08] Momoe Mollari: Take care everyone
[15:08] Garnet Psaltery: Cheerio, Miss Momoe
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): There is a bit of
shelter at the Consulate, and a bowl of fruit inside.
[15:09] Petra Flax (petraliza): Fruit...
[15:09] Petra Flax (petraliza) makes a face
[15:09] Garnet Psaltery: I rather think they know about that *smiles*
[15:09] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): It is sweet and juicy.
[15:09] Garnet Psaltery: I wouldn't dream of saying how they know
[15:10] Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin) gives the Baron a suspicious look
[15:10] Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin): What's *in* the fruit?
[15:10] Dakoda (starchaser.snowpaw): I didn't. Didn't even know there was a consulate
[15:10] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Fruit seeds.
[15:10] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Fruit pulp.
[15:10] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Fruit juice. Bah, Frau Lowey set it out, come now.
[15:10] Garnet Psaltery: Perfectly all right then
Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin) chuckles dryly... "As you say. I'm sure
there's nothing sneaky like medicines or suprlus vitamins"
[15:10] Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin): (surplus)
[15:11] Garnet Psaltery: Mr. Naring'nari, hello
[15:11] Garnet Psaltery: I'm afraid the talk has ended but there is tea
[15:11] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): If there are extra vitamins, they'll never know.
[15:11] Lilith (lilith.zulaman) nods "well I beter get back to what oy was doing hope the gruel did not burn
[15:11] Naring'nari (joey.aboma): oh thanks
[15:11] Jimmy Branagh: Awlroight then, ifn Oy'm no longer needed, moy toypist needs dinner. Noight awl!
[15:11] Sidonie Ancelin (ancelin): Aha.
[15:11] Garnet Psaltery: Goodnight, leavers
[15:11] Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (klauswulfenbach.outlander): Danke, good speakers, and gute Nacht.
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