Saturday, January 24, 2009

February Aether Salon

As winter's waste gives way
to sunlit steam and brighter day
our minds, though chaste, do turn to love
and all that it brings with it
to melt the snow and stock the heart
and burnish each mechanized part (::cough::).

Whether you be friend or more
clockwork, lycan, marauding bot
all find welcome at our door
- Aether Salon, February 15, 2pm -
with topics that surround Amour

A short treatise on Corsets will kick us off
with thanks to Captain Red
and then a small auction of our favorites
(for & the Salon)
to end the day instead.

Should you win, please bear in mind, the winnings you will take
are not those of the fleshly kind, they are for charity's sake.

Not craft, per se, nor pet - they are yours for but a few hours,
and will have devised the perfect activity, as best within their powers.

Stay tuned for a list of auctionees, we are certain you will grin
And then bring your lindens February 15th, to ensure you win.

We're verging on pentameter, so we'll now surely flee,
but hope to melt the snows with you, in mid-February

With love,

Viv and Sera
Aether Salon

BEHOLD: The list of auctionees and their ideas for what to do with their winners:

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